Litvinova T.N. —
The European and Russian policies on preventing cyberterrorism (on the example of fight against Cyber Jihad
// National Security. – 2020. – № 3.
– P. 32 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.3.30197
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Abstract: The subject of this research is to determine similarities and differences in the fight against “Cyber Jihad” in policy of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the prevention of cyberterrorism as a threat to national and international security, associated with the dynamic development of information technologies worldwide, absence of censorship and the wide availability of materials published on the Internet. The author describes the legal framework for countering cyberterrorism in the European Union and the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the difference in approaches in the European and Russian legislation towards fight against undesirable materials in the global network, difficulties related to countering "Cyber-Jihad", identification of people from risk groups who may be involved in terrorist activities as a result of hostile propaganda. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the empirical proof that the difference in approaches to countering cyberterrorism in the European Union and the Russian Federation significantly reduces the results of fight against the global "Cyber Jihad". The author reveals the key legal, technical and ideological difficulties in the fight against "Cyber-Jihad", underlines the need for coordination of the efforts of Europe and Russia in this area, as well as indicates the importance of prevention and ideological counter-propaganda among youth and at-risk population groups.
Litvinova T.N. —
The problem of creating a positive image of North Caucasus inside the country in the context of the spatial development objectives
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – № 11.
– P. 89 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.11.30908
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the formation of positive image of North Caucasus inside the country in the context of spatial development objectives, first and foremost, for the advancement of tourism sector in the region. On February 13, 2009 the Government of the Russian Federation confirmed the Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation until 2025, in which the development of tourism is claimed as one of the promising industries of the North Caucasian macroregion. The object of this research is the image of the region and its role in increasing tourism attractiveness. The empirical basis for this work became the online survey among the residents of different regions of the Russian Federation (n=903); the questionnaire was focused on determining the respondents’ awareness regarding the current situation in the republics of North Caucasus, associations and historical figures related to the region. It also contained questions about the desire to visit North Caucasus and preferable types of recreation. The acquired results were compared to the statistical data on visitation of the regions of North Caucasian Federal District by the Russian citizens. The scientific novelty consists in empirical proof that there is a certain increase in positive assessments of North Caucasus in perception of the Russian. Although some stereotypes remain, the positive associations with North Caucasus along with the virtues common to North Caucasian peoples, prevail significantly. Russian residents, including youth, are well versed on the history and prominent figures from North Caucasus. All of these factors enable forming a positive image of the region inside the country. Holding a rich recreation potential and history, the region is of considerable interest for the sanatorium-resort, winter sports and excursion tourism.
Litvinova T.N. —
Image of Mongolia through the lens of Russians (based on the results of online survey)
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – № 1.
– P. 91 - 100.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.27873
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the image of Mongolia in perception of the Russian citizens. The object is the country’s political image, which on one hand is the reflection of its actual characteristics, and on the other – projection of expectation by the perceived subject, whether it is the citizens of the country under consideration (domestic image) or neighboring nations. The author describes the main approaches towards examination of the country’s image, which came to social sciences from the economic (marketing) research. Special attention is given to the sociological approach that leans on the certain images and opinions about the country formed in people’s mind. The empirical framework is the online survey on the perception of Mongolia’s image by the population of the various Russian regions (n=462). The focus was made on the following aspects of the image of neighboring country: assessment of the Russia-Mongolia relations; associations with Mongolia; features of national character of the Mongolians; prominent figures of the neighboring nation; and the convergence factors between Russia and Mongolia. The scientific novelty consists in the empirical proof of the substantial prevalence of positive assessments of Mongolia and Mongolians by the Russian citizens; high knowledgeability of the Russians on the history, culture and prioritized vectors of development of Mongolia; realization by the Russians of the factors of mutual convergence between the countries and the need for cooperation. The results demonstrate the interest of Russian towards their eastern neighbor due to the history and culture of both nations.
Litvinova T.N. —
Political orientations of Moscow student youth
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – № 9.
– P. 63 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.9.27029
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the political orientations of Moscow student youth, which manifest as the factors of inclusion of young people into the sociopolitical processes. The object is the student youth of the capital – those, who most likely will join the ranks of the political, economic and cultural elite of the country. The author describes in detail the key theoretical approaches towards studying the political orientations and social attitudes of the youth in foreign and national literature. Special attention is given to the research results of political activeness and social landmarks of the young people in various countries: United Kingdom, United States, China, and Russia. The dependence of the political views and activeness of the youth from their social environment is determined. The empirical base for this work served the online survey conducted among the university students of Moscow (n=384); methodological foundation includes the approaches of G. Almond and S. Verba: the identification of cognitive, affective and value levels of political orientations of the youth. The scientific novelty lies in the empirical proof that the capital students are characterized by the low interests in politics, weak political activeness, loyalty to the government, and low level of protest moods. Among the ideological-political orientations prevails the adherence to the principles of social justice, while the free market principles share less than a quarter of the respondents.
Litvinova T.N. —
Confidence in government as a prerequisite for public consensus (on the example of North Caucasian republics of the Russian Federation)
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – № 3.
– P. 35 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25690
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the degree of trust of the population of North Caucasian republics of the Russian Federation in government authorities of various level, as well as citizens’ attitude to parties and electoral institution. The object of this research is the political trust that is viewed as an essential factor for the effective democratic administration. The author reveals in detail the key approached towards examination of the phenomenon of political trust in foreign and national science. Particular attention is given to the dependence of trust in government authorities of population of the republics of North Caucasus from the economic indexes in the region and level of citizens’ content with their financial situation. Methodology includes the economic-statistical analysis based on the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, as well as analysis of the results of sociological surveys conducted by separate scholars of political sciences and research groups among the population of North Caucasus over the period of 2010-2016. The scientific novelty is defined by the empirical proof that in terms of worsening of their financial situation, the citizens are not willing to trust the regional government authorities and administration. The republics of North Caucasus demonstrate the significant underrun in majority of socioeconomic indexes from other regions of Russia. The results of sociological surveys emphasize the higher level of trust in federal government authorities, particularly the institution of the President of the Russian Federation, rather than the regional political structures.
Litvinova T.N., Vershinina O.V., Badaraev D.D., Moskvitin G.I. —
Socio-Economic Problems and Benchmarks of Buryatia Residents Under Current Conditions
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2017. – № 2.
– P. 79 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.2.23021
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Abstract: The article reveals the socio-economic problems and challenges of the development of the Republic of Buryatia under current conditions. The object of the article is the Republic of Buryatia, which is characterized by complex conditions of social and economic development among the regions of Russia. The subject of the study includes social and economic problems and social reference points of the Republic of Buryatia residents. The purpose of the work is to reveal the impact of economic problems, manifested during the crisis, on the social expectations of the population of the republic. Analyzing the production structure and living standards of the population, the authors have used the data for 2015-2016 provided by the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Buryatia. The main trends of migration and employment of the population, changes in incomes both in the whole republic and among rural population are given. Particular attention is paid to subjective social orientations of the republic residents under the conditions of the crisis: attitudes toward work, ideas about "good life", immediate plans and long-term aspirations. The authors have used such research methods as economic statistical analysis and sociological survey (formalized interview) on the problems of social integration and disintegration (the number of respondents was 300). The current socio-economic situation in the region indicates a tense situation on the labor market, especially in rural areas. Low incomes of the population put work at the forefront as the main source of livelihood, and the social orientations and immediate plans of the inhabitants of the region are mainly associated with ensuring financial independence and prosperity, while values related to the family and the spiritual world are inferior to the former. The results of the research allow to determine the most acute social and economic problems of the region which can be used to forecast the development of Buryatia, and also to search for growth points for strategic planning.
Litvinova T.N. —
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2011.3.3495
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