Serov, D.O. (2014). Military criminal and military procedural legislation
of Russia of the first quarter of XVIII century
(the systematic overview as an experience). Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 165–173.
The article is devoted to the studies of development of military criminal and military procedural
legislation of Russia of the first quarter of XVIII century. The development of these branches of legislation
was due to the fact that the newly formed by Peter the Great in the process of military and military
judicial reforms “regular” army, military fleet and military courts have formed principally novel objects
of legal regulation, which required issuing a large amount of legislative and other normative act. The
situation was complicated by the fact that in the course of preparation of the normative basis for the
organization and functioning of the reformed armed forces and military judicial bodies the legislator
had almost no opportunity to rely on the national legal experience, since the Russian legal models were
either absent, or they did not correspond with the direction of the reforms. When preparing the article
the author used the historic, comparative legal, and historical genetic study methods, as well as general
scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. For the first time this article includes a comprehensive characteristic
of the situation in the Russian military criminal and military procedural legislation at the time
of the reforms of Tsar Peter the Great within the context of development of military legislation. For the
first time, the author provides for the exhaustive nomenclature of the acts of military legislation of the
said period, singling out two stages of its development: the late 1690s to 1700s, and 1710th to the first
half of 1720s. It is shown that by the start of 1720s the military law was single out as a branch within the
Russian legal system. The author defines the place within the legislative system of the Code of Laws of
B.P. Sheremetyev of 1702 and the Brief Articles of A.D. Menshikov of 1706. The author also provides new
notes on the contents of the Military Articles of 1714 and the Brief Description of Processes and Judicial
Proceedings” of 1712, which were first Russian military criminal and military procedural codes.
military criminal reform, military crimes, military courts, Tsar Peter the Great, military law, military procedural legislation, military criminal legislation, Ernst Friedrich Krompein, salvus conductus, public crimes.
Kuzmina, M.V. (2014). Compensation function within the system of
functions of law: theoretical legal aspect. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 174–179.
The article is devoted to the compensation function of law, its definition, contents, implementation,
nature, place within the system of functions of law, its correlation with the restorative function of
law. The study of the author allows to make a conclusion that the basis for the compensation function of
law is the natural purpose of law as an instrument for the restoration of social justice, requiring its permanent
character. As a result of the analysis of the means of implementation of compensation function
(implemented via compensating protective and regulative legal relations) the author makes a conclusion
on the inclusion of the compensation function into the range of secondary naturally legal functions of law The analysis of legal norms guaranteeing the effect of compensation function both in public and private,
national and international law. Evaluating the definition, contents, means of implementation and
relations between the compensation and restorative functions, the author of the article makes a conclusion
on the need to distinguish these functions.
compensation function of law, definition, contents, implementation of functions of law, nature of functions of law, system of functions of law, restorative function of law, compensation of damage, compensation, restoration of social justice.
Shulga, I.V. (2014). Legal nature of legal positions of the Supreme Court
of the Russian Federation. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 180–187.
Object of studies includes legal positions as a specific legal phenomenon within the Russian legal
system. The object of studies includes legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as an
independent type of judicial legal position. The studies are based on the attitude towards the judicial legal
positions as opinions of legal practitioners, as expressed in the acts of administration of the law. Due to the
above, the legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are regarded as opinions of the
supreme judicial instance on the issues of application of legal norms, as reflected in the specific judicial rulings
specific cases and interpretations of judicial practice. Judicial legal positions are distinguished based
on the type of administration of the law. The legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
are regarded as one of such types, which serves as a methodological basis for the further studies. Formation
of the positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation takes place within the process of individual
judicial regulation of disputed relations. Due to the above the legal positions include interpretative provisions,
results of overcoming conflicts of laws and gaps in laws, application of principles of law. The positions
of the Supreme Court in the Russian Federation in the text of judicial decisions guarantee the transition
from the abstract norms to the circumstances of a specific case. By their nature the legal positions of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are interpretative, and not normative, which should be taken into
consideration when using them in judicial decisions. In comparison with the legal norms the legal positions
of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation serve as additional support for the position of the court, and
they cannot substitute for the normative prescriptions.
court of general jurisdiction, legal norm, interpretation, individual judicial regulation, legal positions of a court, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, judicial legal practice, judicial decision, motivation in judicial decision, position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
Milchakova, O.V. (2014). Judicial constitutional control over the activities of
political parties. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 188–194.
The states, which were freed from totalitarian regimes put upon them by a political party or a political
leader, aim to find balance between the announced democratic values and accpetable measures of
protection of their constitutional order. The constitutional courts, which serve the function of control over
compliance with the Constitution by the political parties in their activities, should also facilitate achievement
of this balance e. The post-Socialist states of the Eastern Europe are usually regarded as post-totalitarian
states, and a number of such states were analyzed in this article. The author used mostly formal
legal and comparative legal methods in the analysis of legislation and judicial practice. The court should
directly control both the constituent documents and the activities of its members and followers. The indirect
influence upon the activities of political party is cast by the constitutional court, when the election disputes
are resolved, and constitutional norm control of acts regulating status of parties and other associations
of persons, including the procedure for the financing of their activities. These theses are supported by the
analysis of the modern legislation and practice of the constitutional courts situated in the former Yugoslavia
territory, and results of the analysis are reflected in the article. The author makes a conclusion that in Russia
the competence of the Constitutional Court in regard to the constitutional control over the activities of
the political parties is much weaker than that of the constitutional courts of the former Yugoslavia states.
constitutional court, political party, incompliance to constitution, activities of a party, constitutional control, election disputes, post-Socialist states, former Yugoslavia states, prohibition of a political party, freedom of association, party financing.
Stepanova, O.A. (2014). Administrative process and administrative jurisdiction:
definition, characteristic features, correlation. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 195–203.
The article contains analysis of the key existing approaches towards understanding the category
“administrative process” (administrative and jurisdictional concept), its correlation with the term “administrative
jurisdiction”, and the author also expresses her view on these issues. In particular, she offers
her definition of the term “administrative process”, as based on the following elements: administrative
process is law-enforcement activity; administrative process regards examination of conflicts (including
disputes); the said disputes have administrative legal character; in the administrative process the dispute
is resolved by an an independent arbitrator, being either an administrative body or a court; administrative
process has certain goal. The author also follows a narrow (jurisdictional) approach towards administrative
process, noting that this approach may be called jurisdictional only in combination with the
understanding of the term “jurisdiction” as an activity of administrative bodies or court on examination
of conflict s(disputes) as a third party with no interest in the outcome of the case. In such a case the entire
administrative process should be recognized as jurisdictional, and it becomes synonymous to the narrow
approach towards the understanding of the administrative process.
administrative process, administrative jurisdiction, law-enforcement activity, conflict, arbitrator, court, administrative body, dispute, procedural norms, coercive measure.
Zinovkin, N.S. (2014). Overview of judicial practice on payment for the
emplacement of industrial and consumption waste. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 204–211.
The object of studies in this article includes payment for the negative influence on the environment in
part of emplacement of industrial and consumption waste. Topicality of the issue is proven by the vast judicial
practice, which is quite contradictory, and legislative imperfections in this sphere. The topicality mainly has to
do with defining the subject, who is obliged to pay for the negative influence on the environment. Currently,
there are two leading positions: either the producer of waste should pay, or a specialized organization arranging
its emplacement. The article analyzes several approaches towards defining the subjects obligated to
make payments: from the standpoint of the principles of environmental legislation and its spirit, and from the
point of view of the transfer of the proprietary right to waste. Based upon these approaches the author offers
to amend the Federal Law “On Industrial and Consumption Waste”, providing for the reference to the owner
of waste as the party, who has to make the payment, and the amendments should be made into the Federal
Law “On Environmental Protection”, referring to payment for production and not the emplacement of waste.
waste, emplacement of waste, negative influence, ecology, payment, environment, judicial practice, environmental law, nature management, pollutant
Mamatkazin, I.R. (2014). Legal construction of compensatory legal relations. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 212–217.
In the absence of legal and scientific definitions of compensation payment, the author formulates
the characteristic features, allowing to distinguish compensation payments from the other types of monetary social guarantees, as well as from the compensations in other branches of law. The author
makes a conclusion that in order for the compensation legal relation to appear, there has to be a primary
material legal relation, within which there is an object of compensation, at which the compensation
influence is directed. The quality characteristics of a compensation payment presupposes defining the
compensated amount of the object of compensation. It is noted that the compensation element includes
the need for procedural calculation of compensated amount based upon the sum of compensation object.
The author reveals the connection between compensation legal relation and the “primary” material legal
relation, within which the compensation object exists. The connection between the legal relations is so
substantial, that is allows one to speak of the presence of the legal construction of a legal relation. The
primary legal relation may be either a social guarantee legal relation, or a legal relation outside of the
scope of legal guarantees. In the first case both legal relations shall be public, while in the second case
the one legal relation shall be private, while other would be a public one. The latter option for interaction
of legal relations may possible be one of manifestation of the inter-branch integration.
compensation relation, legal construction of legal relation, compensation object, compensated amount, compensation payment, “primary” relation, compensated obligation, restoration of proprietary situation, interaction of legal relations, constructive element.
Gordienko, M.M. (2014). On the issue of the obligatory social insurance. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 218–224.
The issue of the place of insurance in general, and obligatory social insurance in particular, within
the system of law of Russia is disputable, and there is no unified approach in the legal science towards
this issue. In the opinion of a number of scholars, such as V. Roik, obligatory social insurance should be
singled out as an independent legal branch, having certain elements, such as an object, method, system,
principles of legal regulation, etc. However, it should be noted, that the legal relations concerning obligatory
social insurance have all of the elements of financial legal relations, which provides for its status as
an institution of financial law. The study was based upon the analysis of the legal scholars no role and
place of insurance within the system of obligatory social insurance. As the conclusions of this article, the
following may be noted: 1. The social insurance law based upon the position of V. Roik, distinguishes the
subject element of persons having a right for insurance guarantees within the social insurance system.
Therefore, the constitutional principle of equality of people is violated. 2. Financial guarantees of the social
insurance system are still partially provided by the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that formation and use of the budget funds is an
object of financial law. 3. Insurers in the obligatory social insurance relations shall be state non-budgetary
funds, and their finances form part of the budget system of the Russian Federation, being categorized
as “federal property”. The budget process and legal regime of federal property fall within the scope of
object of legal regulation of financial law. Therefore, the existing system of obligatory social insurance
may not be singled out as an independent branch of law, being a complex legal structure, which is regulated
by financial law.
financial law, obligatory social insurance, law of social insurance, social guarantees, obligatory insurance finances, social protection, social insurance relations, labor law, budget process, obligatory medical insurance
Veshkurtseva, Z.V. (2014). Structural approaches towards defining the terms
“non-material values” and “personal non-property
rights”. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 225–234.
The article includes analysis of the novel approaches towards defining “non-material values and
personal non-property rights”. The authors offer to use an additional approach towards understanding
the nature of non-material values through the structurally narrower individual category – via the definition
of personal non-property value. The author evaluates the problem of terminological transformation
regarding the definition of non-material values and personal non-property rights due to the amendments into the current legislation. The article includes analysis of various definitions of the said terms. The article
also includes definitions of the term “personal non-property value”. Introduction of the definition of
personal non-property values allows to deal with lack of clarity as to critical attitude to the “non-material
character” of some non-property values, and to find a more appropriate approach towards defining the
amount of compensation of moral damage in cases of encroachments upon non-property values and
violations of personal non-property rights.
non-property values, personal non-property right, compensation of moral damage, life, health, personal dignity, personal inviolability, inviolability of personal life, name of a person, authorship.
Grib, V.V. (2014). Legal nature of public share placement. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 235–240.
This article is devoted to one of unresolved problems of legal theory: defining legal nature of public
share placement. In order to solve this problem, the author studies four main theories for the legal nature
of public placement of shares: investment contract theory, unilateral dispositive deal; theory of bilateral
dispositive deal, and the theory of the sales contract, providing evaluation of each of the above-mentioned
theories. Within the framework of evaluation of the above-mentioned theory, the author makes a conclusion
that the theories of unilateral and bilateral dispositive deals are not viable, and they may not be used
for defining the legal nature of public placement of shares. However, the author also makes a conclusion
that the followers of both the investment contract theory and sales contract theory provide viable arguments
in support of their positions. However, none of these theories may be recognized as universal. Due to
the above-mentioned situation, the author offers to use the theory of investment contract of sales contract
depending on the purposes for which the shares are acquired by a subscriber.
unilateral dispositive deal, investment contract, subscriber, securities issuer, securities, legal nature, public placement of shares, bilateral dispositive deal, share, sales contract.
Polotovskaya, E.Y. (2014). Problems of participation of state (municipal)
institutions in a competitive system. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 241–246.
The article is devoted to some specific problems, which exist in the sphere of participation of
state and municipal institutions within the system of purchases. The normative basis for the competition
procedures in the Russian Federation is formed with the provisions of the Federal Laws of July 21, 2005 N.
94-FZ “On placement of orders for supply of goods, performance of works, provisions of services for state
and municipal needs”, of July 18, 2011 N. 223-FZ “On purchases of goods, works and services by certain
types of legal entities”, as well as by the Federal law N. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of
purchases of goods, works and services”, which enters into force from January 1, 2014 and it provides for
a number of novelties for the participation of state and municipal institutions in the competition procedures.
The author analyzes the problems regarding contents of a civil law contract of the budget institution,
participation of the state (municipal) institutions in the procedures of order placement, application
of the Federal Law “On placement of orders for supply of goods, performance of works, provisions of
services for state and municipal needs” to the specific types of purchases, and the author also attempts
to provide the possible solutions for the problems.
institution, contract, agreement, competition procedures, discussion, sale, rent, problem, efficiency, purchases.
Danilenko, E.M. (2014). Legal regulation of legal relation on purchase by the
joint stock company of its emplaced shares in Ukraine
and in Russia: problems and possible solutions. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 247–253.
The article includes comparative analysis of legal regulation of legal relations regarding purchase by the
joint stock company of its emplaced shares in Ukraine and in Russia. Such legal relations are regulated by the
legislation on stocks and shares in both states, and while it is titled accordingly in Russia, in Ukraine the purchase
of its shares by a joint stock company for remuneration is called repurchase of shares, and two types of repurchases
are distinguished: on the initiative of the company (voluntary repurchase of shares) and on the initiative
of a shareholder (obligatory repurchase of shares). It is proven in the article that there is theoretical and practical
viability for the introduction of the said classification in Russia. Additionally, the author uncovers positive and
negative features of legal regulation of the said legal relations in Ukraine and in Russia, proposing the measures
to avoid these shortcomings. Finally, the author points out the provisions of the Russian legislation on regulation
of legal relations regarding purchase by the joint stock company of its emplaced shares, which it would be worth
for Ukraine to use, and which provisions of Ukrainian law could be adopted in Russia. The author also discusses
the reforms, which both states should have in order to improve the legal regulation of the relevant legal relations,
and to consequently guarantee the level of protection of interests of shareholders and joint stock companies.
proportional buyback of shares, methods of buyback of shares, voluntary purchase of shares, purchase of shares, comparative legal analysis, purchase of shares by the company, non-proportional purchase of shares, Ukraine, Russia, stocks and shares legislation.
Voronov, E.N. (2014). Specific features of legal responsibility of banks
and other credit organizations in the enforcement
proceedings. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 254–260.
In the enforcement proceedings the bank or any other credit organization usually participate as creditors,
parties, performing certain enforcement actions. The bank as a creditor may be brought to civil law
responsibility under Art. 1102 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the unjustifiable enrichment and
it may be brought to administrative responsibility under p. 3 of the Art. 17.14 of the Administrative Offences
Code of the Russian Federation. If the bank is a debtor, it has to pay enforcement fee as a measure of responsibility
for the failure to perform the requirements of enforcement documents, and it also may be brought to
administrative responsibility under p. 1 of Art. 17.14, 17.15 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian
Federation and certain provisions of the Chapter 19 of the said Code. It is more convenient for the enforcement
officers to use the provisions of Art. 17.14 and 17.15 of the said Code, since the proceedings under this
article are performed by the officials of the FSCB of the Russian Federation, and the sanctions are greater than
those under Chapter 19 of the Code. Special legislative attention is paid to the responsibility of the banks for
the failure to perform their obligations on foreclosure of monetary funds of debtors on his accounts. Part 2 of
the Art. 17.14 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation provides for strict sanctions for
such violations. However, the analysis of statistics and judicial practice showed that this article is hardly ever
applied efficiently. The reasons for this situation include failure of the enforcement officers to comply to the
norms of procedural legislation and legislation on administrative offences, as well as legislation on enforcement
proceedings, failure to comply with the procedure for bringing a person to administrative responsibility,
to comply with the procedure for forming the protocols on administrative offences, etc. the FSCB should
develop detailed regulations on application of part 2 of the Art. 17.14 of the FSCB and to develop professional
skills of its officers in the sphere of administrative and procedural legislation Also the banks may be brought
to procedural responsibility for such violations under Art. 119 of the Arbitration Procedural Code and Art. 105
of the Civil Procedural Code (judicial fines) and civil law responsibility under Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the
Russian Federation (compensation of harm). However, efficiency of such responsibility is much less than one of
administrative responsibility, especially when it concerns the amount of punishment.
bank, credit organization, executive proceedings, creditor, debtor, performing enforcement procedures, civil law responsibility, administrative responsibility, procedural responsibility, judicial practice.
Ptaschenko, D.S. (2014). Imaginary defense in criminal law of the Member
States of the Commonwealth of Independent States:
specific features of legislative regulation. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 261–266.
The author studies specific problems of legislative regulation of imaginary defense in criminal
law of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter, the CIS). The author established
that there are three main approaches towards its regulation in the legislations of the CIS Member
States depending on the type and extent of its regulation. The first approach provides for regulation
of the imaginary defense with the general norms of criminal law; the second approach is to regulate
imaginary defense with the norms on mistakes in the sphere of circumstances, excluding criminality of an
act; the third approach is to regulate imaginary defense with special norms. The author made a conclusion
that none of the existing approaches to the regulation of imaginary defense in the criminal law of
the Member States of the CIS may be unilaterally accepted as a model for unification of such regulation.
The most preferable type of regulation unification by the CIS Member States is systemic use of positive
features of all three of these approaches, namely, adoption of norms on causing harm in the absence of
guilt (casus); norms on mistakes regarding circumstances, excluding criminality of an act; as well as the
specific norms on imaginary defense. In order to achieve complete and systemic regulation of imaginary
defense in the criminal law of the CIS Member States, it is also necessary to amend their criminal legislation
with the norms on mistakes, including them in the General Parts of criminal codes. Additionally,
specific norms on imaginary defense should also be amended.
imaginary defense, types of imaginary defense, regulation of imaginary defense, unification of imaginary defense, causing damage without guilt, casus, mistake, mistake in facts, mistake in circumstances, necessary defense.
Vladykina, T.A. (2014). Coordination of public and private elements in
criminal process. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 267–273.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 2) proclaims priority of basic human rights and freedoms
as a supreme value. In other words, since the modern Russia moves towards formation of the rule-of-law
states, the interests of a person and their protection form the center of attention for all the efforts and capabilities
of the state and local self-government. According to the Art. 6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation provides for the protection of rights and lawful interests of persons and entities, who became victims
of crime on one hand, and for the protection of persons from unlawful and unsubstantiated accusation and
conviction on the other hand, and these are the main goals of the criminal judicial proceedings. The analysis of
legislation and judicial practice allows one to make a conclusion that in the cases initiated with private charges
include elements of private law, which is initiation of criminal proceedings directly by a victim, and it is necessary
to guarantee legal equality of de facto unequal parties of criminal proceedings: inquirer, investigator, prosecutor
on one hand, and private accuser on the other hand. However, only the persons and legal entities have private
interests. The state and its bodies may not have private interest in participation in criminal proceedings. Being
the bearer of the public interest the state, firstly, regulates the relations forming the object of the criminal
procedural law via adoption, amendments and additions to the legislation; secondly, the state, as personified
by its competent bodies and officials takes part as a subject of criminal procedural relations. These bodies are
obligated to work strictly within the legal field and to guarantee lawful interests of persons taking part in criminal
processes (that is, the persons having rights an obligations under the criminal procedural law in accordance to
their procedural position. Currently, there is a considerable amount of immersion of private elements in the criminal
procedural law. At the same time, it is not a complex branch of law, and it does not lose its specificity. Various
models of combination of private and public elements in the criminal process do not terminate the obvious fact,
that in order to efficiently protect both private and public interests from criminal acts, the public means within
the mechanism of criminal procedural regulation have to be applied.
public law, private law, legal interest, criminal procedural regulation, assigning criminal judicial proceedings, cases initiated by private parties, criminal prosecution, sentence, victim, crime.
Neretina, N.S. (2014). From Hippocrates to Newton: the early period of
formation and development of expert knowledge. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 274–280.
The article concerns the history of formation of judicial expertise. The author follows the process
of formation of various types and kinds of expertise at the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. The author
studies examples of judicial medical, judicial psychiatric, judicial handwriting expertise, and judicial
technical expertise of documents, as well as the history of addressing specialists for judicial needs, and
the sources on expertise of various types and kinds till the early XVIII century both in Russia and abroad.
Special attention is paid to the evolution of judicial expertise due to development of scientific and technical
thought, the author discusses specific features of formation and development of toxicological and
physicometallurgical expertise, as well as the first methods used for them. Special attention is also paid
to the Oriental history of judicial expertise with the use of ancient Chinese sources, which are rather hard
to access otherwise.
history of judicial expertise, formation of judicial expertise, development of judicial expertise, knowing persons, judicial medical expertise, judicial psychiatric expertise, judicial handwriting expertise, judicial technical expertise of documents, judicial toxicology, physicometallurgical expertise.
Mitrokhina, A.H. (2014). Evolution of development of the European space
policy (legal aspects). Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 281–286.
The goal of the article is to describe historical legal aspects of development of the European space
policy. The historical legal aspect of the European space policy includes four stages of development: 1)
1950s – 1964 when the national space programs of the Western European states were formed; 2) 1964-
2003 when the unified European bodies for the space purposes were formed; 3) 2003-2007 when the relations
between the European Union and the European Space Agency; 4) 2007 till current period, when the
“new European space policy “was formed within the framework of the Lisbon treaty. It should be noted that
the Lisbon treaty played a key role in the development of the European space policy, distinguishing it as a
separate sphere. The persistent characteristic feature of the European space policy is its direction at the
civilian aspects of studies and use of space, and it is only in the late years, when the European space policy
started directing more attention towards the guarantees of international and regional security. In the last
sixty years there was a colossal development of the European space policy: from the development of space
activities at the national level in the Western European states to the formation of the European organization
with the special competence in the sphere of study and use of space, which currently holds leading positions
in the world, and the ESA has a goal to become an EU agency in the future.
the European Union, the European Space Agency, the European Space Policy, the European space law, the Lisbon Treaty, the stages of development, evolution, the ESA, the EU, the ESA and the Russian Federation
Makarov, S.Y. (2014). Work of the Advocacy Section at the 5th Kutafin
Readings. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 287–290.
The article is devoted to the work of the advocacy section, which took place on November 28,
2013 within the framework of the V Kutafin Readings at the Kutafin Moscow Law University. The article
provides the theses of speeches of participants of the section, which concerned theoretical advocacy issues,
which are of timeless value (such as independence of advocacy, history of advocacy), as well as the
topical scientific and practical problems of advocacy in the modern Russia. The author provides the main
provisions of the polemics concerning the speeches of the participants, and the main positions of participants
to the discussions of the theses. Topicality of the article is due to the fact that the speeches of
participants concerned topical issues of modern Russian advocacy, and it also facilitated the discussions
of the most topical problems of the modern Russian advocacy practice after the speeches.
advocate, advocacy, independence, mediation, speeches, history of advocacy, rights of advocates, fee, entrepreneurship, oratory skill.
Poduzova, E.B., Vasilevskaya, L.Y. (2014). Report on holding the conference “Kutafin Readings”.
Civil law section. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 291–292.
This publication reflects the main aspects of holding the conference “Kutafin Readings”, the section
of civil law. This section was organized thanks to the cooperation with the department of civil law of
the Moscow State University named after M.V . Lomonosov and the Department of Civil and Family Law
of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University. The section included speeches of the leading specialists in
the sphere of civil law, such as the Doctor of Law, Professor E.A. Sukhanov, Doctor of Law, Professor L.Y.
Vasilevskaya, Doctor of Law, Professor A.E. Sherstobitov. The young law school lecturers and postgraduate
students also presented their reports. All of the speeches were devoted to the topical problems of
theory and practice of civil law. The theses of the participants of the conference are results of their studies,
which are based upon the system of general and specific legal cognition methods. In their speeches
the participants of the conference paid attention to a number of topical problems of civil law, legislation
and legal practice on legal entities, proprietary rights and means of their protection, customer protection,
contracts of organizations, transportation contracts, inheritance.
legal entities, types of legal entities, proprietary rights, object of civil law, relations of organizations, customer rights, insurance contract, transportation contracts, protection of rights, changes in the civil legislation.
Zakharova, L.I., Ilyinskaya, O.I. (2014). Work of the section of international public law at the
V International Scientific and Practical Conference. Actual problems of Russian law, 2, 293–296.
The V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Constitutionalism and Legal System of
Russia: results and perspectives” (the Kutafin Readings) was held at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University
on November 27-28, 2013. The section of international law worked efficiently within the framework
of this conference. Leading international law scholars from Russia, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Tajikistan
presented their theses devoted to the topical problems of international law. A number of issues caused
active scientific discussion. The main scientific method, which was used for the preparation of this review,
was the analysis of the main provisions of the theses, which were discussed within the work of this section.
Many theses of reports were scientifically novel. The speakers discussed the main models of constitutional
structure of states and their specific features, mentioned the modern problems in the sphere of
application of law of international conflicts in the cyberspace, discussed the situation in Syria in the light
of the norms of international law on the use of force by the states in the international relations, revealed
the current understanding of state sovereignty, fragmenting of international law, and the contents of jus
cogens norms in the result of their interpretation by the international and national courts, noting a number
of novelties in the international administration and the need for the theoretical evaluation of other
topical problems of international law.
international law, legal system of Russia, Constitution, supremacy, responsibility to protect, international court, international security, international control, section of international law, the Kutafin Moscow State Law University.