Gribkov A.A., Zelenskii A.A. —
Synergetics of artificial cognitive systems nonequilibrium stability
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 93 - 103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.6.70887
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Abstract: The article explores a set of issues determining the synergetics of artificial cognitive systems: conditions for the realization of non-equilibrium stability of systems, synthesis options of artificial cognitive system, as well as mechanisms of self-organization of consciousness formed on its basis. Artificial cognitive systems are proposed to include not only artificial intelligence systems imitating human thinking, but any multilevel systems that perform the functions of recognizing and remembering information, decision-making, storage, explanation, understanding and production of new knowledge. The defining property of a cognitive system is the ability to make decisions. It is shown that the content of the cognitive system is consciousness, interpreted within the framework of the information concept as an information environment in which the extended model of reality is realized. Consciousness can be qualified as an open dynamic system. The state of such systems is determined by the processes occurring in them (thought processes – in the case of consciousness). For such systems, called "living", there is a realization of mechanisms of stable disequilibrium. The implementation of an artificial cognitive system is technically carried out on the basis of an artificial neural network, and organizationally – according to the actor or reactor model. Self-organization processes determining the synergetics of consciousness are a special case of the extreme principle, which is a consequence of the law of excessive reaction of supersystems, regulating the existence of dissipative systems at the expense of supersystem resources. The initiation of self-organization of consciousness is carried out by the process of thinking, which, due to the non-equilibrium stability of consciousness, does not stop. Thus thinking can be interpreted as a process of varying system parameters in search of suitable ones for extended modeling of reality.
Gribkov A.A. —
Non-subjective artificial intelligence in the system of subject-object relations
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 11 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.70817
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Abstract: Expansion of functional capabilities of artificial intelligence systems actualizes the question of the possibility of their autonomous activity aimed at cognition and creation of the world. A significant factor determining the properties of artificial intelligence is its subjectiveness. If the world is deterministic, its subjectiveness is not necessary to ensure the functionality of artificial intelligence. Subjectiveness, however, is necessary for the initialization of cognitive or creative activity. A reasonable question arises regarding the ability of non-subjective artificial intelligence to act as a subject of cognition. Studies show that two main forms of participation of non-subject artificial intelligence in the system of subject-object relations are possible: as part of an integrated subject of cognition, in which a human being-operator plays the leading role, or fully autonomous functioning of artificial intelligence initialized (formalized or non-formalized) by the tasks of satisfying human being's needs. The analysis of the properties of cognition by means of artificial intelligence and other cognitive systems shows that the ability to act as a subject of cognition is formed not at the formation of subjectness, but at a lower level - the level of formation of self-consciousness, available to relatively uncomplicated cognitive systems, both natural and artificial. The conclusion about the direct connection between self-consciousness and the ability to cognize follows from the definition of cognition in the logic of subject-object opposition, corresponding to the epistemological interpretation of subject-object relations. However, an alternative ontological interpretation is also possible, which identifies being and consciousness. Such an idealistic understanding of the world corresponds to the philosophy of irrationalism, in the framework of which a reliable answer to the question of the necessity of subjectiveness for solving intellectual problems cannot be obtained.
Gribkov A.A., Zelenskii A.A. —
Importance of general systems theory for scientific training
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.4.70462
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Abstract: The article investigates the possibility of formation of creative competencies of students within the framework of scientific personnel training. It is noted that the available training courses within the framework of general training of scientific personnel allow to prepare a specialist who is able to use existing knowledge, but such a specialist is not trained in creativity. For the formation of creative competences it is necessary to take a training course of the general theory of systems, the purpose of which is to create a universal methodology of reliable representation of models of objects, based on the similarity (isomorphism) of the forms and laws of the universe. A detailed argumentation of the connection between creativity and holistic representation of being, the empirical manifestation of which is isomorphism, is given. The mechanism of knowledge translation within the framework of the mechanism of multisystem integration of human being, the mechanism of knowledge borrowing by human being from sensually comprehended forms of reality is investigated. It is stated that in order to meet the set tasks of cognition, a version of the general theory of systems, extended by the metaphysical component, is required. Further, starting from the metaphysical description of the foundations of the phenomenon of isomorphism observed in the practice of cognition, it is possible to form complete collections of patterns – typical forms, templates of objects and their relations. At present, the work on such a version of the general theory of systems is being finalized. The article concludes with a discussion of the problematics of teaching general systems theory. It emphasizes two components: the issue of positioning the training course "General Theory of Systems" in relation to other courses, as well as taking into account the specifics of the subject area of students in different specialties (directions).
Zelenskii A.A., Gribkov A.A. —
Configuration of memory-oriented motion control system
// Software systems and computational methods. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2024.3.71073
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Abstract: The paper investigates the possibilities of configuring the control cycle, i.e., determining the distribution of time intervals required for the execution of individual control operations across execution threads, which ensures the realizability of control. The object of research in this article are control systems with object-oriented architecture, assuming a combined vertical-horizontal integration of functional blocks and modules that distribute all control tasks among themselves. This architecture is realized by means of an actor instrumental model using metaprogramming. Such control systems are best at reducing control cycle time by performing computational and other control operations in parallel. Several approaches to control cycle configuration are considered: without optimization, with combinatorial optimization in time, with combinatorial optimization in system resources. Also, achieving a near-optimal configuration can be achieved by using adaptive configuration. Research shows that the control system cycle configuration problem has several solutions. Practical obtaining a solution to the configuration problem in the case of combinatorial optimization is associated with significant difficulties due to the high algorithmic complexity of the problem and a large amount of required computations, rapidly growing as the number of operations at the stages of the control cycle. A possible means of overcoming these difficulties is the use of stochastic methods, which sharply reduce the required amount of computation. Also, a significant reduction in the complexity of the task of configuring the control system cycle can be achieved by using adaptive configuration, which has two variants of realization. The first variant is the real-time configuration of the control system cycle. The second variant is the determination of quasi-optimal configuration on the basis of multiple configurations with different initial data and subsequent comparison of the obtained results.
Gribkov A.A. —
Creativity as an implementation of the idea of the integrity of the world
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 44 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.70034
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the areas of realization of creative activity, justification of the possibility of creativity as a process of creation of qualitatively new values, mechanisms of creativity, the main of which is intuition. One of the key questions, the answer to which determines the possibility of explaining creativity, is the choice of deterministic or irrational representation of the world. The author makes a reasoned choice in favor of a deterministic view of the world, within the framework of which intuition, and thus creativity, receive an adequate explanation. The research methodology in this article is based on the idea of creativity as a process manifested in the form of intuition, through which the mind reaches areas of world understanding inaccessible to reason based on reproductive thinking. As a result of the research conducted by the author, the key role of intuition in creativity has been established. Intuition, in its turn, is a consequence of isomorphism of forms and laws in different subject areas, at different levels of the universe. A generalization of the use of isomorphism in practice takes the form of the principle of similarity or analogy. The ability of human being to intuition is the result of his multisystem integration into many systems: physical and biological world, social and cultural environment, system of professional knowledge and relations, etc. The representation of the integrity of the world is an imperative of creativity. On the other hand, creativity is an indispensable tool for creating a holistic representation of the world. By virtue of its defining internal mechanisms, everything valuable that creativity gives birth to becomes a part of the holistic world. It can be stated that in the process of creativity the representation of its integrity is implanted (reproduced and used as a tool).
Zelenskii A.A., Gribkov A.A. —
Actor modeling of real-time cognitive systems: ontological basis and software-mathematical implementation
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.1.69254
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the problem of increasing the reliability of modeling of cognitive systems, to which the authors refer not only human intelligence, but also artificial intelligence systems, as well as intelligent control systems for production, technological processes and complex equipment. It is shown that the use of cognitive systems for solving control problems causes very high rapidity requirements for them. These requirements combined with the necessity to simplify modeling methods as the modeling object becomes more complex determine the choice of an approach to modeling cognitive systems. Models should be based on the use of simple algorithms in the form of trend detection, correlation, as well as (for solving intellectual problems) on the use of algorithms based on the application of various patterns of forms and laws. In addition, the models should be decentralized. An adequate representation of decentralized systems formed from a large number of autonomous elements can be formed within the framework of agent-based models. For cognitive systems, two models are the most elaborated: actor and reactor models. Actor models of cognitive systems have two possible realizations: as an instrumental model or as a simulation. Both implementations have the right to exist, but the possibilities of realizing a reliable description when using the tool model are higher, because it provides incommensurably higher rapidity, and also assumes variability of the modeled reality. The actor model can be realized by means of a large number of existing programming languages. The solution to the problem of creating simulative actor models is available in most languages that work with actors. Realization of instrumental actor models requires rapidity, which is unattainable in imperative programming. In this case, the optimal solution is to use actor metaprogramming. Such programming is realizable in many existing languages.
Zelenskii A.A., Gribkov A.A. —
Ontological aspects of the problem of realizability of control of complex systems
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 21 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.12.68807
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Abstract: The article deals with the management of complex systems. The general definitions of the concepts "control" and "control system" are formulated. It is stated that the control system in its basis is an information system, for which the most important characteristics are performance and rapidity. Definitions are given and differences between these characteristics are revealed. The problem of realizability of control of complex systems is stated, which consists in the necessity of providing sufficient rapidity, at which the whole necessary complex of control operations is placed in the control cycle. The relationship between the control parameters: the complexity of the control object, the duration of the control cycle and the rapidity of the control system is investigated. As a result, a number of significant dependencies are revealed: the duration of the control cycle is approximately inversely proportional to the complexity of the control object; the rapidity of the control system is approximately proportional to the square of the object complexity. It is stated that within the framework of the general theory of systems there are two main options for increasing the stability of a complex system: the option of monocentrism with a central element, or by increasing the number of links in the object. The first option does not allow increasing rapidity. The second variant of stability can be implemented in practice in the form of a decentralized system. The latter option is universally realized in living systems and is promising for the control of technical systems.
Gribkov A.A., Zelenskii A.A. —
Determination of consciousness, self-consciousness and subjectness within the framework of the information concept
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.12.69095
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the nature of consciousness within the framework of the information concept. The paper proposes a definition of consciousness as an informational environment in which an extended model of reality is realized. The process of realization of this extended model is defined as thinking. The result of thinking is information objects that form a system in the form of information environment. Information objects are reflections of the real world properties, not directly, but by means of translation through a special object – a carrier of consciousness. In the case of human consciousness, such a carrier is a human being (represented in the form of his nervous system). As a result, consciousness can be qualified as a simulacrum of reality, i.e., a model of a model: an information model of the carrier of consciousness, which in turn is a means of physical modeling of the real "big" world. Possible mechanisms mediating thinking are considered. For this purpose, two new concepts are introduced: neural circuit and neurophysical pattern. An approach to the study of self-consciousness based on the localization of the consciousness carrier in the multidimensional space of states of initial real objects, as well as their reflections in the form of information objects is proposed. This localization is ensured by the presence of feedbacks. Summarizing the results of the study, the article states the following connection between consciousness, self-consciousness and subjectness: under certain conditions (when consciousness is localized in the state space of the carrier of consciousness), consciousness acquires the property of self-consciousness, a special case of which (when the initiator of changes determining localization is the carrier of consciousness) is self-consciousness endowed with subjectness.
Gribkov A.A. —
Genesis of equifinality and multifinality of open systems
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.11.68747
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Abstract: The subject of research in the article are the properties of equifinality and multifinality of open systems, widely spread in all subject areas, at all levels of organization: in physical, chemical, biological, economic, social, etc. open systems. Equifinality is a dynamic property of a system that realizes movement (transition) in different ways from different initial states to the same final state. Multifinality is the dynamic property of a system to reach fundamentally different final states under insignificant changes in initial conditions. Examples of realization of the properties of equifinality and multifinality in systems of different nature: physical, biological, economic are considered. The genesis of these properties is investigated. On the basis of the study of the genesis of the properties of equifinality and multifinality its commonality is revealed: both properties are a consequence of the transformation of quasi-continuous quantitative changes into discrete qualitative forms, as well as the limited variety of these forms caused by isomorphism. The origin of the multiplicativity property (increased sensitivity to variation of input parameters) and its difference from multifinality are revealed. The multiplicativity property is manifested in systems with unequal stability, including those possessing positive feedback mechanisms. In some systems, such as meteorological mathematical models, the properties of multiplicativity and multifinality appear simultaneously and cannot be unambiguously distinguished.
Gribkov A.A., Zelenskii A.A. —
General Systems Theory and Creative Artificial Intelligence
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 32 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.11.68986
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Abstract: The article analyzes the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence. The article considers the subjectivity of artificial intelligence, determines its necessity for solving intellectual problems depending on the possibility of representing the real world as a deterministic system. Methodological limitations of artificial intelligence, which is based on the use of big data technologies, are stated. These limitations cause the impossibility of forming a holistic representation of the objects of cognition and the world as a whole. As a tool for deterministic description of the universe it is proposed to use empirical-metaphysical general theory of systems, which is an extension of existing general theories of systems due to ontological justification of the phenomenon of isomorphism and definition of a limited set of laws, rules, patterns and primitives of forms and relations of objects in the universe. The distinction of natural (human) and artificial intelligence is considered, including the realization of multisystem integration of intelligence in physical, biological, social and spiritual systems. A philosophically grounded approach to ensuring the evolutionary properties of artificial intelligence is formulated, based on the inclusion of non-equilibrium mechanisms through which stability is realized.
Gribkov A.A. —
The problem of loss of integrity of modern philosophical and scientific knowledge
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.10.44094
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Abstract: The article deals with the actual problem of social development, the development of sciences and, in general, the development of human civilization – a gradual departure from reliance on a system of established generally accepted ideas and, as a result, the loss of the integrity of philosophical and scientific knowledge. The ability of various models to reliably describe areas of cognition that are outside the area on the basis of knowledge about which these models are formed is considered. The general theory of systems is considered, the central idea of which is the existence of isomorphism of forms and laws in various subject areas and at various levels of the universe, through which the integrity of the world is manifested. The necessity of relying on a system of generally accepted ideas about nature, society, ethics and aesthetics is justified, even if these ideas are not indisputable and final. The necessity of returning philosophy to the leading role in cognition is stated, since only philosophy is able to ensure the integrity of the knowledge system. It is stated that such a property is possessed by models that are able to fit into a holistic picture of the world. The idea is put forward that the General theory of systems can become the basis for building a holistic picture of the world. To do this, it should be expanded by defining the methodology of formation and describing particular manifestations of isomorphism, as well as supplemented with an ontological part containing an explanation of the genesis of isomorphism.
Gribkov A.A. —
Semantic uncertainty of the general theory of systems and problems of its interpretation and formalization
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 100 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.10.44167
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Abstract: The subject of research in this article is the question of the possibility of formalizing the general theory of systems, that is, turning it into a language for describing systems of any nature with unambiguously defined lexical units and rules. To answer this question, the author considers the phenomenon of semantic indeterminacy of languages, which ensures the flexibility of formed lexical constructions due to the multivalence of lexical units. Also the subject of the research is the practice of quoting out of context – a phenomenon, the admissibility of which is conditioned by the isomorphism of lexical constructions, as well as by the creative nature of the cognitive process, in which the result of cognition is unknown in advance, and thus the change of interpretation of the used concepts is inevitable. The conducted research allows us to state that the general theory of systems cannot be exclusively an applied theory, but should be supplemented with an ontological component. In this case, it becomes a philosophical theory, for which full formalization is impossible without loss of functionality. As a result, general systems theory must inevitably retain a certain semantic uncertainty. This uncertainty, however, can be reduced by translation into universality and generalization of concepts. Besides, it is possible and in some cases necessary to formalize separate components of the general theory of systems, in particular, its ontological component - the metaphysics of material existence.