Borodin A.V. —
The feasibility study on implementation of technology of support of integrity and authenticity of information on paper carrier in case of aloof document handling
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 30 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2017.1.22192
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Abstract: Object of the research in a broad sense is the system of document flow of the commercial enterprise rendering services to the population and using the Internet network as the main environment of communication with the client. At the same time for support of validity of agreements between the enterprise and its clients the traditional "paper" document flow based on delivery of documents on the solid carrier with use of a mail service is used. An object of a research is a process of aloof information processing on client side in conditions when the enterprise as the contractor of the transaction, has no opportunity to control this process. Special attention in article is paid to questions of reasons for economic feasibility of implementation of the offered process of aloof document handling.The systems concept and in particular authoring technologies of the ontological analysis is the basis methodologists of a research. On the basis of the analysis of an ontological domain model the specific technical solution of safety of technological process of aloof document handling is proposed and the event model of this process is synthesized. This model is probed with use of approaches of the algebraic theory of risk.Scientific novelty of a research consists in a unique combination of the technical solutions providing the solution of an objective. The preliminary analysis of the market showed absence of similar decisions in practice of the interested companies. The main outputs of the conducted research is an opportunity and feasibility of use of technologies of aloof document handling as transition stage to completely electronic document management between the commercial enterprise and its contractors of arbitrary nature.
Borodin A.V. —
The linear congruent sequences of the maximum period in programs obfuscation
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2016.6.18499
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Abstract: The article is devoted to development of the system of practical methods of protection of software against refactoring for purpose of lowering probability of infringement copyright for used algorithms. As the basic method of protection offered approach, which feature is use of the linear congruent sequences as bases for morphism of an order of layout operators of programming language to the execution order of the program, required by functionality. The specific technology of an obfuscation programs written in scripting languages, in particular on Microsoft Visual Basic, is offered. Also the notation of formal understanding of a level resistance of the considered system of methods is discussed. For the formal description of concept of an obfuscation programs and a level resistance of an obfuscation used the set-theoretic formalism. Several results of the number theory is used in article for reasons for existence of the solution of the task obfuscation in the offered setting for any program. The main result of article is new practical approach to an obfuscation programs, written in scripting languages, which can be to a certain extent generalized on language systems of other nature. Also in article the paradoxical result is shown - the obfuscation code can correspond completely to a paradigm of structured programming when saving the declared level of resistance to refactoring.
Borodin A.V. —
Feasibility study on solution of redundant network component of the fault-tolerant scalable computing system of a special-purpose
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 55 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2015.6.17523
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Abstract: The research is devoted to architectural aspects of creation of fault-tolerant scalable computing systems of a special-purpose. In particular the study focuses on the principles of backup which can be used in a network subsystem of the computing system in the conditions of essential dependence of total cost of ownership of system on a level of degradation of performance metrics. Authors consider such approaches to backup as duplicating and a triple redundancy. For the principle of a triple redundancy in this research the new concept of the functional adaptation of elements of redundancy is offered. Special attention in the paper is paid to the dependence of a "Value at Risk" measure of risk, that characterizes by a random variable of total cost of ownership of the computing system and defines the greatest possible loss at the given level of probability, from such parameters of a system as number of the functional groups of hosts and a level of influence of single and group faults on degradation of performance metrics. For a risk process description in the computing system the notation of ordinary stochastic Petri nets is used. For computation of a measure of risk of "Value at Risk" on the given time-interval the methods of the algebraic theory of risk are used. The main result of the research is in proving the concept of productivity of a triple redundancy approach with the functional adaptation of elements of redundancy in the task of synthesis of topology of a network subsystem. The novelty of research consists in use of methods of the algebraic theory of risk in a task of synthesis of an optimum architecture of computing systems on the given discrete sets of possible decisions.
Borodin A.V., Azarova A.N. —
Methods of classification and dimensionality reduction in case of visualization of performance metrics
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2015.4.15271
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Abstract: The paper deals with the methodology of an assessment of technical efficiency of network infrastructure. Much attention is given to research of methods of visualization of performance metrics on the basis of comparing of the evaluated sample with a set of alternative decisions in the conditions of stochastic nature of behavior of an external environment. The method of visualization of time response characteristics of access to resources of the Internet offered in operation is developed especially for demonstration of advantages which can be received when using the concept of "cognitive Internet". Unlike numerical efficiency characteristics the offered method of visualization allows to envelop "one look" a status of all channels of access in comparison with the optimum channel on the given time slot of integration. At the same time the method doesn't exclude possibility of sharing of the coordinated numerical efficiency characteristics. On the other hand it is important to mark that scope of a method isn't restricted to the specified applications.Methods of multivariate statistic analysis (methods of discriminant function analysis and principal component analysis) are the basis for algorithm elaboration of visualization of time response characteristics of access to resources of the Internet. The main result of the conducted research is algorithm elaboration and the software of visualization of metrics of productivity of infrastructure decisions in the field of ensuring access to Internet resources. Novelty of this research is defined not only novelty of data domain (technology of the cognitive Internet), but also the form of representation of results (a projection of the hodograph of time response characteristics of access to the most informative plane).
Borodin A.V., Varlamov A.S., Korablev D.V. —
Educational proving ground for elaboration of technologies of exact time distribution
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 11 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2015.3.15438
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Abstract: The paper deals with technologies of distribution of exact time in the data communication networks. In particular the technologies based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) are considered. It is important to point out that this article has especially practical character, it is reviewing an implementation of a proving ground of testing of appropriate technologies. By proving ground the authors mean a set of software and hardware solutions which can be used in case of implementation of technology, and which can be integrated by any principle in rather independent stends. The composition of the stends which are a part of a polygon is considered. Examples of the organization of subnets - clients of system of distribution of exact time are given. The optimal version of the logical organization of a subsystem of time synchronization is offered. Ways of further development of a proving ground are planned. A methodological basis of this research is an experiment. The proving ground allows to simulate a huge number of configurations of the subsystem of distribution of exact time and to measure the different parameters of this subsystem. Auxiliary methodology of this research is the methodology of simulation modeling allowing to create optimum configurations for the purpose of practical confirmation of their relative efficiency. The proposed technical solution of the educational proving ground has no domestic analogs: it is unique both as a set ot technical means for support of educational process and from the point of view of creation of complexes of support of scientific researches in the field of distribution of exact time. Authors also present original solutions in the proving ground, monitoring of the environment and separate components of the equipment.
Borodin A.V. —
On import substitution in creation of distribution of exact time systems in multiservice computer networks
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2015.2.14036
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Abstract: The article deals with processes of design and creation of the secure wide area network (SWAN). Object of research is the subsystem of distribution of exact time of SWAN. Existence of the specified subsystem is the basic requirement from the point of view of safety of functioning of a network. Means of registration of events in SWAN, systems of the analysis of protocols of events, intruder detection systems is only a small list of subsystems of SWAN which can't exist without service of exact time. On the other hand, the specified service can be considered as the SWAN client service. In this quality the service of exact time in computer networks from year to year becomes more and more demanded. At the same time it is not a secret that as the sources of exact time in modern SWAN the production of the western countries are used. Thus, in view of categories hi-tech of the specified products, the corresponding production isn't taken out to the countries of Asia. Respectively today in this sphere there are certain difficulties at selection and the order of the equipment. Considering above told, author in detail considers such aspects of import substitution regarding creation of services of exact time of SWAN, as existence of available basic sources of exact time in the Russian Federation, presence of domestic producer of the equipment in the relevant market, economic aspects of consequences from realization of possible import substitution. The special attention is paid to the standard configurations of sources of exact time in SWAN which are based on the equipment of a domestic production. The article is based on set of results of the researches of the domestic market of radio electronics conducted by author. As sources of information the Internet publications and phone calls to the sales departments of a number of producers were used. When forming the purposes of market researches the standards in the field of protocols of distribution of exact time over the Internet-protocol and also some researches of the author were used. The main conclusion of the conducted research is ascertaining of possibility of use as sources of exact time in SWAN of the complexes constructed on the equipment of domestic producers. A special contribution of the author to the research of a subject is development of recommendations for domestic producers regarding correction of their market behavior. Novelty of the research is in the use of the concept of total cost of ownership when comparing various scenarios of creation of subsystems of distribution of exact time in the computer networks which are based on the Internet-protocol.
Borodin A.V. —
Reconstruction and study of the pseudo-random number sensor in the VBA-subsystem of the Microsoft Office
// Cybernetics and programming. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 14 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2014.4.12648
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Abstract: The article reviews some aspects of practical use of the pseudo-random number sensors in computational mathematics and cryptography. In particular the author studied inappropriate behavior of the Monte Carlo method in solving the task of risk assessment of uniform credit portfolio using regular pseudo-random number sensor of the Microsoft Office programming system. The article identifies limits of the regular pseudo-random number sensor. The author reconstructs it in terms of single-module residue arithmetic and on that basis proves unreasonableness of its use in cryptographic applications and explained certain aspects of inadequate behavior of the Monte Carlo in the given example. The article proposes a solution as alternative pseudo-random number sensor based on the Mersenne twister for solving the complex tasks of computational mathematics. The article shows results of corresponding numerical experiments. The research is based on the numerical experiments based on the Monte Carlo method. The reconstruction and study of the pseudo-random number sensor of the Microsoft Office programming system involved number and theoretic methods. Probability theory formalism is used in formulating of the model problem and interpreting the results of its solution. The paper for the first time shows the comparison of the "Value at Risk" results for a task of risk assessment of uniform credit portfolio received using Monte Carlo method with exact values, calculated using the methods of the algebraic theory of risk. This comparison allowed to determine the limitations for Monte Carlo based methods and other methods using regular pseudo-random number sensor of the Microsoft Office programming system. The author proposes alternative solution for the problem and shows its adequacy in the corresponding numerical experiment.
Borodin A.V. —
// Software systems and computational methods. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 174 - 190.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.2.12331
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