Kuleshova N.S. —
Current trends in energy cooperation in South Asia
// World Politics. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 13 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.1.22472
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_22472.html
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Abstract: The research object is energy cooperation between South Asian states; the research subject is energy policy of the states of the region (resources, problems of energy commodities transportation and access to freshwater) and interaction of regional states aimed at guaranteeing regional stability and security. The research subject actualizes the fact that in the current context, interrelations between the leading actors in the world energy sector often define regional balance of power and affect global security in general. The proposed topic is a complex problem; therefore, the author applies complex research methodology. It includes interdisciplinary, complex, system and problem approaches, the methods of political science, economics, history and sociology, the comparative method and other research methods. The author considers energy cooperation of regional states, the impact of interregional and external factors on energy market, and concludes that, in the modern context of globalization, energy cooperation is a complex system of measures aimed at meeting the demands of the regional states for energy and sustainable development. Energy supplies crises lead to the formation of new geopolitical and economic realia and global changes in the international relations system. The present study helps define the global character of energy problems and their growing politicization; in the current context, the energy factor becomes the determinant factor of regional development, regional and global security, and international relations.