Chugunova I. —
Discourse of hatred in F. Nietzsche’s philosophy
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 141 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.5.19166
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Abstract: This article examine one of the most ambiguous topics of F. Nietzsche’s philosophical works – the hatred. Interpretation of this topic in Nietzscheanism is associated with specific hermeneutic difficulties: hatred appears through the conceptual multiplicity, neighbors with pathos of human perfection, identifies the paradoxical relations and mutual transitions with the notion of love. Such questions become the center of attention in this work. The author reconstruct a complex background of Nietzschean understanding of hatred in the context of human nature, differentiates the contextual meanings of love and hatred, their transformations and inversions. The article proves that the topic of hatred in Nietzsche’s philosophy does not carry the character of subversion of a human: it is assigned with the opposite – supporting role within the discourse of love and human revival. The nature of hatred is revealed in its destructive and constructive guises. The article traces the fundamental anthropological character of such passion as a reflection of controversy and multidimensionality of human essence.
Chugunova I. —
To the problem of love in Nietzschean philosophy
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.1.18833
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Abstract: The theme of love in Nietzsche’s works sounded revolutionary for his contemporaries, as well as in sharp contrast with the dominant at that time ethical views. However, even in our time, having experienced the impact of existentialism and philosophical postmodernism, Nietzschean perception of love, remains paradoxical and dialectically complicated. In his doctrine, Nietzsche expresses the challenging antitheses: he replaces the evangelical love to the “neighbor” with love to “others”; altruism – with love to “yourself”; and the very notion of love is tightly intertwines with hatred and war. Nietzschean category of love becomes the subject of a peculiar conceptual interpretation, requiring a certain transformation of thinking, as well as value co-readiness with the philosophical assertions of Nietzsche. The author examines the meanings of Nietzschean understanding of love in the context of human nature, reveals the questions of axiology of love, and reviews its relationship with the notion of hatred. The work demonstrates the in the foundation of pathos of Nietzsche’s doctrine is love namely to the highest beginnings in human being, which dominates over utilitarianism.
Chugunova I. —
The theme of spirit in understanding of the basis of human nature
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1192 - 1201.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.8.16737
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the attempt to rehabilitate the category of “spirit” through the reasoning on its importance for humanitarian research tradition. The fundamental, capacious, and at the same time mundane and conservative notion of “spirit” can seem depleted and irrelevant at the present stage. It does not exactly fit into the dominating standards of anthropological knowledge. But it does not really matter which character carries a modern scientific discourse, because in human reality there is an unnoticeable, but permanent and fundamental power – the spirit. It is not subjected to the visual proof or rational understanding, as well as requires certain efforts and a specific reflexive stance for its achievement. During the course of this research the author reveals an explanatory potential of the notion of “spirit”, touches upon its interpretations which exist in anthropology. The author sees the sources and the heart of human nature that lie in the platitude of spirit, as well as concludes on the need to return the concept of “spirit” into the anthropological discourse.
Chugunova I. —
The concept of ressentiment as an instrument of the philosophical-anthropological cognition
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 135 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.2.17914
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Abstract: This article examines the concept of ressentiment introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche, which was later developed within the humanitarian thought. The idea of ressentiment covers a complex of anthropological and socio-cultural phenomena, which concern the “dark” aspects of the human nature, prohibited by public morality, but nevertheless expanding in the society in a form of envy, hate, revenge, animosity, rivalry, and other negative feelings, perception and behavior. In order to cognize ressentiment, the author explores various aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine, which allows him to look at that phenomenon in the broader perspective, as well as analyze its true scale. The article reveals the evristical value of the notion of “ressentiment”, which consists in its ability to describe the reality of a human from the position of his ontological and existential characteristics in comparison with the narrow-descriptive categories that hold a stable place in humanitarian sciences. The ressentiment represents not just a combination of phenomena, but an integral modus of the human being and humanity. The article demonstrated that the cognition of the negative manifestation of human flaws becomes deeper and more meaningful: their genesis and hidden sides are being revealed, as well as an in-depth correlation that consists in the belonging to the unified core of the cultural-historical establishment of a human.
Chugunova I. —
Competition in the History of Science: Illustration of the Question about Teaching the Culture of Dialogue and Cooperation
// Pedagogy and education. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 114 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.1.18342
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Abstract: Constructive or cooperative nature of social communicaton is one of the basic values of a healthy society. The problem of teaching these values to the growing generations is one of the most important and nettlesome. However, actual relations are far from being ideal. As the history shows, competition, rivalry and conflicts are a social norm. Such grounds of social relations are of paradoxical nature and provide both destruction and, quite unexpectedly, success. However, almost always they are the reason for suffering and experiencing negative emotions such as vanity, greed, envy, and hatred. The present article is devoted to the analysis of the competitive side of academic interaction and can serve as a pedagogically important illustration to the topic of teaching the culture of dialogue and cooperation. Using the methods of historical and philosophical analysis, the author of the article describes bright historical cases and analyzes history, phenomenology and psychological mechanisms of conflicts arising between scientists in the process of their scientific search. The author concludes that competition has certain potential but only if it is of constructive nature and based on a good dialogue, intelligence, human dignity and commitment.
Chugunova I. —
Hateful Human: Psychoanalytical Deconstruction of the Phenomenon of Hatred
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1072 - 1087.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.10.16205
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Abstract: External phenomenology of hatred, especially the most obvious displays such as aggression, social conflicts and violence, says very little about the essence of the phenomenon. The nature of this phenomenon is difficult to be understood by the means of conscious reflection and logic. Appealing to the teachings about unconsciousness opens the way to understanding mysteries and paradoxes of hatred as a specific human phenomenon and uncovers the fact that hatred is intimately connected with other feelings and passions, first of all, it is dialectically connected with love. Reviewing psychoanalytical theories of hatred, the author develops the concept of hatred as a complex anthropological phenomenon with biological, social and existential roots. In her research Chugunova combines the two research methodologies, the first one is based on the paradigm of theoretical psychoanalysis and the second one is based on the tradition of philosophical anthropological analysis. Hatred is viewed as a natural element of human psyche. It performs a defensive and initiating function at early stages of the development of human psyche and protective function at the stage of maturity. However, social and cultural effects of the society expand hatred and make it destructive, thus distorting human nature and catalyzing social disasters. On the one hand, the image of 'hateful human' is viewed as an inseparable yet ancillary feature of personality, on the other hand, it is a special anthropological phenomenon creating the basis for hatred.
Chugunova I. —
Faces of Hate: Philosophical and Anthropological Reflections
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 383 - 391.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.4.14652
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Abstract: The object of the research is hate as a philosophical and anthropological phenomenon. Hate is considered as an obligatory and irremovable treat of human nature, mutli-aspect and specific phenomenon that is unequal to aggression, anger, hostility or disgust. The author researches historical and anthropological sources of hate, analyses its affective and axiological aspects, discovers unconscious mechanism of this phenomenon, and examines the paradoxical connection between hate and love, hate and pleasure. The author shows the difference between two side of hate – destructive and constructive, describes cases when there is an excuse for hate (when it helps to struggle or survive) and emphasizes that hate is devastating for human spirit.
Chugunova I. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 830 - 837.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.8.12578
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