Naumov P.Y. —
Psychological constructs of the character of professional military men in the works of A.S. Pushkin
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 174 - 191.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2023.4.43972
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Abstract: Understanding the sources of formation of the character of professional military personnel is an important task of pedagogical psychology, since it makes it possible to make the process of developing the personality of a serviceman in the pedagogical process of a military university more effective. An important source for the formation of character traits of a professional military officer is literary sources, artistic means of influencing personal structures. The subject of research in the article is the psychological properties of the individual, characteristic of the heroes of the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who, according to the author's artistic conception, were professional soldiers. The writer's artistic work in a complex way constructs on the pages of his works the psychological features characteristic of professional military men. The author's knowledge in the work is based on the most popular literary works of A.S. Pushkin using a system-activity and axiological approach to understanding the development of personality. The author notes that a comprehensive study of the images of the domestic military intelligentsia from artistic heroes who have become independent carriers of psychological properties characteristic of domestic officers is an urgent scientific task for modern psychological knowledge, therefore this contradiction must be resolved. The theoretical generalizations obtained as a result of the study can be useful in organizing educational work with cadets, as well as in carrying out other forms of work with military personnel.
Naumov P.Y. —
Officers's Virtues in Russian Fiction of the Second half go the XVΙΙΙ century (Part II)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 137 - 155.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.38170
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Abstract: Military people have long occupied a very special honorable and responsible place in society. To form a system of values of future officers is becoming an urgent task of professional military education. The article examines the domestic literary sources, which accumulate and present the psychological features of the merits of the officer in Russian fiction. The object of the work is the images of officers in the XVΙΙΙ century Russian literature, which are the artistic precursors of images of military intellectuals in Russian literature of the XΙX century. The subject of the article ‒ psychological features of the designated artistic images of a military mens. The main methodological approaches were systemic, cultural-historical and literary psychologism. Theoretical, general logical and empirical methods are used as methods. It is noted that the psychological representation of the features inherent in the military intelligentsia in the literature is carried out in several basic forms: 1) a direct representation of characters "from the inside", that is, through artistic cognition of the inner world of the actors, expressed through internal speech, images of memory and imagination); 2) an indirect form, i.e. psychological analysis "from the outside", expressed in the psychological interpretation by the writer of expressive features of speech, speech behavior, mimic and others means of external manifestation of the psyche); 3) in a summative-denoting form ‒ with the help of naming, extremely brief designation of those processes that take place in the inner world. The main scientific results of the article include the identification of psychological traits of intelligence officer in Russian fiction, as well as their social functions. The article consists of two parts, here is presented the second part of the work.