Levchaev P.A., Khezazna B. —
Peculiarities of strategic activity of corporations in the conditions of digital economy
// Finance and Management. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.1.30823
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/flc/article_30823.html
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Abstract: This article examines the processes of formation of financial strategy within the system of corporate management in the conditions of digitalization. Implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of life opens new opportunities for socioeconomic development of the companies. In the nearest future, scientific research in the sphere of digital economy will be especially relevant due to heightened risk of being in arrears of global trends. Rapid changes taking place in engineering, technology, and organization of production increase the importance of corporate financial management. The digital age changes the traditional models of sectoral markets, enhances competitiveness between the participants of economic processes. The theoretical and methodological framework of this research contains the works of economists on the problems of finances, financial management, and planning. The subject of this research is the combination of economic, organizational and management relations developed in the process of strategic activity of corporations in the conditions of digital economy. Enterprises that are adapted to modern economic conditions set new priorities in the process of formation of management models: the role of fixed assets decreases, while intangible assets and information become the key business engines. The effectiveness of management decisions, and thus, the effective functioning of the enterprise overall depends on the availability of accurate, timely and exhaustive information. Prompt responsiveness to the changes of external environment is the primary factor for ensuring effective management of the economic entity. The novelty of this research lies consists in the original concept of corporate financial strategic planning in digital economy in the context of the corporate management system of the industrial enterprise.
Khezazna B. —
To the question of content of a corporate financial strategy
// Finance and Management. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 61 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.3.30719
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/flc/article_30719.html
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Abstract: Precondition for ensuring strategic opportunities of financial development of a corporation is its financial strategy that holds the key position within the system of corporate management. The article examines the process of formation of financial strategy within the system of corporate management of enterprises. The author determines the essence and role of financial strategy in strategic recruitment of the company. The organizational mechanism of the creation of financial strategy within the system of corporate management of an industrial enterprise is developed. The subject of this research is the set of economic, organizational and management relations established in the process of creation of financial strategy of a corporation. The scientific novelty consists in the original interpretation of financial strategy of a corporation, as well as development of an organizational mechanism for creating financial strategy within the system of corporate management of an industrial enterprise. The financial strategy of a corporation holds the leading place in the company’s strategic management system, since it directly affects the provision of financial resources, funding of other functional strategies, as well as financial and market reliability of the organization on a long-term horizon. From methodological perspective, the financial strategy encompasses the elements of financial planning, forecasting and modeling, as well as manifests as a powerful instrument of implementation of the financial goals of a commercial organization in the rapidly changing conditions.