Kameneva O.L., Fedorova E.N. —
Virtue training: the introduction of students of Russian universities to the spiritual experience of the great Orthodox saints
// Pedagogy and education. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29042
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_29042.html
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Abstract: The object of study - the pedagogical facilities of the patristic doctrine of virtues (restraint, compassion, chastity, lenity, joy, fortitude, humility and love) as an axiological system of values of spiritual and moral education, rising to the national cultural heritage, especially the Orthodox one. The study is particularly relevant for today as concepts of good and evil are crumbling; human culture is stated to have no reliable methods of distinguishing vice from dignity, veracity from lies, beauty from disgrace. The methodology of the research is based on the generalization of the practical experience of the formation of mentioned virtues by the methods of the modern Saint Paisius. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the analysis of the results of the unique remote training course "Factory of good thoughts", which was attended by 162 students of Russian universities. The course is developed by the group of lecturers, candidates and graduate students of the Center for additional education of the Moscow Theological Academy, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities, Moscow state pedagogical University. The conclusion can be drawn, that reflection, organized as part of the course with the help of Diaries of good thoughts, represents an important tool of self-knowledge, capable of activating the process of spiritual and moral cultivation of participants of the program.
Kameneva O.L. —
Teaching the Virtue of Chastity: Patristic Tradition and Modern Age
// Pedagogy and education. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 24 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.24545
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_24545.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the teaching potential of patristic tradition to teach the virtue of chastity and application of this tradition by modern families. The rationale of the topic is caused by the acute need to fortify the institution of the family against the background of Russia's demographic crisis, adoption of The Character Education Development Strategy in the Russian Federation 2015, and enduring values of Christian virtues that was often identified with morality. Today the system of Christian values may become the ground for spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in Russia. The methodology of the research is based on theoretical analysis of patristic, pedagogical and philosophical literature, and summary of the practical experience and interviews prepared by a group of journalists guided by the author of the research and published in the Pokrov Journal. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes 20 major interviews when respondents speak of pedagogical methods of family moral education in this day and age. The conclusions of the research are the following: families that use patristic traditions of teaching virtues are stable, full, with many children (4.3 children per family at average). Just to compare, the total birth-rate is approximately 1.7 children per one child-bearing aged woman in Russia. 85% of these women have a successful career despite the fact that they have many children. It is not surprising though. John of the Ladder says that chastity is not only the purity of one's soul and body but also holistic view on the world.