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Finance and Management

The results of an expert survey of subjects of social image construction in the Orenburg region

Kalieva Ol'ga Mihailovna

ORCID: 0000-0001-9577-4073

Doctor of Economics

Professor; Department of Marketing and Trade; Orenburg State University

460018, Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13
Drobysheva Mariya Yurievna

Assistant; Department of Sociology of Knowledge Higher School of Modern Social Sciences; Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Kolmogorova str., 1, building 13A
Gulenina Svetlana Valentinovna

PhD in Psychology

Director; Institute of Education Development; Orenburg State University

460018, Russia, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13









Abstract: The object of the study is the established image of a specific region of the Russian Federation according to the main characteristics of the competitive identity model. The subject of the study is the mechanism of forming an analytical cross-section of the opinions of the expert community in the process of social construction of the image of the region. The purpose of the study is to use the method of expert survey to study the current image of the Orenburg region in the process of social construction. The objectives are to study approaches to understanding the definitions of "image of the region" and "image of the region", as well as to identify the mechanism of social construction of the image of the region, including the processes of habitalization, typification, institutionalization and legitimization. The main research method is an expert survey conducted as part of the situational analysis stage of the process of social construction of the image of the region. The novelty of the research lies in the development of a scenario for an expert survey of subjects of the process of social construction of the image of the region based on the model of S. Anholt's competitive identity. The author's main contribution is to summarize the results of an analytical cross-section of the existing image of the Orenburg region in six components. The Orenburg region has a disparate image associated not only with its stereotypical perception, but also with historical, geographical and natural features. It is proved that in order to effectively construct the image of the region, a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach is needed, in which the emphasis should be shifted towards the sociological study of the attitude of the population, formal and informal subjects of management of the purposefully formed image of the region.


region, image, look, the competitive identity model, social construction, habitualization, typing, institutionalization, legitimation, expert survey

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At the present stage of the development of Russian society in the information space, increased attention is paid to the problem of forming a stable positive image of the state, which is based on the achievements and positive characteristics of individual territories of the Russian Federation. Regional specifics are becoming one of the dominant factors in the development of a federal state. The image of the region and the associated process of regionalization is based on important properties of the territorial system, such as: official formal characteristics of the territory, regional individuality, a set of special resources, the level of development and sectoral differentiation of the economy, the quality of life of the population, socio-cultural identity, including the spiritual and creative principle and the idea of the region as a "small homeland". The legal and economic basis for this process is set by the Government of the Russian Federation in the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation. As part of the implementation of this Strategy, it is planned to apply state measures to stimulate internal migration to attract economically active population to regions characterized by an unfavorable demographic situation but significant economic potential [18], which, among other measures, requires the formation of a purposeful positive image of the region to popularize specific territories of the country.


The descriptive method, the method of categorization, the method of synthesis, the method of generalization, as well as an expert survey were used as a methodology of the subject area of research within the framework of a systematic approach, which allowed forming an analytical cross-section of opinions of subjects of social image construction of a particular region of the Russian Federation.

Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a scenario for an expert survey of subjects of the process of social construction of the image of the region based on S. Anholt's model of competitive identity. The main contribution of the author is the formation of an analytical cross-section of the formed image of the Orenburg region among the internal agents of social management of the region in six components: people, politics, management, investments and immigration, export brands, culture and cultural heritage, tourism.

Problem statement

Within the framework of this study, the region is considered from the point of view of administrative-territorial and systemic approaches. In the administrative-territorial approach, "region" from the point of view of administrative boundaries is synonymous with the term "region". Thus, A. N. Ayupov understands a region as "a territory within administrative boundaries characterized by complexity, integrity, specialization and manageability, i.e. the presence of political and administrative management bodies" [2]. Another researcher, S. G. Voronkov, understands the region as "a territorial and spatial form of organization, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of authority that can influence the socio-economic development of the region" [15]. It should be noted that for the social construction of the image of the region, this approach is important from the point of view of a clear separation of different territories that have certain geographical, landscape, resource capabilities, which determines the basis for building a clear image in the minds of potential consumers, since these characteristics of the territory are difficult to change. However, in the process of social image construction, the region should be considered not only from the point of view of administrative-territorial education, but also as an object of social interaction and social life in general [3]. A systematic approach is most fruitful here. Within the framework of this approach, a region is understood as a synthetic concept denoting "a historically evolving, geographically compact community that contains a physical environment, socio-economic, political and cultural environment, as well as a spatial structure different from other regions and territorial units, such as a city or a nation" [22].

The complexity of the perception of the concept of "region" is determined, on the one hand, by the variety of characteristics of the territory, the dependence of the boundaries of the territory on geographical and high uncertainty of the external environment of the territory, and on the other hand, by the constant development of socio-economic infrastructure, the dynamics of the main subsystems, especially demographic, information and organizational subsystems. Also, when socially constructing the image of the region, it is necessary to take into account the aspect that the region is "a complex open cybernetic system and at the same time an atomic particle of systems of higher macro- and mega-economic levels" [7], which imposes restrictions on the use of characteristics and specific attributes of the formation of the image of the region, which should not contradict the strategic vision and cultural heritage of the whole country.

When considering the region as an object of sociological research, the Russian researcher E. V. Kargopolova notes that regions are often considered only "as economic, administrative, socially typical units, without taking into account the socio-cultural specifics of their development. As a result, the importance of the "small homeland" is being eroded among the residents of the region, and social well-being is decreasing" [10].

In modern conditions of transforming social reality, there is a need to reconsider some important aspects of the social construction of the image of the region; today it is becoming a kind of "symbolic capital" and, with a competent approach, it can turn into a benefit for both government agencies and businesses, as well as for residents of the region, as well as its guests, investors and other interested persons and parties.

The fundamental position of the theory of social construction is the dualism of social reality, which is both objective (independent of the individual) and subjective (constantly constructed by the subject) [12]. Under the social construction of reality, in accordance with the approach of Solovyov A.V., we will understand the creative formation of reality based on social interaction of people [17]. At the same time, any data perceived by subjects in the process of interacting with each other and the surrounding reality is structured by them and turned into information about objects and connections between them. Systematized information as objective knowledge is transformed into actions, thanks to which "any system of "knowledge" becomes socially recognized as a "reality" [4]. Further, according to sociologist N. S. Ishchenko, "society is constructed by individuals in the process of their interaction, and the individual becomes a social product as a result of socialization and assimilation of socially typed activities" [8].

In the scientific sociological environment, it is determined that the main mechanisms of constructing reality are: habitualization, typification, institutionalization, legitimation. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Habitualization (habituation) is the mastering by an individual of certain actions, often repeated, which eventually become a model, the reproduction of these learned actions, which saves a person's efforts, simplifies the decision–making process - habitual behavior becomes more correct, understandable for this individual, the action that is most often repeated becomes a model and can be reproduced with saving effort. "Although in theory there may be hundreds of ways to design the construction of a canoe from matches, in the process of habitalization they come down to one" [23].

The next mechanism is typification, which involves the identification and differentiation of the studied objects according to certain social, biological, cultural and other characteristics [4].

One of the key mechanisms is also institutionalization, which includes the two previous mechanisms, when clearly defined group perceptions of reality give rise to social institutions with power, a system of sanctions and incentives for organizing social control, maintaining accepted norms and patterns of behavior in a given society. Usually, such agents of social control are politicians, experts, professionals, scientists, and representatives of the media. Further, "unusual typed actions remain in the minds of individuals, being transmitted to subsequent generations and influencing those who themselves are engaged in constructing social reality (the reflection effect)" [6].

Another mechanism, legitimization, is that it becomes a way of "explaining" and "justifying" social institutions, which is carried out by agents of social construction for those who "know" social reality. Within the framework of legitimation, social institutions are viewed through such categories as "given" and "tradition" without realizing the original meaning of these institutions in terms of memory. The process of legitimization forms the basis for the socialization of individuals, the preservation and support of established social institutions in subsequent generations. The main function of legitimization is to explain to the individual the methods and methods of his behavior, why he should act in this way and not in another. [4]

Turning to modern domestic research on the problem of the formation of the image of the territory, we encounter a scientific dilemma, which is associated with the lack of consensus around the basic concepts of "image" and "image". In the Western tradition, within the framework of various research areas, a common methodological approach has developed to use the category "image" (the category "image" is used in the meaning of the concept "image" in the context of considering the "image of an object"). In our country, there are different interpretations of these two definitions and ways of applying them. Within the framework of research devoted to the construction of the image of the territory, one can also find the concept of "brand" associated with them. For our study, it is methodologically correct to consider the ratio of these categories [16].

In Russian science, there are two approaches to the relationship between the categories "image" and "image": in the first approach, "image" and "image" are identified with each other; in the second approach, researchers distinguish between "image" and "image", understanding the image as "the product of the subject's own mental activity, related with the development of information about the object", and the image – as "a product of the external management activities of other entities imposed on this subject" [5]. Starting from the approach of Chepkasov A.V. [19], let's clarify the understanding of the definition of "image" as a purposefully constructed, well-established image of an object in the minds of the target audience. From our point of view, the difference between an "image" and an "image" is precisely in the purposefulness of actions to form it, even, often with the help of directive or administrative methods, the image is formed naturally on the basis of the tools of the mechanism of social image construction presented above.

Within the framework of existing research, different approaches to the interpretation of the "image of the region" have been studied. It has been revealed that there is no clear definition of this concept in scientific circles. Researchers identify various components of this phenomenon and the mechanisms of its formation, such as the image of the territory, the brand of the territory, the image-brand of the territory. The practical implementation of the formation and construction of the image of the territory is carried out from the standpoint of territory marketing, the main tool of which is branding.

From the point of view of social construction, the image of a region is a difficult concept to define, since it is a complex of qualities and properties that most often cannot be reflected as a "visual image".

An important role in the process of constructing the image of the region is given to regional identity, which is very often identified with the concept of "image of the region". According to G. M. Kazakova, regional identity serves as a tool for creating a specific collective sociality, sets the norm of anthropological imagination and is a product of collective memory [9].

From the point of view of social construction, regional identity can be understood as "a special form of both individual and collective identity, in which its bearer turns out to be capable of spatiotemporal identification, cognitive, value, emotional-sensory, regulatory correlation with a specific territory" [9].

Within the framework of this study, when determining the image of the territory, we will use the synthesis of A. N. Leontiev's definition of the "image" [11] and Yu.A. Chernysh's definition of the "image of the territory" [20]. Thus, the image of the territory is the result of perception, a sensory imprint formed by the population about the natural and climatic, historical, ethnographic, socio–economic, political and other features of the territory.

Important factors influencing the perception of the image of the territory among the population will be: territorial affiliation, developed regional identity, socio-economic status of the population, generational differences. The image of the territory in the minds of the local population arises spontaneously, in the course of their daily life, but can be changed through the purposeful formation of the image and, subsequently, the brand of the territory.

The results of the study

In the aspect of analyzing the prevailing image of a particular region of the Russian Federation (Orenburg region), we apply S. Anholt's model of competitive identity, which consists of six structural components:

– tourism – the attractiveness of the territory for visiting, recreation, sightseeing; the presence of tourist infrastructure on the territory;

– export brands the willingness and desire of residents of other regions to search for and buy products grown or produced in the territory of this region;

– the management system – the trust of the inhabitants of the territory in the actions of the state authorities of the territory; willingness to comply with administrative decisions and orders;

– culture and cultural heritage – assessment of the historical and cultural heritage of the territory, as well as modern cultural potential (cinema, art, music, literature);

investment and immigration – the ability of a territory to attract external financial and human resources for the development of a given territory;

people hospitality, openness and goodwill of the residents of the territory; the desire to be friends and work with all audiences [1].

According to a scientific study by Markina Yu.M., the process of social construction of the image of the region includes the following stages:

1) analysis of stable social representations of the population of the region, representatives of state authorities and local governments, members of the business community, the media, as well as public organizations, that is, all subjects of social construction of the image of the region. At this stage, the established and promising characteristics of a holistic and positive image of the region are determined;

2) moving the image of the region from the sphere of scientific research to the field of current journalism, journalistic analytics, public speeches by political figures. At this stage, specific programs are formed that contain the demonstrated elements and activities to form the image of the region;

3) the translation of the formed elements of the image of the region to potential consumers inside and outside a specific territory [15].

We believe that the main methods of situational analysis of social representations of the population of the region as the first stage of the process of social construction of the image of the region are the following quantitative and qualitative methods: secondary data analysis; analysis of the attitude of target groups; content analysis of documents and publications in the media; questionnaire survey of a sample of the population; expert survey of subjects of social construction; focus group method; SWOT analysis. In the context of this study, a special role is played by studying opinions and receiving recommendations from the expert community, which determined the special importance of conducting an expert survey of those persons who are subjects of constructing the image of the region: representatives of state authorities and municipalities, teachers of higher education, representatives of large businesses, culture, sports and clergy of the Orenburg region (12 in total experts). Further, as part of the situational analysis, based on the results of an expert survey, an analytical cross-section of the existing image of the region was carried out according to the structural components presented above, as well as an assessment of the use of territorial resources for further purposeful formation of the image of the territory.

To conduct an expert survey, a scenario has been developed from open-ended questions that reveal specific components of the image of the Orenburg region in accordance with the structure of the image of the region based on the theory of S. Anholt:

1) Questions about the "People" component: "Do you think the residents of Orenburg are proud of their region? What can be a reason for pride?", "Please highlight the character traits inherent in the residents of the Orenburg region", "Do you think that the residents of the Orenburg region are tolerant and friendly?", "Do you think that conditions have been created in the Orenburg region for professional self-realization of the population?".

2) A question on the component "Politics, management": "Do you think there is a dialogue between the population and the administration of the region in the Orenburg region?".

3) Questions about the component "Investments and immigration": "Do you think Orenburg region is an attractive region for moving? If so, what is the reason for this? If not, why not?"

4) Questions about the component "Export brands": "Please name the main goods and services that the region can be proud of?", "What potential goods and services, in your opinion, can become a brand of the Orenburg region?".

5) Questions on the component "Culture and cultural heritage": "In your opinion, what significant components make up the cultural image of the Orenburg region?", "How do you think the various cultural interests of the residents of Orenburg region are satisfied?", "What cultural traditions can become the hallmark of the Orenburg region?".

6) Questions about the "Tourism" component: "What, in your opinion, is the unique tourist potential of the Orenburg region?", "What objects of natural and historical significance of the Orenburg region can be considered undeservedly forgotten?".

Based on the results of studying the answers of experts, an analytical cross–section of opinions was carried out, which allows to identify the formed image of the Orenburg region in the minds of subjects of social construction - representatives of government, science, education, culture, clergy of the region, who are agents of social control in this area.

The characteristic features of the residents of the Orenburg region, according to experts, are: vitality, endurance and adaptability to any conditions caused by a sharply continental climate; cohesion, severity and honesty; willingness to help others; unique good neighborliness and mutual understanding between representatives of different religions; receptivity to new things; readiness for quick actions and decisions; and the importance of "being one's own" with some closeness to new traditions. Summarizing, the portrait of a typical Orenburg resident is: persistent, hardy, united, open to new things, but deeply rooted in local traditions and ready for operational actions, as well as friendly, hospitable and empathetic. 75% of experts consider Orenburg residents to be very tolerant and friendly, this is due to the historical and geographical features of the Orenburg region. On the issue of the Orenburg residents' pride in the region, the opinion of experts was divided. Some experts note that Orenburg residents are proud of their origin and current environment. The second part of the experts notes that the population, especially the young, is generally not proud of their region due to the low standard of living, low wages, and poor infrastructure development in the region. This is especially influenced by the proximity to large regions where the standard of living is higher (Samara region, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Bashkortostan). Also, the level and degree of pride, according to one of the experts, depends on the level of education of the population.

Experts note that there is an opportunity for professional self-realization in the Orenburg region, but only in certain areas of economic activity, such as oil and gas production, agricultural production, and military industry. There is a particular shortage of specialists with secondary specialized education. The main barriers to professional self-realization, according to experts, are: the problem of "nepotism" in employment, difficulties for implementation in creative and socio-humanitarian fields of activity. At the same time, some experts noted that the trend has improved in recent years, and more opportunities have opened up in the field of entrepreneurship for opening small and medium-sized businesses

In general, all experts agreed that there are tools for dialogue between the government and the population, and the government seeks to establish communication through various channels (social networks, live broadcasts), but these actions are not highly effective. Most often, this dialogue takes on a formal character, and does not always lead to real changes. Some experts point out that the authorities are more interested in the visibility of the dialogue than in its effectiveness.

All experts agreed that the Orenburg region can become attractive for moving to: people from rural areas; those who have career prospects in oil and gas, agricultural activities; elderly people due to the sunny climate and calm pace of life. Also, according to 7 out of 12 experts, the region may be attractive to businessmen, since there are a large number of unfilled niches. But for the young working-age population, the region is not attractive for relocation, as it loses in terms of living standards and opportunities for professional self-realization.

All experts rate the investment attractiveness as average. Among the attractive investment factors are the low cost of labor compared to other regions of Russia; a large number of unoccupied niches for the development of economic activity; the presence of a special economic zone; various measures of support from the regional authorities. The repulsive factors include population outflow and low purchasing power.

According to the component of the competitive identity model "Export brands", experts identified goods and services of enterprises and organizations Orenburg region, which are the brand of the region: oil, gas, ozone, metals, Orenburg down shawl, milk, Salt-Iletsk salt ("Russol"), wheat, bread products. Among the services: a resort in the Sol-Iletsk lakes, a vacation in the Buzuluk forest. Potential goods and services that can become a brand of the region: sunflower oil, alternative energy, animal husbandry (meat production), production of pectin (marshmallows), watermelon ice cream, development of campgrounds in the steppe.

The cultural interests of the residents are satisfied (the opinion of 83% of experts), since a large number of festivals and cultural events have recently been held in the region, not only on a regional, but also on an all-Russian scale. Also, the cultural image consists of traditional symbols of the Orenburg region: a down shawl (songs by L. Zykina "Orenburg down shawl"); the East-West Film Festival; the International Festival named after M. L. Rostropovich; various excursion programs and events in the museums of the city. Also, according to most experts, this image is formed by such historical figures associated with the Orenburg region as: Yu. A. Gagarin, M. and R. Rostropovich, T. Shevchenko, V. I. Dahl, V. S. Chernomyrdin.

The key tourist advantage of the Orenburg region may be its contrast and diversity. Most experts noted that the unique tourist potential of the region lies in its natural resources, including: authentic steppe, Buzuluk forest, salt lakes, Gubernian Mountains, chalk mountains, as well as the presence of nature reserves (Orenburg Nature Reserve; Shaitan-Tau Nature Reserve). Also, experts attributed to the unique tourist potential of the region its rich historical heritage, the presence of a large number of cultural heritage monuments, for example, museums of famous personalities such as the Rostropovich Museum and the Chernomyrdin Museum (the only ones in the world). According to most experts, the border between "Europe and Asia" may become another highlight of the image of the region. Undeservedly forgotten objects of natural and historical heritage include: unreported and abandoned merchant houses (the estate of E. M. Gorodissky, the Timashev estate, the house where V. I. Dahl lived); Kaysatsky kulpytas; unique natural places (Alekseevsky cones, Bukabaysky Yar, Colonel mountain (Jasper Mountain), Pokrovsky chalk mountains, long mountains, Sambula Mountain); Sarmatian gold; Orenburg cuisine (recipes of various dishes, including those with a national flavor); "The Great Silk Road".


The analysis of the results of the expert survey shows that the Orenburg region has a disparate image associated not only with its stereotypical perception, but also with historical, geographical and natural features. The diversity of cultural landscapes of different nationalities, diverse famous personalities associated with the Orenburg region, forms its multifaceted image. In this regard, it becomes difficult to identify a single concept that can become the core of the image of the region. Experts identify great potential within each of the components under consideration.

Despite the fact that currently tools for constructing the image of the region are actively used in practice, there is a problem of their effectiveness in the process of forming a sustainable image in the minds of consumers of the territory. In order to identify the causes of this phenomenon and present an analytical cross-section of the attitude of the subjects of the social construction of the image of the region, an expert survey was conducted, the questions of which were compiled in accordance with the structuring of the "hexagon of the image of the territory" by S. Anholt. It is determined that at this stage the image of the Orenburg region, which has developed in the public consciousness, is characterized by the presence of heterogeneous and contradictory assessments, is largely based on established stereotypes and myths, and does not always correspond to the real characteristics of the region.


To effectively construct the image of the region, a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach is needed, in which the emphasis should be shifted towards the sociological consideration of the region. The results of the conducted research can be used in the process of social construction of a positive image of the region.

The points of development of the competitive identity of the image of the Orenburg region in the process of purposeful social construction of the image should be the following attributes of the components of the competitive identity model.

The "People" component can be represented by both well-known and popular personalities associated with the Orenburg region and Orenburg, as well as ordinary residents of the region, professionals in their field.

The Investment and Immigration component is characterized by the presence and positive dynamics in increasing the number of investment projects in the region and financing for their development. For example, experts mentioned the creation of a single information platform "Investment Portal of the Orenburg region", which describes in detail the possibilities of starting a business. Special platforms have been created to support potential investors and businessmen, such as the Orenburg Region Investment Development Agency, the Export Support Center, the Regional Center for Competencies in the Field of Labor Productivity, and the Orenburg Regional Small Business Support Fund.

"Tourism" as a component of regional identity can be represented by the development and promotion of new regional and urban tourist routes in the information space of the country. So, in 2024, the Orenburg region received a single subsidy for the development of tourism within the framework of the national project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry" in the amount of 52.5 million rubles [16]. Currently, a large number of projects are developing within the framework of domestic tourism: the Orenburg Abc has been created – a popular scientific publication aimed at popularizing the historical, cultural, and tourist resources of the region for preschool and school-age children; the museum business is actively developing: in 2024, the Hermitage-Eurasia center will be opened, where the only There is a jasper room in the world made of the famous Ural (Orsk) jasper. In addition, in recent years, the number of museums has been actively increasing – for example, the Rostropovich Family House Museum, the Chernomyrdin Museum. There are new excursion programs and routes. So, for example, within the framework of the excursion routes "The Path of the Orenburg down shawl – from the goat to the counter", "Steel Frontiers" (a trip to the Ural Steel plant), industrial tourism began its development.

Also, good opportunities for the formation of a positive brand of the Orenburg region are contained in the "Export Brands" component, since in addition to the world-famous Orenburg down shawl, Orenburg region is famous for watermelons, wheat, salt, gas, as well as lesser-known products: marmalade, Orsk pies, pectin.

The most developed direction in the system of competitive identity of the Orenburg region is the "Cultural Heritage" component, while the history of the Orenburg province is not long (281 years), but it is full of historical events, dates and names, and the multiculturalism of this region is also an interesting point.

These examples can become points of formation of a positive image of the Orenburg region in the process of further social construction of the image of this region.

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