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«PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal»
About the Journal

PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal is a scholarly music journal focused on classical, jazz, and folk music. It is published (since 2024) once every six months and is double-blind peer-reviewed. As an open-access journal, Philharmonica focuses on all aspects of the study of music as an art, cultural phenomenon, and human activity. The journal covers all aspects of music, including considerations on compositions and composers, styles, performances, music education, cultural formation, critical methods, and musical institutions. 


PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal has been published since February 1st, 2014. Until the middle of 2015, the journal was published in printed form with ISSN 1339-4002. Since April 1st, 2015, the journal has been published as an online publication only, with the online edition ISSN 2453-613X 


Journal Languages: Published in Russian since 2014 and in Russian and English since 2021.


Abstracting and Indexing: Google Scholar, EBSCO, CrossRef


Publisher (owner): AURORA Group s.r.o

Company identification number (IČO): 44190549;

Company value-added tax number: SK 2022743514;

Koceľova 937/9, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic




AURORA Group s.r.o. is a software developer that specializes in publishing and information technology.

Using its original high-tech computer platforms, it provides systematization, processing, storage, and database security services.

Founded by: 
Dr. Vasily Danilenko – CEO AURORA Group s.r.o., Ph.D. in Political Sciences.
E-mail: w.danilenko@nbpublish.com 
Dr. Denis Danilenko – President AURORA Group s.r.o., Doctor of Law (France).
E-mail: danilenko_d@nbpublish.com

AURORA Group s.r.o. was established in 2009 in Bratislava, Slovakia. It began operations as a book publisher and a quarterly journal for the Russian community in Slovakia titled Spolu (Together). Since then, AURORA Group has published an English-language quarterly publication called PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. In early 2017, it acquired the rights to publish English versions of all 62 journals of the Russian publisher, Nota Bene (NB-Media Ltd.). 

The printed journals have been switched to an online format, and the publisher has gone completely digital. All journals are published in an open-access format, and all articles receive an international digital object identifier (DOI). 

Since 2014, the Publisher has established its own Institute of Scientific Peer Reviewing, which conducts double-blind peer reviews for each submitted manuscript. Thanks to this rigorous process, only 26% of submitted articles are accepted for publishing.