Dobrynina L.Y., Gubareva A.V. —
Legal substantiation of retaliatory measures of the Russian Federation to economic sanctions of the United States, European Union, and their allies
// National Security. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 24 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.1.30252
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Abstract: The authors examine the economic sanctions introduced nu the U.S., EU and their allies against the Russian Federation, as well as the legal mechanism of retaliatory measures taken by Russia on the nationwide scale. The changes in the international legal regulation derailed the vector of global development, which was bringing real freedom of economic activity. Establishment of the sanction regime by the aforementioned parties signifies a struggle for own influence, weakening of the positive trade and economic ties, as well as an attempt to institute a regime of protectionism within the international trade turnover exclusively for their own benefit. Based on the analysis of the normative-legal documents, an assessment is made on the legal legitimacy of the introduced discriminatory measures of the allies from the perspective of the norms of international law. This article presents the analysis of the positions of federal laws and other legislative bills of the Russian Federation, establishing gradual constraining countermeasures for foreign subjects in various spheres of activity. The authors substantiate the fact that introduction of retaliatory economic sanctions by the Russian Federation with regards to the United States, European Union, and their allies is directly related to the implementation of the principle of reciprocity, currently existing within private international law. It is noted that all these actions on protection from illegitimate sanctions are realized by Russia practically without participation of UN, WTO and other reputable international organizations in regulation of the “sanctions” issue. The extraterritorial measures introduced by the United States and the European Union justifies the movement of Russian into a new stage of evolution of legal regulation of the foreign economic activity, and in foreign trade – establishment of new markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Dobrynina L.Y., Gubareva A.V. —
Economic and legal analysis of the activity of Russian and international strategic alliances in technological sphere
// Law and Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 38 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2020.1.43256
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Abstract: The subject of this research consists in determination of legal component of creation and functionality of the technological strategic alliances, taking into account Russian experience and the experience of other countries. The article reveals that the agreement-based strategic alliances are assigned the key position, as such structures ensure sustainable and effective development of technological sector of the economy of each country. Based on the analysis of international and Russian experience, systematic review and author’s conclusions are presented the peculiarities of creation of such structures. The author analyzes the possible forms of establishment of strategic alliance with participation of the Russian companies. The creation of such treaty-based unions may become an instrument for stemming the operational risks for particular participants, since the reduction in transaction costs and influence of synergism of the business approximate an organization to achieving strategic goals. It is underlined that there is currently a number of objective obstacles in establishment of the long-term partnership relations between the Russian and foreign subjects and creation of transnational associations.