Gizha A.V. —
Capitalism and the end of history: destruction of Aristotelian subject
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 37 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2019.6.29614
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Abstract: This article reviews the type public consciousness, collectively expressed in the concept of Aristotelian subject, in relation to the characteristic context of the various forms of conceptualizations of the “end of history” in the conditions of the existing global world order. Historically, Aristotelian subject for a great while has exemplified the essential degree of rationalization and cognition of social being. Its gnoseological role simultaneously has always been balanced out by the irrational factors of religious-mythological institutionalized practice with the necessary conceptual formalization. At the same time, the criticism of actual destruction is often subjected to the same processes of losing the methodological scientific reference points. It typically tries to rely on the religions dogmas, pursuing the line of fideism, and ultimately, obscurantism. In such moment, both, the apologists of the existing state of things, and the seemingly irreconcilable critics, are quite in accord, and as their creation reveals the example of multilevel protection of the established world order. In the course of this work, the author applies the method of dialectical analysis in the context of Hegelian principles of the concreteness of truth, coupled with the logical-critical orientation. Throughout multiple centuries, the pan-European civilizational discourse has been functioning in controversial unity of the own rational, nonrational, and irrational components. The author demonstrates evolution of the cognitive Aristotelian type towards the gradual destruction of its rational-conceptual core, loss of the true civilizational-existential meanings under the prevailing influence of the supremacy of plutocracy. Presently, Aristotelian subject has completely dissolved in the atmosphere of postmodern analogy and decentration; while the processes of true public cognition not only gained back same problematic as thousand years ago, but also special relevance.
Gizha A.V. —
Religion in the conditions of the new-European subjectivity of classical and postmodern periods
// Philosophical Thought. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 59 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.1.27212
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Abstract: This article examines the specificity of the religious form of social consciousness from the historical and meta-historical perspectives. It is defined by the distinctive features of Modern Time, which in one way or another are continued with the postmodern period. The enlightenment of Marxist criticism of religion is fair but incomplete, as it considers only sociopolitical factors of existence and functions of the religious form of activity and consciousness. A question is raised on the meta-historical content of religion that consists in the inherent to it experience of preconceptual cognition of the world. It carries a status of the ontologically established moral attitude, which in the abstract-unexpanded form underlies the establishment of the historically given sociality. The key method and principle of research is the logical-dialectic examination, unfolded historically and specified in essential regard. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in reasoning on the marginalization taking place in the conditions of postmodernism of the enlightenment cultural-historical paradigm, reactualization of the rudiment naturalistic religious ideas, the historical role of religion as the prime genesis of supernatural cosmos of human existence, the need for re-structuralizing the glossary of theological discourse and conceptual revelation of the proto-experience of religious consciousness.
Gizha A.V. —
Categorical modeling of the essential as a continuous reconstruction of existence
// Philosophical Thought. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.9.25242
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Abstract: This article examines the conceptual structure of the process of generalizes rationalistic cognition. The two main levels are highlighted: formalizes, mathematically modeled; and open, which is only partially formalized. Philosophical rationality refers to the second level. Such approach allows determining the corresponding to these levels forms of reasoning, as well as the specificities of their actualization. The need for their essential demarcation derives from the fact that each form of reasoning is infinite and self-sufficient in itself, and thus possesses an immanent tendency to extrapolation, which is able to disturb their standard functioning. The main conclusions consist in the statements that the highlighted methods of interpretation and establishment of the truth have a fairly particular applicability. The first level of reasoning is aimed at clarification of regularities and causal connections, which are actually the natural scientific studies. The second one pertains to the problems of open and complex systems – society, history, human, and culture. The peculiarity of reasoning in a non-natural spheres is expressed in the factors of nonlinearity and anticipation. In such case. The subject is capable of escaping the sphere of repressive-compulsory effect of the various types of determinations and shift from the prehistory to the accrual form of historical development. Philosophical categories whereas are viewed as the modeling cognitive-existential structures being in the state of dialogical establishment.
Gizha A.V. —
Metamorphoses of the perception of Marxism in the context of “postmodernity”
// Sociodynamics. – 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 50 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.7.25806
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Abstract: This article reviews the overall historically established structure of Marxist tradition in combination with its characteristic interpretations. The author highlights the aspect that is common for various types of revisionistic and opportunistic vectors and trends that support the initial socio-humanistic course set by the Marx’ doctrine. It concerns the problem of methodological and somewhat exegetical trait. The latter signifies the problem of the proper selection of the initial theoretical prerequisites for subsequent research. The subject of this article is the fact of prolonged existence of the drastic multiplicity of positions regarding the topic of social and civilizational development, which speaks of their scholastically conceptual closeness. The main conclusion lies in the statement on the existing overall methodological unexhaustiveness in the area of socio-humanitarian research; priority abstractness of the proposes formulations, and therefore, their common non-genuineness; authentic selection of the initial conceptual scheme that could be taken as the original theoretical foundation; arbitrariness of subjective preferences regarding the choice of the basic theoretical concepts; non-admissibility of the phenomenon of theoretical arrogance.
Gizha A.V. —
Information in complicated systems
// Philosophical Thought. – 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 53 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.6.22877
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This article examines the phenomenon of information in the aspects of scientific and technological approach and socio-historical being. The concept of complicated system of non-natural type associated with the growth of internal information value alongside the conceptual limitedness of scientist description of the phenomenon of information are being foregrounded. The ontological concretization of such concept is possible with regards to the human world. Special role of information in the modern context is defined by the two factors – its ontological aspect and the accomplished ideological function. The question of the supposed generalization of the concept of information requires a proper articulation and concretization of the role and meaning of information in the socio-historical context. The key research method is characterizes as dialectically demarcation, which on one hand allows to drastically differentiate the functionality of the natural and sociocultural, historical systems, while on the other – conduct their categorial analysis in a unified conceptual manner. The main conclusions lie in speculation on the existing gnoseological limitedness of the concept of information; information is understood as an abstract side of knowledge; on specificity of the perception of information in the area of non-natural systems; on the alienating character of the existing information value that aligns information with the consumable things turning it into commodity. For concretization the concept of information, the author determines its symbolical qualities as the key intentional characteristics of the actual knowledge, which include the organization, awareness, historicity, and directed connectedness of information.
Gizha A.V. —
Own and ascribed essence of capitalism: how the degenerate form of social organization maintains its dominance
// Sociodynamics. – 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 45 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.12.21904
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Abstract: This article examines the philosophical issues of sociocultural of interpretation of the modern capitalistic formation. The author substantiated representation about the dual essential foundation of capitalism – own, actual and ascribed, alleged. The existing word capitalistic community is defined as a globalized oligarchy-financial world order with dominant crises processes. The latter have artificial origin and in general express the degenerate nature of the leading sociopolitical structures. The article reviews the problems of theoretical comprehension of the existing stage of alienation, and formulates the gnoseological tasks regarding its overcoming. The applied method can be determined as reconstructive hermeneutics in the context of dialectical principle of integrity of cognition and existence. The following conclusions were made: the educational policy of capitalism from the perspective of abstract humanism does not achieve its goal; the efficient methodological base of apprehending the modern socio-historical process remains the Marxist intentionality that creatively evolves in Neo-Marxism; the actual essence of capitalism associated with property relations and functionality of capital, is substituted by ideologues with the ascribed essence oriented towards the morally justified “society of knowledge”; in accordance with the latter statement, there is the own language (comprehension) of the phenomenon at hand and alleged language that is not aimed at representation of the objective meanings.
Gizha A.V. —
Ontology of subject of a historical action: paradigmatic exhaustiveness of the past and variations of the future
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.7.19759
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Abstract: This article examines the formation of ontology of human world, which carries a historical-paradigmatic character. The structure of philosophical discourse that has a triadic form of realization was previously specified. The author indicates a noticeable discrepancy between the achieved concretion of a philosophical thought and its practical demand in society. This, in turn, leads to an inevitable one-sidedness and deficiency of the thought itself alongside the social practice, when development of societies is defined by the increscent dominant matrix-paradigmatic aggressiveness and general deception. This is namely the form of ontological obscurity, which intensifies prior to the historical liberation or dawn. The author asserts the semantic exhaustiveness of the existing paradigmatic foundation of historical-civilizational movement, which carries a natural character. Exit into the humanistically sensible future is possible by the virtue of shifting towards the paradigm of human existence, which is intelligible in the context of rational practice. Outside the subject application of its theorizations, philosophy cannot consider its action accomplished, but currently it is not even on the agenda.
Gizha A.V. —
Consciousness in ontocosmic perspective of goal setting
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 11 - 22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.20310
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the phenomenon of consciousness (rational life) within the worldwide context of its teleological status. The article provides general contours of the phenomenon of consciousness based on determination of its orientations at the scale of Universe from the perspective of immanent goal setting. The author clarifies the three key positions that pertain to: 2) specificity of philosophical theorization; 2) exposition of typical perception of consciousness; 3) achievement of awareness of choice in the area of conceptual discrepancies. The need for the preliminary acquisitions derives from the methodological demand of cognizing the axiomatic foundation and conditions of the due substantiation of the suggested positions. The main results consist in explaining the logical-conceptual basis of certain interpretations of consciousness, their critical verification, as well as explication of assertion of the ontocosmic teleology of consciousness. In its development, consciousness is set by the factor with cosmic meaning, which directly forms the further evolution of the Universe. The dominant aspects lies in the reached moral component that complements and naturally completes the Hegelian unity with the theoretical and practical idea respectively.
Gizha A.V. —
Genesis of reflexive-conceptual activity as the beginning of overcoming practical need
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 110 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.6.12625
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the questions of methodology of humanitarian knowledge specifies in the problem of interpretation of the beginning of philosophy. The latter is viewed in its relation to the material and practical activity, which does not imply the reduction of metaphysics to the exceptionally material reality. As an aspect of the claimed topic, the author examines the interrelation between a myth and rationality. Any philosophical topic requires a substantiated and obligatory clarification of the essential methodological approaches towards it within a current individual case, as well as from the perspective of realization of the ultimate conceptualization overall. Specificity of genesis of the philosophy consists in the detecting a metaphysical events allocated outside the timeframe in its historicity. Thus, the subject of this article is the problem of freedom, as well as foundations and framework of its achievement. The Hegelian methodological principle of concretization of a notion is being applied. Successfulness of the conceptually conducted concretization is defined by attention towards the bases of reasoning, and therefore, the following aspect of methodology can be indicated as deductive-hypothetical. Another essential element of methodology is the principle of connectivity of the forms of reflexive activity. Importance of the question about genesis lies in its consideration not as a formerly accomplished event that once and for all is given in its archaeo-cultural consistency and permanence, but rather possessing the quality of recurrence. The specificity of such recurrence does not carry a mathematically abstract regulative-iterative character, but is described as a state of auto-process. In such way, it appears as semantically recursive event. As a result of such peculiarity, the beginning of philosophy laid not only the foundation for theoretical and abstract constructs about the world and man, but also actualized the process of its personal-historical liberation, initially in consciousness and daily life, and in long view – in social existence as well.
Gizha A.V. —
Assumption of latent parameters and conceptual completeness of humanitarian knowledge: to the methodology of cognition of social processes
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 19 - 28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.6.19375
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This article examines the issues of formation of the methodology of humanitarian knowledge. A number of substantive aspect can be properly described leaning on the argumentative scientific practice of the era of non-classical research, first and foremost, in theoretical physics. Some of the proliferated stable general views in this field, associated with the names of Karl Popper and Paul Feyerabend, require a crucial critical reframing, due to generating an overall improper image of a scientific research.This, in turn, leads to the inability of efficiently using the methodological achievements of science in humanitarian research. It appears that the corresponding translation of methodological approaches and principles takes place by the virtue of their coherent conceptual expansion. The preliminary analysis is conducted within the framework of determining the situation of using the views on “latent parameters” on socio-humanitarian studies. The author generalizes Bohr’s complementarity principle towards its ontological expansion, as well as provides interpretation of the conceptual completeness of humanitarian knowledge. The latter is realizes from the perspective of interpretation of the theoretical situation of latent parameters in the context of philosophical knowledge. The corresponding ambivalence of philosophical interpretations is being demonstrated. At the same tie, one party supports the general physical conclusion on the improper introduction of latent parameters into the theory, while the other party demonstrates the historically stable and constructive variant of their implementation.
Gizha A.V. —
Ways for realization of the true theoretical apprehension of socio-historical existence
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 16 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.5.19827
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of theoretical apprehension of the open systems, which first and foremost contain those that essentially cannot be locked in their content without detriment to their true interpretation. These are the historical cultural systems and the associated with them existential personal worlds of human being. If the questions of natural cognition are being successfully resolved using the formalized mathematical modelling, and suggest the natural constraint of the examined field, the socio-historical cognition is unable to develop based on simple transfer of the natural scientific methodology onto the area of historical studies. This results in the problem not even of methodological character or certain “improvement” of the existing methodology, but a more complicated set of questions regarding the character of theorization in the sphere of human existence. The author suggests that it is possible to structure the true rational conceptuality, realized in compliance with the requirements of concreteness and critically logical expansion of the content. The author determines the three stages of theoretical approximation necessary for a particular apprehension: first is a preparatory, which blocks the mythopoeia; second forms the origin of rationalization; and third carries out the conceptual work. The article analyzes the two examples of theorization, the composing poles of, correspondingly, negative and true apprehension.
Gizha A.V. —
The notion of information, content, and meaning: what lies in the foundation of information society?
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.4.19073
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Abstract: This article analyzes the central notion of the post-industrial society – information, as well as underlines its categorical inaccuracy that reduces interpretation of information to its description using the terms of ordinary perceptions about the information awareness. Mathematical understanding of information is associated primarily with determination of the amount of information, while the creative and activity form of human cognitions appeals to the necessary consideration of the semantically saturated rows of contextual meanings. The abstract reasoning, in such case, work not for clarification of the topic, but rather form the scholastic body of texts. Methodology of the research is aimed at overcoming the established until present time phenomenon of theoretical mythologization, which although has the internally coordinated structure, but with the remaining unclarified initial notions, and thus, inefficient. The main conclusions of the conducted research consists in the positions that within the existing formalized reasoning about information, there is no brightly expressed the conceptual side of the information awareness. Mathematical perception does not capture the substantial features of information, which is viewed from the perspective of human-sized intentions. Such positions is expresses in a number of specific immanent qualities of historicity, target coherence, orderliness, and awareness. Without consideration of the aforementioned characteristics, the attempts to present the information concepts as the fundamental in social regard will remain in the area of the ideologically biased reasoning.
Gizha A.V. —
Origin and tradition: founding creative activity and its routine derivatives
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 68 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.4.19615
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Abstract: This article examines the philosophical questions of cognition associated with the clarification of essential aspects of the origins of cultural traditions and their ontological foundation. This marks a turn in studying the traditions from separate descriptions and listings towards determination of their concept. The problems of interpretation of the traditions manifest in examination of the philosophical tradition. Problematization of understanding of the tradition and its essential origin is possible in the context of establishment of their conceptual unity. This approach can be achieved namely by the virtue of philosophical analysis. The historical and cultural traditions form the world of human existence, and their diverse interpretations define the level of humanity in the society. The topic of traditions is presented in three components: the origin, historical realization, and products of its disintegration. As an example, the author uses various traditions of interpretation of history. It is demonstrated that the authenticity of one or another classification is defined by a circle of the claimed initial conditions, such tasks and interests that are resolved or realized namely in the highlighted by the author context.
Gizha A.V. —
Axiomatic prerequisites of ostensibility of the discourse of socio-humanitarian studies
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.3.18842
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Abstract: The object of this research is the relevant problems of methodology of cognition of the socio-humanitarian disciplines, substantiated primarily by the conceptual openness of historical processes and cultural systems. Special attention is given to highlighting and typification of the main prerequisites of reasoning of this matter, which as a rule, differ by weak reflexivity, but carry an imperative status of preliminary axiomatics. The author determine the initial prerequisites that lead to disruption of the semantic conceptual coherence of the conducted discourse. Due to this fact, emerges the question about the corresponding terminological discursive language, referential to being complex (open) systems. Philosophical method of concretization of the introduced notions is applied in the context of realization of the axiomatic reduction. Its success is defines by the possibility of conduction an actual textual analysis based on the corresponding characteristic texts. The main conclusion of this work consist in the thesis that the crucial factor of the openness of sociocultural systems establishes the limit of applicability of the natural scientific research methodologies, which use a mandatory procedure of formalization of an object in terms of the experimental scheme and mathematical modelling. Attempts of the direct formalization in social works lead to ineradicable abstractness, and thus, dogmatism of interpretations. The author analyses the two main types of ostensible axiomatics, which result in the lack of accurateness of the humanitarian research. The first derives from the deformation of conceptual description of the system, while the second emerges due to the nonvanishing practice of neo-scholastic theorization.
Gizha A.V. —
Ideology and science: controversy, mutual complementarity, or synergy?
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 93 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.12.1946
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Abstract: This article examines the relationship between the ideological and scientific forms of consciousness. For such comparison, the richness of their content must be presented fairly specifically. Firstly, it is defined by the highlighted essential aspects in the conceptual definitions of science and ideology; and secondly, by problematicity of their substantive fusion. Is the truly scientific ideology, which can justifiably combine the entire range of interests of the social actors within the framework of public good, possible? Or it rather has a corporative-utilitarian or class foundation? These questions suggest the formulation of the in-depth topic of human nature, which has a suprahistorical basis. The methodologically appropriate examination of the claimed topic anticipates the necessary preliminary introduction of the initial definitions of science and ideology. This research is conducted based on the actual socio-historical practice of functioning of these phenomena within the European civilizational tradition. The main conclusion consists in the positive answer to the problem of possibility of scientific ideology, which is provided with the necessary stipulations. The essence of such conditions lies in revelation of ontology of human existence as such. Clarification of this ontology presents the key problem of philosophy, if it desires to overcome the presence in strictly removed, academic-textbook status, which leads not to the knowledge, but scholastic philosophizing.
Gizha A.V. —
The social time: constructive definition, exhaustive conceptualization, or categorical fiction?
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 44 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.9.18251
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the problem of methodological correctness of introduction of the notion of social time. The categories of time and space are determine in classical physics as the main theoretical elements of science. Considering the rich experience in formulation of the conceptual images of time in natural sciences, the author pursues comparison of the stages of development of the scientific methodology, as well as methodology of the socio-humanitarian research. Currently there has established a fairly stable variable practice of conceptualization of the main categorical meanings of social development, which allows conducting its substantiated and contextual classification simultaneously with the critical understanding of its content and the conceptual-logical correctness of the implemented abstract terminological tools. The requirement of the philosophical concretization of a though in this case is carried out by the obligatory reference to the axiomatic prerequisites of certain interpretations. At the same time, the highlighted axiomaticity itself is subject to the rational-critical examination in the context of determination of their heuristical potential. The main conclusion consists in the statements that the necessary condition for constructiveness of the introduced notion of social time is the realization of the principle of logical expansion, according to which the initial content must be the logical continuation of the corresponding conceptualizations in the theories of natural sciences.
Gizha A.V. —
Possibility of the ideology of the future
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 55 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.8.18962
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the questions of formation of the new ideology as the all-civilizational rational cultural text which carries the necessary meanings and symbols requires for the establishment of society in the future. Its logic and hypothetical ways of action derive from the fact of historical exhaustiveness of the leading ideologies of the XX century, as well as discontent of the existing attempts to escape that in its foundation contain religion, mythology, and in the best case scenario quasi-scientific and technocratic postulates. In order to solve the aforementioned task it is necessary to determine the actual logic of formation of the ideological views and their possible alternatives. The main method of this work consists in the historical retrospection in the context of conducting a conceptual deconstruction of the examined constructs. Its performance is determined through the achieved concretization (conceptual reduction) of the used symbols (names). The main conclusion lies in the position that the new ideology must become the meta-ideology, a crucially different project on structuring of public consciousness if compared to the forms of industrial and postindustrial eras. It is demonstrated that the previous logic of establishment of the leading typology of sociopolitical discourse in form of ideology has exhausted the conceptual-suggestive resource of basic formulations. Meta-ideology pertains not to social strata, but to the inner human in each individual. It is not separated from the universal tradition of establishment of the ideology, but overcomes the limitation of their historical forms, which mostly concerns the increasing gap between the declarations and reality.