Belozerov V.V., Gerasimenko D.V. —
"Intellectualization" of split-systems to ensure the safety of apartments in high-rise buildings and individual houses
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2019.1.30147
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Abstract: Using the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a previously developed split-system-fire detector model, in which thermoelectronic protection modules, smoke and gas sensors are installed that detect dangerous fire factors and leakage of household gas, the need to use multi-split systems with two or three internal units is proved one of which is mandatory installed in a room with gas appliances (oven, gas heating installation, etc.) and is combined with a gas meter having an electromagnet A thermomagnetic separator of air (TMSA) is installed in each indoor unit, which separates and removes oxygen through the drain hose to the outside, and returns inert gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.) to the room, which ensures explosion prevention or fire suppression. The novelty lies in the use of TMSA, protected by the patent for invention RUS 2428242, to suppress the dangerous factors of fire and explosion (FEPD) in case of leakage of household gas. The results indicate the effectiveness of the use of multi-split systems modified in this way, for their fire and explosion protection.The value of the proposed modernization lies in the massive use of split-systems, which allows to radically solve the problem of fire protection of the residential sector.
Belozerov V.V. —
About the Cognitive Model of Managing Safety of Heavily Trafficked Facilities (the Results of Investigation of the Fire that Happened at Turgenevsky Shopping Center in Cherkessk)
// Security Issues. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 35 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2018.5.27485
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Abstract: In his article Belozerov presents the results of a comprehensive expert audit of the fire that happened at Turgenevsky Shopping Center in Cherkessk and resulted in over 1.5 billion roubles of damage. The researcher underlines that the safety levels of heavily trafficked facilities (HTFs) are set in the design and checked by the state or non-state expertise that issues a construction permission. In the course of construction, functioning and modernization of HTFs the observance of safety requirements is controlled by different supervisory agencies (architectural, fire-protection, energy agencies, etc.) and this is the very point when the safety level is often reduced significantly. Thus, Belozerov offers the concept of cognitive synergetic system of HTF safety management under the aegis of Russia's Prosecution Office. The results of analyzing violations of safety requirements committed by both HTF heads and supervisory agencies demonstrate that the main causes of such violations are, firstly, the variety of supervisory agencies and the absence of interaction between them; secondly, a great number of contradictory requirements, guidelines and rules regarding the matter, and the fact that regional governments try to set forth individual regulations and mandatory requirements in addition to standard Technical Regulations.
Belozerov V.V. —
On the Probabilistic-Physical Approach to the Question of Reliability and Safety of Electronic Products
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 17 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.3.27552
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Abstract: The article presents the results of the development of effective methods of testing and diagnostics of electronic equipment (EE), radio-electronic devices (RED), electrical appliances (EA) and computer equipment (CE) in terms of their quality, reliability and safety.As a result of the system analysis and subsequent system synthesis, probabilistic-physical models for solving reliability and safety problems are proposed using the technology of accelerated technological run of EA and CE, which with the help of thermo-electronic protection modules allows, due to electro-thermo-cycling, to carry out the thermal location of its components of electrical elements (CEE), and to detect deviations from the calculated load factors, which allows to calculate the reliability and fire-safe resource of each product.The methodology of detection of fire-dangerous failures of electrical and radio elements (ERE) in EP and CE on avalanche growth of temperature with the subsequent disconnection of the electric device from a network, with prevention, thus, its ignition is used.The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the possibility of periodic diagnostics of time-to-failure (within the warranty service of products), for the timely withdrawal of RED and CE from operation, and thus prevent socio-economic losses from emerging accidents and fires, as a result of non-compliance of technical and fire-safe resources.
Belozerov V.V. —
Method of Express Analysis of the Liquid Packed-up Products
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.2.25998
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Abstract: The article is devoted to a hot topic – the development of the method of express control of the liquid packed-up products without opening the container. Today, up to 30% of all engine oil sold in Russia is counterfeit, as well as 40% of cooling and 50% of brake fluids. Thus, the relevance of the development of methods of express control and the systems of identification of the liquid packed-up products is doubtless. Therefore, it is necessary to synthesize the necessary methods and means to offer to producers and trade organizations for use. The author used an express method of weight electrometriń measurements and a comparative analysis with "images of standards" for identification of quality and identification of counterfeit production. The object of the research is the standards of the Castrol Magnatec engine oil and samples of counterfeit production regarding registration of their electric and mechanical characteristics and also parameters and designs of the container in which they are packaged. The results of the research have shown that the offered method and means of its implementation can provide absolute protection of the consumer from the low-quality and counterfeit liquid packed-up production.
Belozerov V.V., Oleynikov S.N. —
Retroforecast of fires and their consequences as a method of estimating the effectiveness of innovations in the sphere of fire safety
// Security Issues. – 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 55 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2017.5.20698
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Abstract: The authors use the results of analysis of the current fire safety management system to detect the drawbacks of the methods and means of estimating fire safety, fires prevention and fire defense, which are typical for the sector, and not only are unable to ensure the state standard of fire safety of the population (0,999999), but also hamper launching some innovative solutions (models of operative and tactical and preventive activities, nitrogen power pumps, etc.). Such innovations would radically reduce the number of fires and their social and economic consequences. The authors offer a new method of retroforecasting the effectiveness of innovations in the sphere of fire safety, which allows focusing not on the future forecasting, but on the probabilistically-physical adequacy of elimination of causes and consequences of the fires, which had already happened. The novelty and the advantage of modeling the past consists in high veracity of the results. Virtual innovations are launched on the basis of long-term statistics of fires applying new Erlang distributions of deaths, injuries and damage to the same scope of fires taking into account the solutions offered.
Belozerov V.V., Sotnikov V.P. —
A Synergetic Approach to Heat Engines Design
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 6 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.4.25196
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Abstract: The authors consider the processes occurring in heat engines, including internal combustion engines, in terms of their self-organization during the regenerative (generalized) Carnot cycle. The article shows that the heat engines that implement the Stirling cycle as well as other ones are a particular instance of the generalized Carnot cycle, but due to unitarity of the processes they cannot even approximate its coefficient of efficiency. The fundamental fact is that the fuel in these engines must be burned using oxygen, not air. The work proposes a synergetic approach to implementation of the generalized Carnot cycle by creating a model of the differential screw-rotor machine with separate thermal sections. The scientific novelty of the proposed methodology is that the resulting process in a multi-process machine is the sum of a set of different processes organized simultaneously in a set of different operating chambers in relation to a set of different portions of the working medium. The connection of the proposed machine with a thermomagnetic air separator will ensure the complete elimination of toxic emissions.
Belozerov V.V. —
Baro-electro-thermo-acoustic Spectrometry (Review of Project No. 2009-1.1-000-080-046, Supervisor Egupov A.N., Bosy S.I.)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.4.25274
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Abstract: Due to reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences and preparation of the program of innovative development of Russia till 2030, the relevance of error analysis increases in organization and conduction of basic and applied researches. The present review analyzes a situation in which a multidisciplinary project in the field of physical chemistry, galvanochemistry and physical methods of the research of chemical compounds nominated in a competition of search and scientific research and development operations within the federal target program "Scientific and Research and Educational Human Resourcces of Innovative Russia" for 2009-2013 remained unchosen, because of the system mistakes committed while developing and applying the tender documentation. As a result of the methodological errors, for 10 years the work on creation and application of the method and automated complex of BETA-spectrometry is suspended, and also there has been a vacuum in research and educational human resources in the specified sphere. The scientific novelty is confirmed with three patents of the Russian Federation and two applications for inventions, and also creation of a laboratory sample of the BETA-analyzer awarded "A gold medal" at the Xth Moscow international salon in 2010. However, so far, because of the "market" in science which has required a "changeover" for a long time, the BETA-analyzer has not been produced.
Belozerov V.V. —
On the issue of a synergetic model of innovations management (review of the project 2008-1-2.1-00-13-036 of 04.04.2008)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 33 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.3.24597
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Abstract: The described model has been proposed by the Scientific Engineering and Manufacturing Centre OKTAEDR (Rostov-on-Don) together with the Research Institute of Physics, research institute of economic and social problems, Law and Management Institute and the Computer Center of Southern Federal University for the research project “Guaranteeing the provisions of the part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (of 18 December 2006 No 230, article 1360) in relation to the amount, conditions and procedure of compensation payment for the use of an invention, a utility model, or an industrial prototype in the interests of the state without the consent of a patent holder. The publication of the project and the review is of a particular interest, since it contains the methodology of self-organization of work in the sphere of intellectual property. Taking into account the fact that the problems of use of the results of intellectual activity haven’t been solved in Russia, and the novelty of ideas of the participants of the project is obvious, the results of the analysis seem to be useful.
Bosyi S.I., Belozerov V.V. —
Model development of adiabatic internal combustion engine – compressor and experimental research of key elements of the model (Project 2007-6-1.6-32-03-058 under the authority of S. I. Bosyi)
// Transportation Herald. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 61 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8906.2017.2.21581
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Abstract: The object of this research is the processes of fuel combustion in the internal combustion engines (ICE), as well as development of the model of adiabatic engine of internal combustion – compressor. The project suggests the experimental research, including materials science, because the optimization of fuel combustion in ICE, along with the help of oxygen separated from the atmosphere, rapidly increases the temperature of combustion and pressure in the cylinders, which requires the new schemes of cooling ad heat-resistant materials. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that besides the increase in energy conversion efficiency of ICE due to the fuel combustion, in the separated from atmosphere oxygen, rapidly increases the efficiency and reduces the emission toxicity, particularly the nitrogen oxides, because the atmosphere nitrogen is excluded from the reaction of fuel combustion and can accumulate for further use, including the fire control.
Belozerov V.V., Belozerov V.V. —
Automation of creation of Computerized Process Control Systems (CPCS) of dangerous industrial objects
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 27 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.2.23605
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Abstract: The research subject is the methods and means of creation of computerized process control systems of especially dangerous industrial objects (CPCS EIO). Such objects are controlled with special safety requirements, which are described in technical regulations and safety guidelines, which are obligatory for especially dangerous industrial objects. If the EIO projects undergo state expertize for compliance with such requirements and guidelines, CPCS’s compliance with them is only confirmed by the protocol between economic entities based on the testing methodology composed by them. Using he example of computer-aided engineering systems, the authors of this work develop the methodology of automation of creation of CPCS EIO, which guarantees implementation of the above mentioned safety requirements and guidelines. The scientific novelty of the study consists in, firstly, the development of a method of description of dynamic links of engineering and technical models of elements of an object, which optimize the performance of technical processes in controllers; secondly, the creation of a software and hardware complex of simulation of an object of automation, which helps realize virtual implementation of a CPCS EIO without an object to test the effectiveness of the required security facilities.
Belozerov V.V. —
Review of the project of nature-like technologies of HC fuel combustion with carbon dioxide and water absorption and compensation of burning oxygen
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 43 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.2.24160
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Abstract: The research object of the reviewed project of nature-like technologies is the creation of thermobaric magnet air separator and synergetic models of fuel burning in heating plants (boiler plants, thermal power plants, combustion engines) with carbon dioxide and water absorption, which compensate burning oxygen. Actually, the project contains the alternative to the requirements of the project 4 2007-6-1.6-19-02 about the development of technology solutions of the problem of recovery and burial of carbon dioxide using advanced technologies of fuel burning in chemical cycles (Program 1.6 – IV term). The authors suggest designing a synergetic model of restoration of oxygen, water and carbon cycles on the planet using the methods of generalization of fundamental and applied research in geophysics, geochemistry, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, construction, ecology, economics and law. The scientific novelty of these methods was obvious and covered by Russian patents. The developed nature-like technologies of self-organization of technosphere safety, particularly the technologies of optimal burning of natural gas, solid and liquid fuel and products of gasification, absorption and utilization of carbon dioxide and water with compensation of oxygen, burning in the atmosphere during fuel combustion, are also unique.
Zakharevich V.G., Matishov G.G., Shumeiko V.I. —
Creation of thermo-baromagnetic air separator and fuel combustion synergetic models, based on carbon dioxide and water absorption, compensating burnt oxygen
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 16 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.1.21781
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Abstract: The research subject is the development of a termo-baromagnetic air separator, synergetic technological processes, methodological and calculation bases for design of progressive pilot and demonstration objects, optimizing fuel combustion with oxygen, separated from air, absorbing and utilizing carbon dioxide and water, and compensating burnt oxygen.
The described scientific research generalizes the fundamental and applied research in the field of geophysics, geochemistry, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, construction, ecology, economics, and law, and helps design the synergetic model of restoration of oxygen, water, and carbon cycles, which can serve as a base for the technology of optimal burning of natural gas, solid and liquid fuel, and gasification products, carbon dioxide and water absorption and utilization with compensation of oxygen, burnt out of the atmosphere during fuel burning. The research methodology includes the creation of a new bio-transport-energy paradigm, which will help reduce socio-economic losses caused by transport emissions and thermal power stations, and by accidents, fires and road accidents, caused by wrong approach to the formation and functioning of technosphere. Unlike the cost-intensive nature of the compliance with competition documents (clause 2.3.4. “general expenditures for CO2 removal – not more than 400 rubles per ton” and clause 2.3.5. “expenditures for burial about 100 rubles per ton of CO2”), which will tot to 24,96 billion rubles per year for road and transport infrastructure of Rostov-on-Don (for removal) and 6,24 billion rubles per year (for burial) correspondingly, the proposed project estimates nonrecurring costs for “bio-architecture” of Rostov-on-Don at 14,49 billion rubles, and 650,0 billion rubles for the “PARSEK” systems launching in all thermal power and boiler stations of Rostov, which will be repaid in 8,3 years.
Bakhmatskaya L.S., Oleinikov S.N., Perikov A.V. —
Synthesis of aspiration and thermomagnetic methods of allocation and suppression of fire and electrical harm in the automated system of safety of residential bocks
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 88 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.2.20898
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Abstract: The object of this research is the existing fire protection systems of residential high-rise buildings which as the statistics of the fires testifies, aren't adequate to their fire danger. It is shown that the fire safety of the population living in "skyscrapers", caused by time of evacuation of people in cases of fires, is inversely proportional to the number of floors of the building and, despite the existence of isolated staircases in high-rise buildings, the probability of death in them is 4.16 times higher than in apartments and one to two story houses. As a result of system synthesis, the author offers a model which realizes self-organization of three processes: early detection of fire with the corresponding notification; existence and availability of an “fire isolated stairway”; suppression/delay of spread of fire by nitrogen separated from the air. The scientific novelty of this research consists in a combination of aspiration and thermomagnetic methods of detection and suppression of fire in protected rooms by nitrogen separated from the air. At the same time, the notification of residents about need for evacuation is provided, and the automatic fire alarm system transmits an alarm signal to the nearest fire station.
Zavorotnev Y.D. —
Development of the BETA-method of testing and diagnosing of liquid, adhesive and hard materials including those with fire-proof coating (Project 2012-220-03-247)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 96 - 118.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.2.20954
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Abstract: Since 2010 the Government of the Russian Federation has organized competitions for financial support of scientific research projects, realized under the guidance of the leading foreign scholars for the purpose of achieving the high level research results and creating the “world level laboratories” in universities. But as early as in 2010 the implementation of the “Decree 220” practically broke down due to the large number of applicants (512 projects), while the money was enough only for 40 winners. At that, there were 15 “winners” in Moscow, 6 in St. Petersburg, 4 in Nizhny Novgorod, 3 and 3 in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. In 2011 the “history repeated itself”: 517 applications were registered for the competition, and money was enough only for 39, among them 14 “winners” were in Moscow, 5 in St. Petersburg, 3 and 3 in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk, 1 in Tomsk. In 2012 half as much projects came for the competition – 719, and only 42 winners got support: among them 15 from Moscow, 5 from St. Petersburg, 2 and 2 from Novgorod and Tomsk and 6 from the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here the obvious questions arise: Where did the 1500 unsupported projects go? Were they really “undeserving” the government financial support? This article describes the application project of 2012 No 2012-220-03-247 under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Zavjrotnev Yu.D. from Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering. The project was aimed at the creation of a unique baro-electro-thermoacoustic (BETA) analyzer, which would leave behind all the existing synchronous thermal analysis (STA) mechanisms, and the interdepartmental laboratory based in Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering.
Belozerov V.V. —
The review of the “Development of the BETA-method of testing and diagnosing of liquid, adhesive and hard materials including those with fire-proof coating (2012-220-03-247)” Project (Supervising Professor Zavjrotnev Yu.D.)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 119 - 146.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.2.20974
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Abstract: The current journal item should contain the discussion on a question, and the Editorial Board invites scholars to express their opinions, which will be published and registered in Russian Science Citation Index as articles.
It is generally accepted that via the “Editorial” item the journal expresses its position on the topical problems in its subject area. The Editorial combines the elements of reviews and commentaries with the author’s position.
In this case the author’s position is preceded by four experts’ opinions. Therefore, the Review starts with the position of the Editorial Board on the topicality and scientific importance of the subject, and then it demonstrates the reviews of two Russian and two foreign experts, who had contributed to the rejection of the project. The text is concluded with the comments. The novelty of the given journal item consists in the fact that, unlike the review of a monograph, considering usually one subject area, the review of a project should assess not only the subject area, but also the method of organization and implementation of different works (construction, technological, educational, etc.).
Voroshilov I.V. —
On the issue of LED-based lighting
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 147 - 154.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.2.20995
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Abstract: The author considers the advantages of LED-based lightning of streets, industrial premises and housings. The essential difference of LED lights and lamps, developed and produced by the LLC “Tegas-electric”, is that they are domestically produced. It means that they are produced with account for the fluctuations of electric supply in Russia; their longevity is guaranteed by the original constructive and circuit design, protected by patents of the Russian Federation, and high parametric characteristics, significantly exceeding the characteristics of the existing lightning devices, including their foreign alternatives. LED lamps and lights have significantly high characteristics due to the use of modern technologies of the complete production cycle of high technology products. The novelty of products, developed by LLC “Tegas-electric”, is confirmed by four invention patents and several useful model patents. It is important that these invention patents cover all components of products: printboards, power sources and constructions.
Tarantsev A.A., Belozerov V.V., Kirlyukova N.A. —
A synergistic approach to the transport and energy infrastructure
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 155 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.2.21088
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Abstract: The authors consider the problems of organization and functioning of transport and energy infrastructures, inflicting the most significant socio-economic losses both in Russia and abroad. The results of the system research allow assuming that if the “technological progress products” inflict losses on the nature and the individual, it means that some person or a group of people (designers, law-makers, managers, officials, etc.), interested in the development of such products or just not knowing about the damage, is behind such a product. The research methodology is based on the models of transport and heat-power engineering emissions; their correlation with the global warming model is evident. However, using thermodynamics and molecular physics for the interpretation of modeling results, the authors prove that climatic cataclysms are caused not by the “greenhouse effect”, but by the atmosphere volume growth due to the “geosphere burning out” (the recovered hydrocarbon fuel) and the wastes dispersing in the atmosphere. The scientific novelty of the study consists in, firstly, the development of bio-tunnels, implementing nature-like technologies of wastes absorption and the restoration of the burnt out oxygen, secondly, in the development of adaptive systems of transport and energy infrastructures management according to the functions of production of the entropy, restoring three nature oxygen, water and carbon cycles, and thirdly and most importantly, in the creation of adaptive taxation systems, allowing creating the proposed synergistic systems.
Belozerov V.V., Nguen T.A. —
System of electric and fire safety of an object with thermoelectric monitoring of equipment and linear cable structures
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 129 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.20899
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As a result of system research it is established that the two-level system which in real time, by means of thermal scanning and electrical measurements of the equipment and linearly - cable constructions, controls electric parameters of the electric equipment and devices (tension, current, active and jet power, including a distortion of phases and other parameters of quality of the electric power), and also temperature and electrophysical parameters of wires and cables, including leakage currents is necessary for ensuring electrical and fire safety of an industrial facility. Synthesis of system is based on methods of thermoelectric monitoring of the equipment and linear cable constructions, and well as their monitoring on alternating current. Novelty of this approach consists in the fact that the system realizes the principle of detection of pre-emergency operation of the equipment and linear cable constructions. It allows organizing timely preventive repair of the equipment and cable lines, and to reach the established GOST 12.1.004. level of fire safety.
Belozerov V.V., Batshev A.S., Lyubavskii A.Y. —
On automation of identification of the liquid packaged products
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 135 - 145.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.20924
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Abstract: The object of this research is the processes of dispensation and control of the liquid packaged products for the purposes of their identification in order to detect counterfeiting. It is established that with presence of the packaging sample (capacity, weight) and control sample of the liquid (density, dynamic and kinetic viscosity, freezing temperature, and viscosity index), the expert analysis can be conducted without the need to open the container. Experiments were conducted on various types of motor oil, packaged in various containers (1-4L). The methodology relies on application of weight electrometry of liquid packaged products, without opening the container. The novelty of this research consists in development and application a “capacitive sensor cap”, which is used on liquid containers. Such solution would allow fast verification of the contents by turning the container upside down, connecting it, and placing it on an electronic scale.
Bosyi S.I., Builo S.I. —
On synchronization of thermal analysis with acoustic emission and electrometry
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.21026
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Abstract: The authors examine the methodology of synchronized methods and means of thermal analysis with the method and means of acoustic emission and electrometry. It is demonstrated that the proposed complexation allowed acquiring a multi-parameter vector function of the life cycle of the substance or material being researched, as well as calculate the parameters of their “aging”, since despite the established practice, a proposal is made using thermobaric cycling of the samples, which speeds-up the degradation of their qualities similarly to the process of exploitation. The proposed methodology of complexation of the methods and means of thermal analysis with the method and means of acoustic emission (AE) and electrometry gave rise to a new method – thermobaric densymmetry. The novelty of the proposed approach is protected by two patents registered in the Russian Federation. The main solution for realization of synchronization of the aforementioned methods is the calculation and creation of the melting pot of thermo-electro-dilameter (TED) on the thermoacoustic rod/waveguide (TAWG), which allowed taking the sensory AE sensors out of the zone of high temperatures and pressures.
Voroshilov I.V., Meskhi B.C., Prilutskii A.I. —
Development and production of air separators and fire safety products on their basis (project No. 2013-218-04-023)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 21 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.21034
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Abstract: The subject of this project is the nanotechnologies of gas separation of the atmospheric air and creation of air separators and fire equipment that is based upon it (membrane and thermomagnetic). There were also plans to research and develop a technology for local suppression of fire by nitrogen separated from the air, as well as prevention of methane explosions in coal mines and spontaneous peat combustion by creation of nitrogen environment within them. The use of air separators would certainly be promising for use in residential sector, which is the area where over 70% of all fires take place. The methodology of this research is based on the properties of nitrogen that “block the activity of oxygen” in the air, as well as the “paramagnetic properties” of oxygen and “diamagnetic properties” of other atmospheric gases. The novelty of the proposed solutions is protected by patents registered in the Russian Federation for both, the membrane and thermomagnetic separators, as well as means of protection against spontaneous combustion of peat and methane explosions in coal mines. An undisputable advantage of use of nitrogen separated from air to suppress fire is the fact that unlike using water, the nitrogen does not harm the structure, electronics, or household goods.
Prus Y.V., Golubov A.I., Kal'chenko I.E. —
Thermo-electro-acoustic method and system of diagnostics of quality and longevity of fireproof surfaces
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 146 - 160.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.21075
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the quality of fireproof surfaces (FS), technological processes of their production and control, as well as means of controlling the longevity of FS materials and units on location. The goal of this research is to optimize the quality control over the FS during production and development of a model of portable automated complex (PAC) that would allow determining the stage of “aging” of FS on location. The work also presents a synthesis of an online system of communication between objects, volunteer fire departments and supervisory authorities for insuring fire safety during use of materials and constructs with FS. Based on the systemic analysis of the existing fire safety products made from wood, metals, resins and polymers, the authors develop methodology for determination of fire resistance of samples with FS using baro-electro-thermo-acoustic analyzer and create “samples” for further diagnostics of their aging on location. The novelty of this research, protected by a patent registered in the Russian federation, consists in development of PAC, which allows determining the stage of “aging” of FS on location, as well as the model of online system of communication between objects, volunteer fire departments and supervisory authorities for insuring fire safety during use of materials and constructs with FS.
Belozerov V.V. —
Peer review for the project “Development and production of air separators and fire safety products on their basis” (project No. 2013-218-04-023, headed by I. V. Voroshilov)
// Electronics and Machinery. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 72 - 128.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.21117
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Abstract: The goal of realization of a complex project is to study the nanotechnologies of gas separation of atmosphere, preparation and production of promising firefighting equipment based on thermomagnetic air separators (TMAS) and compact membrane air separators (CMAS). The subject of the research is the processes and installations of local gas fire extinguishing and means of detection and prevention of spontaneous combustion of peat. There are plans to research the complexation of TMAS and CMAS into a two-spool installation for realization of automated system of fire and explosion safety of coal mine, including production of individual respiratory and ocular protection for coal miners based on micro-TMAS. The technology of local gas fire suppression and anti-explosion protection using nitrogen separated from air, including respiratory and ocular protection for miners, is unmatched anywhere in the world.