Vinnikov A.V. —
Secret Languages. Attitude to the Government
// Man and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 90 - 158.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.5.7121
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Abstract: Secret languages are traditional signs of ethnic deviant groups. They create the unity and protect a special (marginal or criminal) life style. National Jipsy and Jewish languages etimologically provide words for the non-standard dialect. The necessary condition for a secret language to be created is the conflict between the existing social or ethnic group and the government. In this day and age national languages of etchnic criminal unions and migration as well as the Russian slang 'Fenya' are acquiring the feautures of secret languages. The criminal secret language 'Fenya' is often used by the elite or usual people when they want to express their negative attitude towards the effective law or government.
Vinnikov A.V. —
// Police activity. – 2012. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2012.10.8582
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