Novolodskaia N.S., Kirichenko N.R. —
Using the case method in teaching foreign language in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 126 - 140.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.5.71724
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Abstract: The mastery of foreign languages is an important component for any university, including the institute of the MIA. Knowledge of English allows to identify professionals in specific fields of activity. The case study method, which is the subject of our the research, is actively used by teachers as part of the educational process in a foreign language. The use of case method is a special analysis of the situation, a specific method for organizing students' work processes, contributing to the development of critical thinking skills, the ability to analyze, and to make well-reasoned decisions, which is especially important in the context of professional communication in a foreign language. The case method facilitates the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, which is important for successful communication in professional activities. The research methodology is based on the analysis of case method in foreign language teaching. The study employs the following methods: analysis of scientific literature, the modeling method, the method of pedagogical observation, the experimental method, and questionnaire. The use of case studies in non-linguistic universities brings the educational process closer to real-life situations that students can face in their future professional careers. This article examines the features of implementing the case study method in foreign language teaching, analyzes its effectiveness, and its impact on the development of professional and communicative competences of students in educational institutions of the MIA of Russia. The article discusses examples of successful use of cases in educational practice and provides recommendations for their integration into teaching programs. The article focuses on the role of the teacher as a moderator of the learning process. It gives examples of cases adapted for the professional training of the MIA officers and discusses approaches to creating more effective learning situations aimed at solving professional problems.