Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. —
Globalization and the paradigms of social philosophy
// Philosophical Thought. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.1.28593
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Abstract: The phenomena of globalization point at the profound conceptual crisis of social sciences, which neglected the most acute and large-scale contradictions of postindustrial development. The crisis of social sciences should be considered as testimony to escalation of the transitional processes and imminence of major changes in the structure of postindustrial society, which institutional grounds take roots in the industrial era, but already do not meet the demands and challenges of the present, and even more so, of the future. The systemic complexity of social processes of modernity indicates that the adequate to them social metatheory must not only ascertain the changes and establish the theoretical foundation post factum, but also forecast the social processes under the conditions of global socioeconomic transformations. The study analyzes the forecasting adequacy and bases of the reputed theories that describe the evolution and functioning of society as a whole, as well as social structures ad social institutions in particular. Based on the conducted analysis, the author suggests the principles for creating the new theoretical foundation of social sciences that represents the synthesis of formation theory with a number of specific theories and approaches, namely the theories of social institutions and organizations, social stratification and power structure, functionalist and structuralist approaches.
Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. —
Social markers of the political catastrophes
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 81 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.12.1707
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Abstract: The work is dedicated to the problem of social mechanisms of the socio-political catastrophes and its foretelling signs. The political catastrophe is defined as an irreversible destruction of society and its basic social structures; first and foremost, a destruction of the authoritarian relations, which integrate the society both, socially and territorially. Major distinction between the political catastrophe and political crisis consists in the fact that in the case of political catastrophe takes place the destruction of the social bases of power, caused by exit of the political confrontation outside the boundaries of the elites, as well as the generalization of the intra-elite conflict. The determined regularities are demonstrated on the examples the history of France, the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union. The author defines the principal social markers of the looming political catastrophe, which usually takes place on the pinnacle of territorial, economic, and military power of the country. The latent crisis of growth is referred to as one of the social markers of the looming political catastrophe, which is expressed in the difficulty of vertical mobility, slowdown of economic growth, as well as the crisis in goal setting, justified by the emergence of the alternate ways of further development on the background of the exhaustion of acting growth paradigm and the corresponding national idea.
Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. —
Mechanisms of Ethnic Fragmentation of Nations in the Era of Globalization: Cultural Aspects
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 106 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.9.16307
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the creation of the integral paradigm of sociogenesis that allows to explain and predict the development of such socio-cultural phenomena of globalization as ethnic fragmentation of the society, actualization of ethnic communities, ethnicity and ethnic identity and systemic crisis of nations, national identity and national idea. The researcher also touches upon the problem of limits to applicability of well-known approaches to sociogenesis. In addition, the authors put forward the problem of defining the essential grounds and attributive features of globalization generating actualization of ethnicity and ethnic identity which contradicts the view on globalization as the establishment of the single global social community unifying ethnocultural differences. The famous phenomenon of co-existence of the 'folklife' and 'high' cultures is being viewed by the authors from the point of view on co-existence of ethnos and nation which culture has a number of similar features. The methodological basis for the approach to sociogenesis offered by the researchers involves the definition of nation and ethnos as a long-existing nonidentical and ontologically different social communities an invidual simultaneously participates in. Globalization is viewed as a global systemic crisis that generates processes of social divergence, differentiation and social fragmentation including ethnocultural fragmentation. The hypothesis of a historically long existence of nation and ethnos is being analyzed from the point of view of cultural studies that differentiate between ethnic culture and national culture based on a number of povisions. In the era of globalization the phenomenon of ethnic fragmentation of the society and actualization of ethnicity is explained by the fact that an individual simultaneously participates in both nation and ethnos. His simultaneous participation in ethnos and nation relates to different and community-specific spheres of social existence, the sphere of political existence for a nation and the sphere of everyday existence for an ethnos. The hypothesis of co-existence of nation and ethnos as different social communities is explained within the framework of cultural studies that state the historically long co-existence of the two different, although related cultures, the culture of an ethnic community and the culture of a nation. These two cultures have different time of occurence, mechanisms of reproduction and development and particular content.