Loginova E.V., Polkovnikov A.A., Guzev M.M. —
Inclusive digital economy as a factor of ensuring national security
// National Security. – 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 70 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37148
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/nbmag/article_37148.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the processes of ensuring national security through the development of inclusive digital economy. The object of this research is the determining factors that indicate readiness of the countries for digitalization and its consequences; as well as the resulting factors that characterize the quantitative meaning of the development of inclusive economy under the influence of digital technologies. The goal lies in methodological substantiation of considering the development of inclusive digital economy as a factor of ensuring national security. The achievement of the set goal required the solution to the following tasks: compare the indicators of quantitative assessment of national security with the indicators used for calculating the index of inclusive development; analyze the impact of digitalization upon establishment of inclusive economy. For solution of the latter problem, the author built the econometric model based on the methods of linear and Bayesian Ridge Regression using the programming language Python. As a result, the author proves that that inclusive digital economy can be viewed as a factor of ensuring national security, because the digitalization processes influence the development of inclusive economy, and the countries with more developed inclusive economy have greater social and economic sustainability and higher level of domestic security. The acquired results can be applied for assessing the development trends of inclusive economy, as well as for elaboration and implementation of the economic policy measures aimed at intensification of economic growth and leveling the threats to national security.
Loginova E.V. —
Digital parameters for ensuring national security of modern Russia
// National Security. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 11 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31464
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/nbmag/article_31464.html
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Abstract: This article substantiates the need for digitalization of the Russian economy and society, which would contribute to strengthening of national security due to increase of global competitiveness of the country on the international markets. The author explores the qualitative (changes within the system of industrial relations) and quantitative (development indicators of “digital” sector of the economy) parameters of transformations taking place in modern Russian society influenced by widespread of digital technologies. The conducted analysis allowed determining limitations in the application of digital technologies and potential “growth milestones”, as well as identifying the strategic priorities of digital development in modern Russia. The main conclusion consists in the proof that the current public production continues to retain market content, as it functions on the basis of market interactions, mediated by the use of digital technologies. However, the application of digital technologies significantly affects the economic growth rates and social progress in the country. Therefore, the analysis of digital parameters of the Russian economy allows ascertaining the priorities of social development, as well as appropriately coordinate state policy measures aimed at ensuring national security of the Russian Federation via implementation of digital technologies.
Loginova E.V., Filippov A.G. —
Public administration within the coordinates of postmodernity
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 41 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.12.28445
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psmag/article_28445.html
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Abstract: This article examines the questions of public administration in the modern Russian society in the aspect of realization the attributable postmodernist trends; lists the instruments of citizens’ participation in decision-making within the system of government and municipal administration; as well as analyzes the limitations in the use of such instruments. Based on the analysis of the index of institutional confidence, level of electoral and lawmaking activities of the population, the author determines the tasks, which solution will allow forming the effective mechanism for implementation of public administration in modern Russian society built on the principles of transparency, participation and collaborations. In the context of the fundamental system-functional approach to the object under consideration, the author applied the following analytical methods: structural, historical-logical, complex, comparative and monographic. The conclusions lean in the results of the use of the methods of classification, structuralizing, comparison, arrangement and indexing. The application of heuristic potential of the indicated methods increased the level of confidence in the author’s assessments and argumentation of the formulated conclusions and recommendations. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the statement that in the conditions of postmodernity, the implementation of functions of the actors of public administration by the citizens depends on the quality of institutional environment that should be based on the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration. Ensuring growth institutional confidence and citizens’ activeness in the modern Russian society will contribute to increasing efficiency of use of social resource due to transparency of the processes of making and implementing decisions within the system of government and municipal administration.
Loginova E.V. —
Assessment of public administration implementation in municipal practice (on the example of cities and municipal districts of Volgograd Region)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 77 - 95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24658
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/etc/article_24658.html
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Abstract: The object of this research is the combination of factors constituting the system of public administration in the regions of the Russian Federation, which implementation increases the efficiency of government and municipal administration due to expansion of transparency of the management decision-making process and realization of public control over its realization. The author proposes the model for implementing public administration that reflects the interaction process between its subjects, as well as provides the qualitative characteristic of the resource, infrastructure, institutional and resulting factors defining the level of implementation of public administration in municipal practice based on the example of cities and municipal districts of Volgograd Region. The article presents the theoretical substantiation of the concept of public administration and determines the factors constituting its realization. As a result of conducted research, the author forms an assemblage of indicators that characterize the resource, infrastructure, and institutional factors of implementation of the system of public administration, as well as identifies the criteria that have greatest impact upon the implementation of public administration techniques in municipal practice of Volgograd Region.
Loginova E.V., Miretsky I.Y., Popov P.V. —
The role of infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth
// Trends and management. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 410 - 418.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2016.4.21133
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Abstract: The object of this research is the infrastructure factors, which in their interaction with the resource and institutional factors determine the circumstances and opportunities for the economic growth. The subject of this research is the economic connections emerging in the process of realization of the innovation potential of infrastructure factors that create conditions for economic growth in modern Russia. Based on analysis of the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors of economic development, the authors give characteristic to their functional in ensuring the economic growth, as well as explain the necessity of the prioritized development of the infrastructure factors, among which special role belongs to the development of logistics infrastructure with high innovation potential. The scientific novelty consist in theoretical substantiation of the mechanism of interaction between the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of innovation activity of the branches of local manufacturing and service industries justifies the need for prioritized development of logistics infrastructure, which considering its role in the innovation process, is capable of performing the function of the driver of economic growth. The level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth is also explained by means of realization of the binary approach towards establishment of the model of economic growth of innovation type, which is based on interaction between the innovative and non-innovative elements within the structure of socioeconomic system. The implementation of this model allows forming the forecasting calculation of the economic growth rates, determine the necessary for the economic growth structure of economy, as well as reveal the level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth.
Loginova E.V., Dubovikova E.Y., Stupak D.M. —
Education imperatives of the innovation development of the regions of Russia
// Trends and management. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 354 - 364.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2016.4.21466
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Abstract: The object of this research is the intellectual education sphere, upon the functionality of which relied the formation of the innovation model of development that ensures reduction in threats to the national security in modern Russia. By means of determination the cumulative effect of education system, its ability to perform the function of the imperative of innovation development is substantiated. The authors propose the three-level model of education, the realization of which will create the conditions for innovation economic growth. The main organizational form of implementation of the suggested model consists in creation of the regional intellectual education clusters based on the principle of the scientific, education, and production networks. The authors determine that under the conditions of aggravation of the crisis phenomena in modern Russia, the imperative of establishment of the innovation model of economic growth that is able to grade the existing threats to national security, consists in development of the intellectual education sphere. The article gives characteristics to the positive externalities of the education process, which allows formulating the absolute, relative, and cumulative effects of its impact upon the innovation development.
Loginova E.V., Dubovikova E.Y. —
The analysis of innovative capacity of Russian science in the context of national security ensuring
// Security Issues. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 17 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2015.6.17971
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/nb/article_17971.html
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Abstract: The research object comprises the factors determining the formation and realization of innovative capacity of the Russian science. The research subject is the set of economic connections and relations emerging in the process of implementation of innovative capacity of Russian science with the purpose of national security ensuring. The authors characterize the factors determining the resource component of the innovative capacity of Russian science. Special attention is paid to the analysis of rates characterizing the efficiency of scientific studies: the knowledge content of the GDP, the number of patent claims and grants, the number of created and applied advanced technologies, and the balance of technological trade with other countries, which help to define the level of realization of innovative capacity of Russian science. The authors work within the framework of the fundamental system-functional approach and apply the structural, historical-logical, complex, comparative, and monographical methods. The conclusions are based on the results of application of such specific analytical methods as classification, structuring, comparison, verification, ranging, indexing, and geographic extrapolation. The use of heuristic potential of these methods increases the validity of the authors’ assessments and the effectiveness of conclusions and recommendations. The authors conclude that scientific studies (and technologies based on these studies) define the innovative vector of the modern economy development, thus promotes the formation of conditions for national security ensuring in contemporary Russia. Such an approach allows interpreting scientific studies (in terms of their integration into the market relations system) as an active source of national security of Russia in a complicated geopolitical situation.