Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the ecosystem approach in the economy in Russia
// Philosophical Thought. – 2025. – ¹ 1.
– P. 43 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2025.1.72230
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Abstract: The author discusses the ecosystem approach in economics. The interest in it from economists and social scientists is indicated. The features of this approach are characterized: the need to combine systems that can organically interact with each other, the emergent effect arising from such a combination, consideration of ecosystems not only in the logic of systemic but also environmental approaches, the processes of self-organization and "rational symbiosis" inherent in ecosystems, the need to establish new relationships with comprehensive management systems. The question is raised about the possibility of implementing an ecosystem approach in the context of Russian sociality and economy. To answer it, the author, firstly, examines the main features of the European economy: taxation of citizens of the state, economic institutions of production, economic law and market, computing technologies and economic models. In addition, he draws attention to the two-layered economy, which includes market and non-market relations. Secondly, the author discusses the hybrid nature of the Russian economy. According to the author, the requirements for ecosystems are in conflict with the existing organization of the Russian economy. The peculiarity of the first is the construction of organic connections: territorial, industrial, managerial, organizational, ensuring the necessary conditions, the realization of humanistic and environmental ideals, etc. And the established connections and relationships were established on other grounds: benefits, corporate interests, power relations, traditions. Theoretically, ecosystems can be summed up under the concept of open self-developing systems, for which the external environment is set by the state. Economics also contributes to the creation of an ecosystem economy, within the framework of which economic models of ecosystems should be built, allowing access to new computing technologies, without which a new economy will also never take place.
Rozin V.M. —
Stages of formation of ideas about cognition (from the Ancient world to the New Time)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 12.
– P. 12 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.12.72364
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Abstract: The article presents the author's reconstruction of the main stages of the origin of ideas about cognition. The picture of the reality of cognition accepted in modern science is presented, in which the yet unknown world is contrasted as a source of latent knowledge and patterns and a person as a cognizer striving to discover this knowledge. It is argued that in the Ancient World, such a familiar picture for a modern person did not take place. An analysis of the way of mastering the world related to this period shows that it represented the resolution of problematic situations through the invention of knowledge and schemes (local and fundamental), opening the way to understanding and new behavior. Together, local and fundamental schemes set the Ancient world, understandable and epistemologically transparent, requiring no knowledge. Man lived in a world of souls, spirits and gods. Although he created this world himself, solving problematic situations, he perceived it as having always existed. Cognition begins to take shape, starting with ancient culture; its prerequisites are the formation of an ancient personality and the invention of a new way of obtaining knowledge, not on diagrams, but in reasoning. The contribution of Plato and Aristotle to this revolutionary epistemic process is considered. The first introduces cognition as a dialectical and partly sacred way of understanding a new way of obtaining consistent knowledge. Stagirite transfers knowledge from heaven to earth, and places the source of new knowledge in things. Aristotle interprets this source as a hidden natural movement, calling it nature. The author reconstructs two more stages of the formation of knowledge related to the Middle Ages and modern times. It turned out that nature is not only movements hidden from human eyes, but those that are "written in the language of mathematics" and "constrained," as Francis Bacon wrote, by human art. The article ends with an indication of the next stage in the evolution of cognition, characteristic of the study of humanitarian and social phenomena.
Rozin V.M. —
Science: Conceptualization and demarcation in relation to philosophy and Humanitarianism
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 12.
– P. 108 - 117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.12.72568
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Abstract: The author discusses the problem of the demarcation of science in relation to philosophy and humanitarianism. Examples of claims to the scientific status of the authors of esoteric teachings are also given (Swedenborg, R. Steiner, M. Lightman) and the negative reaction of I. Kant to them. The general and different characteristics of science and philosophy are analyzed: ideal objects are built there and cognition is carried out, but with different goals and in different ways. The problem of positing objects of the humanities is discussed, in connection with which the following series is established: virtual object → becoming → real → possible object. Since Swedenborg and the followers of his teachings lived and thought in accordance with his teachings, they could not help but have a consciousness and a life world that corresponded to this teaching. Consequently, a corresponding possible object was formed, in relation to which Swedenborg's teaching acted as a kind of semiotic model. The author believes that the non‒differentiation of natural sciences and humanities and new hybrid types of research, for example, interdisciplinary or social, in which two methodologies are implemented simultaneously - natural science and humanities, have created a situation where it is difficult to establish the epistemological status of many disciplines applying for science.
Rozin V.M. —
The concept of man-made civilization: problematization and characterization
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.9.72048
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Abstract: The article begins with an analysis of the concept of technogenic civilization by V.S. Stepin. The problems that arise when considering this concept are indicated: how are synergetic and systemic discourses related to cultural studies, can modernity and its prerequisites (antiquity and the Middle Ages) be compared as separate cultures, is it correct to take modernity and the traditional type of culture as a whole for analysis, while they consist of different cultural formations. It is suggested that the explanation of modernity, taking into account technogeneity, does not imply a cultural comparison, although it can also be used, but as one of the aspects of the solution, but rather the genesis of modernity, including in terms of clarifying the problem of technogeneity. A scheme of such genesis is being outlined. The transition to a New Time, according to the author, included the formation of states with different structures and faiths, the formation of new social communities with the proclamation of equality and freedom of their participants, the change of the sacred picture of the world to nature, obeying natural, eternal laws. These processes, including a new cultural project, were conceptualized by Francis Bacon, who formulated the project of mastering nature under the condition of restructuring human consciousness, creating a new science (natural science) based on it "new magic" (in fact, engineering), industry based on scientific knowledge and engineering, and all this had to be provided by a new a social organization. Two concepts of nature and technology, characteristic of that time, differ ‒ "vital" and "mental" and the competition between them. In the second half of the XVIII century, mental technology began to displace vital technology, which gave rise to the first environmental crisis in Europe, which was a prerequisite for the formation of engineering and technology, as well as the first industrial revolution. Their distinction is carried out. The essential characteristics of a technogenic civilization are summarized. The work ends with a discussion of the crisis of man-made civilization.
Rozin V.M. —
The artistic reality of Salman Rudshi's novel "The Florentine Enchantress"
// Culture and Art. – 2024. – ¹ 9.
– P. 57 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2024.9.71802
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Abstract: The article presents a reconstruction and analysis of Salman Rushdie's famous book "The Florentine Enchantress". It is not very clear why she is so named, there are more significant figures in the novel, for example, Emperor Akbar. The question is raised about the integrity of artistic reality and the peculiarities of readers' understanding of the novel. In connection with this statement, the author recalls his distinction between two ways of constructing a modern work of art: in the first, the artist recreates the world opposed to him (including in some cases himself, but as alienated), in the second, he creates a reality reflecting the peculiarities of his own consciousness (this approach is called "private realism"). It is proposed to carry out a reconstruction that allows you to understand the work of art in terms of how it is constructed, what its author wanted to say, whether it is possible to reconstruct what he did, whether he succeeded in the idea, what his work was, etc. The implementation of this program results in an analysis of Rushdie's personality characteristics, as well as a description of the main tasks that he solves (reviving the story, entertaining readers, expressing one's own beliefs). Rushdie creates characters who live in two different realities ‒ historical and modern, as a result, history is partially distorted, and the characters acquire contradictory features. The techniques by which the artistic reality of the novel is created are analyzed in detail. The first technique is the identification of historical subjects with non‒historical ones, the second is the connection of storylines necessary for the author, the third is a technique widely used by Rushdie, not only to connect different lines and realities, but also for his other two purposes (entertaining readers and expressing his own thoughts) ‒ it's magic and fantasy. The question is considered why many readers do not understand the "Florentine Enchantress" well. There are two reasons for this. One is related to the very attitude of understanding: readers start reading Rushdie's works, believing that they are looking at an ordinary novel, but in fact we are talking about the genre of private realism. The second reason lies in the unpreparedness of readers to work with such complex material, which involves recreating a complete work and reality based on the images, storylines, themes and other expressive means offered by the author.
Rozin V.M. —
Social Sciences: Characteristics of the Subject, Attitude to Sociology
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 8.
– P. 10 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.39572
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Abstract: The article discusses the situation in the methodology of social sciences. There were problems with defining the subject of these sciences and distinguishing them from sociology. While some sociologists defend the specifics of sociology, others, for example, Z. Bauman, argue that "sociology is a residual discipline, which is limited by what remains outside the field of view of other social disciplines." The author, following Bauman, separates and connects sociology with the social sciences as follows: in the social sciences, the processes and interactions of people are considered as factors and anthropological conditions of the corresponding deindividual structures and processes (economic, political, legal, institutional, etc.). Answering the question about the nature of the subject of social sciences, the author argues that social sciences study, on the one hand, associations and populations of people, on the other hand, processes and patterns of their changes, on the third hand, social actions under the influence of which these changes occur. Sociology constructs its ideal objects on the assumption that the main thing in this reality are people and their relationships. Other social disciplines consider people as one of the factors and conditions, and distinguish and study various deindividual processes and structures as the main ones. These provisions are explained within the framework of methodological discourse and illustrated by the material of cultural history.
Rozin V.M. —
Yuka Hui's project to transform technology through art and hybrid thinking
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 140 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.6.71031
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Abstract: The article analyzes Yuka Hui's concept of the transformation of modern technology. He is a well-known Hong Kong philosopher of technology, well acquainted with both Western and Eastern (Chinese) philosophy. He is an obvious follower of Martin Heidegger, who proposes to consider language and art, but not modern, but authentic, given in historical reconstructions, as a means of transforming technology. Specifically, Hui considers Chinese reconstructed art and worldview to be the tools of such a transformation. To convince readers of this, both Western and Eastern, Hui, on the one hand, turns to the analysis of Chinese Shan Shui painting, which he considers an example of "cosmo-art", on the other ‒ to Western concepts of second-order cybernetics, the concept of autopoiesis, studies of individuation by the French philosopher J. Simondon. The author shows that Hui's thinking and discourse are hybrid, including, on the one hand, cultural logic, on the other ‒ cybernetic and autopoetic, on the third hand, modernized ancient Chinese logic. Hui connects them quite organically, although for a Western reader, such logic still looks contradictory. Especially when it comes to understanding the third logic, when Hui, for example, comments and clarifies ideas about the Tao, pointing to such signs as invisibility, obscurity, a combination of natural and anthropological properties (Heaven and the virtuous path). At the end of the article, the author discusses whether Hui managed to outline an effective solution to the problems posed by him and Heidegger. He examines the arguments for and against and tends to conclude that the proposed solutions look dubious, in the sense that they are almost impossible to implement. In addition, the author draws attention to the fact that the interpretation of modern technology as a "delivery" is clearly insufficient to solve these problems. In reality, modern technology is a more complex phenomenon; in the philosophy of technology, in addition to delivery, other aspects are considered in it (engineering, technology, technical environment, technosocial large projects, the Internet, robotics, AI). These and other considerations, especially regarding the conditions for the implementation of projects such as those proposed by Hui, incline the author to a pessimistic point of view about the transformation of modern technology.
Rozin V.M. —
Works of reflexive and synthetic creativity (prolegomines to a new kind of intellectual practice ‒ "creativistics")
// Culture and Art. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 116 - 126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2024.4.70227
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Abstract: The article separates the concept of art synthesis and a new intellectual practice, which the author called "creativistics". The motive for this distinction was the research of works of art and dance by Aida Aylamazian and the author. Based on the work of Guzel Yakhina and Meir Shalev, the turn from art to life and creativity is analyzed. It is within the framework of such a turn that the phenomenological discourse is realized, among other things. The article considers Shalev's 1985 work "The Bible Today", which is read with enthusiasm, but it is almost impossible to understand what kind of creativity you are dealing with. A number of parts of this work are written as fiction novels, others refer to commentaries on the Bible and scientific research; to the author's reflections on life; to the history of Israel; to modern life; refer to different types of creativity and knowledge. Nevertheless, this work is perceived holistically and organically. All this is typical for creativistics. The question is posed: how does creativistics manage to create a complete work, a real new world, from completely different discourses and constructions (artistic, scientific, psychological, historical, etc.)? At the end of the article, the features of creativistics are discussed. First, the creative artist does not hide the different discourses and grounds he uses, moreover, he often points them out to the user either in the form of preliminary explanations or by characterizing the concept of the work. A necessary condition for such an approach is a more or less deep reflection of one's own creativity. The second feature is due to the difficulty for the user to understand the reality of the work of creativistics: he easily recognizes individual discourses, but since they are different, and often outwardly opposite, the user cannot grasp and assemble the whole, understand what events he encounters, how they are interconnected.
Rozin V.M. —
Can the puma Messi, the cheetah Gerda, the panther Luna, the wolf Kira be considered pets? (man in culture and the animal world)
// Culture and Art. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 76 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2024.3.69503
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Abstract: The article discusses a new trend to have wild animals (big cats, foxes, ferrets, etc.) in some homes, and it turns out that since they have been raised since childhood, loved and cared for, they behave like pets (dogs and cats). The question is whether these animals can still be considered domestic or not. To solve this problem, characteristics are given that make it possible to distinguish between wild and domestic animals, and the question is raised whether they can be applied to this case. To understand this new class of animals, the concept of "anthropomorphic" is introduced and it is shown that their psyche differs from that of wild animals, it is closer to domestic ones. An explanation is offered for the experiments of geneticist Dmitry Belyaev on the domestication of silver foxes. The author argues that the evolution of foxes was influenced by two factors, not only genetic selection, as Belyaev believed, but also the impact of the environment created by man, an environment conducive to the formation of anthropoids. Attention is drawn to the fact that humans continue to crowd large wild animals. Humans increasingly need land for goats, cows, horses, pigs, poultry, and agricultural land. The paradox ‒ our big cats of anthropoids are fed the meat of these pets. At the end of the article, Belyaev's hypothesis, according to which we are "self-domesticated" monkeys, whose innate psychological tendencies, behavior and social structure have radically changed under the influence of selection for reduced aggressiveness, is compared with the author's hypothesis about the role of signs in human origin. He shows that domestication occurred as a result of the transition of hominids to "paradoxical behavior", which required the creation of a sign based on a signaling system. The latter allowed the hominids to act contrary to biological evidence at the command of the leader. A necessary condition for this was the imagination conditioned by signs, which helped to invent the first tools.
Rozin V.M. —
Ideal objects in philosophy and science: genesis and concept
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 58 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.3.69650
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Abstract: The author discusses the concept of an ideal object. The statement of O.I. Genisaretsky is quoted and problematized, stating that the obligatory feature that has been preserved for the object and the terms "object" and "ideal object" is, apparently, its representability or visibility. The author shows that ideal objects began to be created during the formation of ancient philosophy and thinking. Faced with contradictions, ancient thinkers dealt with this situation in different ways. If Protogoras recognized the right of the reasoners to receive contradictions and, accordingly, to consider the world contradictory, then Parmenides considered the world consistent, arguing that the criterion for the correctness (truth) of knowledge is not a reasoning person, but this world, existence, which still needs to be reached with the help of correct thought. It was within the framework of the implementation of the Parmenides program that ideal objects began to be created, which, as the author shows, performed three main functions: they allowed us to think consistently, to know the world and its phenomena, to comprehend and interpret empirical phenomena (facts) in a different way. Based on the case of Plato's "Feast", the semiotic schemes on the basis of which Plato creates ideal objects are analyzed. It is argued that it is impossible to build ideal objects, bypassing schemes, since their inventors (creators) are people. By solving problems, they synthesize meanings belonging to different areas of consciousness. The analysis of Galileo's "Conversations" allowed the author to suggest that the construction of ideal objects is due to the historical type of philosophical or scientific thinking. The author considers it necessary, before claiming to create a modern doctrine of ideal objects, to analyze the main typical cases of the construction of these objects in philosophy and science, and such an analysis can make significant adjustments to the understanding of the nature and features of this concept. Nevertheless, he suggests, it is already clear that the construction of ideal objects is an important link in philosophical, scientific and a number of other types of thinking.
Rozin V.M. —
Is it possible to overcome the paradoxes of the modern conceptualization of the Universe?
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 14 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.69708
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Abstract: The article comprehends the natural science approach to the interpretation of the Universe. At the same time, the author relies on the material of studies of the Universe and galaxies conducted by the Russian philosopher Vadim Kazyutinsky, who shows that natural science studies of the Universe are paradoxical and more like a humanitarian discourse. Hannah Arendt's assessment of these studies is no less paradoxical, she argues that the natural science approach has led to the fact that the universe is inaccessible in practice and even unthinkable. In turn, the author argues that cosmology should be classified as a scientific discipline of the humanities type, which does not exclude the presence of various physical and other natural sciences in it. The object of cosmology (similar to the objects of biology, cultural studies, and sociology) cannot be described in one scientific discipline, it is multilevel, and at each level there are different patterns that must be described by different cosmological theories. Implementing this methodology, the author proposes a scheme of three successive terrestrial Universes – "cosmic" (physical), "vital" (biological) and "social". Within the framework of the latter, a person appeared and a culture developed. Each subsequent terrestrial universe included the previous one as its component or substrate. Another understanding of the Universe is proposed, based on the following provisions: a person must re-establish himself in his understanding of the Universe, recognize its presence (conditionality) in his actions; agree that the development of the social universe has acquired a catastrophic character; begin to think through the established sociality in order to understand what needs to be changed. According to the author, the universe resembles a matryoshka doll, including the cosmic, physical, biological, social and noospheric Universes (the latter is just beginning to take shape). At the same time, there are two multidirectional processes in the social universe: one works for man and culture, the other process, due to the diverse orientation that takes place in all Universes, in fact, acts against man and culture. Two important features of the noospheric Universe will have to be the attitude towards salvation and real changes aimed at realizing this attitude.
Rozin V.M. —
Personalistic overtones in the realization of Enlightenment ideas (based on the history of the Illuminati Order)
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 51 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.69811
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Abstract: The article considers one of the lines of understanding and realization of Enlightenment ideas, due to the peculiarities of the New European personality. A personality is an individual acting independently and therefore forced to build a world and private self-image that partially does not coincide with the generally accepted ones. Kant associates these features precisely with Enlightenment, with the competence to use one's mind without guidance from someone else. Two social institutions are considered, the young nation-state and the Catholic Church, striving to put the individual, Society and communities under their control and management. The author suggests that society and communities were created in response to the pressure and expansion of these social institutions. The similarities and differences of social institutions and communities represented by unions and orders are analyzed. The relations between these three subjects and social forces (institutions of church and state, Society and communities) were quite tense, there was a struggle between them, the result of which, on the one hand, was the demarcation and separation of zones of influence, on the other hand, the suppression of the enemy, which often turned out to be Society, communities and the individual. In this context, according to the author, a conspiracy discourse is emerging, which the closer to our time, the more it is used against communities and individuals. This struggle within the institutions of the state and the church, as well as in art, is illustrated by the example of the history of the Illuminati. The activities of the Illuminati and other Orders (communities) were directed by a New European personality who, as Kant wrote, aspired to adulthood, which was in contradiction with the desire of the state and the Catholic Church to direct and control the mind and actions of a person. The author believes that the confrontation of the individual, Society and communities with the state and its institutions persists in our time. Of course, we are talking about a certain type of personality, so to speak, Kantian, and not any; there are individuals and communities that support the state.
Rozin V.M. —
Comprehension of the inner form of a musical work or the constitution of a new melos by means of a musical movement?
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 87 - 99.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.11.69066
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Abstract: The paper discusses an alternative: comprehension of the inner form of a musical work or the constitution of a new melos by means of musical movement. We are talking about a special genre of art, free dance, called "musical movement", and in its two important contexts - staging performances and teaching. The concept of internal form and the appeal to it by the teacher and the director of performances Aida Aylamazyan is analyzed. The author offers a different understanding of the inner form than Aylamazyan. The musical movement formally consists of two different beginnings of the perception of serious music and organized movement in a broad sense (poses, tensions, emotions, coordination of movements with other dancers); the first beginning was formed in recording and listening to music, the second is mastered in the classroom. Entry into a musical movement occurs if these two beginnings merge into one. The movements of the dancers should not contradict the music, not destroy its perception. In addition, they should set a new organization of music, namely one that meets the idea of the organizer of the dance. As a result, a new objectivity is formed - a musical intonation organized by the musical movement. The article offers a new look at the concept of the inner form of a musical work, as well as an understanding of the musical movement itself. The formulated alternative is allowed if we distinguish between two different types of work: teaching musical movement and staging new performances. As part of the training, an adequate understanding of music is important. An important role here is played by the interpretation of a piece of music, which is created on the basis of semiotic schemes. Equally important is the training of dancers of the musical movement, during which they form a new hearing and understanding of music. As a teacher, Aylamazyan relies on the concept of inner form, as a director, she must discover a new content of a musical work that can be revealed in a concert with the help of musical movement.
Rozin V.M. —
How archaic man learned and mastered the world (cultural-semiotic explanation)
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 9.
– P. 56 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.9.44103
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Abstract: The article presents a cultural-semiotic reconstruction and explanation of the formation of archaic culture and some paradoxical ideas of people of that time for our consciousness (understanding of the eclipse, marital relations as hunting, technology). The culturological approach is explained and a new interpretation of semiotic concepts (signs, knowledge, schemes, models) is proposed as complementary, ensuring the integrity of archaic semiosis. The question is raised about how the archaic man knew and mastered the world around him and himself, what sources scientists rely on in trying to answer this question. It turns out that the knowledge and development of the world by an archaic person needs to be reconstructed and this is a very difficult task, given the strangeness and incomprehensibility of archaic ideas. The author shows that schemes are created and function based on signs and knowledge, and models differ from schemes, firstly, by the way objects are specified (the scheme sets its own object, and the model assumes the preliminary existence of the simulated object), secondly, by operational capabilities (the model allows you to calculate and predict what is impossible for the scheme). On the basis of the introduced semiotic concepts, the reconstruction of the formation of archaic culture is planned, including the invention of the soul scheme, its extension to natural and social phenomena, the explanation of sacrifices, eclipses, marriage rituals. In conclusion, the magical nature of the archaic technique is explained in this way.
Rozin V.M. —
Comments on S.G.Semenova's introductory article "Russian Cosmism" (changing the optics of comprehension)
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 57 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.7.43621
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Abstract: The article discusses two main topics: Russian cosmism and the attitude towards it of Svetlana Semenova, who wrote the introductory article to the book "Russian Cosmism". Interesting considerations are given regarding the Russian cosmism of the philosopher A.P. Ogurtsov. The author problematizes the statements of Semenova, who distances herself from the views of cosmists and shares these views. He sees a similar ambivalent attitude in the polemic of I. Kant with the great scientist and esotericist of the XVIII century Emanuel Swedenborg. An analysis of the esoteric Christian teaching and the personality of the latter shows that Swedenborg simultaneously accepted two realities of spirit and nature, removing contradictions, bringing them into line with each other; at the same time, his psyche changed under the influence of work confirming the new picture of the world he had built. The author suggests that, like Swedenborg, cosmists and Semenova built a reality in which their dreams, intentions and actions received a place and meaning. He believes that in order to properly understand this type of creativity, a turn is needed to the problems and aspirations of the individual, to the built reality in which these problems are resolved (albeit in virtual terms for now), to the historical tradition of thinking. In his opinion, cosmists, Semenova and some modern ideologists like A. Dugin or Yu. Gromyko continue to move in line with the Russian tradition, outlined by Chaadaev, Dostoevsky and Russian religious philosophers. Another tradition characteristic of the creativity of these thinkers is esoteric, which allows you to create realities, omitting the problems of realization, following one ‒ constructing the world for your own personality.
Rozin V.M. —
The image of Russian life of the 90s through the veil of detective Alexandra Marinina "The Illusion of sin"
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 12 - 22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.7.43416
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Abstract: The subject of the study is, on the one hand, the artistic reality of Alexandra Marinina's novel "The Illusion of Sin", on the other hand, the analysis of the peculiarities of Russian life of the 90s, presented through the prism of this novel. The author doubts that this work can be fully summed up under the concept of the detective genre, since the background is a description and understanding of the life of Russia at that time. It is also unclear to him why Marinina's novel is so named, in connection with which it concerns four novels by Diana Soul, named in the same way. The comparison of Chekhov's "Cherry Orchard" and "The Illusion of Sin" allows us to formulate a hypothesis about the nature of Russian sociality. As before, two unrelated processes are impersonal, social (revolution, building socialism, war, the unexpected death of the USSR, reforms, etc., up to the present events) and unrelated and often meaningless, marginal actions and actions of people. From the point of view of this hypothesis, Marinina's work is considered: she, but naturally as an artist, represents for the reader the social reality of the 90s, which in many ways resembles the "bad sociality" that Vasily Zenkovsky wrote about back in the 20s of the last century. The author identifies four aspects of this sociality: the attitude of Russians to law stretching from the past centuries, the tradition of non-legal consciousness and behavior, a sense of social injustice, the lack of moral guidelines, the obsession of Russians with ideas, which M. Bakhtin wrote about.
Rozin V.M. —
Musical movement: lifestyle, the reality of non-traditional art, the space of learning and self-education (three comments on the concept of Aida Aylamazyan)
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 35 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.4.40399
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Abstract: The article describes and comments on the concept of the musical movement, the main ideas of which were formulated and substantiated by Aida Aylamazyan, psychologist and head of the Center for the Musical Movement "Heptahor". The author believes that in this case we are dealing with one of the new forms of experimental life, which in a peculiar way combines an unconventional art form (serious music and dance), a new way of life, partly opposing the established sociality, contributing to the formation of a new personality, as well as an organic symbiosis of alternative learning and self-education. The peculiarities of the practice of musical movement are characterized. The position is formulated that the musical movement demonstrates a new vital and artistic reality in which music is structured (articulated) by the dance movement, and dance is music. Two ideological turns (psychological and social) and the problem of a new anthropological synthesis, which contributed to new ideas and ideas, are considered. Aylamazyan needed an anthropological synthesis in order to comprehend the practice of the musical movement. It includes three areas of work: criticism of ballet as an example of the traditional understanding of dance and the person in it; characterization of the specifics of a new, free dance and its formation; the concept of a person who meets the practice of musical movement. The latter includes four conceptual ideas: 1) a new interpretation of the relationship between music and dance movements as two sides of one whole, 2) relates dance movements and the experience of music to the individual and partly to the dance community, 3) includes the practices of musical movement in a broader whole of culture, sociality, art, 4) interprets the practice of musical movement, including as learning and self-education processes.
Rozin V.M. —
The effects of nature and sociality as sources of technology, as well as the synthesis of engineering and technology in modernity
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.2.37653
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Abstract: The article offers a new interpretation of the technique and its evolution. The ideas about the technique of Aristotle, F. Bacon, P. Engelmeir, N.Berdyaev are analyzed, as well as the understanding of nature, on the basis of which the technique is comprehended and conceptualized. The author's hypothesis is that it is necessary to distinguish between two fundamentally different understandings of technology and the lines of its development: one, where technology is understood as engineering and conceptualized within the framework of the first nature, and the other, technology as technology, conceptualized within the framework of the idea of the second nature. In addition, the author shows that in the twentieth century there is a convergence of both lines of technology development, entailing a synthesis of engineering and technology. The atomic project is given as an illustration. On the basis of the proposed ideas, an explanation of the peculiar explosion of the development of technology in the XIX and XX centuries and the emergence of technoprime is outlined. To analyze the features of the second nature, the work of Dmitry Efremenko is considered, who suggests the genesis of megamachines, distinguishing between their two main types and outlining the third. Another component of the second nature is technology, in which, in addition to the sequence of operations and the conditions that ensure them, the author highlights the division of labor, attitudes to economy, standardization and quality of products, research and optimization or restructuring of production activities. In conclusion, the article points out three consequences of the synthesis of engineering and technology, as well as the crisis of technology in modernity: the need to revise ideas about nature, technology and the modern project, as well as the importance of studying the second nature.
Rozin V.M. —
"The Peasant Lady": an Existential Choice, Super-Difficult in Life, but Possible in Art
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 33 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.2.39727
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Abstract: The article offers a new, in fact, cultural and psychological version of Pushkin's famous story "The Peasant Lady". Various assessments of this work are given, including the author's, teenage. The author argues that the modern understanding of works of art involves an analysis of the culture in which it was created, as well as the author of this work. Realizing this installation, he discusses why Pushkin shifted to the reader the consideration of the consequences that followed from the last scene of the "Peasant Girl", when the deception-Lisa's game was revealed. According to the author, this would destroy the plot, since it would show that the behavior of Lisa and Alexey contradicted the ideas of marriage and the actions of young people accepted in Russian society at that time. It is hypothesized that Pushkin, composing "The Peasant Lady", solved his own existential problem, which P. Chaadaev pointed out to him, namely, his real life contradicted Pushkin's declared values and poems. Unable to rebuild his life in 1830, Alexander Sergeevich compromises, reconciling the real and desirable life in the field of art, this largely explains the peculiarities of the "Peasant Lady". In Marina Tsvetaeva's work, there was also the use of art (and other discourses) to bridge the gap between real and desired life, which to a certain extent allowed the artist to realize himself and preserve his mental health.
Rozin V.M. —
Two Concepts of Artificial Intelligence: Realistic and Utopian
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 102 - 114.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.2.39739
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Abstract: The article analyzes modern concepts of artificial intelligence. The author suggests distinguishing between two main ones: utopian and realistic; in the first, it is argued that it is possible to create machines that think like a person and even better than him, in the second, intelligence is presented as a kind of psychobiological computer. An excursion into the history of the development of artificial intelligence is made, within the framework of which three approaches are considered that have had a serious impact on the development of this phenomenon: the reducinalist approach, psychological and computer. Artificial intelligence is compared with natural intelligence, the latter is considered as a complex semiotic, cultural and social education, involving human communication, development, filiation of ideas and techniques. The conclusion is made and justified, according to which the utopian concept of artificial intelligence cannot be implemented, although efforts to implement it will continue for a long time. One of the arguments here are contradictions in the ethical interpretation of artificial intelligence, which is discussed in the form of a virtual dialogue between the author and the designer of modern robots. On the contrary, the realistic concept is implemented in the form of a permanent project. There are practically no anthropological claims in this concept, and the concept of intelligence is reduced here, i.e. intelligence means imitation of only those established intellectual processes that can be modeled and algorithmized, which is a necessary condition for programming.
Rozin V.M. —
On the meaning and content of school mathematical education (methodological analysis)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 171 - 182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40540
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Abstract: The author analyzes the situation and crisis in mathematical education, and outlines the ways to overcome this crisis. The loss of the meaning of mathematical education by schoolchildren and attempts to resume this meaning are discussed. The author, relying on his own research on the origin of mathematics and the experience of teaching it, characterizes the meaning of modern mathematical education: this is an important historical phenomenon, one of the first types of ancient science, mathematics is a language of mathematical schemes and models used in physics and a number of other scientific disciplines, it is a kind of creativity and thinking (mathematical) that a person can join. Three interpretations of the content of mathematical education are analyzed: knowledge, meta-subject and reflexive, as ways of thinking. The author offers another reflexive reconstruction of situations, activities and thinking that led to the formation and development of mathematics. An example of such a reconstruction is given. Other factors determining the features of the content of modern mathematical education are also discussed, namely, ideas about different types of personality and the trajectories of their development, the principle of cultural conformity, the attitude to diversity and variability of content. In conclusion, the author raises the question of the nature of a new type of mathematics textbook and gives an example, however, from the field of humanities, of a successful textbook on cultural studies written by him.
Rozin V.M. —
Educational cultural-semiotic and private environment of a developing person's life activity (towards the construction of semantic reality and ultimate ontology for the sphere of new education)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 183 - 195.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40758
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Abstract: The article formulates the concept of an educational cultural-semiotic and private environment of a developing person's life activity. It is focused on new forms of education in the context of a change in the basic pedagogical paradigm and changes, which the author calls a "quiet revolution in education." The principles of the traditional and new paradigms of education are briefly characterized. The question is raised about the reality that will allow us to comprehend and link together the individual principles of the new paradigm: a student is a kind of centaur and a "social individual" and a "personality"; not individual characteristics, but different backgrounds and development trajectories; a combination of learning and independent activity (education that promotes in the future, the transition to self-education); search and formation of new forms of education; restoration of the meaningfulness of education in relation to goals and content; transition to reflexive contents. The author describes the image of culture that he developed in the process of many years of cultural studies and helped to see a new reality. But he called this reality not a culture, but an environment. The characteristics of such an environment are indicated, two levels of its constitution and description are distinguished - abstract (as reality) and more concrete (ontological). The latter is illustrated by the material of the problems of teaching mathematics. In conclusion, the criteria for demarcating competencies for new types of education are discussed: which area and tasks are responsible for, what forms of awareness take place, the nature and features of the current practice.
Rozin V.M. —
Understanding and Practice of the Future in History and Modernity
// Man and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 82 - 96.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.1.39614
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Abstract: The article discusses historical and modern synonymously understood images, discourses and concepts of the future. The author introduces the concepts of the actual and uncertain future, physicalist and social future. It offers a reconstruction of Plato's distinction between the past, present and future in the dialogue "The State", which allows the author to introduce a schematic diagram of the future. It is shown that the discourse of the future contains three planes: the position and the concept of the future, allowing to think rationally about the future and the past, and the present, the attitude of the subject (individual) to these time modalities, objective reality, as a rule, including time and non-temporal (objective) reality. In addition to the image of the future introduced by Plato, the features of the image and understanding of the future of St. Augustine, the natural science understanding and the image of the future, the understanding of the future conditioned by the construction of social sciences are discussed. The author claims that at present a new image of the future is being formed, which is characterized by: opposition to the physicalist understanding of the future, epistemological opacity of the reality of the future, natural-artificial modality of thinking, new ontological foundations. All these statements are illustrated by the material of several cases, including the novels of A. Bogdanov, two modern foresight studies, the concepts of Plato and Aristotle, the project of F. Bacon, V. Zenkovsky's statements, F. Julien's book and the case of the Donor project, which the author analyzed in detail.
Rozin V.M. —
Reconstruction of the Logic and Process of Building an Artistic Image (Based on the Image of Sarah in Meir Shalev's Novel "Esav")
// Culture and Art. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 42 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2023.1.39654
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Abstract: The article describes the experience of reconstructing the logic and process of building an artistic image. Reconstruction includes two stages: analysis of the creation of a specific artistic image and theoretical generalization in order to reach constructions that can be extended to other cases of the construction of artistic images. At the same time, the author in the reconstruction relies on his research of art and his works. In the latter, he examines, on the one hand, the problems that the artist solves, on the other hand, the answer to these problems, which is the construction of events of artistic reality. It is in this context that artistic images are created. Their function is twofold: it is an expressive means, one of the tools for building artistic reality, and at the same time the "bricks" from which the world of artistic reality is created. The characteristics of the image of Sarah from Meir Shalev's novel "Esav", the schemes and expressive means used in its construction are analyzed. The mystery of the impact of an artistic image on the reader is discussed. In the last part of the article, the author compares the artistic image with ideal objects in philosophy and science. He argues that an ideal object does not need to be perceived as an event, it is used in reasoning and cognition, where the main thing is not the vision and experience of a phenomenon, but the constancy, consistency of its properties; and the problems that a philosopher or scientist solves are different.
Rozin V.M. —
Plastic Culture: an Approach to the Study and the Main Characteristics
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 11.
– P. 30 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.11.38985
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Abstract: The author discusses the phenomenon of plastic culture and art. An expanded understanding of body movement is proposed, including gestures, poses, facial expressions, expression, the involvement of the artist and the viewer in external social rhythms and in music, internal movements and rhythms of the soul. All these movements are organized within the framework of plastic culture, although they exist by themselves, they have different sources of formation and areas of functioning. The immersion of a person into an aesthetic, more broadly artistic culture that has permeated, since antiquity, even the ordinary life of a person, not to mention specialization in a particular kind of art, triggers the process of organizing human movements and rhythms. The author identifies two factors that significantly determine this organization: the conditions and requirements of the sphere of art and the artistic language, understood extremely broadly. He characterizes the sphere of art with the features of publicity, differences from ordinary life and work, art opens an outlet to another, usually attractive, reality (to gods, beauty, ideals, to another world), sets a special type of communication. Describing the artistic language, the author points out that meaningful constructions of this language perform a different task than ordinary signs: they do not set unambiguous denotations, but should introduce into artistic reality and help the viewer to construct events in this reality. On the basis of these provisions, an analysis of the formation of dance is proposed and a characteristic of plastic art and culture is given.
Rozin V.M. —
Theory of Activity and Phenomenology – Alternative Dispositives of the Philosophers of the Sixties
// Philosophical Thought. – 2022. – ¹ 11.
– P. 50 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39245
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Abstract: The article analyzes the content and opposition of two approaches that were formed in philosophy in the 60s of the last century - activity–theoretic and phenomenological. If the theory of activity was formed under the influence of Marxist ideas and psychology, then phenomenology was formed under existentialism and the theory of consciousness. The evolution of the views of G.P. Shchedrovitsky and M. Foucault, who chose Marxism and built, the first, a theory of activity and methodology, the second – a doctrine that includes an analysis of discourses, institutions and power, is compared. If Shchedrovitsky struggled with psychologism and subjectivism all his life, Foucault eventually overcomes Marxist influence and returns to the study of personality, outlining the main ideas of the philosophy of subjectivity in the last period of his life. The approach of Shchedrovitsky, who extended hypotheses about thinking and activity to any kind of intellectual activity (as a result, he could not understand the nature and essence of thinking), is opposed to the phenomenological approach. The latter sets the task of comprehending new ways of thinking, new beginnings in specific subjects and disciplines, with the statement that research does not presuppose either a certain point of view or a certain direction, that it is unsubstantiated (which is hardly true). Although phenomenologists polemize with methodology, denying the latter, the author argues that phenomenology is also a certain area of methodology, but fundamentally different from Shchedrovitsky's "pan-methodology".
Rozin V.M. —
A. Bogdanov's Novels: Utopia or Artistic Reflection of the Future Sociality and Dilemmas of the Author's Personality?
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 22 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.10.38929
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Abstract: The article offers the author's reconstruction of two novels and partly the life of Alexander Bogdanov. In terms of methodology, the author relies on the studies of art and his works published by him, which include three main plans - an analysis of the sphere of art, artistic communication and the artistic reality of the work. The study opens with the formulation of problems: the genre of novels is called into question as a utopia (the author believes that it is rather a social projection in the form of a work of art), the actions of the characters are incomprehensible, it is not clear why Bogdanov builds the plot so paradoxically. To resolve these problems, the author turns to the personality of Bogdanov, shows its duality: on the one hand, the desire for power and leaderism, on the other hand, the denial of these values and switching to scientific and teaching activities. This approach allows building a plausible, from the point of view of the author, reconstruction of the artistic reality of the novels and its events. At the same time, the author distinguishes two types of events in artistic reality. The first type is events that line up in response to a completely conscious problem or task. The second type does not imply an awareness of the problem facing the artist (it can only be felt as a vague dissatisfaction or desire), and there is no clear understanding of the way to solve this problem. The proposed reconstruction also makes it possible to explain some features of the evolution of Bogdanov himself: a break with Lenin and the Bolshevik leadership, the rejection of leaderism, switching to the construction of the science of "Tectology".
Rozin V.M. —
The Formation of Questioning in Ancient and Medieval Culture (Plato and St. Augustine)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 105 - 116.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.10.39095
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Abstract: The author analyzes the formation of questioning in two cultures (Ancient and Middle Ages) by the example of questions and answers in the works of Plato and St. Augustine. The author points out two reasons that triggered this process: firstly, the formation of an ancient personality, which was characterized by independent behavior and creativity, and secondly, the need not only to present new knowledge and pictures of the world to listeners, but also to convince them of the correctness of the proposed innovations. The questions and answers in Plato's dialogues are considered; in addition to the task of persuasion, they mark the stages of Plato's construction of concepts, while probably taking into account the objections of Plato's listeners, and the contradictions arising from the proposed definitions, and the understanding of various empirical cases, and the possibility of thinking them all as a whole. Questions, on the one hand, were a kind of reflection of cognition (dialectics) Plato of complex phenomena, on the other hand, helped Plato's listeners to develop a seemingly similar process of cognition. The analysis of questioning in Augustine's "Confession" allowed the author to distinguish three semantic contexts: the first one is the certification of new theoretical constructions, the second context is thinking, here the questions, on the one hand, mark the stages of creativity, representing a form of reflection, on the other hand, initiate listeners' own thinking, the third context is religious, it is both repentance and the conviction of those who waver in faith. If most questioners usually have questions that help thinking and work for persuasion, then the third context can be very different.
Rozin V.M. —
The experience of understanding the essence of art and artistic creativity (considering S.S. Neretina's study of Goethe's tragedy "Faust")
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 58 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.9.38590
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Abstract: The article does not discuss Neretina's reconstruction of "Faust", but mainly her ideas about artistic creativity and art. At the same time, the author first briefly summarizes Svetlana Sergeevna's views on these issues. The author's poems are used as empirical material for presenting his own concept of art. The author separates the artistic reality in which events are set, and the means (words, sentences) that allow to pass into this reality. It is proposed to reconstruct the process of composing the presented poem by the author, including the adjustment to creativity, the formation of the idea and concept of the work, the implementation of the planned scenario, coordination and strengthening of all poetic constructions. The representations that were used in the construction of this poem can be divided into two classes: some (expressive means and script) belonged to culture, and others (artistic images, themes, words and sentences) are the result of the author's creativity. The question of how a person can fully live in an artistic reality, what kind of form of existence it is, is considered. The main thing here is the formation of the reality of art, its events and objectivity. In the process of this formation, awareness and rationing of art plays an important role. It is discussed why in previous cultures it was possible to attribute stable characteristics to the reality of art (imitation, expression, the beautiful, the sublime, classicism, romanticism, etc.), but in our culture it no longer works and postmodernism rules the ball. In conclusion, the author touches on the communicative and social aspects of art.
Rozin V.M. —
Features of the poetics of the medieval collection of prose "Roman Deeds" (studying a new book by Svetlana Neretina "No word is better than another". Philosophy and Literature")
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 35 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.8.38564
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Abstract: The article offers an analysis of the poetics of the collection of prose "Roman Deeds", which the author considers as an addition to the study of S.S. Neretina. First, the methodology of studying medieval texts, which is discussed in the "Preface" to the book, is briefly characterized, and two stories from the collection are given as cases. Neretina argues that the "Roman Acts" expresses the world of medieval culture and within it the reality of statements relating to philosophy and what we could call medieval art. The mechanism of creating short stories from the "Roman Acts" is analyzed, including, firstly, a statement beginning with a sound, opening the way to meaning and things, secondly, the disclosure of the hidden as a creation of an independent reality (science, art, etc.), thirdly, the use of tropes in the course of constructing a multi-valued medieval reality. The author shows that the picture drawn by Neretina well explains the ambiguity of reality, which is important for medieval thinking, however, the explanation of the features of the content of the stories of the "Roman Deeds" is not understood by her on the basis of the picture drawn in the "Preface"; they are interpreted from the point of view of the structure of medieval culture. Then the author discusses the concepts of reality and ambiguity that aroused his interest. At the same time, he already uses his own ideas obtained in the analysis of art. The author explains the differences in the interpretation of the "Roman Acts" by the discrepancy of discourses and views of researchers, which, in his opinion, is completely normal and serves for the benefit of thinking.
Rozin V.M. —
Tropology or the doctrine of realities?
// Philosophical Thought. – 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.8.38612
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Abstract: The author analyzes S.S. Neretina's ideas and concept of tropology, comparing this discourse with the doctrine of reality, which he has been developing for many years. He agrees with Neretina's position that the work is a way of transforming a person, sets the task of understanding the idea and discourse of tropology, notes that where Neretina talks about paths and turns, he uses the expression "change of realities" or "change of events in a certain reality". Neretina's understanding of the concept of tropes is analyzed, not just as a turn and a change of point of view, but also as a desire to escape from traditional, everyday life, the events of which are absurd and random, as a discourse that changes vision and thinking, finally, as a change in the basic reality (there was a God, there was a Word, then the world created by the Word). To understand, the author analyzes two cases in which metaphors were clearly used (one of the types of trope); the purpose is to demonstrate reconstruction using the concepts of the doctrine of realities, as well as to test the possibilities of tropology. The example of Neretina's path about the king is analyzed, in this case it is both a turn and a turn within the framework of the Christian worldview. In the first case, the author points to a reality that is difficult to identify with the main one, due to the fact that we have either lost our understanding of it or are dealing with many, different realities in the absence of the main one. In the second case, it is said either about splitting from the Christian ultimate reality, yet one of the main characters is God, or simply about a conceivable and imaginary reality, which is naturally very problematic to implement. At the end of the study, it is concluded that the discourse of tropology is complementary to the author's discourse of the doctrine of realities.
Rozin V.M. —
The Reality of "Nothing" as the Basis of Yu.M. Lermontov's Artistic Thinking (Response to S.S. Neretina's Novella "Lermontov: the Semantics of Repetitions")
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 38 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.8.38681
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Abstract: The article discusses the meaning and content of the concept of nothingness introduced by S.S. Neretina in the book "The Earth Hums with a metaphor". Philosophy and Literature" (short story "Lermontov: the semantics of repetitions"). The author identifies five main characteristics in this view: nothing as freedom (where freedom is understood by Neretina "as peace, silence, silence, love and – as "I"); nothing as balancing on the verge of being and non-being; as an opportunity to express this reality in poetry, while philosophy makes it impossible to think of anything"; nothing as a denial of everything, including life; finally, nothing is set as a reality opposed to culture. In this interpretation, nothing is a rather complex semantic formation, but generally understandable, if we keep in mind the task that Neretina solves: on the one hand, she finds out the relationship between literature and philosophy, on the other, she thinks through Lermontov's dramas. Neretina claims that Lermontov, like Goethe, was a special poet – poet-philosopher, he, as a thinking person, following such Russian thinkers and poets as, for example, Chaadaev and Pushkin, tried to understand why an honest, educated person "woe from wit", why he often ends up badly. The article discusses Lermontov's dual position as a poet and a latent thinker (philosopher), as well as the work of a modern writer who thinks through the existential problems of time in an artistic form. The author comes to the conclusion that the nothingness introduced by Neretina and attributed to Lermontov differs from the nothingness of St. Augustine, is given by the five listed characteristics, and represents a problem as an independent reality and whole.
Rozin V.M. —
Transformation of the theater: ancient and New European theater, director's theater of the XX century, theater of "social changes"
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 96 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.7.38420
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Abstract: The author connects the analysis of the formation of the ancient theater with the formation of art in ancient Greece, theatrical communication (including the positions of the author, artist and viewer), theater as a special space, awareness of the art and nature of ancient Greek drama in the "Poetics" of Aristotle. In the culture of modern times, the ancient canon of the theater is being established anew, since ancient Greek works are being reinterpreted from the point of view of the relationship to the medieval heritage and the social reality of the emerging new time. The new socio-cultural situation has predetermined three important consequences for the theater: firstly, the content of the stories written by playwrights is radically changing, secondly, the audience is changing, and thirdly, the rapid growth of theaters in emerging national states begins. These innovations are illustrated by the example of the French theater of the times of Louis XIV and Racine. In the second half of the XIX, the beginning of the XX century, the director's theater was formed. The director considers the artist as one of the "expressive means" along with others (music, scenery, theatrical clothing, symbols, etc.). The author suggests that the director's theater was influenced by the reflection of music. In the director's theater, the artist does not disappear, as Kugel claims, but on the contrary, he creates a tense field of meanings, communication and actions; while the artist on stage retains the original, coming from archaic times and religion, communication between the audience and the creators of works of art. The problems that arise in the director's theater are discussed on the example of the theatrical production "Eugene Onegin", which was carried out by Rimas Tuminas. In conclusion, the documentary theater and the theater of complicity are discussed. In both cases, the theater remains a theater: the performance is maintained by the actors' play, a second, full-fledged world of artistic reality is created, although the audience takes part in the constitution of what is happening, they, nevertheless, remain spectators at the same time, observing and experiencing events arising with their participation.
Rozin V.M. —
Experience of rational understanding of life and death (biological and social plans of evolutionary development)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 87 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.7.38501
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Abstract: The article proposes to consider the phenomena of life and death within the framework of philosophical and scientific discourse. The author does not aim to explain the origin of life, he seeks to conceive of life and death on the basis of the methodology developed by him and the research conducted. The main way of understanding these phenomena is the hypothesis about the nature of the mechanism of life (the assumption of a "vital organization" responsible for activity and other life reactions is introduced), as well as cultural–historical and semiotic analysis of the evolution of life. In evolution, the author distinguishes three main stages: the formation of life, biological evolution and the evolution of social life. An important role in the latter is assigned, on the one hand, to the use of signs denoting not observable realities, but necessary for the management of the "primary team", on the other hand, technology. The technique performed two main functions: it expanded the capabilities of hominids in terms of creating the right environment (fire, tools, clothing, housing, etc.) and confirmed the use of signs, since it created a reality corresponding to their meanings. In social life, as well as in biological, two spheres need to be distinguished in the vital organization: one belongs to individuals (psyche, activity, corporeality, etc.), and the other, actually social (culture, sociality with its institutions, communication, collectives that include individuals), encompassing, without which the first cannot exist and function. Having asked the provisions indicated here, the author characterizes what death is and considers the cognitive dissonance that occurs when we try to rationally think about these phenomena.
Rozin V.M. —
"Eugene Onegin": three ways of reading and understanding ‒ from science, personality psychology, philosophy of art
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 34 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.6.38308
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Abstract: The article analyzes Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" and two opposite interpretations of it, by Alexander Minkin and critic Vladimir Kozarovetsky. The author partially agrees with the interpretation of the poem proposed by Minkin, objects to Kozarovetsky, but mainly interprets "Eugene Onegin" on the basis of his concept of art and the methodology proposed by him for analyzing works of art. The views on the poem of Minkin and Kozarovetsky are compared: the first believes that the poem describes the moral evolution of the personality of Alexander Sergeevich, and the second that we have a brilliant hoax started by Pushkin to shock readers. The author offers his own reading of Pushkin's poem, in which much is based on the analysis of artistic reality. He shows that the narration in "Eugene Onegin" is conducted from four persons (Pushkin himself, Onegin, Tatiana and the rest of the characters), and the narrators convey their ideas and contents to each other. Although formally Onegin says very little, Pushkin speaks for him a lot and intelligently; although Pushkin is not Onegin, but Onegin's fate threatens Pushkin as well. The narrator in the poem "Eugene Onegin" resembles Proteus: sometimes he speaks for himself, following his character and nature, then on behalf of other narrators, hiding behind their looks and speeches. The reader needs to understand this poetic masquerade: to separate the author from the heroes, to understand where the author is, and where he is the hero and narrator, where the heroes speak for themselves, and where on behalf of Pushkin? Having built such an artistic reality, forcing the reader to work, solving the author's constructions, reflecting on his life, Pushkin acted as a real innovator of art.
Rozin V.M. —
Semiotics as a philosophical and methodological, natural science and mathematical discipline (main stages of development and perspective)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 66 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.6.38261
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Abstract: The article examines the history of the development of the ideas of semiotics, from the works of St. Augustine to the present. The author shares the semiotic approach, which, judging by the literature, was formulated by Augustine, and semiotics as a scientific discipline, and in two versions, as an analogue of mathematics and natural science (we are talking about the "second nature", which is studied in the humanities and social sciences). The characteristic of the semiotic approach presented by Augustine in the scheme is given, which, the author shows, can be extended to various humanitarian objects (this is specifically demonstrated with respect to music). Based on the semiotic approach and classifications of signs, various variants of semiotics as a science were created in the XIX and XX centuries. The difference of scientific semiotics is explained: semiotics solved different problems and tasks, semiotically comprehended different subject areas, proceeded from a different understanding of science. Nevertheless, in all variants of semiotics, relations between the components of the sign were established. The semiotics reform project proposed by G.P. Shchedrovitsky is considered, and what came of it (another semiotics, and not the organization of different scientific semiotics on a single basis of the theory of activity). Based on the analysis of two cases (the semiotic analysis of the metaphor in the work of Meir Shalev "Esav" and the sculpture of Aphrodite Praxiteles), the author outlines another version of semiotics, which he calls "expressionism". Although the methodology proposed by him allows analyzing and comprehending a fairly wide range of expressions and works of art, the author suggests not to consider it universal.
Rozin V.M. —
Some features of the construction of theatrical artistic reality (analysis of the production of "Eugene Onegin" by Rimas Tuminas)
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 47 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.6.38336
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Abstract: The article presents two plans for the analysis of the famous production of Rimas Tuminas "Eugene Onegin". The first discusses the problems and difficulties of translating Pushkin's poetic work into the language of the theater. At the same time, the author uses the analysis of this production carried out by Alexander Minkin in the book "Mute Onegin". In particular, a number of techniques are considered (splitting the heroes, Onegin and Lensky, into two persons, giving historical events a modern form of existence, which implies rethinking them); they, according to Minkin, were used in his production by Tuminas. The author provides a voice to Alexander Sergeevich, who does not recognize his work in the production of Tuminas, assuming that he solved problems far from those that interested Pushkin. In the second part, a reconstruction of the logic is proposed, in accordance with which Tuminas most likely acted, creating his own statement. The author shows that, firstly, Tuminas is not trying to present Pushkin's brilliant work in a new, modern way, but creates a new work, his own; secondly, the artistic reality of this new work is made up of very different events, including reflexive ones. He raises the question of how these heterogeneous events create a whole. If in the traditional aesthetics the artist depicts the world and life existing outside of a person (or inside him), which are considered as universally significant for everyone, then in the new one the world and events of consciousness of the personality of the artist and the viewer are described and constituted.
Rozin V.M. —
Three hypostases of dance and approaches to its study (socio-cultural, semiotic, psychotechnical)
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 74 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.5.37996
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the discussion of the essence and nature of dance. At the beginning of the work, the author states his approach: consideration of dance within the framework of a broader whole (the reality of culture and communication), as well as development, analysis of new anthropological images and ideals, description of the reboot of physicality. Based on Aida Aylamazyan's research, the author characterizes two stages of dance development: the formation of classical ballet in the XIV century and the formation of free dance. In both cases, a new anthropological ideal was initially formed, the realization of which then entailed the formation of a new way of life, the transformation of physicality and a new synthesis of physicality in music. This pattern is confirmed by another anthropopractic, karate. In general, dance is considered from the point of view of three approaches: socio-cultural (analysis of new anthropological images and ideals), semiotic (the role in the formation of the reality of dance schemes and other semiotic cresdtv) and psychotechnical (the formation of a new physicality and reality). It is indicated that there is a need for another plan of study - psychological. Here, for example, "modes of the psyche" can be considered. The author assumes that living in dance and experiencing dance events is a person's life in a certain mode, conditioned by the dance narrative and the reality of dance. Without referring to the psychological plan, it is also difficult to talk about the formation of a dancer's personality.
Rozin V.M. —
A.P. Ogurtsov on the humanitarian and anthropological turn
// Philosophical Thought. – 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 22 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.5.38137
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Abstract: The author discusses the concept of the humanitarian-anthropological turn formulated by the famous Russian philosopher Alexander Pavlovich Ogurtsov. He analyzes the views of V. Dilthey, showing that he is not only the initiator of the humanitarian discourse, but also, in fact, develops a new humanitarian and spiritually oriented direction of philosophy alternative to the natural science approach. The author analyzes the situation that necessitated the development of this direction, as well as the concepts of "life", "history", "understanding", "expression" and "experience", which Dilthey puts at the foundation of his philosophical system. He shows that the essential feature of the listed concepts is a double modality and discursivity. On the one hand, history (respectively, life, understanding, expression, experience) is "singular", that is, it does not change according to some law, but due to random circumstances, on the other hand, life changes quite lawfully, under the influence of the mechanisms of culture, language, economics, human relationships, technology. Dilthey's interest in the holistic analysis of life is explained. The author shows that within the framework of humanitarian and anthropological study, the integrity of life is determined by a number of factors: the problem that the researcher solves, the narratives and texts available to him, the methodology of humanitarian cognition. In other humanitarian studies, these factors will change, therefore, the integrity of life will also change. It turns out that the integrity of life, over which Dilthey struggled, is not independent of the researcher, his personality and life, it is constituted in the very process of humanitarian cognition, partly as a singular, partly a natural phenomenon.
Rozin V.M. —
To distinguish and clarify the concepts of "technique", "technology", "technical environment"
// Philosophical Thought. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 21 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.4.37832
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Abstract: The article clarifies the concepts of technique and technology and introduces the concept of "technical environment". The author, based on his research, points to two lines of technology development: one uses the effects of the first nature and technical art, the second uses the effects of the second nature (collective activity and sociality) and technical art. Engineering is formed in the first line, technology in the second. The question is raised about the essence of ideas about the technical environment, which N. Berdyaev and M. Heidegger began to discuss. The author problematizes the concept of nature and tries to show that under certain conditions, analyzing the second nature, it is also possible to talk about laws. Â Discussing the concept of "technical environment", he turns to the analysis of two cases. The first presents the reconstruction of the formation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, the second presents the development of electrical engineering. In both cases, we are talking about the formation of technology and the technical environment under the influence of not so much practical needs as the pressure of semiotic and cultural ideas. The author concludes that the space in which the main hypostases of technology converge and interact (technology as engineering and technology, as a technoprime, as an environment, as a field of activity) is due to the peculiarities of the first and second nature, while the development is the essence of technology, and it goes both under the influence of external factors and internal. One of the important conditions for the development of technology is the formation of meaning, which is associated with natural science research, engineering, technology, as well as social needs and requirements.
Rozin V.M. —
The idea of building a new humanitarian discipline ‒ "narrative semiotics"
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 78 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.4.37955
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Abstract: The article formulates the main provisions of narrative semiotics and offers an analysis of four cases illustrating the methodology of semiotic study within the framework of a new concept. The difficulties associated with the application of the traditional semiotic approach to the analysis of iconic signs, symbols, diagrams, music, and other works of art are characterized. The author's proposed version of the extended version of semiotics and the problems that arise in this case are outlined: firstly, the new approach is subjective, and secondly, it requires the concretization of semiotic discourse. Overcoming these difficulties, the author characterizes the narrative-semiotic approach, highlighting in it three plans of analysis (framework) and special concepts. The most general frame and the encompassing whole is "conscious cultural reality"; the second, also quite general frame and the encompassing whole (meaning narrative constructions), "cultural communication"; the third frame is the structure of the content of narrative constructions, consisting of two wholes a certain reality and signs that allow you to enter this reality, to actualize its events. These plans are defined as ideal objects and concepts that require specification and empirical verification. Solving this problem, the author analyzes four cases: an interesting childhood dream, a teenage experience of K.Jung, children's experience of works of art and the knowledge of love in Plato's "Feast". At the same time, along with the use of the concepts of the reality of culture, communication, the structure of the content of narrative construction, formation, development, evolution, the concepts of "life world" and "objectivity" are introduced.
Agreeing that the concept of narrative semiotics is seriously different from the traditional one, the author claims that he tried to act within the framework of a semiotic approach, and therefore the proposed concept, in his opinion, has every right to be considered semiotic.
Rozin V.M. —
Tutor Education: Meaning, Content and Place in the Transforming Modern Education
// Modern Education. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 27 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.4.39573
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Abstract: In the article, the author proposes the concept of tutor education. The incentive for its construction is the ambiguity of the picture of modern education as a whole, although the author shares most of the principles of the tutor's approach. The idea of the picture of the whole and the principles of the tutor's approach in comparison with the principles of the traditional paradigm of education are briefly characterized. The position is formulated that education should become a common cause for the tutor. The tutor should accompany the young person, help him become educated, share his educational experience, support the tutor's independence and at the same time, noticing that the latter has stopped in his development, figuratively speaking, try to bring the tutor out of balance by initiating a discussion of the circumstances, plunging him into a situation that requires resolution and the next step of development. The tutor should try to become an adult, independent, competent, ready for political life and saving the planet, and simply disposed to live, enjoy it, as well as overcome difficulties, solve problems that arise in life. In addition to education, several more concepts are introduced and characterized: "cultural-semiotic environment", "cultures of life" (cultures of childhood and adulthood), "life world", "development" (the processes of "formation", proper development and "completion" differ in it), "personality evolution", and finally, the concept of "modernity and the near future". These concepts are illustrated by examples and analysis of two cases (the organization of education in the family (non-) school "Seekers" by Pavel Shivarev and the spiritual revolution that took place in the life of Pavel Florensky).
Rozin V.M. —
The Nature of stage Transformation as a Problem (L.S. Vygotsky's virtual dialogue with a modern theater psychologist)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 89 - 104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.3.38461
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Abstract: The article raises the question of the nature of stage transformation. The psychological concept of N.V. Rozhdestvenskaya's explanation of reincarnation is analyzed, which distinguishes in this phenomenon as an ideal object of science: a) acceptance and emotional assimilation of motives that are dictated by the stage role, b) formation of an attitude to an imaginary situation that allows the artist to act and live in "given circumstances", c) restructuring and functioning of the personality already during the performance in these given circumstances. For comparison, the author analyzes I.I. Silantieva's art criticism concept, in which reincarnation is explained within the framework of the new humanitarian discipline "virtualistics", as well as the explanation of this phenomenon proposed by the author within the framework of the concept of "artistic reality". The similarity of the main differences in all three interpretations of reincarnation is fixed. Then the place is given to L.S. Vygotsky, who sharply objected to the analysis of scenic phenomena in logic that does not take into account their historical development and social nature. The author notes that although psychologists are well acquainted with Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory, they, nevertheless, realizing the view of psychology as an exact science, analyze the psyche, ignoring the cultural-historical approach. He undertakes to fill this gap in relation to reincarnation, showing that this concept was formed quite late, is not characteristic of the director's theater, but in theoretical terms is associated with a certain interpretation of the subject and personality.
Rozin V.M. —
Three lives of Ekaterina Shapinskaya (for the release of the book "Time and Fate. Stories of my life")
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 18 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.2.37345
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Abstract: The article presents a comment and reflections on the recently published book by the famous Russian cultural critic Ekaterina Nikolaevna Shapinskaya. Her fate was very unusual: having been educated in the USSR, she lived in India, where she mastered the traditional genre of Indian dance and achieved considerable success in this field, then returned to Russia, where, on the one hand, she introduced the audience to Indian dances, and on the other hand, gradually, having spent a lot of work, she moved from the sphere of art to philosophy and science (defended her dissertations, published scientific articles and books, became a professor, lectured at the university). Â Â The author, relying on the text of the published book, analyzes not only this life path, but also Shapinskaya's views on life and love, showing that they were largely conditioned by the family, the social reality of the end of the last century, the vicissitudes of life itself. At the same time, the author breeds sublime love-passion, with which romantic love often begins, and calm kindred love in the family. The features of the sociality of the modern world, which are more or less manifested in the actions of the heroine of the book, are discussed: duality, conventionality of what is happening, the distribution of reality. The book "Time and Fate. The Stories of My Life" is also interesting because it presents a different model of life, different from the model we are used to, where a person uniquely defines his life, clearly feels the social reality, understands what needs to be done.
Rozin V.M. —
Metaphor as a means of constructing artistic reality (by the example of the analysis of the metaphor "centaur" in Meir Shalev's novel "Esav")
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 31 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.2.37552
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Abstract: The article introduces a new interpretation of the concept of metaphor. The author examines the traditional concept of metaphor, which comes from Aristotle, the semiotic concept, which introduces metaphorical meaning along with the usual one, and the rather complex construction of metaphor proposed by K.I. Alekseev in the "Sketch of the Theory of Metaphor" (it is based on the methodology of L.S. Vygotsky, the concept of social relays by Mikhail Rozov, the theory of classification and the logical theory of definitions). The author suggests analyzing the metaphor, including it not in the psyche and relay races of Rozov, but in artistic reality; the latter is created in the space of artistic communication and creativity of the artist and the viewer. Â Within the framework of this approach, a metaphor is characterized as a special scheme, a technique and an expressive means that allow, on the basis of two artistic contents (potential events), to create a new content (a new objectivity) in which they are fused ("removed") both of the original artistic contents and due to a kind of emergent effect, a fundamentally new content (objectivity) is for our consciousness. In order to make these general statements more understandable and to concretize them, the metaphor "centaur" in Meir Shalev's novel "Esav" is analyzed. In fact, this is a humanitarian reconstruction based on the author's theory of artistic reality. In the last part of the article, latent and revealed metaphors, metaphor and metaphorical discourse, metaphors and schemes are distinguished.
Rozin V.M. —
The Constitution of the meaning of education and the cultural-semiotic environment ‒ mainstream revolution in modern pedagogy
// Pedagogy and education. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 82 - 91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.38073
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Abstract: The article deals with two main topics: an attempt is made to characterize the meaning of modern education and introduce the concept of a cultural-semiotic environment, the concept of which is proposed by the author and a group of methodologists and practitioners of pedagogy. The idea of the meaning of education is briefly explained, the process of meaning formation is set in more detail. Characterizing this process, the author analyzes one case and shows that meaning formation allows solving problematic situations by constructing narratives (schemes, metaphors, symbols, etc.) and a new objectivity; as a result, a new reality is created, as well as conditions for new activities. To define the meaning of modern education, the concept of an educational environment (as formed in education, related to pedagogical communication, semiotic loaded) is introduced. In addition, the current situation in the field of education is described. The leading position of the teacher is not the management and formation, but the support of the personality, stimulating and puzzling it, hints and help, organizing conditions and space for the student's activity and creativity, joint search for solutions, demonstration of their own position and work, willingness to discuss problems together with students and a number of other points that lie within the same reality. Four educational needs are analyzed, which form the appropriate pedagogical audiences: "universal" education, "specialized", "interest-based" and "missionary". The conclusion is made that the meaning of education is a complex field of meanings, assuming from the side of pedagogy and science the arrangement of the cultural and semiotic environment, and from the individual thinking, choice and actions. The complexity of building such a dual-use environment (providing the formation of an average type of person and the support of different types of personality) is that it should work for the four specified types of education, acquaint a developing young person with the main types of problem situations, and form the competencies necessary to resolve them.
Rozin V.M. —
Practices of corporeality as a social and semantic basis of the concepts of "body" and "corporeality"
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 42 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.38198
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Abstract: The article separates the ideas and concepts of the body and physicality. The statements about the physicality of V. Podorogi and Ya. Chesnov are quoted as interesting, but requiring reflection. Comparison of ideas about love in different cultures allows us to formulate a hypothesis about physicality. The basis for breeding and understanding the phenomena of the body and physicality, according to the author, are the practices of physicality. The author characterizes the practices of corporeality, which allowed the culture to form such prerequisites of the body as "flesh", "kind-form", "corpse", "bone", "belly". To analyze the formation of the concept of the body, the author takes two cases ‒ the history of the creation by Praxiteles of the sculpture of naked Aphrodite and the formation of the canon of ballet dance by Louis XIV, the Sun King. At the same time, he shows that in the process of becoming corporeality, one can distinguish, firstly, the crystallization of a new anthropological image of reality (for example, the feeling of being a god or a hero), and secondly, the alignment of other mental structures under this image of corporeality (the formation of bodies of love, dancer, musician, karate, etc.), inthirdly, the unfolding of a new practice of corporeality, and fourthly, the awareness of new formations of corporeality and their consolidation in the language. Building a new physicality, on the one hand, involves the invention of schemes and other narratives (metaphors, symbols, stories), which entails the formation of a new reality, on the other hand, the restructuring of feelings under the influence of a change in reality. The complexity of understanding corporeality, according to the author, is partly explained by the inclusion of the way of grasping corporeality in thought in the process of becoming bodies.
Rozin V.M. —
Is it possible to turn the "upbringing" from Cinderella into a princess?
// Pedagogy and education. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 92 - 99.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.38245
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Abstract: The article discusses the situation with education in modern culture and pedagogy, raises the question of the reasons for the decline in interest in education and the possibility of its revival in the near future. The meanings of education (widely understood education, controlled development, inclusion in culture) are considered. Two conditions of the conceivability of the traditional understanding of education are analyzed. Firstly, it is the principle of "epistemological transparency" (according to it, the teacher knows the laws of student development and the requirements that will be imposed on him at the exit of education-upbringing), which allows to determine the goals and content of education-upbringing, as well as methods of education. Secondly, the "deterministic" principle: the development of a young person can be directed in the direction desired by the state, society and school, while blocking the student's activity leading in the wrong direction. It is argued that currently both of these conditions are not met, which forms a problem for education. Social reality is increasingly thought of as pluralistic, complex and uncertain; and determination in the field of education is becoming less and less, on the contrary, the principles of variability, the need to take into account different types of personality and divergent trajectories of their development and evolution are rising to the shield. The installations of a new concept of education, taking into account modern challenges of the time and sociality, are considered. According to the author, education should satisfy the "environmental approach", "personalistic" and "reflexive-conceptual".
Rozin V.M. —
Cultural and psychological concept of art (continuing and overcoming M. Bakhtin and L.Vygotsky)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 94 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.1.36971
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Abstract: The article outlines and develops a cultural and psychological concept of art. At the same time, the author starts from the concepts and understanding of the art of M. Bakhtin and L. Vygotsky, which he analyzed in his other works. For a better understanding of the theses, three cases are considered and analyzed: the novel by Israeli writer Meir Shalev "Two Bears Came out of the Forest", a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva and the process of discovering an artistic image by a small child. The author discusses several issues: problems that could worry Shalev and his readers, some features of the author's work that allowed to create an artistic reality of this work, features of artistic reality, a mental mechanism that generates strong emotions of readers. The techniques and expressive means used by Shalev during the creation of his novel are analyzed. The factors (semiotic, personal, cultural) that determine the independent existence of artistic reality, as well as the naturalness and realism of its events are discussed. These events are more real and natural because Shalev opens the way for the reader to the events of artistic reality, allows him to see the whole, emphasizes the most important. Shalev's genius as a storyteller, his wonderful language also plays a big role. It is concluded that the necessary conditions for the creation of artistic reality and the living of its events are the semiosis of art and a special form of human life in art (leisure according to Aristotle, "non-utilitarian form of life", according to the author).
Rozin V.M. —
Cultural and psychological interpretation of the concepts of "development" and "life world"
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 55 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.1.37251
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Abstract: The article discusses situations, the theoretical understanding of which involves the introduction of the concept of "life world", as well as a new understanding of human development. To do this, the author implements a cultural and psychological approach and analyzes several cases within this approach. With the exception of the latter, they relate to the events of childhood and the formation of personality in adolescence. In the last case, an example of a spiritual revolution described by L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "Resurrection" is considered. In development, the author suggests distinguishing between the "formation" of the psyche and consciousness, "completion" and development proper as changes occurring within the framework of the life world. Â He loads the latter not only with the characteristics that E. Husserl wrote about, but also culturological (the life world does not change in its structural characteristics for a long time, but then leaves, and another takes its place) and psychological. The author refers to psychological processes not only the influence of the life world, but also the process of constituting a new objectivity, including the crystallization of a problem situation, the unconscious reaction of the psyche and physicality to it, the conscious construction of schemes and other semiotic representations (symbols, metaphors, narratives), the emergence of a new reality, understanding and vision, finally, creating conditions for a new act.
Rozin V.M. —
Art in the light of conscience and responsibility to life, as well as in the mirror of own nature (a virtual dialogue)
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.1.37259
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Abstract: This article discusses the comprehension of art and its attitude towards ordinary life in form of a virtual dialogue between Mikhail Bakhtin, Marina Tsvetaeva and the contemporary Israeli writer Meir Shalev. Pursuant of M. Bakhtin, who believes that humanistic approach gives preference to the subject of aesthetic relations, the author suggests his interpretation of the nature of art. The author qualifies the position of M. Bakhtin as "artistic Platonism" ‒ art should dictate and inspire life; art is the true life, according to Plato, imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. The position of M. Tsvetaeva suggest “art for the sake of art”. The position of M. Shalev on the one hand – as an independent reality, on the other – comprehension and perception of the problems the artis and the audience are concerned with in artistic form. The author highlights the four main types of art: "authentic" oriented towards culture and man, "postmodern" deconstructing the reality of life and art, "traditional" focused on different attitudes (imitation, expression, representation of the sublime and beautiful, building a different life, etc.). and "applied". Based on interpretation of the attitude of art towards life, the following dilemma is formulated. On the one hand, the artist creates in the space of freedom, and thus would not take on responsibility for life (the position of M. Bakhtin); on the other hand, since art affects people and ordinary life, the artist is mindful of possible responsibility. The author believes that all artists solve this dilemma in their own unique way, which makes it virtually impossible to formulate recipes and rules.
Rozin V.M. —
Art as a form of individual creativity, artistic communication and conceptualization
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 43 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.1.37303
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Abstract: This article offers solution to the traditional problem of correlation of the artistic form and expressive means of art with individual creativity of the artist and audience. Comparison is conducted on the views L. S. Vygotsky and Mikhail Bakhtin on art. The author formulates the hypothesis that art is a life that is constituted equally on the laws of “Self” and the laws of artistic language and form. The hypothesis is proven by the authorial interpretation of art as a system that includes three different dimensions. The works of the prominent Israeli writer Meir Shalev serve as the illustrations. The first dimension indicates the social conditions of art: "non-utilitarian " (non-production) life of individuals dealing with art, which suggests spare time, opportunity to observe, reflect, experience, and not be criticized. The second dimension is artistic communication, which suggests the so-called division of labor, processes of comprehension and miscomprehension, intermediaries (philosophers of art, critics, and art historians) who help to interpret art and artworks. The third dimension is artistic creativity, the intersection of the lifeworld of the artist (and audience), challenges and creative pursuits, knowledge of the techniques and expressive means of art. The peculiarities of artistic creativity are viewed on the two cases: the description of absolute beauty in the novel “Fontanella” by M. Shalev, and reconstruction of the musical action of “The Poem of Extasy” by A. Scriabin, which encompasses the groups of musical action and symphonic performance of the poem.
Rozin V.M. —
Philosophy, art, esotericism as “communicating vessels”, and what a certain pause in esotericism
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.1.37429
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Abstract: This article provides the original perspective on esotericism. Two author distinguishes between the two polar directions of esotericism – "transcendental" and "latent" (mental); as well as introduces the two postulates characteristic to the first direction that in previous research received the name of "classical". The article discusses what binds esotericism and philosophy, religion, and art; outlines the common aspects of these fields of knowledge and life activity are indicated (personal origins, design of reality, semiotic and psychological nature of reality); examines the cases of interaction, and what caused the decline of interest in esoteric teachings. The research consists of two parts. The first part explores the three cases that reveal a close link between esoteric, philosophical, scientific and literary thought, as well as the fact that esoteric ideas and concepts often enrich philosophy, science and art. The second part discusses the key reasons for the slump in esotericism: new cultural challenges that to which there is yet no esoteric answer, interception of esoteric discourse in a number of directions of contemporary art and philosophy. However, this pause is temporary, since esoteric path is one of the ways to prevail in personality culture; it can be assumed that esotericists will soon eliminate the existing gap. On the example of current interest in vampires, the author discusses certain peculiarities of the phenomenon of mysticism, which indicate that the phenomenon of vampirism is real, perhaps related to the forms of communication widely used in modern life.
Rozin V.M. —
The transformation of Russian sociality: reflections and self-determination of analysts
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 22 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.11.36684
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Abstract: This article presents and compares the reflections and conclusions of the prominent Russian sociologists, economists, and political scientists. Having analyzed the transit of Russian sociality, they come to quite disappointing conclusions. Unfortunately, Russia did failed to take its rightful place among the European (Western in a broad sense) states and societies, did not build legal society and institutions, and the established market and private property have significantly deformed, since the authorities and law enforcement agencies of different levels rigidly controlled business for the purpose of share profit, or even seizure and appropriation of the property of others. This indicates not just a crisis, but disintegration and negative transformation of the Russian social system. The author believes that the modern sociality experiences transformation associated with the completion of the culture of modernity and the establishment of futureculture, the structure of which is yet obscure. Such transformation generates sociality that differs from the previous one; however, in many its pioneers and “initiators of discursiveness” continue to largely adhere to the principles of liberalism, although modified, and often unrecognizable. In this regard, the author discusses not only the state of social institutions, but also the ways for overcoming the prevalent situation sought by separate individuals.
Rozin V.M. —
Artistic reality of the TV series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 47 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.10.36476
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Abstract: This article analyzes the artistic reality of the popular TV series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”. There author discusses the feedback of the viewers, including negative. The question is raised on the reasons of its series, as in terms of rigorous analysis it seems mosaic and contradictory. The article explores the artistic techniques (split mind of the hero, bringing modern problems to the past, which create the artistic reality). It is demonstrated that the TV series enjoys popularity namely for representation of the modern problems and situations, despite the use of historical records. Following the logic of comedy-drama streaming TV series, its creators my Sherman-Palladino and Rachel Brosnahan readjusted all historical and non-historical themes and plotline so it would be entertaining for the audience, rather than give knowledge of history. The reality of the series is not a stand-up story based on the example of Mrs. Maisel, but the artistic reality in the comedy-drama genre. Detailed analysis is conducted on the techniques of depicting split personality of the hero, as well as presentation of the actor’s personal life and problems as a skillful acting. The author wonders whether the TV series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” reflects rather the structure of the mosaic mentality of the modern viewer, oriented towards entertainment and aesthetic experiences than the knowledge of life. At the end of the research, the author discusses how the producers managed to create a holistic and organic artistic reality of the TV series.
Rozin V.M. —
To the construction of the new concept of art (art as a form of life)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 73 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.10.36611
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Abstract: This article formulates the task of constructing a new concept of art that corresponds with the challenges of time and the transformed artistic practice. The author aims to solve the problem relevant to his time, which is similar to the problem solved by Aristotle in the context of creating the “Poetics”. The theoretical provisions of the new concept are preceded by reconstruction of the work of the prominent Israeli writer Meir Shalev and the creators of the American TV series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”. These examples demonstrate that although these works describe the events of everyday life, the latter are taken not as the facts typical for cognition, but are being transformed for the construction of artistic reality. Analysis is conducted on the techniques and expressive means used in creating the artistic reality. The hypothesis is advances that the comprehension of the nuances of artistic reality requires the analysis of artistic communication, as well as conceptualizations of art. Within the framework of artistic communication, the author examines the position, motives and activity of the writer and the audience. It is assumed that on the one hand, they live through their problems in the artistic form and create their works (writer, artist), or they enter the artistic reality and live through its events (reader, viewer). All these statements are supported by the results of the research of the genesis of art conducted by the author. In conclusion, the author lists the ground plan of the new concept of art, namely the introduction.
Rozin V.M. —
The problem of demarcation of modernity and social reality after modernity philosophical dialogue)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 43 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.10.36860
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Abstract: This article discusses the conditions for delimitation of modernity and futureculture, as well as the concept of modernity. Vadim Belyaev claims that what the author refers to as futureculture, in fact does not go beyond the boundaries of modernity; these are rather the processes of promodernity and countermodernity. Vyacheslav Maracha polemicizes with Belyaev’s statements. Belyaev substantiates his critical rhetoric, gives characteristics to his interpretation of modernity, and claims that the author did not explain the thesis on the completion of modernity and the establishment of futureculture. The author partially agrees with the criticism and provides additional arguments: characterizes the definition of modernity used by him; distinguishes between the new worldview, semantic reality of culture, and projects of modernity, realization of these projects and objective reality results from implementation of the projects of modernity and responses to new challenges of the time, as well as construction of the social institutions of modernity. The latter statement is illustrated on the example of the formation of state institution, the study by Martin van Creveld “The Rise and Fall of the State”. The conclusion is made that all plans and fundamental structures of modernity (worldview, semantic reality of culture, projects of modernity, social institutions) can no longer ensure normal flow of modern life, but rather generate problems and social destructions. Objectively, modernity has been reborn and is nearing completion. The author formulates certain ideas and meaning that reveal the formation of the future culture.
Rozin V.M. —
On the ability of visual representation of ideas and verbal contents
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 55 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.9.36439
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Abstract: Using the examples of displayed works of art, painting and music, this article discusses the ability of visual representation of ideas and verbal contents. The author compares two stages in the development of art: the early XX century with the popular were popular ideas of cosmism and the advent of the new world; and the present time characterized by pessimism due to the crisis of modernism. Analysis is conducted on the examples of artworks characteristic of each stage. The author dwells on why in the beginning of the XX century the artists were able visually create a complex verbal content and ideas, while at the present day it is quite challenging. The article determines two techniques of visualization of verbal contents ‒ works with the conceptual verbal explanations, which still do not allow to organically synthesize visual and verbal-conceptual planes; and complex work on conceptualization of verbal narratives. As the case for clarification of the second method, the author chooses the theatrical-musical-dance action projected and implemented by the psychologist Aida Aylamazyan, and offers the analysis of this technique as promising for solution of the problem of visual representation of ideas and verbal contents. The author believes that solution of such tasks requires creating the concept of artistic reality of the intended work, taking into account available visual means, potential audience, and personal aesthetic attitudes.
Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of reality of the work and artistic communication as a way to elucidate the essence of art
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 53 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.9.36794
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Abstract: The article covers the two main topics: the characteristics of three key stages of studying art by the author, and a brief summary of the original concept of art proposed as a result of this study. Leaning on the concept of art of L. S. Vygotsky, the author offers the own approach towards studying art. Firstly, art is viewed in comparison with dreams, communication and play, analyzing the role of these processes and semiotic means played in relation to ordinary life. The article introduces the idea of artistic reality, which manifests as a continuation of ordinary life, allowing to realize in a semiotic form the desires (psychic programs) that are blocked in ordinary life; and such realization suggest living through the events set by the specific semiosis of art and conditionality. Secondly, the author describes the results of the genesis of art. In the course of analysis, emphasis is place on the three central topics:: 1) establishment of the semiosis of art based on the semiosis formed in ordinary life; 2) formation of recreation sphere, within which art is being formed; 3) philosophical “conceptualization” of art in the antique culture, which characterizes art as an independent sphere of life, unlike other spheres. Thirdly, art and artistic reality are viewed as a peculiar type of communication. The author believes that both, the artist (writer, composer) and the viewer (reader, listener), on the one hand, create and reconstruct artistic reality (and there is not always a coincidence), while on the other hand, to one or another extent, they take into account each other's communicative abilities and competencies. The conclusion is made that art is determined by conceptual space, the coordinates of which indicate the representations of artistic reality, artistic communication, life patterns in art, conceptualization of art and its development.
Rozin V.M. —
The experience of holistic analysis of art
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 42 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.8.36126
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Abstract: This article compares two approaches: scientific, which is oriented towards the ideals of natural science; and holistic, which is oriented towards humanities. The author attributes the work of L. S. Vygotsky “Psychology of Art” to the first approach, however notices that the founder of Soviet psychology implements humanistic approach in addition to natural scientific. The object of this research is the aesthetic response; Vygotsky shows that art is the so-called machine of human development. In contrast to this, within the framework of holistic approach, the author outlines the two basic patterns that should encompass the wholeness and essence of art. On the one hand, this is artistic communication, while on the other – artistic reality. Artistic communication has ambivalent characteristics: as a special non-utilitarian environment of human life and communication, as well as historically formed semiosis of art. Both characteristics are explained using a brief genesis of establishment of art, simultaneously demonstrating the role of philosophical reflection, which is the key in determination and description of the artistic reality of artworks. The author aims to show that although artistic reality represents an artifact created with the use of expressive means, it is perceived by the audience as the world of natural events. The latter allow the audience to live to the fullest and fulfill their personality. The article discusses the alternative concepts of the purpose of art, as well as the role creativity, and realization of the writer's worldview.
Rozin V.M. —
Sequence of discussion on the “Psychology of Art” by L. S. Vygotsky (analysis and Interpretation of literary works)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 81 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.7.36093
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This article reviews the polemic of the author with a number of well-known psychologists who consider L. S. Vygotsky a humanities scholar, and that the book “Psychology of Art” introduces psychologists to the humanities. The author clarifies his position, trying to show that in his methodological projects L. S. Vygotsky adheres to the natural scientific approach; however, in some works he actually does think as a humanist. The author also casts doubt on Vygotsky's concept of art, demonstrating that the offered mechanisms of aesthetic response and interpretation of literary works are problematic or unsatisfactory. In this regard, analysis is conducted on the position of V. Sobkin, which differs significantly from the views of L. S. Vygotsky. The author offers the original interpretation of art, which implies the three aspect: sociocultural that analyzes artistic communication; related to the philosophy of subjectivity (life from the perspective of an artist, viewer, or reader); and analysis of artistic reality, which includes consideration of the literary language and events. The author elucidates the corresponding concepts and problems that appear in such art task. For better understanding of the proposed ideas, the author reviews the examples from the “Psychology of Art” by L. S. Vygotsky, and cites a case from the own works. The discrepancy with L. S. Vygotsky he views as an motive to continue his research and the need for their critical reflection.
Rozin V.M. —
Breaking the spell on the iconic work of Reza Negarestani “Cyclonopedia”
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 55 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.7.35931
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to rational interpretation of the novel “Cyclonopedia” by the Iranian philosopher and writer Reza Negarestani, which particularly draws attention of the young audience. The author believes that it is impossible to grasp such works without interpretation and reconstruction of their themes and contents. Implementing the claimed approach, the author discusses the crucial topic of openness in the novel and peculiarities of the poetics of “Cyclonopedia”. There are two different understandings of openness described by R. Negarestani: one that is attributed to common forms of sociality, proclaiming freedom and open relationships in one or another way; and “epidemic openness”, which overtakes a person, even against his will, and destroys him. The author analyzes the concept of openness, suggesting that on the one hand, the external can be interpreted as listening to the trends of the “futureculture”, while on the other ‒ as criticism and objectification of concepts that claim to know and predict the future, but in fact cannot go beyond the traditional representations of modernism. Explaining why Negarestani compares openness to food, the author offers to consider the Tibetan archaic ritual “Chod” (severance), going through which the monks offer themselves to be devoured by demons. Based on this, the author formulates an assumption that in the course of creating “Cyclonopedia”, Negarestani was affected by the ancient and mystical concepts, and may even have read Davin-Neel’s research on the Tibetan ritual. The author also suggests that certain other themes of “Cyclonopedia” also need to be reconstructed. The article analyzes the reality of the novel: in addition to discussing the theory-fiction genre, the author believes that the reality of “Cyclonopedia” is attributed to phenomenological, which represents the peculiarities the consciousness of R. Negarestani, rather than the external events.
Rozin V.M. —
Reconsideration of the author’s established world perception and its cognition
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 10 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.6.35836
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Abstract: This discusses a relevant topic of perception of the world and reality, which are usually characterized as complex and ambiguous. The author, who graduated from Moscow Methodological Circle (MMC) and mentored by its founder G. P. Shchedrovitsky, reconsiders his views upon the interpretation of the topic at hand. Analysis is conducted on comprehension of the activity by G. P. Shchedrovitsky, the task of overcoming the naturalistic approach towards reasoning formulated by him, and the transformation of views within the MMC (transition from the concept of reasoning towards the theory of activity, and later on, mental activity). The article provides the authorial representations on reasoning acquired in the course of research, which are substantiated by a range of factors – history, culture, language, identity, concepts, and sociality. Based on the examples from the history of philosophy and science, the author explores the key stages in the formation of ideal objects and the role played by various factors, including reasoning and activity, as well as the peculiarities of shaping understanding and worldviews. In the current context the author demonstrates why it is difficult to comprehend the “world order”. The main reasons include dual transition (end of modernism and establishment of the “future culture”; project nature of innovations; imperfection of methodology, namely incomplete empirical generalizations. The author indicates that his goal was not the criticism of G. P. Shchedrovitsky and his successors, but overcoming own representations, which allow developing creativity as the foundation of modern mentality.
Rozin V.M. —
“Cultures is the content of education” (Efim I. Passov’s revolutionary concept of foreign-language education)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 47 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.5.35498
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Abstract: This article discusses the concept of foreign-language education of E. Passov. The author divides this concept into two parts: the first represents a general new concept of education with culturological and personalistic orientation; while the second represents concretization of this concept in relation to teaching foreign languages. Analysis is conducted on the definitions of communication and situation introduced by E. Passov, which mediate V. S. Bibler’s concept of the “dialogue of cultures” and the new semiotically communicative practice of teaching foreign language. The author demonstrates that E. Passov offers fundamental restructuring of the paradigm foundations of education, orienting it towards the dialogue of cultures, individualization, communication, equal horizontal relations teacher – student relations. Instead of cognition and digestion of normative contents, the puts the desire and motivation to learning alongside spiritual becoming and competence of creative activity to the forefront of the educational process. The author analyzes the method and means of specification of the general foreign-language concept of education offered by E. Passov – modeling of culture, classification of communication situations and language meanings, techniques and technologies used in foreign-language education. Attention is given to the fact that E. Passov has a nontraditional perspective upon techniques and technology – as the competencies and abilities developed by a young person in the course of education.
Rozin V.M. —
Use of the concepts of" “Tektology” by A. Bogdanov in the works of the architect A. V. Rosenberg (characteristics of the methodological stage of establishment of design in Russia)
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 33 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.5.35685
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Abstract: This article consists of three parts: the first discusses the role of methodology in establishment of the discipline (practice) and its further functioning; the second analyzes the work of A. Bogdanov “Tektology”; and the third explores the use of its means in the establishment of design in the early XX century. The author distinguishes the two basic functions of methodology: the stage of establishment marks criticism and analysis of unsatisfactory ways of thinking, while the stage of functioning of the newly established activity implies its methodological support. The analysis of “Tektology” allowed determining the our main interpretations: as general organizational science, distinct mathematics, practice, and private methodology. In this regard, the author reviews several meanings of the concept of organization, as well as similarity of the concept of organization with the concept of activity. Besides the organizational approach, the article also discusses the systemic approach. In the third part of the article offers the reconstruction of the works of Aleksandr Rosenberg, which indicates that a number of provisions of the establishing design (for example, the principle of “compliance” and “optimality”) were formulated based on the means of Bogdanov's “Tektology”. In conclusion, the article discussed the reasons why the organizational concepts were eliminated from design, while the systemic ones remain.
Rozin V.M. —
The experience of non-traditional study of the poetics of literary works (on the example of the book “Fontanelle” by Meir Shalev)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 58 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.5.35746
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Abstract: This article offers a nontraditional approach towards studying the poetics of literary work, which considers personality of the reader and analysis of the reality that he reconstructs and experiences. The empirical material is comprised on the authorial analysis of the poetics of Meir Shalev's novel “Fontanelle”. This literary work features the four major themes: love of the protagonist Michael, creation of the new world from its inception, the characteristic of life values of a person, and discussion of the peculiarities of reality that Meir Shalev builds as an artist. In the first theme, the author reveals several images of love, reflecting on the mystical love of the protagonist for the young woman Ana, love in the family and marriage, love for children. At the same time, the author discusses not only the way that Meir Shalev understands and describes love in “Fontanelle”, but also talks about the own interpretation of love. In the plotline of the second theme, the author also distinguishes two lines: the story the protagonist’s grandfather Apupa, who carries his beloved Amuma on his shoulders across the country, seeking a place where they could create a home and family; and the story of gradual development of a small settlement into a city, created by Apupa and Amuma on the mountain, and several Jewish families at the lower valley. Discussing in the third topic the anchors of human life, the author emphasizes such values as effort, love, family and family line, creativity, indicating that Michael is not alone, he is loved, he gets involved in family history, as well as the history of Israel and Jewish culture, drawing strength in the heroes of this story. The last part of the article gives characteristic to the reality of “Fontanelle” and explains why the author liked it.
Rozin V.M. —
The study and concept of technology (a perspective from methodology and culturology)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 74 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.4.35331
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This article raises the question about the nature of technology, namely whether there is universal technology that evolves and develops in culture, or there are different technologies that are interrelated in genesis. The author examines the pros and cons, as well as other problems, the solution of which sheds light on the nature of technology. The conclusion is made that the invariant characteristics of technology (technology as an artifact; synergy of natural effects and human activity; social body of a person; conceptualization; factors of sociality) do not represent the ontology of technology, but rather the methodology. In order to solve the dilemma, the author analyzed the two current states of technology ‒ engineering and technology. Technology is defines as an activity on creating technical products and as a technical environment that is essential for human life. It is claimed that the technology is a result of the activity turn and turn, which was later associated with management, including research and rational restructuring of the activity by specialists trained for solving such tasks. Ultimately, the author inclines towards the thesis of multiple technologies. The article discussses the Internet as a new type of technology.
Rozin V.M. —
Which meaning is instilled in the idea of the ultimate ontology and existence of the world
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 13 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.4.35987
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Abstract: This paper discusses the concept of ultimate ontology and the mechanism of its projection upon reality. The article consists of two thematic parts: the first analyzes the general cultural processes of the establishment of ultimate ontology and worldview, while the second traces the evolution of representations of the reality and ultimate ontology in the Moscow Methodological Circle. The article discusses the example of representation of nature, which fulfills the functions of ultimate ontology and worldview of the European Art Nouveau. Leaning on the personal research, the author outlines the following stages of the establishment of ultimate ontology: construction of narratives (i.e., initially these were schemes only, and thus, virtual semantic reality); perception and proliferation of these narratives (acquisition in the course of communication); practicing the acquired narratives (schemes) with behavioral transformations of the individuals; functioning of the new social reality, including its examination, and in some instances, attempts to make changes therein, Not every ultimate ontology is recognized in culture as the worldview, it pertains only to such that allows explicating the practices (including epistemic), which determine the core processes of functionality and development of the culture. The article also offers a reconstruction of the history of the Moscow Methodological Circle, which with time has replaced the three ultimate ontologies – attitude, activity, and mental activity. In the first two cases, these ontologies were suggested for the role of the worldviews (namely the category of activity); in the third case, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, who created the scheme of mental activity, for the most part considered it as a method of configuration of other methodological schemes, rather than a unified ontological reality. The article explores the reasons that impeded Shchedrovitsky and the members of the Moscow Methodological Circle to comprehend the essence of thinking, forgo the interpretation of the worldview as an activity, and shift towards the development of the theory of mental activity.
Rozin V.M. —
Digitalization as one of the aspects of establishment of post-New European culture and the subject of social design
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.3.34890
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Abstract: This article examines digitalization in the context of culture and such prerequisites as building automated devices, concepts of human machinization, and projects of formalization of thinking. In this regard, particular attention is given to Leibniz's project of mathematization of thinking, as well as some other innovations ‒ construction of symbolic logic, programming, and Internet. The conclusion is drawn that digitalization is not a local phenomenon with clear boundaries, nor even a complex object, but rather an aspect and a cross-section of multiple processes and fields of life activity. Since digitalization is not reduced to the development of technical devices, but suggest the use of knowledge in various social, cultural and anthropological processes, the works on digitalization can be interpreted as pertinent to social design. The author discusses the task and object of the social project of digitalization, understanding of digitalization as a technology, distinguishing the three types of technology (narrow, broad, and sociocultural sense), sociocultural factors of digitalization, and possible negative consequences of digitalization. Moreover, from the perspective of interests of digitalization, the author reviews the concepts of building artificial intelligence and robotics; criticizes the reduction of natural intelligence, which represents a cultural-historical and social phenomenon, to artificial intelligence. The role of programming and miniaturization in construction of the machine psyche of robots is emphasized. The author claims that the project of digitalization should be correlated with the establishment of culture of of the future (“futureculture”) and work at the benefit of this culture.
Rozin V.M. —
Education and self-education in the optics of tutoring approach
// Pedagogy and education. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 76 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.35437
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Abstract: This article discusses the problem of comprehension of self-education and education in tutoring pedagogy. The matter is that if student's personality and different development trajectories of different personality types are recognized in education, it is difficult to imagine education without self-education. As empirical material, the author cites two cases from his personal experience; analyzes the establishment and development of personality in culture, claiming that the problematic situations are the source of its development. Description is given to the key problematic situations that determine the evolution of a modern individual in phylogenies and ontogenesis. The author distinguishes between spontaneous development, evolution of personality, and conscious work, the goal of which is education or self-education. The article discusses the peculiarities of tutoring perspective on education and self-education, emphasizing that tutoring efforts are aimed at formation of favorable environment for person’s self-development and evolution, rather than designing an individual based on the pedagogical patterns. At the same time, the tutor strives to create a culturally congruent and humanistic environment. The paper reviews a complicated problem of where a tutor as a pedagogue should lead his student and what does “lead” means in educational practice. The conclusion is made that tutoring approach is quite unusual in the aspect the it does not set particular pedagogical contents and goals, but rather points at the principles that should be jointly implemented by the tutor and his students. The author considers the three hypostases of a person for the tutor to focus on.
Rozin V.M., Karnozova L.M. —
Restoration of subjectivity: the role of reflection in personality development and humanization of social institutions
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.3.35911
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Abstract: This article consists of two parts. The firs parts analyzes the general mechanism of reflection within the framework of the theoretical discourse; while the second part the introduced concepts and schemes of reflection are illustrated on the case of “restorative justice”. The analysis of two other cases (“Confession” by St. Augustine, as well as “Confessions” and “Resurrection” by L. Tolstoy) allows characterizing the two phases of psyche – preceding and accompanying reflection. The first phase represents a “crystallization of distortion subjectivity”, and at times its dissolution. The second phase (situation) launches the personality process, which can be described using the terminology of L. S. Vygotstky as “interiorization" of intersubjective; this is the conscious work that gives a new perspective on the situation and its resolution. Analysis is conducted on the two procedures of reflection itself ‒ reflexive way out to the space of “placelesness” (M. Bakhtin) with the shift of integrity and thingness, and reflexive return (G. Shchedrovitsky). Study of the case of restorative justice demonstrates the organizational-technical attitude towards reflection, communication and ensuring mutual understanding between people separated by crime, as a new moment in comparison with the “individual reflection” as internally determined personality process. The inclusion of reflection into social practices and humanities substantiates the possibility of complementing the concept of subjectivity and its “restoration” with the concept of agency as the proclivity for new actions, acquisition of the “authorial position” in relation to one's personal life and interaction with others.
Rozin V.M. —
Evolution of representations on reasoning (three cultural starts)
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 56 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.2.35142
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Abstract: This article analyzes the three cultural starts of reasoning (ancient, modern, and current). This analysis is preceded by the history of studying reasoning in the Moscow Methodological Group, the representatives of which set the task of creating the theory of mendacity, but failed to complete. It turned out that reasoning cannot be reduced to activity not explained by semiotics. The concept of Aristotle's reasoning (the first start) is explored. He completes the tradition of norming the discursive types of activity (reasoning, proof, cognition) that comes from Parmenides and Socrates, attributes the ability to reason to an individual, and along with Plato generates a new reality in mentality. The second start of reasoning is attributed to the Modern Age, which outlined the task getting hold of nature and formed a New European creative personality. In this case, reasoning is endowed with the characteristics of constructiveness, projectivity, eventfulness, perceived as a method of creating new nature and thingness by a person, and included into the context of formation of the culture of modernity. The third start, as the emergence of a new type of reasoning, is currently developing. It is substantiated by the crisis of the culture of modernity, which caused the emergence of new types of discursive practices (interdisciplinary research, collective forms of mental activity using the Internet, development of methodology). These new types of practices require further research and norming, so are the new functions and peculiarities of reasoning.
Rozin V.M. —
The analysis the family-type Pavel Shivarev’s (non) school “The Searchers”
// Pedagogy and education. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 165 - 174.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35216
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Abstract: Thus article analyzes the concept and experience of the Kaliningrad (non ) school of Pavel Shivarev. The author lists the key principles of its operation: organizing education outside the classroom system, active participation of the child's family in educational process, activity of children in different age groups, orientation towards individualization of education. The article discusses the attitude of parents to fully invest education of their children and do no enroll them into a public school. The author examines the principal theoretical and pedagogical provisions “The Searchers” (non) school is founded on: revised Montessori system, environmental approach, focus on individualization of education, use of modern methodological and psychological techniques. Attention is given to the important role of environment created in the (non) school. The author believes that namely such environment guides the pedagogues and parents towards development and evolution of children. In The three subsystems are distinguished within this environment: anthropological, object-semiotic, and purely semiotic. The environmental approach allows analyzing the act of learning, which implies actualization of the problem situation, unconscious response of the body to it, conscious activity on building the patterns and solving the problem situation, awareness of the obtained solution. The article reviews two perspectives of culture the students are being introduced to in “The Searchers” (non) school: accepted in the state, and shared by the family and pedagogues of the (non) school. In conclusion, the author raises the three complex topics: the social nature of education, the role of subjective factor of development, and the attitude of new education towards traditional.
Rozin V.M. —
Existential challenges of modernity and vector for their solution
// Culture and Art. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.1.34755
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Abstract: This article reviews the challenges and problems of modernity, as well as discusses the ideas and vectors for their solution. The first problem is demotes as the crisis of modern culture and the need to preserve life on the planet. It is associated with the nature and development of European sociality, which generated the ecological crisis, pandemic, and other problems. The author argues that the culture of modernity ceases and is about to be replaced by another culture (future culture). The second problem delineates “social theodicy”, i.e. development of attitude towards increasing evil. The main aspects of this phenomenon are discussed. The third problem pointed by the author, is the problem of salvation and righteous life. In this regard are examined two different models that determine cultural life: semantic view of life of the entire society, and scenarios of individual life. Comparison is conducted on the scenarios of individual life of the Middle Ages and Modern Age; the uncertainty of the latter is underlined (if not readiness for Parousia, then what: engagement in implementation of the project of modernity, but pursuing which purpose – enrichment, success, happiness, fulfillment of duty?). The pattern of the individual scenario of future culture is outlined. Within its framework, a person must solve the following dilemma –on the one hand, human is finite and mortal, while on the other, as a human of history and culture – infinite and immortal. The solution to this dilemma is offered. In conclusion, the author discusses the anchors that the person of the transitional era can rely on: critical and reflexive thinking, family ties, identity, creativity and art.
Rozin V.M. —
Conceptual grounds of inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 134 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.35107
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Abstract: This article examines the contradiction between the new principles of the concept of inclusive education and the reference to the theory of development as the basis of this concept. Individualization of education is one of the central ideas of the concept of inclusive education, since unlike in traditional education and the concept of formation, the individual cannot be reduced to an averaged type, as well as students’ development as a single trajectory and a common pattern for everyone. The author's understanding of tutor movement and experience allowed formulating the approach and methodology that is an alternative to the concept of formation, reveals the actual experience of inclusive education. The approach implies the following positions: different trajectories of development for different types of personality; consideration pf the structures established in the prior development; creation of semiotic environment in communication that allows the individual fulfilling their potential and substantiating a new perspective; three tasks of support – initiation of problems and situations of becoming of the new, assistance in solution of these problems and support of development, vector of establishment and development in the fold of culture; differentiation of pre-personal and personal forms (“prama” and subjectivity). For clarification of the aforementioned provisions, the two cases are analyzed (the process of revealing an image in the drawing, as well as the story that took place with young Carl Jung). This analysis allowed characterizing the conceptual grounds of inclusive education. The article introduces the concepts of “social body” and “reflexive practices”, which alongside the positions of L. S. Vygotsky (bypass, reliance on the child’s mental structures, understanding the source of development as a social phenomenon, rather than biological) can be used for the development of inclusive education.
Rozin V.M. —
Culture and man in the mirror of semiotic-environmental approach
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 36 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.10.34037
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Abstract: This article offers the concept of culture based on the authorial version of semiotic and environmental approach. The stages of the author’s culturological research are outlined: from the semiotic concepts of “Moscow Methodological Group" to the extensive interpretation of semiotic and environmental approach, in which the core of semiosis is the patterns, and namely semiosis sets the human living environment. Based on these facts, a new interpretation of culture is proposed. At the same time, the author differentiates two types of cultures: 1) the main subject is the social collective and collective individual inseparable from the collective; 2 a person appears on the scene of history, and culture consists of the three types of individuals ‒ collective individuals, individuals, and intermediaries between individuals and collective individuals. It is underlined that since the antique culture, an important role in cultures is played by intermediaries (philosophers, pedagogues, politicians, artists), as well as by various forms of communication. Antique culture also marks differentiation of two forms of world development, one based on the creation of patterns, and the other – on modeling and scientific examination (the latter includes schematization of reality as one of essential moments). Leaning on such division, the author discusses the peculiarities of patterns and models, as well as cognition based on modeling. The theoretical and methodological reasoning and hypotheses are confirmed by the analysis of cases and structuring of methodological patterns. The article provides a sketch of the genesis of cultures from antiquity to modernity, and crisis of the latter.
Rozin V.M. —
Extended interpretation of semiotic approach
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 46 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.9.33991
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This article presents an extended interpretation of the meaning of semiotic approach, which allows to comprehend from the perspective of semiotics not only the symbols that are adequately described in linguistics and semiotics, but also iconic signs, symbols, schemes, and artworks. For a better understanding, the author suggests two cases, one of which is taken from culturological studies, the other – from children's literature. Leaning on the material of these cases, the author formulates the peculiarities of broadened understanding of semiotic approach. The effectiveness of such understanding is illustrated by the example of semiotic interpretation of Roman Faerstein’s literary work. As a result of the conducted research, the author proposed an extended interpretation of semiotic approach, which includes the analysis of situation and problems, resolution of which leads to the creation of new semiotic tools; untraditional understanding of these tools; reconstruction of reality, which is signified by various semiotic tools. In the author’s opinion, structuring of the reality of a certain text is attributed to semiotic interpretation, since the reality alongside other schemes, signs, symbols, metaphors and other semiotic formations, is an important semiotic concept in terms of the augmented meaning of semiotic approach.
Rozin V.M. —
How to act culture-congruently in the conditions of deep crisis of modern culture?
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 67 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.8.33441
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Abstract: This article discusses the problem of culture-congruent social action in the conditions of cultural crisis. Attention is turned to the fact that the principles of conformity to natural laws and cultural congruency were originally formulated in the pedagogy (Pestalozzi, Froebel, Diesterweg); however, since the comprehension of culture has changes significantly, these principles require reconsideration. In this context, it is suggested to differentiate the modern culture, national cultures, and post-culture. Analysis is conducted on the crisis phenomena of modernity and national cultures. The article lists the current development trends that comprise post-culture, the processes and structure of which are being formed, but yet not clear. Therefore, the future is characterized with complexity and uncertainty. Based on the proposed differentiation and concepts, the author examines two ways of culture-congruent actions. One suggests the revision of usual coherent (i.e. common to the entire culture) ideas, while the other – setting the whole and essence of the phenomena of modernity and post-culture. In the author’s opinion, the need to re-establish in the usual concepts and setting the whole is not the study of culture, but a methodological criticism and structuring of patterns and hypothetical scenarios. For better understanding of this approach, the two extended examples are presented: S. Benhabib's discussion of migration policy and the author's project of a new cultural meaning of post-culture.
Rozin V.M. —
From the concept of technogenic civilization to the concepts of post-culture and culture-congruent technology
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 34 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.8.33488
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This article examines the concept of technogenic civilization outlined by the academician V. S. Stepin. The factors of its ponderability and disadvantages are subjected to analysis: F. Vacon's historical project of mastering natural processes, focus of social institutions on implementation of this project, negative consequences thereof. The author discusses the methods for overcoming such consequences. According to Stepin, the way out consists not in rejection of the scientific and technological progress, but in attribution of humanistic dimension to it; another opinion (expressed by the biologist Timofeev-Resovsky) ‒ maximum usage of modern sciences and engineering, as well as reasonable and rational management. The author formulates the original concept: from his perspective, modern culture is being replaced by a new culture, which he names “post-culture”, forming a culture-congruent technology necessary for solving problems and tasks of the post-culture. A brief description is given to the idea of post-culture and the alternatives that may have to be addressed in the course of its establishment, for example, to problem of life preservation on the Earth. The author articulates and discusses the problem, as well as constructs the pattern of transition from the concept of technogenic civilization to the concepts of post-culture and culture-congruent technology.
Rozin V.M. —
The activity in sociocultural and natural environment.
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 7.
– P. 29 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.7.32667
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Abstract: This article examines the ontology of activity. Such need emerged due to the problems in studying of modern technology. It is evident that an engineer and a technologist work in a complex environment and conditioned by different situation, but the theoretical representations of the activity do account for these circumstances. The author explores the traditional view and scenario. Analysis is conducted on the several situations (environmental, anthropological, cultural, social, population) that impact the work and mentality of an engineer and a technologist. A new pattern of an act is proposed. In the course of research, the author employs the following methodology: articulation of the problem, situational and comparative analysis, typological analysis, structuring of the narrative scheme of activity. As a result, the author was able to describe the situation that requires reconsideration of the ontology of activity. It is necessary to reveal the differences of several spheres, which are important from environmental, anthropological, cultural, social, and population perspectives. The article outlines the scheme of activity, which includes a new interpretation of the subject of activity, several processes launched by pursuit of the activity, response from these processes to articulation of goals and tasks of the activity.
Rozin V.M. —
Pandemic as “pregnancy test” and herald of social transformations?
// Law and Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 15 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2020.6.32600
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Abstract: This article discusses the consequences of coronavirus pandemic for the social world. Therefore, the author analyzes the current situation in the West and in Russia, and compares different estimates and forecasts of the political scientists. He views the state as a social technique, institution and policymakers, demonstrating that government as a social institution could be captured by the communities (industrial-financial elites, autocratic community, separate overmen) and utilized for purposes other than intended. The article analyzes the scenario of potential unfolding of events after the pandemic. The work employs the following methodology: articulation of the problem; comparative, historical, and situational analyses; creation of concepts and scenario; analysis of opinions. The author was able to rationalize the existing positions expressed by a number of sociologists and political scientists pertaining to coronavirus pandemic, as well as comprehend certain peculiarities of modern sociality. It is demonstrated that in order to understand consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to analyzed not only the globalization processes, but also crises of the modern state, society and civic consciousness.
Rozin V.M. —
Semiosis on non-semiotic formations (symbols, schemes, icons, artworks)
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 29 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.6.33084
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Abstract: This article poses a question on the semiotic nature of symbols, schemes, icons, artworks. The matter is that on one hand, these are clearly semiotic formations, but on the other – their attribution to the concepts of semiotics faces theoretical difficulties. The article presents the opinions of semioticians who deal with these questions. The author analyzes two cases, which allows advancing a hypothesis that the indicated formations include two different components – reality (of (symbols, schemes, icons, artworks), and two types noting for actualizing these realities. Discussing what represents noting and realities, as well as suggesting a broader understanding of semiotics, the author concludes on the semiotic nature of formations he is concerned with. As a result, the author was able to distinguish two traditions in understanding and analysis of symbols and semiotics; reveal that in these symbols, schemes, icons, artworks, the realities and two types of noting that allows actualizing such realities, should be differentiated; advance a hypothesis on the semiotic nature of symbols, schemes, icons, artworks attributing them to a specific type that is characterized with Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity; clarify some of the previously expressed opinions of schemology and symbology.
Rozin V.M. —
Pandemic as “pregnancy test” and herald of social transformations?
// Law and Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 15 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2020.6.43329
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Abstract: This article discusses the consequences of coronavirus pandemic for the social world. Therefore, the author analyzes the current situation in the West and in Russia, and compares different estimates and forecasts of the political scientists. He views the state as a social technique, institution and policymakers, demonstrating that government as a social institution could be captured by the communities (industrial-financial elites, autocratic community, separate overmen) and utilized for purposes other than intended. The article analyzes the scenario of potential unfolding of events after the pandemic. The work employs the following methodology: articulation of the problem; comparative, historical, and situational analyses; creation of concepts and scenario; analysis of opinions. The author was able to rationalize the existing positions expressed by a number of sociologists and political scientists pertaining to coronavirus pandemic, as well as comprehend certain peculiarities of modern sociality. It is demonstrated that in order to understand consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to analyzed not only the globalization processes, but also crises of the modern state, society and civic consciousness.
Rozin V.M. —
Notes on the nature of avant-garde and constructivism
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 106 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.5.32555
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Abstract: Based on the materials of the family of architects Zimonenko-Feierstein, this article examines the peculiarities of avant-garde and constructivism. Roman Feierstein and Lyubov Zimonenko graduated the Moscow University of Arctitecture and were taught by pedagogues – the representative of avant-garde and constructivism. To understand the nature of avant-garde and constructivism, the author characterizes the goals and tasks solved by these trends and concepts, as well as analyzes the works of Roman Feierstein and Lyubov Zimonenko. It is demonstrated that constructivists create artistic reality, juxtaposing and simultaneously combining various processes and contents, sending over consciousness of a spectator to a particular reality. This pattern is inherent not only to figurative art, but also literature. The article employs situational and comparative analysis, methods of reconstruction of the works of applied arts and generalization. As a result, the author was able to reveal certain peculiarities of avant-garde and constructivism as an approach and activity, as well as underline that avant-garde and constructivism as approaches also suggest conceptualism. The role of conceptualism consists in outlining and explaining of reality, created by an artist for their audience.
Rozin V.M. —
Trend for conspiratorial explanations as an aspect of modern life
// Philosophical Thought. – 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 14 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.5.32865
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Abstract: This article discusses the causes of current interest in conspiratorial explanations, called by the author a conspiracy discourse. In the latter, he defines interpretation of the problem as plot of a particular malign subject, debunker of such plot, and audience of the debunker. The three main causes of interests in conspiratorial explanations are highlighted: simple cause-and-effect explanations of complex phenomena, propensity to the values of mistrust and conflict, opportunity to use conspiracy discourses for technological purposes. The author attributes conspiracy knowledge to humanities and social, and thus, discusses the criteria of their efficiency and objectivity. The article implements the following research methodology: articulation of the problem, situational and comparative analyses, reconstruction and interpretation of texts, structuring of concepts. As a result, the author was able to characterize the conspiracy discourse, justify the current scientific and cultural interest to it, and causes of such interests, as well as connect these causes with the current situation. The article views conspiracy movement as an intrinsic aspect of modern state of our civilization that undergoes a deep crisis.
Rozin V.M. —
Establishment, development and completion of new-European sociality (analysis of the book by V. Fedotova, V, Kolpakov, N. Fedotova “Global Capitalism: three great transformations”)
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.4.32138
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Abstract: This article analyzes the book by V. Fedotova, V, Kolpakov, N. Fedotova “Global Capitalism: three great transformations”. The author discusses research methodology applied by the book authors, indicating the points of divergence with his own position. For example, he claims that the subject of research should be the new-European sociality, rather than capitalism; the accelerator of social transformations – the European state, rather than the economy. In accordance with these views, characteristic is given to the new-European sociality that includes: concepts and structure of the state, officials who serve citizens and maintain work of government institutions, and society as a vectoring and controlling authority. The article outlines the scheme of four development stages of the new-European sociality: establishment of liberal-democratic state and society, organized capitalism, creation of the welfare society, completion of new-European sociality. As a result, the author was able to clarify research methodology of the new-European sociality, outline the patterns of its genesis, characterize four key development stages of sociality of modern age. The research leans on the classical writings of F. Braudel and J. Schumpeter, as well as modern classics M. Creveld. V. Fedotova, V. Kolpakov, and N. Fedotova.
Rozin V.M. —
Conditions for conceivability of individualization within the new paradigm of education
// Pedagogy and education. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 161 - 172.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34347
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Abstract: This article discusses why the traditional pedagogical paradigm of education failed to consider individualization: this was contradicted by the fundamental principles of pedagogy of the XIX century (interpretation of a student as a generalized individual, rather than personality; uniform curriculum, understanding of key goal of education as digestion of knowledge, etc.); these principles were also supported by project of modernity. New paradigm of education should take into account the analogy of phylo- and ontogenesis, in the context of which the author differentiates the culture that includes sociality (phylogenetic plan), and development of the individual in education and culture (ontogenetic plan). At the same time, culture and sociality, should be viewed within the framework of semiotic, activity, and environmental approaches, a detailed characteristic of which is presented. The author distinguishes between the “before-personality” cultures (Ancient World) and “with personalities” cultures (since the Antiquity). The first one did not allow autonomous behavior; while the second, in addition to collective forms of life, initiate private forms driven by “private patterns”. From ontogenetic perspective, the author delineates the three “cultures of life”: the culture of “prama” (childhood), the culture of “personal becoming” (teenage period and adolescence), the culture of “personal enhancement” (adulthood). Three phases of personal becoming are discusses: 1) formation of intersubjective situation, 2) response of an individual to such situation, as a yet unsconsious way of its resolution; 3) comprehension, outlining, action (this phase includes learning). The author introduces an important concept of “evolution of an individual”, which implies spontaneous and conscious changes in personality of a student under the influence of school, family, media (Internet), friends, and reflection. Based on the aforementioned differences and concepts, the author gives characteristics to the sources of individualization, and describes the space it is fulfilled within.
Rozin V.M. —
Notebooks of Roman Feierstein as a mirror of his personality
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.3.32291
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Abstract: This article analyzes notebooks of the artist, architect and designer Roman Feierstein. They reflect certain aspect of over twenty yearlong artworks of the master, who immigrated to Germany with his family. The research presents separate sketches and fragments of the diary thoughts. The author analyzes the personality of Roman Feierstein, and advances a hypothesis that he lived in between two cultures (German and Russian), having created his own world. Being an artist, designer and immigrant, the endowed this world with aesthetics, constructive and reflective features, which is evident in his notebooks. As a result of this study, the author came to better understanding of the transformation of Roman Feierstein’s personality; was able to explain certain peculiarities of his works in immigration, advance a hypothesis on the character of drawings and texts from the notebooks; as well as use some results of reconstruction of personality of Pavel Florensky for the analysis of evolution of personality of the master.
Rozin V.M. —
Mental trauma and healing. Existential choice or conscious building of own life (based on the book “The Choice” by Edith Eva Eger)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 84 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.3.32787
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Abstract: This article discusses two fundamental; topics ‒ the nature of mental trauma and the story of recovery of Edith Eva Eger, reflected in the book “The Choice”. However, in interpretation and comprehension of book material, the author leans on his original “theory of mental realities”. Within the framework of this theory, the characteristics is given to mental trauma and ways to overcome it. The two key methods are highlighted: re-experiences and mimicry of the events of the realities lived through by a person. The author believes that it would help better understanding of the twists and turns of the fate of Edith Eva Eger described in the book. The following methodology was applied in the course of this work: articulation of the problems, comparative and situational analysis, construction of concepts, analysis and interpretation of texts. As a result, the author was able to demonstrate applicability of the theory of mental realities, introduce the concept of mental trauma, determine the two main ways of recovery (re-experiences that suggest direct reproduction of that underlies the trauma, and mimicry of these facts with the current reality), as well as theoretically comprehend the by Edith Eva Eger “The Choice”.
Rozin V.M. —
Understanding of cultural-semiotic environment in the tutor’s concept of education
// Pedagogy and education. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 74 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33526
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Abstract: This article attempts to build a discourse of cultural-semiotic environment for the tutor's concept of education. In order to achieve the set task, analysis is conducted on the case from educational practice, including the author's, pertaining to discovery of a drawn image by a child. In the process of such discovery, the author differentiated three phases: formation of problematic situation, its resolution through drawing a scheme, and learning the reality with secondary objects. This material is interpreted within the framework of a new extended semiotic approach, which includes semiotics not only signs and sign systems, but also schemes, icons, symbols, and works of art. The article discusses the cultural-semiotic environment, which stimulates mental development of a young person, and in addition to semiotic means, features communication, resolution of problematic situation, and ascertainment of the structured explanation by results of the entire process. The author analyzes position of a tutor as a fundamentally different from educational position of the pedagogy of formation. The author also offers a semiotic version of the genesis of culture, in which he distinguishes three different formats ‒ actual semiotic, social, and anthropological, which impacts the formation of personality. In conclusion, the article presents a description of current situation in culture and education, as well as thoughts on the role and objectives of the tutor movement thereof.
Rozin V.M. —
Establishment and the concept of European State (culturological analysis)
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 19 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.2.31780
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Abstract: This article analyzes the concept of state of the military historian Martin van Creveld. This analysis allowed the author to view prerequisites and establishment of the state and denote the concept of state. In the latter he differentiates the concepts of state and social practices that ensure their implementation, organization of management and accepted in culture explanations on the need for such organization, which in the author’s opinion comprises the meaning and content of power. Moreover, the article introduces the term of sociocultural pre-basis of the state that allows denoting the substantiation of the trajectory of development of the state and selection of a particular political form. Research methodology includes situational and comparative analysis, articulation of the problems, structuring of notions, reconstruction of historical evolution of the state, analysis and comprehension of the writings of M. Creveld. The author was able to analyze the proposed by Creveld concept of the state, as well as suggest an original version of establishment and development of the state, outline the characteristics of the concept of state (differentiation of stages of its establishment, concepts of states and social practices that ensure their realization, etc.), as well as raise a number of questions related to the discussed topic.
Rozin V.M. —
Ways to envisage social science, social reality and ontology
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.1.32042
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Abstract: This article raises a question on the existence of representations on social nature as an ultimate ontology of social sciences. The complications that do not allow acknowledging such existence are being formulated. The author points at the modern alternative interpretations of ultimate ontology of social sciences – the representations on culture, self-developing systems with synergetic effects, sociality, interculture, etc. It is claimed that the concept of nature was introduced for determining the conditions for an effective practical action in scientific research. In order to clarify the perceptions of ultimate ontology of social science, the article discusses the peculiarities of social science and theory, as well as demarcation of the ideal objects, schemes, and models. As a result, the author was able to demonstrate that the traditional definition of social nature has virtually become obsolete, and is not efficient with regards to social sciences. It is offered to replace it with the categorical representations, which may be considered as the ultimate ontology of social sciences. However, it requires the new designation and characterization of the structure and essence of social sciences.
Rozin V.M. —
The experience of humanistic study of esotericism
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 30 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.11.31586
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Abstract: In this article, the author summarizes his studies of esotericism, which contain the characteristics of the essence of esotericism, including analysis of a particular personality type as its source, as well as precise reconstructions of esoteric teachings determining the nature of that culture. The conducted reconstructions allowed specifying the peculiarities of esotericism, dividing it into mental and transcendental. Their analysis is provided. The author demonstrates the process of formation of esoteric outlook, and which role is assigned to the personality patterns and orientation. The specifics of esoteric reality and ways of its substantiation by esoteric experts. The author shares his thoughts on the boundaries of esotericism and its cultural role. As a result of the conducted research, the author was able to reconsider some of his previous works dedicated to esoteric teachings and esoteric personality. He introduces the definitions of the two types of esoteric teachings (mental and transcendental), explores the process of formation of esoteric outlook and personality, and raises the question on the limits and meaning of esotericism.
Rozin V.M. —
Two types of research of the complex social phenomena
// Law and Politics. – 2019. – ¹ 8.
– P. 61 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2019.8.30318
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Abstract: This article separates the two types of research. The first type are based on structuring schemes and oriented towards the practice of politics and individual understanding. The second type suggest building models of complex social phenomena, and oriented towards acquiring knowledge that help creating strong forecasts. The author also examines the concepts of scheme and models. Schemes are developed by the scholars, help solving a problematic situation, impart a new vision and reality, and allow performing actions from a new angle. If the scheme specifies its object for the first time, model building is preceded by the determination of a model object. Moreover, the knowledge acquired on the model can be referred to this object. The indicated differences are introduced on the comparative materials of the modern Russian state. The author succeeded in separating the two types of research of the complex social phenomenon; characterized the concepts of scheme and model; demonstrated that the works based on structuring schemes are oriented towards certain tasks, while the works that create the models of social phenomena are aimed at different tasks in the area of using social knowledge.
Rozin V.M. —
Two types of research of the complex social phenomena
// Law and Politics. – 2019. – ¹ 8.
– P. 61 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2019.8.43259
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Abstract: This article separates the two types of research. The first type are based on structuring schemes and oriented towards the practice of politics and individual understanding. The second type suggest building models of complex social phenomena, and oriented towards acquiring knowledge that help creating strong forecasts. The author also examines the concepts of scheme and models. Schemes are developed by the scholars, help solving a problematic situation, impart a new vision and reality, and allow performing actions from a new angle. If the scheme specifies its object for the first time, model building is preceded by the determination of a model object. Moreover, the knowledge acquired on the model can be referred to this object. The indicated differences are introduced on the comparative materials of the modern Russian state. The author succeeded in separating the two types of research of the complex social phenomenon; characterized the concepts of scheme and model; demonstrated that the works based on structuring schemes are oriented towards certain tasks, while the works that create the models of social phenomena are aimed at different tasks in the area of using social knowledge.
Rozin V.M. —
Prolegomena to the Theory of Questioning
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 26 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.7.29906
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Abstract: The article represents the variant of methodological introduction to the theory of questioning. The theme of constructing this theory is stated; two principal historical stages of questioning practice comprehension are distinguished (in antiquity and modern era). Two traditional approaches to the analysis of questioning - formally logical and philosophical - are characterized. Concepts 'practice with a questioning', 'sphere of questioning', 'situation of questioning', and 'communication of questioning' are introduced. These concepts were later used in the process of reconstruction of questions and answers in A Confession by L.N. Tolstoy. In the research, the following methodology is implemented: problem defining, situational analysis, the introduction of new concepts, reconstruction of the work, methodological scenario planning. As a result of the study, it was possible to define a number of concepts which are important for constructing a theory of questioning (teaching of questioning) and also plan the methodological scheme of such a theory. The reconstruction of questioning in A Confession, the famous Tolstoy's piece of work, in which were used such concepts as 'sphere of questioning', 'situation of questioning', and 'communication of questioning', is proposed.
Rozin V.M. —
Postculture Concept
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 45 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.6.29768
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Abstract: The article presents the ideas of the author's postculture concept. Firstly, the problems forcing to revise the traditional concept of culture, which is given through four procedures (comparison of cultures, setting their integrity, degree of development, and uniqueness) are set. Afterward, the author characterizes the connection between the definition of culture and the concept of modern. Meanwhile, the modern is observed as a project of the organization a new world based on man's mastery of nature. The author explains the introduction of the concept of culture by the problems that arose during the implementation of the project of modernity. The author includes, on the one hand, the processes of transformation and transition characteristic of our time, on the other ‒ the formation of a new culture ("future culture"), into the postculture. Both sides of this new cultural formation are outlined. The following methodology is implemented in the research: problem statement, situational analysis, cultural and historical constructions, the introduction of new concepts, their explanation and justification. As a result of the study, it was possible to show that the traditional concept of culture is set by specific procedures and is connected with the concept of modern. Currently, in modernity, which the author calls postculture, he proposes distinguishing between the processes of transformation of sociality and transition, as well as the formation of the culture of the future. He characterizes the latter one in terms of a new vision of reality, sociality, and values.
Rozin V.M. —
Restorative justice as a type of social action and problems of its implementation in the current conditions
// Law and Politics. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2019.6.30023
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Abstract: This article deals with two topics: the relation in social area, connecting science and practice; as well as situation and issues in the sphere of restorative justice. The author demonstrates that social action and social nature have gone through three main stages within social science: natural scientific, humanitarian and technological (the latter interpretation belongs to the author) understanding. It is also illustrated that restorative justice is formed as a type of social technology, distinguishing two plans within it – sociocultural factors and humanitarian vector. The research discusses the issues emerging in restorative justice, as well as the ways for their solution. Methodology includes target setting, situational and comparative analysis, genesis of social knowledge, typological analysis, and conceptualization. As a result, the author was able to analyze the evolution in social science of representations about social action and social nature; formulate a hypothesis that restorative justice develops as the oriented towards humanitarian values social technology; examine the related issues and ways for their solution.
Rozin V.M. —
Restorative justice as a type of social action and problems of its implementation in the current conditions
// Law and Politics. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2019.6.43249
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Abstract: This article deals with two topics: the relation in social area, connecting science and practice; as well as situation and issues in the sphere of restorative justice. The author demonstrates that social action and social nature have gone through three main stages within social science: natural scientific, humanitarian and technological (the latter interpretation belongs to the author) understanding. It is also illustrated that restorative justice is formed as a type of social technology, distinguishing two plans within it – sociocultural factors and humanitarian vector. The research discusses the issues emerging in restorative justice, as well as the ways for their solution. Methodology includes target setting, situational and comparative analysis, genesis of social knowledge, typological analysis, and conceptualization. As a result, the author was able to analyze the evolution in social science of representations about social action and social nature; formulate a hypothesis that restorative justice develops as the oriented towards humanitarian values social technology; examine the related issues and ways for their solution.
Rozin V.M. —
Mathematics: Definiteness Renewal (Methodology and Cultural Studies approach)
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 20 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.5.29522
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Abstract: The article discusses a crisis in mathematics. The problems of origin, essence, and justification of mathematics are analyzed. The author presents the concept of mathematics, based on his research in mathematics, including ideas about the "starting subject areas" of mathematics, its constructive basis, the conceptualization of mathematics, the mechanisms of its development. The author shows that mathematics constitutes a complex sphere of activities and the institution of modern, and that is why there will inevitably appear contradictions, as well as the activities for their solution and justification. In the research, the following methodology is used: problem formulation, situational analysis, comparative analysis, construction of new concepts, cultural and historical reconstruction. As a result of the study, it was possible to build a methodological concept of mathematics, discuss the nature of the crisis of mathematics, show that the program of justification of mathematics could not be implemented, and mathematics is facing the task of a new reform. These results are based on the author's genetic and methodological studies of mathematics.
Rozin V.M. —
The Main Ideas of the Methodological and Cultural-Psychological Concept of Consciousness
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 27 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.4.29417
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Abstract: In his article based on the analysis of the history of culture and ontogenesis, Rozin offers his methodological and cultural-psychological concept of consciousness. The researcher analyzes the gnoseological situation of the new time that has led to the creation of the term and consciousness scheme. Rozin studies two approaches, phenomenological and physiological, to consciousness in European science. He offers his own approach that is based on methodology of cultural research and psychology within which new structures of consciousness are developed as response and solutions of cultural issues which implies creation of scheme as a specific form of reflection. This approach is fortified by the analysis of proto-consciousness formation and consciousness itself in philo- and ontogenesis. In his research Rozin applies the following research methods: problem statement, comparative and situational analysis, reconstruction of protoconsciousness and consciousness formation, composition of definitions. As a result of research, Rozin has developed the main ideas of the methodological and cultural-psychological concept of consciousness and illustrated them based on the examples of the history of culture and ontogenesis. rozin has also created the interdisciplinary discourse that has used definitions of methodology, cultural research and psychology in a new light.
Rozin V.M. —
The priorities of engineering education oriented towards innovation economy in Russia
// Pedagogy and education. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 59 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31211
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Abstract: This article outlines the priorities that allow making the next step in development of engineering education oriented toward innovation economy. The state of innovation economy in Russia is subjected to critical assessment. The author analyzes the proposal of L. G Golubkova on creation of the small structural bureaus and their association as one of the steps towards overcoming the problems of innovation economy. The article reviews the flaws in the national engineering education on the one hand, and requirements imposed on it by the trends of world economy on the other. The author makes recommendations on the measures in engineering education that would contribute to the development of innovation economy in Russia (two levels of priorities, new type of curriculum, methodological support). As a result of the conducted research, the author was able to detect the unsatisfactory state of innovation economy in Russia, identify the two key flaws of the national engineering education (outdated understanding of technology and diminishment of social disciplines), characterize the challenges and trends of world economy, discuss the proposals aimed at the development of engineering education oriented towards innovation economy in Russia.
Rozin V.M., Purynicheva G.M., Ovsyanitskaya E.A. —
The teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities (problems and solutions)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 43 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31850
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Abstract: This article examines the relevant problems of the teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities. The authors analyze the changes taking place in pedagogy and education: loss of the point of education, ineffectiveness of the pedagogy of knowledge, transformation of institutional situation (school is no longer the only educational institution), new understanding of human and mentality. The article also explores the ongoing transformations in engineering: moving various types of technologies to the forefront, new ways of implementation of technical projects into industrial sector, transition towards interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. Based on the aforementioned transformations, the authors suggest possible novelties in technical education: the teaching of philosophy of technology, fundamentals of technology and engineering, advancement of technological inventions and projects into industrial sectors, logics of minimization of negative consequences of scientific and technical development, fundamentals of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. The conducted research demonstrates that the standard recommended curricula practically do not contain philosophical specificity. Moreover, they are structured upon formal criteria. As a result, the teachers of philosophy, on the one hand, formally prepare their courses, while on the other – virtually do not adhere to them; and all this takes place amid a significant reduction of hours and practical classes assigned to philosophy.
Rozin V.M. —
Art Space: Historical Types and Organization Schemes
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 53 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.3.29187
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the definition of 'art space' that is usually opposed to a traditional concept of space. Rozin analyzes the process and stages of the development of art space as part of the scheme theory. In particular, Rozin studies four stages of how views on art space have developed. At the first stage the archaic culture created schemes that described various kinds of animals and humans. The second stage was the stage of ancient kingdoms that developed the method of depicting extended spaces by layering one kinds over others. The third stage, the era of Renaissance, represented the concept of one-point perspective, and the concept of reverse perspective was developed at the fourth stage. Rozin also focuses on cultural circumstances and schemes that contributed to the development of art space at all four stages. The researcher has used the following methods: problem statement, situtional analysis, comparative analysis, statement of definitions and description of the process and visual imagery argumentation. As a result of the research, the author has defined the term 'art space' and described four stages of its development as well as demonstrated the dependence of ideas about art space on the cultural environment (worldview and type of communication) as well as space schematization (schemes and means of operation with it).
Rozin V.M. —
Social design and social technologies
// Trends and management. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2019.3.30287
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Abstract: This article provides the key positions of author’s report presented this year at the educational intensive course “Island 10-22” that took place in Skolkovo Innovation Center. The author demarcates the concepts of “social technology” and “social design”. While social technology means constant social situations as a condition for reproduction of this activity, the social design is oriented towards development of the situation, representing unique activity and unique solutions. Peculiarity of the social design and social technology is seen by author in the orientation of these types of social action towards human and their good, as well as in application of socio-humanitarian knowledge. General positions of the article are substantiated by the analysis of two cases: “technologies of restoration justice” forming in Russia and successful social project “development of mass uncompensated donorship”. As the result of the conducted research, the author was able to characterize and distinguish number of concepts important for social engineering: traditional and nontraditional design of three types of technologies – social technology, social design, and socio-humanitarian knowledge. Additionally, analysis was conducted on two interesting cases of social engineering, which should have made the theoretical distinctions of the author more understandable.
Rozin V.M. —
Modern Architectural Process as a Condition of Polarization of Architectural Solutions
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 57 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.2.28842
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Abstract: The article raises the question - on the basis of what criteria to carry out the reconstruction and typology of appearance and structure in the architecture of buildings and features of the urban environment. The author suggests such criterion as "architectural process". The main characteristics of the architectural process are observed: design, economic, and social ones. On their basis, three types of architectural solutions, corresponding to three types of design, are outlined ‒ typical, individual and mixed one. Also, these solutions make it possible to determine three types of architectural appearance of buildings and the environment. The following research methodology was implemented: problem statement, historical reconstruction, comparative and situational analysis, socio-cultural analysis. As a result of the study it was possible to show the need for the reconstruction of the types and features of the appearance of modern architectural buildings and the environment, to address the analysis of, on the one hand, the features of architectural design, and on the other ‒ of the socio-cultural conditions and requirements. A variant of such reconstruction is also proposed.
Rozin V.M. —
The key ideas and substantiation of the course "Methodology of design"
// Pedagogy and education. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 93 - 104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29705
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Abstract: The article sets out the key ideas of the course "Methodology of design". The author emphasizes that quite often the methodological approach, aimed at the development of the particular discipline (in this case, of the design), equals the methodological approach, where only the established practice and optimization of activities are dealt with. Therefore, the author talks about his understanding of both methodology and design. Based on these ideas, the main problems that led to the creation of the methodology of design as an independent discipline, the aims of the educational course, the sequence of contents of the course "Methodology of design" develop. Besides the lecture work, the need to organize a creative group work for students is suggested. The article implements the following research methodology: problem statement, situational analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts based on the distinction of types of project activities and problem-solving, staging of new educational practice. As a result of the study, it was possible to distinguish the methodical and methodological approaches, characterize the author's understanding of methodology and design, identify the problems, aims and the sequence of "Methodology of design" course content, formulate the idea of the need to organize a creative group work for students. Ideas, identified by the author, are suggested to be tested in the educational practice of future designers.
Rozin V.M. —
Unaccustomed Chekhov (humanitarian study)
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.27556
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Abstract: The paper deals with the situation that has developed in recent years, which is written in the Internet, where memories and studies of life of the writers and poets are represented. A logical interpretation of the life and work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is offered, which makes it possible to compare the two relations between the creativity of the author and his ordinary life. Unaware of the evolution in the views of Anton Pavlovich and his ambivalent attitude towards women and love, revealed in such an interpretation, we really do not understand the actions and thoughts of the heroes of his works, especially the later stories and plays. The study used the following methodology: problem formulation, situational and comparative analysis, humanitarian interpretation of the author's works, reconstruction of the life path. As a result, it was possible to show that although the personality of the author of the work is not directly related to his work, nevertheless, in order to understand a number of significant moments of this work and the features of the work, a special reconstruction of the author's personality and his works is necessary. Within the framework of such a reconstruction, the analysis of personality and works must be linked.
Rozin V.M. —
Two Lives of Anna Zimonenko and Roman Fierstein (the History of Creativity and Life of an Architects' Family)
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.1.28479
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Abstract: In his article Rozin describes the life and creative development of the architects' family who first lived in Russia and then moved to Germany. Rozin is interested in the reasons and circumstances of the family immigrating to Germany at the very end of the last century. The head of the family, Roman Fierstein, was a famous Russian architect and designer and an author of a number of major exhibitions of the USSR economical and industrial achievements. His daughter, Anna Zimonenko, was a researcher at Central Research Institute of Engineering Design. Having moved to Germany, the family continued to organize exhibitions, however, those exhibitions were not so significant and Anna Zimonenko undertook all 'market' support. The research methodology includes historical reconstruction, comparative and situation analysis, biographical analysis, and personality analysis. By analyzing the history of the Fierstein-Zimonenko family, the author of the article traces back particular points of the development of Russian exhibition design as well as the fates of architects at the turn of epochs and the change in social relations. The research is based on the analysis of the history and creative development of the aforesaid Jewish family that were successful in Russia and Germany.
Rozin V.M. —
The Feat and Fall of Janis Rainis (Thoughts on Roald Dobrovensky's Novel 'Rainis and His Brothers' and Joseph Schumpeter's Book 'Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy')
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 49 - 59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.11.27798
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Abstract: In his article Rozin focuses on one single storyline in Roald Dobrovensky's novel that relates to a number of socio-cultural issues in the contemporary history of Latvia and Russia. These issues include how the development of the nation and the development of the statehood relate, the difference between two forms of the statehood (capitalist and socialist) and two kinds of socialism (bolshevist and democratic), contribution of capitalism and socialism to the development of a new state, and the role of personality and communities in the aforesaid social processes. These are the same issues Joseph Schumpeter in his work 'Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy' focuses on. Rozin appeals to this work in order to compare the problems raised by Dobrovensky and Schumpeter. The research is based on the following methodology: problem statement, case and comparative analysis, cultural-historical reconstruction, and scenario analysis. As a result of his research, Rozin demonstrates that both personalities like Rainis and socialistic and national ideas have made equal contribution to the development of the Latvian culture. In addition, Rozin has analyzed the consequences of socialistic ideas for the people and the country.
Rozin V.M. —
Artistic Reality in Guzel Yakhina's Novel 'My Children'
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 79 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.10.26710
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Abstract: According to a number of critics, in her new novel Guzel Yakhina did not manage to naturally combine different artistic narrations and themes. Rozin analyzes the criticism and arguments based on his own concept of artistici reality. He demonstrates that the new novel of Guzel Yakhina is not traditional in terms of its narration. The writer used the method of artistic poetics that Rozin believes to belong to the phenomenological approach. The peculiar feature of the phenomenological approach is the description and expression of the reality outside the artist and performance of a complex subject content of the consciousness. For this regard, the author discusses the challenges that may be faced by the reader who tries to understand such artistic reality. Rozin has used the following methods: problem statement, comparative analysis, reconstruction of Guzel Yakhina's creative writing, positioning in polemics and axiological analysis. As a result of his research, Rozin demonstrates that it is necessary to differentiate between two different means of construction of the literary reality, wherein phenomenological discourse and aesthetics are very different from traditional ones. Even though the phenomenological approach provides new opportunities, it has certain drawbacks, too, especially in terms of understanding and thinking logic.
Rozin V.M. —
Love and Art in Terms of Modern Science and Author's Personality (Commentaries to E. Shapinskaya's Book 'The Faces of Love in Discourses and Narratives')
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 76 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.9.26836
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the main ideas and themes of the new book written by E. Shapinskaya. Rozin explains why Shapinskaya brings together three forms of love, ordinary love, love in art and love of knowledge. There are two main methods that E. Shapinskaya uses in her work. It is a discursive analysis which features are analyzed by Rozin in his researech. The other method is the method that implies fitting discourses fit into the space of history and modernity. At the same time, the specified space is set by the opposition “modern - postmodern”, its elements are endowed with fixed but correlative characteristics. The ethical issues raised in the new book by the author of “The Faces of Love” are discussed. In his research Rozin has used the following research and commentary methodology: problem statement, situational analysis, text reconstruction, parallel analysis of creativity and personality, and comparative analysis. As a result of the research, Rozin identifies interesting ideas and features of the author’s work on a new book about love as well as artistic and scientific work to characterize the notion of discourse and discourse analysis, to consider the use of the modern-postmodern opposition, and to discuss the ethical problems posed by E. Shapinsky.
Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of the concept of sociality and observations on the future of Immanuel Wallerstein and Vadim Belyaev
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 36 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.9.27519
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Abstract: This article analyzes and compares the theories of sociality of the prominent Western thinker I. Wallerstein and Russian philosopher V. Belyaev. Both authors use in their research the schemes and concepts from the various social disciplines (history, social philosophy, sociology, culturology, and others), adapting them to the context of solving the set tasks. The main objective of their study lies in unspelling of modernity; Belyaev also analyzes the approaches and thinking patterns of the philosophers and scholars who determined the key features of modernity. At the same time, Wallerstein implements systemic and synergetic approaches, while Belyaev – philosophical and methodological; the object of research of the first author is the world system, and for the second author – modernism. Both of them analyze the factors that substantiate sociality (although different ones), and the process of realization of the main social ideas and project. As a result, it is demonstrated that due to the character of implementation and systemic conditions, the established type of sociality is in crisis and is close to its completion. However, due to the complexity of unfolding processes, it seems nearly impossible to forecast the course of events. The article revels the similarities and differences of both theories and authors’ approaches. The author not only discusses these moments, but also expresses his opinion on possibility of analyzing modernity and sociality.
Rozin V.M. —
Analyzing Questions in Saint Augustine's 'Confessions' Based on the Method of Reconstruction of the Sphere and Questioning Communication
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 31 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.8.26579
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Abstract: In Saint Augustine's 'Confessions' Rozin discovers two kinds of questions, questions asked to God and questions asked to oneself. To analyze these questions, Rozin reconstructs, on the one hand, the sphere of questioning (experience of Christian salvation and sharing this story with others) and communication of questioning, on the other hand. The latter implies the position of Augustine in the past and present, of Augustine when he only started his path to faith and when he already adopted the confession, Augustine when he was writing his 'Confessions' and asking questions. In addition, the author demonstrates that in 'Confessions' Augustine does not only share his own experience of becoming Christian but also presents the image of a Medieval personality. The author offers his own interpretation of Augustine's questions. In his research Rozin has used the special research methods including situation analysis, comparison, problem statement and discussion, culture-historical reconstruction of personality development, construction of new schemes, and typological constructs. As a result of the research, the author makes a statement that in his 'Confessions' Augustine asks his questions as an individual with a developing Medieval personality appealing to those who want to become Christian, including himself when he vacilated and seeked his own path to salvation. Augustine answers his own questions as an individual but counts on God's help, too.
Rozin V.M. —
Our Life as the Problem of Our Times
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 79 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.7.26506
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Abstract: In this article Rozin discusses the perception of life in modern culture. The question was first raised by the author in his article about death and resonse of L. Golubkova to that article. The results of the research demonstrate that this is a typical question for an individual. Ancient Greeks already related their concept of death to the concept of 'the right life', i.e. consciouss and unselfish existence. In addition, the author analyzes modern conditions and cultural environment that demand the question about human life to be asked in a different way. Based on his own experience, the author outlines his own version of the question. In his research Rozin has used the following research methods: problem statement, situation analysis, culture-historical comparison, construction of terms and schemes, and reinforcement of general provisions with historical examples. As a result of the research, the author has managed to define conceptual and socio-cultural conditions that allow to perceive life in our times (the concept of the right life, striving towards consciouss behavior and reduction of egoism, etc.). The other outcome of the research is the discourse that was developed by the author to discuss the topic of the research.
Rozin V.M. —
The Author in Everyday Life and Author's Creative Life in Art
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 90 - 96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.6.26343
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem that has been raised lately by Internet discussions, memory posts, and studies of famous writers' and poets' biographies. Based on the analysis of biographies and creative works of Marina Tsvetaeva and Anton Chekhov, Rozin considers two hypotheses of the relationship between the author and his or her everyday life. Vadim Rozin tries to prove that special reconstruction of both would allow to understand essential features of the author's creative life. In his research Vadim Rozin has applied his own methodology that implies problem statement, comparative and situation analysis, schematization and interpretation of literary texts, and generalisation. As a result of his research, Rozin has managed to compare two opposite interpretations of the relationship between the author's creative life and his or her everyday life as well as to demonstrate that the analysis of the author's personality and his or her creative life casts the light on peculiar features of his or her creative life and allows to understand essential moments thereof.
Rozin V.M. —
The Image of Death in Contemporary Culture
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 25 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.5.26266
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Abstract: In this article Rozin discusses the attitude to death in contemporary culture. The author analyzes the reasons and circumstances that revive interest towards death and whether one should fear it. Rozin analyzes three concepts of life after death: pagan (animistic), Christian and esoteric. These concepts are based on the idea of human soul that is eternal. Howeover, the shift to the Modern Period and development of rational research thinking made us forget about that idea. As a consequence, people started to fear death again. The author of this article offers a solution of this problem through critisizing myths about life and death of a modern human and development of the 'right life' concept. In his research Rozin applies the following research methods: problem statement, comparative analysis, cultural historical reconstruction of ideas about life after death, and scenario approach. As a result of his research, Rozin describes the situation of the contemporary culture that returns researchers to discussing life after death and trying to find a solution of this problem. According to the author, the solution of the problem is the criticism of memos about life and death of a modern human and adoption of the 'right life' concept.
Rozin V.M. —
The Road Map of Reconstruction of Ancient Greek Culture and Sociality (the Period of Polises before the Empire)
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 8 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.3.25359
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Abstract: The analysis of the development of ancient greek sociality is made in the form of the 'road map', i.e. the author focuses on the methodological side of the research. The author of the article describes four stages of the research and moves: reconstruction of the trigger, analysis of the development of independence and social practices that ensured it, reconstruction of the institutionalization of sociality, analysis of the influence of social theories of Plato and Aristotle on practice. The central issue the author focuses on is the explanation of how the phenomenon of sociality arose. The author demonstrates that a 'new assembly of the social group' that happened under the influence of ancient greek personality and associated politia implied solutions of a number of problems and determination of common grounds that underlined particular opinions and concepts. Plato and Aristotle created schemes that allowed to solve the aforesaid problems and find those grounds. As a result, ancient greek sociality developed. In his research Rozin has used the following research methods and methodologies: problem statement, schematization, construction of terms and concepts, and analysis of empirical material. As a result of the research, the author outlines stages of ancient greek research and analysis of polis sociality, i.e. before Alexander III of Macedon created the Empire and Rome was built. The results of the research also allow to explain how ancient greek sociality developed as a result of philosophical reflection and creation of schemes and solutions of common affairs in polises.
Rozin V.M. —
Prolegomena to Reconstruction of Sociality of the Middle Ages
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 21 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.3.25842
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Abstract: In his article Rozin analyzes sociality of the middle ages. The author bases his article on the in-depth research of S. Neretina who focused on the personal nature of medieval relations, the role of cities, development of the third social class, complex relations between the king and the main social classes of France. The author offers an analysis of four medieval social groups (Christians, 'suzerain - vassal' communities, royalty and townsmen such as craftsmen and merchants) as well as relations (Christian faith, politics, law and order) that united them as one big group. Further, the author analyzes the process of decomposition of those medieval social groups and development of a larger social group, monarchy and nation state. In this research Rozin has used the following methods and methodologies: problem statement, situation analysis, historic reenactment, and construction of an ideal type of medieval sociality. As a result of the research, the author demonstrates that to some degree, the middle ages repeated the history of the ancient greek times: polity-and election-based sociality was replaced with sociality that imitated both. As a consequence, institutions and bureaucracy developed and subdued society and personality. The author makes an assumption that the same pattern occured in the history later, too, and there have been no other ways to change the course of events.
Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of the University Introductory Discipline 'Introduction to Philosophy'
// Pedagogy and education. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 18 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.27053
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Abstract: In his research Rozin examines and compares two disciplines 'Introduction to Philosophy' by Anatoly Akhutin and the author. There are similar and different features of these courses. The cognitive and pedagogical aspects of both courses are distinguished. The difference in the courses is explained by the fact that the authors belong to different philosophical schools as well as by the fact that they adhered to different methodological guidelines. In particular, the author came out of the Moscow Methodological Circle and is developing a humanitarian and cultural version of the methodology, and Anatoly Akhutin is a follower of V.S. Bibler and M. Heidegger. In his research Rozin has applied such methods as comparative and situational analysis, problem statement, and formulation of the provisions that shed light on the features of preparing courses on “Introduction to Philosophy”. As a result of the study, it was possible to understand how the authors created their courses, how they are similar and how they differ, and what problems have to be solved when preparing the courses. Thus, in both courses, the nature of philosophy and its formation is studied and at the same time the authors involve students in the reality of philosophy.
Rozin V.M. —
The ideas of Bogdanov’s “Tectology” in the works of the architect Rosenberg (first stages of establishment of design methodology)
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 162 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.3.27899
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Abstract: This article considers the first stages of establishment of design. The author advances a hypothesis that likewise the creation of methodology preceded the establishment of science, similar process took place in the indicated field: first appear the methodological studies aimed at structuring the design thinking, and based on them, the design forms as a separate field of activity and practice. The article analyzes the methodological principles of design (correspondence principle, parsimony principle, optimality principle, etc.) formulated by A. V. Rosenberg, as well as demonstrates that in his proposals he leans not only on the reflection of the existing thereat experience of design, but also the ideas of “Tectology” of A. Bogdanov, first and foremost, organizational and systemic. As a result, the author was able to determine certain peculiarities of the establishment of design: role of the prerequisites of design; significance of methodological research; impact of the ideas of Bogdanov’s “Tectology”. Moreover, the author formulated a hypothesis about the two languages (systemic and systemic-substantive) description of design and similarly difficult intellectual practices.
Rozin V.M. —
Formation of Sociality of the Roman Empire During the Reign of Augustus
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 22 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.2.25649
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Abstract: In his article Rozin describes the process of formation of ancient sociality attributable to the dictatorship of Sulla and reign of Augustus. It is still a difficulty for historians to refer social reality of that time to republican or imperial form of government. Rozin describes particular features of sociality of the Roman Republic which he calls 'polis-like', and sociality of developing Roman Empire which he respectively calls 'imperial'. He demonstrates that ancient culture of the beginning of the first century was a symbiosis of two forms of sociality. Polis sociality meant rather small communities, free citizens with equal rights, decision making about a life in a polis, discussion of general rules the majority of citizens would agree with, and development of knowledge about social reality as the axiological and ontological ground for making decisions through communication and debates. Imperial sociality had such typical features as social institutions and transfer of the main duties of citizens (discussion of personal and social issues, debates, decision making and decision execution, etc.) to the emperor and his representatives. In his research Rozin implements the following methodology: problem definition, situational analysis, comparative analysis, cultural and historical reconstruction, composition of definitions. As a result of analysis of the Roman history and culture as well as ancient law, the author has described the main features of ancient sociality and demonstrated that the reign of Augustus was characterized by the formation of social institutions and symbiosis of polis sociality and imperial sociality with all that it entails.
policy, empire, principle, sociality, personality, communication, dictator, law, justice, reconstruction
Rozin V.M. —
On Building the Theory of Questioning
// Pedagogy and education. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26172
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Abstract: In his article Rozin describes the first stage of building the theory of questioning. The author's theory is based on the differentiation between pre-personal and personal questions as he described in his previous article. Rozin makes a statement that questioning is not a complete process because it only sets the 'sphere of questioning' as a special experience of a collective action and 'questioning communication'. Rozin analyzes three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator). Analysis of these three cases has allowed to describe the sphere of questioning and questioning communication as new concepts. In particular, in terms to questioning communicaiton, the author suggests to differentiate between the situation of questioning and process of questioning. In his research Rozin has used the following methodologies: problem statement, case analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts that describe them, and typological description. As a result, Rozin outlines the methodological program of buildig the theory of questioning. He also differentiates between the terms 'the sphere of questioning' and 'questioning communication' and to describe the first characteristics of questions based on the analysis of three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator).
Rozin V.M. —
Granting of Freedom to Human as a Ground for Ancient Democracy Development and Personal Growth
// Culture and Art. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 7 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2018.1.25122
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Abstract: The article is devoted to transformation of the concepts of humans-and-gods relations at the turn of the 6th - 5th B. C. Rozin states that development of the ancient culture was accompanied and triggered by human turning to independent behavior. Even though people still relied on gods and their support, in everyday life they relied more on themselves and were more independent. The researcher analyzes the consequences of such transformation, in particular, personal growth and creativity boost, leave of kings who had been thought to be living gods, and development of democratic governments in ancient polises. The author has used the following methodology: problem statement, situation analysis, comparative law research, and conceptualisation. The methodology was also accompanied with analysis of research results and reconstruction of historical facts. As a result of the research, the author explains what factors cused the transfer from the culture of ancient kings to the ancient times, in particular, personal development and democratic governments. According to the researcher, it was a new concept of the humans-and-gods relations that changed the minds of people in those times.
Rozin V.M. —
To structuring the concept of design
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 116 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.1.25153
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Abstract: This article reviews a relevant situation that compels to discuss and introduce the concept of design. The author confers the relation of some researchers to the indicated genesis of design, as well as distinction between the main types of design – traditional and nontraditional. The principles based on which V. Rozin reconstructs the formation of design and discusses its nature (functioning and development) are formulated. The author attempt to characterize design considering its evolution, suggesting the dynamic definitions of design instead of statistical. As a result of this work, the author was able to structure a dynamic definition of design and characterize the established within methodology of design situation that compel to form such concept. The article also analyzes the scheme of prerequisites of the establishment and development of design, as well as the difference between the two main types of design – traditional and nontraditional.
Rozin V.M. —
Understanding Fedor Dostoevsky in The Writers' Diaries: Mission of Russia and its Relation to Europe
// Culture and Art. – 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 37 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2017.9.24023
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Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the views of Fedor Dostoyevsky on the historical process and the mission of Russia in relation to Europe. The author puts and seeks answers to two main questions: the reasons for Dostoevsky's spiritual rebirth, and also why Dostoevsky believed that it is Russia that will guide Europe. Relying on Zenkowski's fundamental study "The History of Russian Philosophy," the author shows that Dostoevsky was thinking and was looking for solutions to Russia's problems within the framework of the cultural tradition set out by M. Karamzin and P.Chaadaev. The essence of this providential Orthodox concept, its development in Dostoevsky's Diaries of the Writer, as well as in the works of Konstantin Leontiev and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, is considered. The break of this tradition is discussed as a result of the October revolution of the seventeenth year. The following methodology is implemented in the work: problem formulation and situational analysis, cultural and historical reconstruction of ideas, comparative analysis of views, hypotheses, confirmation of their texts by the corresponding authors. As a result of the study, two main results were obtained. First, it was possible to see the socio-political search and decisions of Dostoevsky in a new way, in particular to show what he thought in the framework of the Orthodox providential social concept (tradition). Secondly, it was possible to analyze the very concept and its fate.
Rozin V.M. —
The Concept of "Taking Care of Yourself": Philosophical, Scientific, Artistic and Author's Versions
// Culture and Art. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 50 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2017.7.23596
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Abstract: The article considers three contexts (philosophical, scientific and aesthetic) of the concept of "taking care of oneself". It is shown that in European culture the concepts of "caring for oneself" are very different. A common semantic space is discussed in which such concepts can exist in modern culture, as well as the nature of the work that allows to build an individual life, in accordance with the concept of "taking care of oneself." The author sets out his own understanding of "taking care of oneself." For this he gives a description of the contemporary Russian and world situation and carries out criticism of some psychological interpretations of "caring for oneself" (in particular, phenomenological and projective). The results of the proposed analysis were obtained by the author on the basis of a methodology in which the methods of problematization, the method of comparative analysis, criticism, and citation of authors discussing this topic were used. The author shows that, on the one hand, despite the diversity of personal development options, the general direction of work in relation to oneself presupposes the opposition of bad sociality, as well as the development of the modern person's abilities and competences that allow him to live in a changing and partly catastrophic world. On the other hand, the need to form practically every individual scenario of development and life is becoming more and more realized.
Rozin V.M. —
The History of "Cosmoguals" (is this a Personal Myth, Reality, Philosophical or Artistic Discourse?) Part Three. Cosmoguals Leave Earth and Humanity
// Culture and Art. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 147 - 162.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2017.3.22995
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Abstract: The author is interested in the connection between science and art. To discuss this issue, he used his own work having adopted only one narrative line from it, the story and the vicissitudes of cosmoguals. According to one of the heroes of the novel, Black tells the story of the invasion of the earth by extraterrestrial beings - cosmoguals, who enslaved people and feed on their psycho-radiation, but at the same time, contribute to their development and creativity. In the first part of the article "How did the author learn about cosmoguals?" Rozin tells us how the main character of the novel, Mark Vadimov, got acquainted with Cherniy and his theory. Later Viktor Zun appears from the parallel reality, Vadim's friend who tragically died. In the second part of the article "Cosmoguals guide the evolution of the mankind" the reader was able to look at the development of the Earth and humanity as a thoughtful although soulless and very strange project. This is the last part of the article. It is clear that the way the author constructed his discourse was not quite ordinary. It included rational (philosophical and scientific) considerations and artistic, both scientific facts and fantasies. All these heterogeneous elements are connected on the basis of methodological considerations and creativity. As a result, Rosin succeeded in posing several problems: the synthesis of scientific and artistic thinking, the reality and the existence of fictional phenomena (after all, all phenomena, even very real, were at first imagined or invented by someone), and explanations of the evolution of mankind. In addition, he really built a scientific and artistic discourse that allows to discuss the listed problems.
Rozin V.M. —
History as the Knowledge of the Past and as a Historical Way of Modern Life and Culture
// Culture and Art. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2017.2.22202
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Abstract: The article discusses the current situation in historiography which is characterized by the crisis of the concept of history. The author of the article has analyzed the views of Karl Popper and the concept of history as a set of rational reconstructions (interpretations). According to the author, the whole of history which allows to conceive and establish the nature includes not only interpretations of history but also a historical way of life of an individual as well as the historical mode of culture existence that undergoes several stages of development. The author has also analyzed cases involving these three historical images and describes particularities of working with historical data and historical texts based on this analysis. In his research Rozin has used the private methodology strategy including situational analysis in historiography, formulation and discussion of the problems, comparative analysis, reconstruction of the formation of the history concept, and construction of new schemes and concepts. As a result, the author was able to describe limitations of the interpretation of history only as a knowledge of the past and outline a new three-aspect understanding of history. The reality of history involves a certain historical lifestyle and in some sense it is aligned with the present; history does not only affect a person like art, it also bases on historical facts unfolding the story which has clear events, a beginning and an end, and gives us the knowledge of the past (in the form of certain versions, interpretations), as well as creates a new historical reality in culture.
Rozin V.M. —
Architecture and state policy
// Architecture and design. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7789.2017.2.25152
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This article discusses the modern state policy with regards to architecture and urban planning. Initially, the author characterizes his understanding of the functions of architecture, two of which are traditional, and the third is fairly original (being an constructing industry that not only creates urban environment, but also capitalizes the excessive financial incomes). The work analyzes the adopted in 2017 renovation project in Moscow, concerning its ability to become an example of the efficient policy in the area of architecture and urban planning. Methodology of the research includes such procedures as problematization and situation analysis, criticism of the proposed solutions, comparative analysis, generalization of studies in the field of economy and methodology of architecture. In conclusion, the author was able to determine the functions of architecture, characterize the concept of policy, examine certain flaws of the renovation project, as well as formulate suggestions aimed at overcoming them. It is also offered to hold an extensive discussion on the indicated issues, attracting the interested architect, authorities, businesses, and population.
Rozin V.M. —
One of the mechanisms of formation of creativity and vision of new reality
// Modern Education. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 161 - 171.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.21688
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Abstract: The article examines one of the mechanisms of creativity. It puts forward the following hypothesis: the existential problems of personality find their resolution in the new vision, which is initially incomprehensible and unacceptable, but then, being understood, or in other words, interpreted and conceptualized, and thus becomes clear. For confirmation of this hypothesis, the article analyses the three cases, discusses the notions of vision, reality, and existence, as well as applies the author’s concept of dreams. Creativity begins with the intersubjective situations and subjective problems; in addition to the search and realization of certain methodology, it suggests the new vision, conceptualization, and a number of other procedures, and ends with the existence and detection of the new reality. At the same time, the following methodology was being applied: posing of the questions, case analysis, distinction of the examined phenomena, and construction of notions. As a result, the study was able to demonstrate that the important mechanism of creativity consists in the existential problems, which are solved by the person through inventing the schemes. Based on them, establishes the new vision of reality alongside understanding of what is happening, which initially seems paradoxical.
Rozin V.M. —
Analysis of the Art Form as a Condition of Reconstruction of Aesthetic Experience (Re-reading "Psychology of Art" by Lev Vygotsky)
// Culture and Art. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 92 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2017.1.21844
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Abstract: In his article Rozin examines the first great work by Lev Vygotsky in which the founder of Soviet psychology stated that it is possible to reach to aesthetic (artistic) experience only indirectly, in particular, through the analysis of the art form. Rozin analyzes the methodological approaches which he used in his research (naturalistic and structuralistic) and interprets an art form as some kind of a trap that catches a reader or audience trying to overcome contradictions of building an art form. The author compares Lev Vygotsky's concept of 'art as the machine for developing psyche' with Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of 'life in art'. In his research Rozin has used the methodology of comparative analysis, raises a number of questions and offers a new reconstruction of 'Psychology of Art' as well as discusses peculiarities of psychological research and science. As a result, the author demonstrates that Vygotsky's concept of art was in many ways conditioned by Marxist and structuralistic methodologies as well as the task to develop a new human using artistic means. Being focused on the problem of human development, Vygotsky interpreted art as the machine for developing the mental world and ignored the importance of art as a life style.
Rozin V.M. —
Formation and nature of project engineering
// Trends and management. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 61 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2017.1.22326
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Abstract: This article analyzes the two approaches towards understanding of project engineering, which include design and the modern stage of technology development. The author reconstructs establishment of the “traditional” (architectural and technical) engineering in culture, as well the role of architectural activity, engineering and technology in this process. The work introduces the idea of "project thinking", which analyzes the two aspects: means of the "language of engineering" (sketches, models, design norms, knowledge), and the "logic of engineering". In conclusion, the article discusses the transition from the "traditional engineering" to "nontraditional", which represents the non-project practices with the elements of engineering. As a result, the author was able to separate the existing approaches towards understanding of project engineering, analyze the prerequisites and establishment of this type of activity, give characteristics to the project thinking, as well as put forward a hypothesis regarding the key trend in the development of project engineering. It consists of two stages: the establishment and development of “nontraditional engineering” and the transition towards the “nontraditional engineering”.
Rozin V.M. —
The Studio of Musical Movement and Improvisation 'Heptahor' as a Collective Author of a New Art Form
// Culture and Art. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 527 - 534.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2016.4.19387
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Abstract: In the article the author shares his observations on the performance studio "Heptahor". Along with the strong impression from what he saw, he raises three issues relating to the perception and understanding of the genre of musical movement. It is hypothesized that the audience in this case met with a new kind of art. Further, the hypothesis explained and justified. The main themes are: explanation of features of musical movement, creation of a new art form, analysis of the musical reality that is emerging in the genre of musical movement, role of comprehension and interpretation of music played to the musical movement. As a result of the study the author proves his hypothesis. In his study Rozin introduces the ideas of humanitarian and hermeneutical approaches and offers his own interpretations of the plastic performances 'The Birth of the Sun' after Igor Stravinsky's ballet 'The Rite of Spring' and 'Apollo's Principle' after Igor Stravinsky's ballet 'Apollon Musaget'. In general, the author continues to develop his humanitarian methodology. As a result of the research the author has been ablel to demonstrate that it was indeed a new art form, to describe features of the musical movement as a new art form, how a new art form and reality have been developed within the framework of the musical movement and what intellectual and spiritual grounds supported that development.
Rozin V.M. —
Plausible conspiracy theories (discourse analysis)
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 301 - 310.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.3.18273
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Abstract: This article analyzes one of the types of conspiracy discourse, to which the author refers as “plausible”. These discourses can be quite complicated, thus for their argumentation use modern scientific knowledge, namely economic, social, political, and psychological. They are addressed to the more educated audience, who is at least partially acquainted with these scientific disciplines. The author demonstrates the examples of plausible discourses and the possible attitude towards them. It is illustrated that such theories help the contemporary individual build the world, where one can live and solve their problems – a world that meets the interest of the specific person. In the end, the author examines the social, hermeneutic, and axiological peculiarities of the plausible conspiracy discourses. The author introduces and analyzes the new type of conspiracy theory, as well as demonstrates that a conspiracy discourse suggests interpretation, and due to the latter this discourse gets various evaluations. The plausible conspiracy theories should be considered in two aspects – psychological and social.
Rozin V.M. —
The History of Cosmoguals (Is it a Personal Myth, Reality or Philosophical and Culturological Discourse?). Part Two. Cosmoguals Guide the Revolution
// Culture and Art. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 213 - 226.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2016.2.16834
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Abstract: One of the themes discussed by Rozin in his article is the possibility for the synthesis of art and science. Discussing this topic, the author creates the discourse that combines scientific and art genres. Relying on modern philosophical, semiotic, psychological and biological researches, Rozin establishes the concept of 'cosmogual' in a form of a novel. In his novel cosmoguals are aliens who feed on mental energy of humans and have long been guiding human development and evolution. The first part describes how the author of the novel Mark Vadimov has learnt about cosmoguals from the Black Communicant and what comogualies are. Victor Zun, Vadimov's friend who died tragically, also appears in the story. The first part of the article is ended with the commentary of Rozin regarding the reality and existence of cosmoguals. Quite obviously, the discourse made by Rozin is quite unusual. It involved both rational (philosophical and scientific) considerations and fictional methods such as scientific facts and fantasy. The author's methodology and creative work are what brings together all these diversified elements. As a result, Rozin has managed to touch upon a few important issues such as the synthesis of scientific and artistic thinking, reality and existence of fictional phenomena (in fact all phenomena, even very real, were originally thought up by someoine), explanations of human evolution. In addition, Rozin has actually created a scientific and artistic discourse that allows to discuss these problems.
Rozin V.M. —
What is Questioning: Essence or Types?
// Pedagogy and education. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 159 - 165.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.2.18709
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Abstract: The present article presents an attempt to characterize the nature of questioning and highlight the main types of questioning. The author shows that questioning developed in the ancient culture along with the formation of identity as one of the ways to communicate with others. Another important aspect of questioning is that by the means of certain schemes questions emerge the questioner into reality where he or she receives the answer and can solve their problems. In his research Rozin covers the following types of questioning: prepersonal and impersonal, latent, original, physicalistic, traditional, and problematizing. The purpose of the latter type, standing alone, is to create a problem for the Other (responding to questioning) or to change his or her point of view. Problematizing questioning is used to initiate thought and thought management, especially within the framework of the methodology. The authors used such approaches and methods as development of typologies, situational analysis and problematization, cultural approach, hermeneutic approach, analysis of case studies, creation of definitions and concepts. As a result, the author managed to characterize the nature of questioning showing that this phenomenon is placed between two coordinates - the questioner's communication with others and creation of a certain reality with the help of special schemes which allows the questioner to understand, solve their problems, get help and feedback. The proposed typology of questioning types allows to continue the investigation and may be of practical value in the field of education and methodology.
Rozin V.M. —
Nuances of the modern robotics
// Trends and management. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 30 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2016.1.17632
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Abstract: This article explores the nuances of the modern robotics, as well as the cause for the current boom in this area. The author determines and characterizes two directions in development of robotics: in one, which leans on the old concept of robotics, the developers attempt to imitate animals or people; in the other – the concept of robotics leans on the programming, environment perceptions, and understanding of modern technology. A discussion is held on why the robotics was created fairly late, as well as the situation (the zone of nearest technological development), in which robotics has been established. The article analyzes the capabilities of modern robotics as well as some issues related to its development. As a result, the author was able to characterize peculiarities of modern robotics and the situation in which it emerged. The author defines and describes two directions of development of robotics: one is oriented towards the anthropological ideals; the other – towards the ideas of programming, modern technology, organization of special environment representing natural formations, life and nuances of which we have yet to fully understand.
Rozin V.M. —
Description of the Dispositif of Sociality
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1306 - 1318.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.9.15314
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Abstract: In his article Rozin views sociality as ultimate ontology and dispositif, i.e. heterogeneous ideal construct that is used to solve methodological problems and to explain discourses on sociality. The author of the article describes the five main 'tops' in the dispositif of sociality (i.e. independent but complementary outlines of research): the method (approach, values, framework) used by a researcher to construct sociality; description (analysis) of directed and spontaneous social transformations; characteristics of interaction between subjects of social actions including society, government, communities, individuals and personalities; structure and description of a social action allowing to direct the process of social transformation; and interpretation of sociality as an organism. The author provides a description of each 'top'. Rozin has applied the methodological approach allowing to accomplish problematisation and case study and to construct the dispositif of sociality at first approximation. General theoretical provisions are based on the analysis of cases. As a result of his research, Rozin has managed to describe sociality as ultimate ontology and to define the five 'horizons' therein. The three horizons are central, social transformations that are directed by social messages and contribute to the integral development; interaction between social action subjects who ensure the progress of these transformations; and values of a researcher as well as his approach to studying sociality.
Rozin V.M. —
Management of Global Markets and World Events by the Anglo-American Supragovernment Elite (conspiratorial discourse, based on the book "Battles of the Diamond Barons" by Sergei Goryainov)
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 952 - 963.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.7.15894
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Abstract: The article analyses the book "Battles of the Diamond Barons" by Sergei Goryainov. The main provisions on which the author founds are highlighted: the price is determined not by the correlation of supply and demand, but the conscious control and regulation; it is the price of the raw materials that determines the basic economic processes and related global markets, and this price is a formed and projected resource; commodity price and global markets are managed not by the governments, but by clubs and elites, and not all of them, but only those owned by the Anglo-Saxon culture, etc. We consider the evidence basis of Goryainov's concept and demonstrate that the author's interpretations are vulnerable and can be interpreted as counterexamples to his constructions. To reveal the basis of the of Goryainov's concept, the author reconstructs his values and personality traits, which are then compared to the outlook of the author, as well as his teacher - the famous Russian philosopher G. Shchedrovitsky. At that, the following methodology was implemented: comparative analysis, methodological problematisation, situational analysis, reconstruction and interpretation of the points stated by Goryainov, that allowed to criticise Goryainov's conspiracy theory and highlight the reasons for the inadequacy of such concepts. As a rule, the authors interpret the facts in the spirit of their own concepts, they ignore criticism and other studies, they do not fulfil the basic requirements of scientific justification. However, their concepts are designed for their own specific audience.
Rozin V.M. —
The History of Cosmoguals (Is it a Personal Myth, Reality or Philosophical and Culturological Discourse?)
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 647 - 657.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.6.15305
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Abstract: One of the themes discussed by Rozin in his article is the possibility for the synthesis of art and science. Discussing this topic, the author creates the discourse that combines scientific and art genres. Relying on modern philosophical, semiotic, psychological and biological researches, Rozin establishes the concept of 'cosmogual' in a form of a novel. In his novel cosmoguals are aliens who feed on mental energy of humans and have long been guiding human development and evolution. The first part describes how the author of the novel Mark Vadimov has learnt about cosmoguals from the Black Communicant and what comogualies are. Victor Zun, Vadimov's friend who died tragically, also appears in the story. The first part of the article is ended with the commentary of Rozin regarding the reality and existence of cosmoguals. Quite obviously, the discourse made by Rozin is quite unusual. It involved both rational (philosophical and scientific) considerations and fictional methods such as scientific facts and fantasy. The author's methodology and creative work are what brings together all these diversified elements. As a result, Rozin has managed to touch upon a few important issues such as the synthesis of scientific and artistic thinking, reality and existence of fictional phenomena (in fact all phenomena, even very real, were originally thought up by someoine), explanations of human evolution. In addition, Rozin has actually created a scientific and artistic discourse that allows to discuss these problems.
Rozin V.M. —
Opera in the Mirrors of Emotional Experiences, Interpretations and Philosophical Thinking
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 575 - 589.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.5.16119
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Abstract: The article discusses the new book by Ekaterina Shapinskaya. The book consists of the two logically composed parts: the first part introduces a new understanding of art as the part of contemporary mass media communication and practice which the author calls "cultural production (industry)." In this context, great importance is gained by presentation including construction of interpretations of artwork and implementation of these interpretations into life (staging and performance). The author analyzes such central concept as "presentation" and "artistic production". The author also touches upon the problems that require further research: features of successful and questionable modernizations and differences between various types of cultures (Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, Post-culture, etc.) and the nature of generalizations. The second part of the book is devoted to the analysis and intepretation of classical operas based on the proposed terms and differences. Shapinskaya analyzes both foreign and Russian sources and shares her own impressions regarding the matter. The methodological basis for Shapinskaya's research includes problematisation, comparative analysis of cultures, critics, creation of new terms and interpretations and implementation of the interdisciplinary approach based on philosophy of art. Rozin has used very similar methodology but applied these research methods to Shapinskaya's research. The research has allowed to define new concepts and problems described by Ekaterina Shapinskaya in her book. The author of the present article has emphasized the following two groups of such concepts and problems. The first group refers to a new understanding (picture) of art and the second group deals with particular reconstructions and commentaries of classical operas. The other result of the research is the statement of problems that require further research.
Rozin V.M. —
Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Campaigns of Alexander the Great and Thinking About the Essence of War
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 359 - 372.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.4.15118
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Abstract: The paper consists of the two parts, general discussion of the nature of war and a case study, specifically, socio-cultural views on the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Based on the work of Kant who believed that it was possible to establish the eternal peace, the author analyzes the current understanding of the war and the difference in motivating the last two plans: pragmatic and transcendental. The former is given by all sorts of practical reasons (to seize someone else's territory, to take revenge on other people for their past wrongdoings, to extend the power and strengthen the economy in the conquered territories, to boost the coffers and slaves, etc.), and the latter is defined by ideas created by a community or state but not individuals. Capmaigns of Alexander the Great are considered from the point of view of the analysis of personality of the great general, his plans of campaigns including messages designed to motivate and inspire the army and the Greek city-states, the implementation of these plans, the basic conditions of implementation, the findings to better understand the nature of war. The study of these topics have been implemented principles of comparative analysis, cultural-historical reconstruction of the campaigns of Alexander the Great and methodological analysis including problematization. As a result, the author could view the problems arising in the process of thinking about war. The author also gives his answer to the question whether it is possible to live without war. The Western world could theoretically live without wars because pacifist and humanist movements contribute to the transformation of traditional wars into the war with a minimum of casualties among the enemy population. But the opposite trend caused by the expansion of barbarism on the contrary constantly renews the traditional war.
Rozin V.M. —
The three stages of the formation a technology in modern culture
// Trends and management. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 336 - 347.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2015.4.17111
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Abstract: The article introduces the distinction between the concepts of technics and technology. It is shown that technology goes through three main stages of development. The first stage is unanimously associated with the culture of Antiquity and the Middle Ages part, whentechnology could be described as a form of magic. The preconditions for the second stagerise from antiquity and the Middle Ages as new technics emerge primarily in XVI-XVIII centuries, dubbed engineering. The third stage, mainly situated in the XIX and XX centuries, involves the formation of technology. Originally formed as "technology in the narrow sense," mainly involving the technical work carried out withinin industrial production and bourgeois competition. Then "technology in the broadest sense" or "technology of major techno-social projects," emerged. The final stage is the formation of a "global technology". The author offers description and evaluation of e ach type of technoogy, as well as a comparative analysis of different kinds of work and practice, situational analysis and problematization, case studies. As a result, the author is able to show the difference and the interconnection between technics and technology, the main stages of their development, influenced by social and cultural factors and conditions. Thus, the author solves a number of long-standing problems of philosophy and history of technology.
primarily in XVI-XVIII centuries
Rozin V.M. —
Peculiarities of the Humanitarian, Semiotic and Schemological Approaches as Directions of the Scientific Research of Art
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 334 - 345.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.3.13848
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Abstract: In his article Rozin examines peculiarities of the humanitarian, semiotic and schemological approaches (the latter is based on the theory of schemes). The first approach views cognition more than just a subject-and-object relation. According to this approach, a researcher and a phenomenon under analysis are the two subjects whose interaction create art texts. The semiotic approach analyzes the meanings of signs and symbols and interprets semiotics and its relations with other disciplines and concepts. Based on the reconstrution of schemes in Plato's 'Symposium' and generalization of other cases, Rozin offers his definition of 'scheme'. The results of the analysis of semiotics show that semiotics can be used to understand particular aspects of art. Schemology is quite promising but still needs to be proved in actual practice. The following methods have been used to carry out the research and obtain the results: problematisation, case study and comparison analysis, construction of concepts, generalization and discursive reasonings. The results of the research described in this article have allowed to differentiate between these three approaches, describe them, give a definition of 'scheme' and demonstrate that the implementation of the humanitarian, semiotic and schemological approaches involve methodological understanding and analysis. These results are quite new and therefore create the novelty of the research.
Rozin V.M. —
The defining aspects and development of architectural design - the fundamental technology of urban development and architecture
// Urban Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 65 - 108.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.3.16489
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Abstract: The article studies the development and defining characteristics of architectural design. The author bases his study on the proposition of the fundamental division of design into two main types – “traditional” design – architectural and engineering design, and “non-traditional” – urbanistic and custom design. The author examines the genesis of design, especially its influence on the formation of engineering design and offers a typology of design knowledge and schematics (sketches and principal schemes) set around the three main stages of design – conception, envisioning, implementation. The author offers a thorough description of the two types of design – engineering and designer. To conclude the study, the author examines the crisis of project ideology, stating that design has its limitations and that design consciousness is influenced by a particular “design fetishism” regarding what can or cannot be designed, and the attempts to design social and cultural entities are often turned against culture. This article uses the methods of cultural-historical reconstruction, comparative and typological analysis, semiotic and epistemological approaches.. The author offers two cases for empirical material. As a result, the author managed to outline the logic of the genesis of design, and to offer a thorough typology of design knowledge (functional, individual-based, creative, relay-based, prototypical, schematic), and to demonstrate the role in designing of schematics, to characterize engineering and designer models. Overall, this study has brought a better understanding and modern design, its genesis and functioning.
Rozin V.M. —
The persona of Georgy Sviridov in the mirrors of a polylogue
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2015.3.17343
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Abstract: The article raises a question of whether we need to know the personality of the brilliant artist, in order to judge his works, as well as what to do when we find out from articles or the Internet the aspects of this persona that contradict the crystalline image, which we have unwittingly created. The author gives the voice to the participants of a forum dedicated to Sviridov, as well as to Sviridov himself, and based on the constructed polylogue offers his commentary and thoughts, and proposes solution to the raised issues. He describes Sviridov as a genius composer and a regular human being, demonstrating that within the culture and art the question of their interconnection is resolved differently. As the result of the conducted analysis, the author successfully reconstructs the personality of Sviridov and the situation that has currently formed within the communication of popular art; to demonstrate that it is necessary to distinguish the different personalities of great artists, forms of understanding of their own relations between these personalities, and finally, our own approach and interest.
Rozin V.M. —
The persona of Georgy Sviridov in the mirrors of a polylogue
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2015.3.40201
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Abstract: The article raises a question of whether we need to know the personality of the brilliant artist, in order to judge his works, as well as what to do when we find out from articles or the Internet the aspects of this persona that contradict the crystalline image, which we have unwittingly created. The author gives the voice to the participants of a forum dedicated to Sviridov, as well as to Sviridov himself, and based on the constructed polylogue offers his commentary and thoughts, and proposes solution to the raised issues. He describes Sviridov as a genius composer and a regular human being, demonstrating that within the culture and art the question of their interconnection is resolved differently. As the result of the conducted analysis, the author successfully reconstructs the personality of Sviridov and the situation that has currently formed within the communication of popular art; to demonstrate that it is necessary to distinguish the different personalities of great artists, forms of understanding of their own relations between these personalities, and finally, our own approach and interest.
Rozin V.M. —
Reconstruction of figurative representations of past eras
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 209 - 221.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.2.14112
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Abstract: The article analyzes and compares two methods (Natural science and Humanities) reconstruction of spatial representations of past eras, including the idea of artistic perspectives (linear, inverse and mixed). Criticizes the presentation of the work of academician B.Raushenbaha natural science approach to the explanation of these concepts. If Rauschenbach wrote that "man does not see his eyes, and the brain", the author argues that we see not only the eyes and the brain as cultural schemes. In this connection we introduce the concept of "scheme" and in the framework of the doctrine of the schemes and culture is discussed, as in the story evolved linear perspective and based on it the other two. Considering all these stories, the author implemented a humanitarian approach carries problematization and cultural-historical reconstruction, using comparative analysis methods. In general, his discourse can be attributed to the methodology based on cultural studies and humanitarian approach. The study was able to show the problems associated with natural science approach, demonstrate the benefits of humanitarian way of explanation, introduce the concept of "scheme", explained in terms of the humanitarian reconstruction of the emergence of artistic perspectives.
Rozin V.M. —
Bruno Latour's Project for Revitalization of Sociology and Society Based on Politics (Methodological Analysis of His Book "Reassembling the Social - An Intruduction to Actor-Network Theory")
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 185 - 197.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.2.14577
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Abstract: In his article Rozin discusses Bruno Latour's book "Reassembling the Social - An Intruduction to Actor-Network Theory". Rozin analyzes Latour's approach (in this paper he acts as a sociology methodologist) as well as the basic principles and provisions Latour relies on (critics of the natural scientific and social engineering approaches, prohibition on the reduction of social phenomena to ultimate ontologies of society and nature, orientation at the development of empirical sociology ). Rozin analyzes the basic terms that Latour introduces, intermediaries and networks. According to Rozin, the genesis of these concepts is due to the fundamental principle of studied provisions. Based on the concepts of intermediary and network Latour introduces a number of other terms ("translation", "interaction", "actor", "action", "group") as well as develops a comprehensive ontology. This ontology is analyzed, too. Rozin discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Latour's theory and the conditions necessary for the reform of sociology as a science.
In his research Rozin uses the methods of comparative analysis, methodological problematization and reconstruction. In addition to the methodological approach Rozin also implements the basic principles of humanitarian research.Reading and interpretation of Latour's ideas and concepts raise a lot of questions and Rozin tries to formulate and discuss some of them. From his point of view, the problem is not an indication of a weak thought but rather a strong point particularly in terms of further development. It is important not to miss valuable ideas and schemes outlined by Latour, for example, the scheme for relations between intermediaries and sociality, criticics of the fundamental principles of traditional sociology and development of original ideas of relativistic sociology.
Rozin V.M. —
From Social technologizing a new typology of architectural objects
// Urban Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16365
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Abstract: This article examines the stages of creation of urban environment and architectural object typology in the USSR, as well as explores the necessity to establish a new typology in light of the new social and economic realities of the present time. The author introduces a preposition that the regularities in this area may be explained on the basis of the concept of "social technologization". The author proves that social technologization is the precondition not only for creating typologies of architectural objects, but also new social institutes that ensure the reproduction of new technologies. Defining traits of modern social and cultural environment are being discussed from the standpoint of forming new technologization, new technologies and new social institutes. The methodology of study for this issue includes: problematization, structural analysis, comparative analysis, construction of new concepts, discovery of regularities, cultural and historical reconstruction of the creation of urban environment and architectural object typologies in the USSR. As a result, the author managed to distill an important concept of social technologization, and to demonstrate that its formation leads to the necessity of building new typologies and situating new social institutes. Another important result of this study is the analysis of the USSR's urban environment establishment and development, as well as of modern social and cultural situation that requires new technologization, new technologies and social institutes.
In the article the stages of creation in the USSR of the urban environment and the typology of architectural objects, as well as the need to present in connection with the new socio-economic realities of building a new typology. We introduce the assumption that the laws in this area can be explained on the basis of the concept of "social technologization." It is proved that it is a social technologization leads not only to the creation of typologies of architectural objects, but new social institutions that ensure reproduction formed a new technology. The features of contemporary social and cultural situation, forcing to form new technologization, typology and social institutions. The methodology of the study of these problems include: problematization, situational analysis, comparative analysis, the construction of new concepts, the selection of laws, cultural-historical reconstruction of the stages of creation in the USSR of the urban environment and the typology of architectural objects. As a result, we managed to introduce the important concept of social technologizing, show that it leads to the formation of the necessary construction of new typologies and social institutions, identify patterns of formation and development in the USSR of the urban environment, to analyze the features of contemporary social and cultural situation.
Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 86 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.1.13677
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 60 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.1.13781
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1549 - 1561.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.12.13963
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1419 - 1441.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.11.13595
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1042 - 1054.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.9.13154
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 6.
– P. 668 - 679.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.6.13204
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 6.
– P. 702 - 711.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.6.13372
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Rozin V.M. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 493 - 502.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.5.10666
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 491 - 500.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.5.12802
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 582 - 601.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.5.13102
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 428 - 443.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.4.12650
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Rozin V.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 319 - 328.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.3.9638
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 307 - 323.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.3.12026
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 263 - 275.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.3.12483
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Rozin V.M., Golubkova L.G. —
// Trends and management. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 188 - 199.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.2.11177
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 138 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.2.12035
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Rozin V.M. —
// Trends and management. – 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 85 - 96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.1.11821
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Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 7 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2014.1.11908
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Rozin V.M. —
Self-Determination and Opposition as a Way of Life in a Modern World
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 142 - 182.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.10.382
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Abstract: The article discusses the opposition between the teaching community and reformers of the Russian system of education. From the point of view of the former, we are now having the destruction of schol and degradation of the system of education. According to the latter, the system of education is not degradating but being reformed. In this regard, the author of the article analyzes the current situation and shows that the institution of education, in fact, consists of the three different institutions: traditional education aimed at formation of a well-educated person and specialist, a new institution of education (the author calls it 'limited liability education') aimed at providing educational services, diplomas and other social symbols rather than training specialists (including so called educative simulacrums), and a new 'additional' institution providing the second and the third educational degree. The latter includes 'business education' and a whole range of new forms of education. The author also explains the difference between 'personal actions' and 'social actions' and offers a definition of the 'leading type of sociality' and 'general conditions'. The final part of the article is devoted to the opposition itself and possible behaviour of individuals based on the aforesaid differences and definition of the term 'society' as well as discussions with V. Belyaev.
Rozin V.M. —
Problems of Typological Research and Development as a Direction of Social Project Planning
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 9.
– P. 333 - 404.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.9.2305
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Abstract: The article is devoted to discussion of the three main topics: history and peculiarities of social project planning, example of an interesting social project called Donor and methods of typological research and development. The author shows that modern researches and studies still haven't overcome the two main disadvantages of social projects, low practical importance (the majority of social projects are either utopic or replaced with social manifesto, concepts and programs) and distortion of or ignoring social parameters usually set for a project. However, a social project is becoming more likely to be a success if the following conditions are provided: administrative support of a social project; sufficient funds to implement the project; creation of a team responsible for implementation of a project (must include methodologists) and conduction of necessary researches for developing and implementation of a social project. The latter is illustrated by the social project called Donor. The second part of the article is devoted to analyzing the modern situation that creates a need in developing a new typology of architectural and construction projects. The author also discusses a definition of the term 'type' and how the term has been developing in this day and age and offers a strategy of creating a new typology. The author introduces a dilemma about whether we should further study creation of a typology of architectural projects or typology of human behavior in the city while the author himself strives for the latter.
Rozin V.M. —
Future in the Age of Changing and Uncertain Reality
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 248 - 294.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.669
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Abstract: The author of the article describes the crisis of the definition 'future' in the age of transition from one reality to another (still undiscovered and uncertain). The author analyzes how the definition of future has been evolving in the history of philosophy. In particular, the author shows that the clear image of the future started to develop in the Middle Ages but the final image was created only in the Modern Times due to the development of natural sciences. At the present time the image of the future is being deconstructed because the globalization and transitional processes make it almost impossible to image what the future will be like. Nevertheless, the author states that we can construct the universal future by building our personal future. Another variant is to completely restructure our image of time so that the past, present and future have a totally different meaning. In conclusion, the author shares two fantasies about possible future. The purpose of these fantasies is to show that the future will be any way uncertain and closely connected with the practical experience and creativity of human.
Rozin V.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1164 - 1173.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.8.8567
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Rozin V.M. —
Reconstruction of L. Wittgenstein's "Logical and philosophical treatise"
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 7.
– P. 287 - 425.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.571
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Abstract: The author analyzes the logical and philosophical treatise of Ludwig Wittgenstein, basing his view not only on the study of the Treatise by Vladimir Babihin and other philosophers and logicians, but on his own reconstruction of the genesis of logic and science, as well. Rosin demonstrates that the first signs of division of the three philosophical disciplines - formal logic, substantive logic and methodology, became evident as early as Aristotle's works. The author scrutinizes G. Leibniz's logic reformation program, as well as logic substantification program in the spirit of D. Hilbert, which, according to the author, defined the modern state, and, partially, the crisis of symbolic logic. Drawing from the analysis, Rosin reconstructs the fundamental pattern of logical and philosophical treatise. The author demonstrates that Wittgenstein does not work with definitions - like Plato, he uses diagrams and outlines to construct his world view and ontology of symbolic logic and justifies the autonomy of its thesis. The author analyzes both, the background and structure of the Treatise, as well as the conditions of conceivability of its main ideas.
Rozin V.M. —
Metamorphoses and the Structure of the Concept of Space
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 68 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.411
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Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the process of development of the concept of space. He traces back the background of this concept in Aristotle's teachings and shows that the concept of space in philosophy and natural science of the Early Modern Period included the three different meanings, i.e. realization of possibility of a non-contradictory concieving of movement, perception of movement in spatial schemes and mathematical (spatial) constructions and the ability to perceive space as one of the conditions for cognitive or practical actions. Success of natural science has resulted in trasfering the concepts of space and time into other disciplines such as biology, psychology, history and social sciences starting since XVIII - XIX centuries. In some cases such a transfer does not change the meaning of the concept (like in natural science) but in other cases the concept gets a completely different meaning and interpretation. In the latter case space is understood as a procedural, structural and even-driven phenomenon and interpreted as immanent to other phenomena studied by these disciplines and therefore acquiring features that are not typical for the concept of space in natural science.
Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.6.8043
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Rozin V.M., Golubkova L.G. —
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 7 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.6.8850
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Rozin V.M. —
Thoughts of Architecture (the Dialogue Initiated by Alexander Rappaport
// Man and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.5.9491
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Abstract: The author of the article discusses the origin and essence of architecture as well as its theoretical interpretation. The author disputes with Alexander Rappaport's statement about architecture being created already in the ancient world. According to the author of the article, the process of architectural development has passed the three main stages. At the first stage ancient people created sacral monuments allowing them to 'talk' to the gods or live in the afterworld. The second stage (the Early Modern Period) was the formation of architecture as it is as a kind of art, direction of designing (architectural design) and applied science. The third stage (modern times) has led to the crisis of the architectural thought partly caused by the uncertaint reality and future of the mankind. The author also describes the nature and the main purpose of architecture and supports Alexander Rappaport's concept according to which the new theory of architecture should be viewed as the anthropological and culturological discipline.
Rozin V.M. —
On the understanding of the fundamentals of sociopolitical discourse
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 30 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.380
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Abstract: This article deals with the ideas of Yulia Latynina. It analyzes the features of one type of sociopolitical discourse and offers a critique of Latynina's concept of "goszavisimost'". "Goszavisimost'" gives us pathological lenses which lead us to consider each individual as an addict of society, i.e. unhealthy, living the wrong life. Also considered are the conditions for the conceivability of sociopolitical discourse: the logic of reasoning, its foundations and methods of study, including two of Latynina's lines of reasoning. One is almost Marxist: there are common social and cultural patterns that people obey, whether they realize it or not. Another idea is subjectivist, by which we determine our perceptions and value of individual social actors. Historical examples are analysed (the actions of Mexican Prince Tlacaelel, our tsar Ivan the Terrible, and the power struggles in medieval Europe between the popes and the secular powers) to show how these lines of reasoning can be linked. It turns out that on the one hand, the relationship between the individual, the community and society is important, while on the other, particulars of the predominant type of sociality and general social conditions are important also.
Rozin V.M. —
The problem and three meanings of social justice.
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 301 - 350.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.4.661
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Abstract: The article contains analysis of social justice. Firstly, the author studies the history of this term within the context of formation and development of European law. The author shows that at all of the stages of its development the law had double meaning: it was recognized as a form of social justice, and as abiding laws and guarantees of economic activities. In the late XX century the third interpretation of law appeared. It provides that the law serves as means for constitution of social life, which causes various problems. The second part of the article contains analysis of new social formation and two different concepts of social justice: Marxist and conformist. Based upon the said analysis the author comes to a conclusion that there is no point in concentrating on the problems of social justice. It is more important to understand how sociality is formed, what are its typical development trends,and whether it is possible to forecast the consequences of formation and functioning of a new sociality.
Rozin V.M. —
// Culture and Art. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 367 - 379.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2013.4.9171
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Rozin V.M. —
The Problem of Using Scientific Concepts in Humanitarian Approach to Psychotherapy
// Psychologist. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 214 - 248.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.627
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Abstract: The author of the article discusses the two points of view on using scientific theoretical concepts in humanitarian approach to psychotherapy. While some researchers say that a psychotherapist would not do without theoretical concepts, others do not agree with that. The latter is well demonstrated by A. Puzyrey's phenomenological approach. The author of the present article supports the first point of view and therefore he analyzes Pavel Volkov's experience who uses theoretical concepts (both psychological and philosophical) in his psychotherapy. It is shown that theoretical concepts set a conceptual framework of 'healing constructs'. Such constructs are not fully based on these theoretical concepts but must comply with them. Volkov's work is compared to a famous publication by John Nardone. These two works have very similar methodological grounds. The final part of the present article presents the main provisions of the author's teaching about psychic realities. Rozin believes that this teaching can help humanitarian psychotherapists to expand the scope of their scientific concepts.
Rozin V.M. —
Becoming and Theoretical Conceptualization of Classic Music in the Culture of the Early Modern Period
// Man and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 114 - 184.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.3.9458
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of formation of classic music from the Middle Ages when it was seen as the 'sound cosmos' connecting human with God to the theory of music of our times. The appearance of so called Modern European Personality played an importat role in that process. The Modern European man seeked new ways to realize his desires and emotions. When studying the latter, the author analyzed the two interdependent spheres of human life, artificial (activity) and natural, in particular, emotional experience. The author offers his own theory of 'psychic realities' as well as the teaching about signs and schemes. At the end of the article the author concludes that classic music and certain qualities of Modern Human have being formed simultaneously. Noteworthy that formation of classic music was a necessary condition for formation of Modern European Personality and on the contrary, modern personal qualities created the grounds for formation of classic music.
Rozin V.M. —
The limits of life and sex of the modern outcast
// Psychologist. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.2.400
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Abstract: This article considers sexual relations which are characteristic of Russian and non-Russian outcast figures. It discusses the social conditions (new media, hedonistic setting, crisis of morality, etc.) which have allowed outcasts to trade their bodies and feelings while remaining entirely normal members of society. It suggests that for many of them, an ambivalent personality is normal. The article also provides reasons which justify this hypothesis. Even if the sex does not become pathological, 'outcast love' has different and often very negative consequences for ordinary intimate relationships. Since this 'love' helps to cultivate a secondary personality, one which lives for dreams and their implementation, and given that it provokes sex instead of love because such "love" impoverishes, it sometimes destroys the usual intimate relationships and life. In this regard, there is some discussion of the relevant views of Foucault in his later years and of ethical issues related to the topic.
Rozin V.M., Golubkova L.G. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.2.8667
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Rozin V.M. —
Creation of a New Educational Formation
// Modern Education. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.1.6445
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Abstract: The author of the article provides his commentary on the report 'The Future of Higher School in Russia: Experts' Opinion'. The authors of this report make an assumption that there is the second wave of Enlightenment coming soon. According to the authors, there will be a shift from 'pedagogy of knowledge' to 'pedagogy of research and planning' and pedagogy of activity. The author of the present article analyzes and disproves this thesis and presents a new one. For example, the author establishes that in case of Russian culture and society education should be based on general civilizational trends such as formation of a new leading type of sociality, different needs in education, competition with other institutions (mass media, Internet, corporate research and engineering study centers, businss in the sphere of education and culture, social networks and information communities and etc.) and formation of the 'heart' of new pedagogy (pedagogical relations of a new type). The author also outlines a new concept of child development and offers to distinguish three types of 'life cultures' - childhood, adolescence and youth - and several stages of adult life, too. According to the author, education is not all about knowledge and disciplines. Modern education is about activity and cogitation. The author provides an example of a new content of education based on his own experience in teaching philosophy.
Rozin V.M. —
// History magazine - researches. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2013.1.8637
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Rozin V.M. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.1.8641
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.1.8645
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.1.8647
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Rozin V.M. —
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2012.10.8578
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Rozin V.M. —
// Pedagogy and education. – 2012. – ¹ 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.8577
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Rozin V.M. —
History of the formation of monasticism as a social institution
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 212 - 263.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2012.1.335
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Abstract: On the basis of the Western cultural history the article examines the process of monasteries and monasticism turning into a social institution. The author analyzes the social and cultural preconditions, the actual process of monasticism becoming a social institution, the rise and fall of this institution. The article presents the main hypothesis of monasticism – a special kind of mundane esoterism and a hypothesis of monasticism development – from the secular esoterism to the secularization of monasticism. The article characterizes the specifics of monasticism as a social institution.