Sennitskaya E.V. —
Some mechanisms of formation of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts related to the personality characteristics of the Dominant and Subordinate person in the parental family
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.1.69876
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Abstract: The object of the study is the patterns of formation of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, which are the result of the desire to rise above the Dominant family member and not live life as a subordinate family member. The conflicts arising in the process of realizing the following desires were analyzed: 1) to realize a dream that the Dominant could not realize; 2) to possess the skills and qualities of people in relation to whom the Dominant felt feelings of delight, respect, admiration, awe, envy; 3) to do what the Dominant was afraid of (or do something that could frighten the Dominant); 4) not to fall into the category of people that the Dominant considered "weaklings"; 5) to do something that could cause impotent rage (panic) in the Dominant; 6) to have such skills or qualities that the Dominant was proud of, took credit for; 7) to have those skills and qualities that the person possessed, who has managed to rise above the Dominant One in some way; 8) marry a person who will help realize the above desires, etc.n This work is a qualitative study of a structured interview, which was previously the subject of a quantitative study published earlier. The detailed answers of the subjects were classified according to the types of conflicts described in them. The novelty lies in the fact that on the basis of these basic aspirations, a number of private needs have been identified, the inability to satisfy which leads to intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. A cognitive distortion has been revealed regarding the "helplessness" and "inoffensiveness" of people of the same sex as the Subordinate. The following personality structure is proposed: 1) ideas about what is "strong" behavior (based on the child's observation of the Dominant behavior, which ensures success in the eyes of a Subordinate); 2) ideas about what is "weak" behavior (based on observation of the Subordinate's behavior, which, from the child's point of view, makes him a slave) 3) ideas about "strong" and "weak", "decent" and "unworthy" behavior that exist in society. It is assumed that the driving force of personality development is the resolution of contradictions found by the child between these three elements.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
The relationship between the personality characteristics of the "Dominant" and "Subordinate" person in the parental family and the personality characteristics of the child
// Psychologist. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 18 - 99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.5.39650
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Abstract: The object of the study is some patterns of character formation, the direction of aggression, as well as patterns of professional and marital choice of men and women, depending on the gender and personality characteristics of the "Dominant" and "Subordinate" person in the family of the subjects.
Typical conflicts for four types of couples are also investigated: 1) the wife has a "Dominant" – a woman, and the husband too; 2) the wife and husband have a "Dominant" – a man; 3) the wife has a "Dominant" – a woman, and the husband has a man; 4) the wife has a "Dominant" – a man, and the husband has a woman.
The novelty lies in the identification of the fact that two people have a key influence on the formation of personality orientation: The "dominant" is the one who ruled the family until about the age of 14, when the child was not yet able to resist adults, and the "Subordinate" is the one from the household who was most devoted to the "Dominant", admired him and called for the subordination of others. The child copies the traits of the "Dominant", which allow him to control the "Subordinate", and the criterion for the success of this tactic is the approval of the "Subordinate". If the sex of the "Subordinate" and the sex of the child coincide, this causes gender dysphoria and low self-esteem, especially if the position of the "Subordinate" in the family hierarchy is unenviable. A person is inclined to choose such a sphere of self-realization and such a spouse, with the help of which he will be able to rise above the "Dominant".
Sennitskaya E.V. —
How to compare different pedagogical systems with each other using the object-hierarchical method of structuring and dosing information
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 74 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.20481
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Abstract: The subject of this study was the existing pedagogical systems from the point of view of the object-hierarchical structure of their typical training sessions, namely their following parameters: 1) how many branches of the hierarchical scheme does the lesson contain; 2) how many steps of the hierarchy does each branch have; 3) how many objects are contained at each step of the hierarchy; 4) how many known objects reveal the essence of each unknown object; 5) do the lower steps of the hierarchical scheme of the lesson contain such objects that are not disclosed due to 3-5 known ones; 6) at which stages of the lesson objects are represented in static, and at which – in motion. The present work is a theoretical study, which consists in studying the possibility of using the method of object-hierarchical modeling for a more accurate description of existing learning systems, which would make it possible to introduce quantitative certainty into pedagogy and psychology. This approach is based on the method of modeling the information structure of the lesson developed by the author and experimental data presented by him in previous works on the influence of structuring and dosing of educational material on the attention and discipline of students, as well as on their emotional state. It is concluded that some training systems that have gained a reputation for being effective are consistent with the data obtained (for example, classes on the methods of A.-Ya. Komensky, S. Frenet and V.F. Shatalov). It is also concluded that the main reason for the rejection of the widespread introduction of these and some other methods (for example, "immersion" and programmed learning) is the quantitative uncertainty of pedagogical recommendations, which, in turn, can be corrected by applying an object-hierarchical description of the structure of the lesson.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
The system of Orthodox fasts in Russia as the means of deterring migration of peasants and the actions of rebel or bandit squads
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 184 - 246.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.12.31096
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Abstract: The object of this research is the Orthodox fasts and customs that prohibited consumption of certain food products. The author examines the history of evolution of fasts, namely the circumstances of emergence of the first printed Charter (Typicon) in 1610; as well as compares the articles on fasts of the Typicons of 1610, 1633, and 1641. The article employs the following methods: 1) geophysical (comparison of the time of fasts with the periods of ice drift, high water, freeze-up, and agricultural cycles in Central Russia); 2) comparative-historical (reveals the logic of prohibitions and their development stages); 3) systemic (prohibition of certain food products is viewed an element of government policy aimed at prevention of migration); 4) ethno-psychological (substantiation of prohibitions); 5) linguistic (analysis of the texts of Typicon). The conclusion is formulated that the system of fasts set by Typicon of 1610 served the following goals: 1) to consolidate the traditional agricultural practices; 2) to prevent the free movement of rebel bandit squads; 3) to create obstacles for independent sale of agricultural products by peasants and, thus benefit the feudales via wholesale purchase of peasant goods and their sale; 4) to hinder peasant transitions (serfdom). The hypothesis is advanced on the mechanism of enslaving peasants based on toughening the system fasts. The Charter of 1610 itself was passed due to imminent threat for the government Vasiliy IV Shuisky during the Time of Troubles for the purposed of reducing the influx of rebels and impede the transitions of peasants, which deprived the feudales of northern territories with less fertile lands were deprived of workforce, and thus the ability to equip the military at their own expense. The system of prohibitions implied the food obtained by hunting, so the peasants would move solely via river channels controlled by the government. The impact of such prohibitions may explain the irrational river routs Y. Pugachev instead of the road path to Moscow.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
Peculiarities of selective attention in reading a text (on the example of forensic problem)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 10 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.1.27200
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Abstract: The object of this research is attention, while the subject is the peculiarities of selective attention to various facts presented in forensic problem. A hypothesis is advanced that there is a dependence between attention to the fact, reflected in the amount of its interpretations in a written solution of the problem by the examinee on the one hand; and number of subsidiary elements specifying its separate sides, task conditions in the task on the other. In other words, if the text is a hierarchical structure illustrating the act of narration from general to specific, the fact that is not just mentioned, but described in details, attracts attention only due to the amount of defining subsidiary elements, regardless of content of the fact itself. Research methodology includes theoretical analysis of literature on the factors affective selectiveness of attention; experiment – a solution of forensic problems by examinees of different gender; surveying with open-ended questions. The novelty consists in identification of the previously unstudied factor influencing the “noticeability” of fact in the text for a reader: its position within the hierarchical system of facts. The conclusion is formulated that the biggest role in attraction of attention to the fact is played not by the overall number of subsidiary element, but rather their number at the closest level of hierarchy.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
Suicide or staged incident? Methodology of studying Internet activity of a potential suicide victim
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 27 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.29445
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the Internet activity of a potential suicide victim: his search requests and following the links. The goal consists in creation of methodology that would allow differentiating the Internet activity of an actual suicide victim from actions of a person who bethought a demonstrative suicide, simulation of an illness or staging of an attack. The task consisted in examining the content of requests and links, time of committing online actions, as well as intervals between them to estimate the emotional state of a user at different points in time. The article applies praximetric method (analysis of the products of activity) and its variations: content analysis and timeline. Biographical method was partially used with regards to the subject of activity. Geographical modeling of changing the speed of search requests or following the links, as well as correlation of these changes with the content of materials read by a user, was used for studying his emotional stat at different points of activity. The scientific novelty consists in the development of method for analyzing time intervals between the user’s action for examining his emotional state. The suggested method may be used as one of the means of determining differences between the real and demonstrative suicide or other staged incidents. It may be also applied for assessing whether the increased pace of requests made by a user corresponds with anxiety common to the character of such requests, or the requests were made formally, which gives grounds to surmise the requests of a potential suicide victim were falsified by another person.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
What is Attention?
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.23373
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Abstract: The subject of the study is attention, the main task is to explain the fact established as a result of observations of the course of school and university teachers, as well as as a result of a natural experiment conducted by the author. The article discusses the reasons why is the maximum attention with minimal willed effort achieved in case when each object that needs to be opened is explained with the help of 3-5 objects known to the reader or listener which are on the same level in the hierarchical system of the information presented. In other words, in this paper we propose an explanation of why 3-5 interrelated objects, facts or examples, illustrating a certain concept or rule, reliably attract the attention of the reader or listener, while a smaller or larger number is perceived as insufficient or excessive, respectively. This paper is a theoretical study based on the methodological principle of the unity of consciousness and activity. It analyzes the existing definitions of attention and compares them with the above results, obtained experimentally. The novelty of the study is to develop the definition of attention as a concept related to the quantity and hierarchical structure of perceived information. A hypothesis was also put forward that the connection of the object with 3-5 others is perceived as important, attracting attention, because attention sets are conditioned by the structure of the human body and its activity in the process of filo- and ontogenesis.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
Dependence of the Emotional State of the Reader and Listener on the Amount and Hierarchical Structure of Perceived Information
// Psychologist. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 34 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.5.20482
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Abstract: The object of the research is the emotional state of the reader and the listener while he(she) is percepting the information in different amounts and with different hierarchical structure. The work is devoted to the problem of how the emotional state depends on the structuring and dosing of the information. The main objective is to develop recommendations on how to structure and dose verbal, mathematical and motional information to avoid negative emotions that arise because of lack of information or its redundancy. The study develops information theory of emotions by P.V. Simonov. Theoretical significance of this research is to clarify the terms of «lack of information», «information overload». The findings of research can be used in teaching, advertising, political and clinical psychology. Methods of the research are an empirical study in the form of monitoring of the activities of school and university teachers, as well as a natural experiment with students of 9–11 grades and students of 1–2 college courses. The content of training conducted by the author or another teacher was modeled in the form of object-hierarchical scheme. Further, by observation and interviews changes in emotional state of the subject were indicated. Until now, the emotional state of the person considered by researchers only in connection with the content of the information perceived, whereas in the present study proves the connection between the emotional state and the structure as well as the amount of information, regardless of its content. The result of this study was the conclusion that when the unknown object is revealed less than three well-known ones, readers (and even more listeners) experience negative emotions, which subjects described as a depression or a pulling feeling of uncertainty, and in the case when the unknown object is revealed due to more than five known objects of a linear sequence, subjects experience negative emotions which are characterized as irritation, impatience, a sense of redundancy of the information and uselessness of the further disclosure of the object. In the case where an unknown object is revealed by three to five known objects the subjects define their state as a cheerful and upbeat, the information as inspiring, clarifying, helping them to slice and dice this information.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
Managing the audience attention using object-hierarchical method of modelling and dosing of the information (on the example of a training session)
// Psychologist. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 102 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19908
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Abstract: The object of the research is the attention of school and college students while they are percepting the information in different amounts and with different hierarchical structure. The work is devoted to the problem of how the attention of listener depends on the structuring and dosing of the information. The main objective is to develop recommendations on how to structure and dose verbal, mathematical and motional information to avoid the attention wandering and discipline breaching that arise because of lack of information or its redundancy. The additional objective is the development of the easy-to-use method of calculating of the amount of verbal information that can be used as a instrument of modelling of the training session. Methods of research are an empirical study in the form of monitoring of the activities of school and university teachers, as well as a natural experiment with students of 1, 3, 5 and 6 grades and students of 1–2 college courses. The content of training conducted by the author or another teacher was modeled in the form of object-hierarchical scheme. Further, by observation and audio recording changes in attention of subjects were indicated.The result of this study was the conclusion that when the abstract objects are revealed by less than 3 or more than 5 concrete ones, listeners experience the attention wandering and the discipline breaching. In case when the abstract objects are revealed by 3–5 concrete ones the teacher can easily maintain discipline during all the lesson at condition that the lesson is formed as a hierarchical structure with 4–5 branches, each of them with depth of 3–5 hierarchy levels. The findings of research can be used in teaching, advertising, political and clinical psychology.
Sennitskaya E.V. —
One of the Ways to Resolve the Problem of Description and Measurement of Verbal Information
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.1.17193
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Abstract: The object of study in this article is the ability to create a method for describing and measuring the information in natural language (including texts containing mathematical and the other formulas) that would allow: 1) to determine the amount of information in a speech or text; 2) to make more accurate pedagogical recommendations concerning the complexity of the studied materials; 3) to dose information for readability; 4) to explore the features of people's thinking, based on the information analysis of their speech or text. Creation of such a method was carried out by determination of the information units in a text as well as finding the ways of describing the relations between these units. The analysis of works written by predecessors had concluded that the solution of this issue was going in two ways: by production of the unit of description (especially visually presentable) and by presentation of information in a form of hierarchical structure. Failures in resolving this problem were caused by the fact that these two approaches have not been combined. With this in mind, the author offers an object-hierarchical method for description of amounts of verbal and textual information, which allows to dose the information and is a convenient tool for studies of the features of different people's thinking due to the structural analysis of their speech or text.