Zagoruyko M.V. —
The Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan: historical path and modern realities
// History magazine - researches. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 568 - 575.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2015.5.17290
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Abstract: The object of this article’s research is the history of the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In view of the fact that heraldry was not inherent to the culture of nomadic people, the first symbols were brought into the territory of modern Kazakhstan by the Russian Empire. The further development of heraldry in Kazakhstan, which was part of the Russian Empire and later of the USSR, occurred synchronically with the development of heraldry in these states. The Republic of Kazakhstan got its first independent symbols after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. However, unlike other countries of the former Soviet Union, these symbols were formalised, registered in a separate law, and described by a standard. Thus, the issue of the ambiguous symbol interpretations was resolved and the nation’s flag and coat of arms were made to correspond in colour, thereby allowing them to be seen as a unified artistic composition. This article demonstrates not only the strong sides in the composition of the Kazakhstan coat of arms and flag, but also examines their chief inaccuracies, which are of a dogmatic nature. This research utilised the historical approach which illuminated the geopolitical phenomena and prerequisites in creating the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The historical and comparative method – along with the historical-genetic method – exposed the possible continuity from old territorial coats of arms to the state’s modern coat of arms. All of the above listed methods have allowed to identify the main reference points of this research. The main conclusion of the article amounts to the observation that the Kazakhstan coat of arms, despite having a number of dogmatic mistakes, nonetheless was made with scrupulousness and artistic taste. It symbolises peace, welfare, and prosperity of the people. The symbolics of the coat of arms show an integrative vector in the state’s development. The coat of arms and the flag of Kazakhstan in their structure and symbolism are similar to the symbols of the Republic of Belarus – the author notes their same continuity from the symbols of the Soviet era. The heraldry of the Republic of Kazakhstan leans toward its development within the framework of the Euroasian Union, and the Kazakhstan experience of heraldic standardisation can be used as a model for other states in this integrative association.
Zagoruyko M.V. —
The symbols of Georgia - historical retrospective
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 292 - 325.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14534
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Abstract: Object of research of this article are the coat of arms and a flag of Georgia, history of these symbols and their interpretation. The earth on which there is modern Georgia, remembers a set of the ancient states. On it there were Colchis and Iberian kingdoms. These lands were a part of Great Armenia and the Roman Empire, waged wars with Mongols, Byzantium, Iran, the Ottoman Empire, knew a great number of talented tsars and commanders, saw not one imperial dynasty on the throne. It is obvious that the heraldry of the Georgian lands is sated with heroic and sacral symbols, symbols which can't be forgotten, deleted or distorted. They as "charms" of this earth have to be present at the coat of arms and a flag of the state. Article shows, what symbols were considered in the coat of arms of modern Georgia and what are unfairly buried in oblivion. The history of creation of the modern coat of arms of the state that allows to understand the main errors of hasty "coat of arms made" is also described. In research the historical approach showing the geopolitical phenomena and prerequisites at creation of the coat of arms of the state was used. The historical and comparative method along with a historical and genetic method showed possibility of continuity of old symbols in the modern state. On the basis of methods of the analysis and classification, symbols of Georgia are compared with a political system of the state. All above methods allowed to define the main points of research.The main conclusion of article is that it is impossible to call the coat of arms of Georgia complete. He demands completion - participation in its creation not only artists and politicians, but also historians. Those symbols, those fundamental coats of arms about which Georgia forgot are shown, and after all it is centuries-old history of its lands and ruling dynasties. Deleting these symbols, the country risks to lose not only self-identity, but also own territories. And as the history shows, this process doesn't stop in the state since 1991. Series of color revolutions and senseless wars already separated Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia. Many will tell that it is result of dull policy of Mikhail Saakashvili. Yes it is, but after all at it the real coat of arms of Georgia was accepted. Perhaps, time came is critical to look at the main symbols of the state.
Zagoruyko M.V. —
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 80 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.1.13766
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Zagoruyko M.V. —
State Symbols of Belarus: History and Meaning
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.1.13999
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Abstract: The subject of the present article is the coat of arms and the flag of the Republic of Belarus, their history and geopolitical interpretation. The history of Belarus and domestic policy processes ongoing in the Republic of Belarus are reflected in the symbols of the contemporary coat of arms and flag of Belarus. According to the author of the article, Belarusian heraldry has managed to combine both the pre-revolutionary experience and the experience of the Soviet heraldic science. The author of the article examines the coat of arms of the Republic of Belarus in terms of the basics of heraldry and Soviet heritage of symbols. During the Soviet Union heraldry was forgotten as a science and that is why the coats of arms of the Soviet republics including Belarus were just signs but not actual coats of arms. In the post-Soviet times some CIS countries decided to create new coats of arms explaining that their coats of arms had no actual historical basis while other countries started to change Soviet coats of arms and make them to be symbols of independent states. In this research Zagoruyko has applied the historical approach that allows to describe geopolitical phenomena and political allies of the Republic of Belarus. The historical comparative method and the historical genetic method applied demonstrate that it is possible for a new state to adopt the old symbols. The above mentioned methods have allowed to define the main points of the research. The main conclusion of the research is that the coat of arms of Belarus flows organically from the coat of arms of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic despite the fact that the Republic can actually create a new coat of arms based on the coats of arms of the pre-Soviet period. However, the author admits that it was right of the Republic to refuse from using the 'Pahonia' coat of arms that was the symbol of the the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and therefore had a different ideology. According to the author, the flag of Belarus is a interesting example of the country's identity. Even though the contemporary coat of arms does not correspond to a number of heraldry rules and needs to be improved, heraldry of Belarus has a quite structured and traditional nature.