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Student's Social Adaptation in Modern Cross-Cultural Conditions

Popova Anastasiya Valer'evna

Pedagogical Department at Murmansk State Humanities University

183017, Murmansk, ul. Tortseva 11

Other publications by this author

Tarasova Svetlana Mikhailovna

senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology at Murmansk State Humanities University

183038, Murmansk, ul. K. Egorova 16 








Abstract: The article considers the problem of student's social adaptation in today's cross-cultural conditions. The author presents the thematic planning of psychological training as a factor of future teachers' social adaptation in modern cross-cultural environment. Research of S. Tarasova and A. Popova shows that most of today's students are not socially adapted to work in an educational institution and do not have cross-cultural competence. The psychological training is a form of active learning, allowing to develop skills from the future specialist in the construction of social productive interpersonal relationships, to analyze the psychological situation from his point of view and partner’s point of view. It helps to develop the knowledge and understanding of themselves and others in the process of cross-cultural interaction.


social adaptation, professional activity, professional competence, mdern cross-cultural conditions, cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural literacy, psychological training, methods of teaching, professional carrers, case work planning

This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .

Today the main task of Russian education is reflection and analysis of radical cross-cultural changes taking place in Russia. Interest to cross-cultural research is due to many unresolved political, economic and social problems. It connected with constantly emerging international conflicts and nationalism caused by the migration of people from the Caucasus and Central Asia to Russia.

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Research of S. Tarasova, A. Popova shows that most of today's students are not socially adapted to work in an educational institution and do not have cross-cultural competence (70%). To ensure of students' social adaptation for future careers in today's cross-cultural environment it's necessary to create conditions for implementing the basic principles, tasks and functions which are clearly presented in a pedagogical model of students' social adaptation for cross-cultural interaction in professional activity [3]. The model is an empirical question, and includes a list of predicted activities contributing to the successful socialization of the teacher to future careers in contemporary cross-cultural environment.

The university as an agent of social adaptation to the future professional activity has the following tasks:

  1. Identify organizational and pedagogical conditions of the university, which will help to adjust the psychological and social experiences of students and help to create an adequate position in the teaching collective.
  2. Forming a high level of professional competence of students of pedagogical specialists.
  3. Forming a cross-cultural competence of students and educators.
  4. To develop the necessary personal qualities which contribute to successful social adaptation to profession in modern cross-cultural environment.
  5. To nurture interest and forming valuable attitude to their chosen profession.

We hypothesized that social adaptation of students in today's cross-cultural environment will be more successful if:

  • the process of training will include such subjects, which enhance by professionally-oriented content, and direct to practical training in cross-cultural interaction;
  • forming of the students the necessary personal qualities to the teaching profession;
  • forming of professional competence of students;
  • organization of teaching practices, which provide social adaptation to the profession, and include tasks aimed at the formation of cross-cultural competence.

Today teacher professional should have a cross-cultural literacy and cross-cultural competence that will ensure a productive inter-ethnic cooperation and will adapt to professions. Cross-cultural competence will help the teacher not only adequately act in the currently available cross-cultural environment, but also be prepared to change it, be prepared for self-adjustment of its own educational activities, if the changing conditions required it.

Managing the process of social adaptation - it is an active impact on the determinants of its progress, timing, reducing the adverse impacts, etc. In organizing the process of social adaptation of pedagogical skills of students we have developed a package of measures to improve the social adaptation of future teachers in the current cross-cultural conditions.

As a means of increasing the level of social adaptation we see:

  1. Development of training programs to facilitate social adaptation to the profession, forming a cross-cultural literacy, ethnic tolerance.
  2. Improvement of educational practices programs.
  3. Development of an integrated psychological and pedagogical support of students in studying.
  4. The organization of psychological and pedagogical training which help to improve cross-cultural and professional competence of students.

In our opinion, one of the most effective methods of teaching students which helps to improve professional standards and cross-cultural competencies, supports and successful adaptation to the profession, is a lesson in the form of training. We have developed the training "Teacher's adaptation to the professional activity in today's cross-cultural conditions". This training accumulates the content of practice-oriented disciplines that contribute to the adaptation of professional activity, such as "Practical work of solving psychological and educational problems," "Social adaptation to professional careers in today's cross-cultural environment", "Psychological and Pedagogical practical work" and others.

The work at training lessons devoted to issues of professional and ethnic identity, the students’ problematic (professional and everyday life) situations, the personal characteristics which are important for the profession. The training " Teacher's adaptation to the professional activity in today's cross-cultural conditions," aims to develop some skills, knowledge and abilities which are necessary to establish the relationships based on equality of all participants in the psychological process of teaching in situations of cross-cultural interaction (children, teachers, parents).

Training goal: to contribute of the effective improvement of the process of teachers’ adaptation to the profession in a modern cross-cultural environment.


  1. Contribute the cultural improving of psychological conversation.
  2. Recognize cross-cultural stereotypes.
  3. Teach the methods of self-regulation of emotional states in the contemporary cross-cultural conditions.
  4. Increase interest in the application received psychological and pedagogical knowledge in practice.

In accordance with the goals and objectives of future professional activity, students must possess the following competencies:

  • willingness to apply the practical knowledge in the field of social adaptation to the professional activities;
  • ability to adapt to the changing cross-cultural conditions of professional activity;
  • ability to apply the knowledge to explain the facts and phenomena of the educational process, to transform yourself in the interests of professional development;
  • ability and willingness to differentiate the situations of social adaptation mechanisms;
  • willingness to use productive ways of interact in different situations of professional and personal life, including cross-cultural;
  • ability to analyze own mental states;
  • ability and willingness to own autogenic training techniques and stress;
  • willingness to apply the methods of psychic self-regulation in professional and everyday life.

The main methods: a mini-lecture, a group discussion, a group work and work in pairs, modeling, problem solving.

The training program includes 12 lessons (Table 1). Each lesson lasts for 1,5 hours. Training classes are conducted in a group of 8-12 people.

Table 1

Case work planning


The purpose of the lesson

The used methods

The radicals for observation

Criteria for effectiveness


Assistance of successful social adaptation

- greeting;

- discuss and establishment of rules;

- ex. «who was born in May»;

- conversation with the participants of the training;

- ex. «walk of trust»;

- ex. «my professional plans»;

- ex. «the suitcase»;

- sharing

- emotional reaction;

- activity;

- social competence

- positive emotional attitude;

- degree of participation in exercise;

- ability to establish contact with other participants


Reduce of stress and anxiety; contribute to the personality development

- greeting;

- listening to the parable + relaxation;

- the technique of « one victory»;

- ex. «the declaration of young teacher»;

- ex. «the letter to myself»;

- sharing

- involvement at the execution of tasks;

- the level of anxiety and tension;

- desire to solve problems in positive way;

- reflection

- quality of the job;

- reducing of anxiety in the training process;

- removal of the negative attitude towards the life difficulties;

- ability to analyze yourself activities


Realization of professional significance; determine the actual position of the professional development

- greeting;

- ex. «don’t be afraid»;

- questionnaire for participants;

- ex. «the curve of my life»;

- ex. «the way to the pass»;

- ex. «my goal»;

- sharing

- emotional reaction;

- ability to reflection;

- internal plan of action.

- positive emotional attitude;

- ability to analyze yourself activities;

- ability to forecast the result of professional activities


Contribute to successful cooperation in different professional situations; ability to build relationships constructively

- greeting;

- game «weather forecast»;

- ex. «the world around me »;

- ex. «a mother and a child»;

- ex. «Rose and Thistle»

- ex. «thanks for the nice job»;

- sharing

- social competence;

- communication competence;

- ability to "open" to a group;

- adequate interaction with the others;


Forming of tolerance through knowledge and self- understanding

- greeting;

- ex. «transformation»;

- ex. « Memo to the «rainy day»;

- ex.- discussion «tolerant personality traits»;

- ex. «learn to appreciate the individuality»;

- ex. «guess what am I talking about»;

- ex. «true or false»

- sharing

- involvement at the execution of tasks;

- the level of anxiety and tension;

- desire to solve problems in positive way;

- reflection

- quality of the job;

- reducing of anxiety and tension in the training process;

- reduction of negative attitudes toward hardships;

- ability to analyze yourself activities


Forming of the internal position of successful teacher

- greeting;

- ex. «orange»;

- ex. « compliment»;

- game «let's show off»;

- ex. « fulcrum»;

- ex. «without false modesty»;

- sharing

- ability to evaluate yourselves;

- activity;

- formation of self-appraisal;

- degree of participation in the proposed exercises.


Forming of ideas about the conflict’s nature; to gain the experience of constructive professional conflict resolution; developing the ability to respond to conflict situations adequately

- greeting;

- Mini-lecture «conflicts»;

- ex. «tram»;

- ex. «the alphabet of emotions»;

- brainstorming «pros and cons of conflict»;

- ex. «I am in conflict»;

- discussion «outputs of the conflict»;

- the stress reducing techniques;

- sharing

- self-control

- ability to engage in conflict;

- social and communication competences

- adequate response to the conflict situation;

- possibility of transferring the knowledge into the practice;

- positive interaction with the others


Forming of modeling skills and productive conflict-free communication in cross-cultural conditions

- greeting;

- ex. «in a good mood»;

- role-playing game «fight»;

- ex. «I look like fairy-tale hero»;

- ex. «five kind words»;

- ex. «what we like»;

- ex. «the light went out in the barracks»;

- sharing

- emotional reaction;

- internal plan of action;

- reflection

- positive emotional attitude;

- ability to forecast the result of professional activities;

- ability to analyze yourself activities


Forming of modeling skills and productive conflict-free communication in cross-cultural conditions

- greeting;

- ex. «erudite»;

- discussion «debate»;

- role-playing game «family psychologist»;

- ex. «the best nationality»;

- ex. «the perfect man»;

- sharing

- activity;

- communication competences;

- degree of participation in exercise;

- literacy skills of communication


Creating conditions for effective prevention of emotional burnout

- greeting;

- ex. «roundabout»;

- brainstorming «syndrome of emotional burnout»;

- work in groups – ex. «shield»;

- ex. «the main and secondary»;

- sharing

- reflection;

- level of stress;

- removal of psychological stress;

- ability to “protect” yourself from the negative things


Maintaining physical and mental health

- greeting;

- listening to the parable;

- ex. «fruit garden»;

- set of techniques which reduce the voltage;

- sharing

- reflection;

- level of self-regulation;

- ability to relax, relieve psychological stress;

- self-control, effectively and appropriately use the mental and physical resources in professional activities


Prophylaxis of emotional burnout syndrome

- greeting;

- ex. «harmonica»;

- video «pictures of nature»;

- ex. «I like – I dislike»;

- fairy-tale «snag»;

- ex. «take and give»;

- ex. «praise yourself»;

- ex. «dishwasher»;

- ex. «applause»;

- sharing

- self-appraisal;

- reflection;

- self-satisfaction, awareness of yourself uniqueness;

- removal of psychological stress;

Here are some examples of the most interesting exercises of the training lessons.

Exercise «The perfect man».

The participants of the training sit in a circle. The model of human put on the blackboard. Each participant in a circle calls the dignity of any nationalities («he is as generous as Russians», «he is as pedantic as Germans», «he has a sense of taste like Italians» etc.). The leader writes the quality next to the model. The image of the perfect man creates at the end of the exercise. If the exercise is interesting for the participants, they can continue it. Instead of the qualities they can call clothes, household things, which characterize the nationality on positive side. Thus, the group pays attention only on the positive aspects of different cultures and nationalities, and forgets about the negative, that promotes tolerance and creates a positive image of different nationalities.

Role-playing «Family psychologist».

Training participants are invited to play the following situation: a couple (wedded pair) comes to a family psychologist: wife is Russian, husband is Armenian. Their problem is in misunderstanding of the mentality of each other. They quarrel because of different understanding of the status of women and men in the house. The psychologist's task is in reconciling the spouses. He must teach them to respect each other as representatives of different nationalities and cultures. The couple plays their roles and does not want to put up and provides a variety of psychological problems. At the end of the exercise group discusses the successes and mistakes of the psychologist. Perhaps the repetition of the game with other members.

Exercise «The best nationality».

All participants are divided into pairs. Each of them chooses his nationality (except his own). Debating in pairs, they must find a compromise by selecting one. Opponents find the positive qualities of this ethnic group and its features during the discussion. Each one need to convince other that his choice is right. Then the pair combined with another couple and four of them are trying to find a compromise by choosing the best nationality. Then, in the eight and etc. until the whole group won't select any nationality, which will be the best at this stage. The exercise helps to rally the group. It learns to negotiate and listen to each other. It develops a positive mood in relation to other ethnic groups.

Psychological training is an indispensable form in work aimed at social adaptation of students to future careers in contemporary cross-cultural conditions, because participants in the training are active, and the acquisition of skills becomes in the process of living and personal experience of the behavior. Thus, the psychological training is a form of active learning, allowing to develop skills from the future specialist in the construction of social productive interpersonal relationships, to analyze the psychological situation from his point of view and partner’s point of view. It helps to develop the knowledge and understanding of themselves and others in the process of cross-cultural interaction.
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