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Features of building communication with international students using modern online media

Makarova Mariya Sergeevna

Master's Degree, Faculty of Philology, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

115580, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, room 524

Turunov Denis Mihailovich

Student, Faculty of Mass Communications, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Smirnova Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Master's Degree, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Osipova Alena Andreevna

Master's Degree, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Korti Mariya

Master's Degree, Department of Mass Communications, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

CHzhao Inin

Master's Degree, Department of Mass Communications, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Klimova Elizaveta Anatol'evna

Master's Degree, Department of Mass Communications, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

11798, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6










Abstract: This article explores the influence of online media on the process of adaptation of foreign students in educational institutions. The study was carried out in relation to the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and some other universities of the Russian Federation that actively use international educational and academic exchange. The authors analyze the main barriers students face when transitioning to a new learning environment, such as cultural, linguistic and academic differences. The authors of the article discuss the role of online media in overcoming these barriers, emphasizing their importance in the process of exchanging information, developing communication skills in a foreign language, and creating trusting relationships. The contribution of online media to the integration of different cultures and traditions is considered, which contributes to the formation of cultural understanding, tolerance and respect for the diversity of worldviews in the educational environment. An analysis is made of how students use online resources to obtain additional information, develop relevant skills and deepen their knowledge, as well as an analysis of existing research on the topic of adaptation of foreign students and the role of online media in education. In addition, the article covers the following subtopics. Features of collecting data on the experience of foreign students and their use of online media. Conducting interviews with foreign students, teachers, and university administrations to obtain high-quality information about adaptation problems and the role of perception of Internet resources and their impact on the adaptation process. The novelty of this study lies in the following characteristics of the work performed. Focuses were made on a specific university or region. The specifics of different groups of students were taken into account. The analysis was carried out taking into account how online media is used by students from different countries, with different language levels, different specialties, etc. The influence of specific types of online media was studied: for example, social networks, educational platforms, chatbots, specialized applications for international students. The analysis of the influence of online media was explicit on various aspects of adaptation through such sections as academic performance, psychological well-being, social integration, cultural adaptation and others. The project ends with a presentation of recommendations developed by the authors of the article on the use of online media to increase the effectiveness of adaptation of foreign students in other countries or universities around the world.


social communication, online media, social networks, international students, linguistic barriers, adaptation, intercultural communication, inclusive educational environment, globalization, cultural integration

This article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here.

Social communication includes communication and transmission of information in society. Whereas technical communication refers to the transmission of information and ideas in technical or scientific fields that require specialized knowledge and terminology to be fully understood.

In developed societies today, online media has become one of the key tools of modern communication, allowing you to effectively transmit information, create content, establish connections, and interact with the global community. The combination of online media and communication can facilitate the process of communicating with international students and help in establishing long-term and successful international relations and cooperation.

The term "communication" originates from ancient times and is currently used in various fields, depending on the field of application. In the context of this article, our focus will be on social and technical communication. Social communication is the transmission of information in human society, in other words, it is communication. The success of social communication is the result of overcoming existing barriers to more accurately broadcast a message to your interlocutor. For example, Doctor of Philosophy Viktor Maksimovich Shepel identifies the following possible barriers in social communication: discomfort of the physical environment in which the message is perceived; inertia of inclusion; anticipation to other people's thoughts, stereotyped consciousness, ambition; language barrier; professional rejection; rejection of the image of the communicator [1].

Technical communication refers to various communication routes, forms of communication and other technical systems. A.Y. Bykov argues that "achievements in mathematics, telecommunications, computer programming, etc. contribute to the improvement and development of communication routes" [2, p. 87]. Modern online media allow us to talk about a combined form of communication, i.e. technological (communication between a person and a machine) and social (communication between a person and a person).

The main characteristic features of Internet communication (should be understood as social communication in a virtual environment) can be considered anonymity (frequent absence of the author's "I"), physical unrepresentation, irregular behavior, reduction of psychological and social risk in the process of communication, compensatory virtual emotionality and a variety of communication methods [3]. It is also worth noting another characteristic difference between Internet communication and interpersonal communication, which has been influenced by the development of technology. If our usual social communication was mainly focused on a specific person, and was also not stable in the temporal and spatial coordinate system, then online communication began to be widespread and durable [4].

At the moment, the Internet has become the main mechanism for the formation of social networks. In the virtual space, social resources are of particular interest, i.e. "virtual networks that are a means of interaction between certain categories of users through electronic resources in order to establish and maintain contacts" [5]. The main functions of social resources are the communicative function, the function of self-presentation, the function of entertainment, the function of socialization, the information function and others. This leads us to the idea that all information and cultural spheres, the main task of which is the formation of certain groups of people, should switch to a virtual format in order to continue their active existence. Mobility and globality are the main advantages of Internet communication over other traditional communication methods. In this vein, in order to form an interested social group, it is necessary to consider Internet resources as the main method of communication.

Cultural differences, manifested in such cultural elements as language, customs and traditions, adherence to certain social norms established for a given cultural environment, are an important factor of adaptation. The higher the degree of cultural differences, the more difficult it is to build adaptation mechanisms both in everyday life and professionally. The professional level of adaptation is quite correlated with the student's activity, since during study tasks are performed that are close in content to those that are performed during work. Underestimating the importance of building effective mechanisms for the adaptation of foreign students, taking into account linguistic and cultural differences, is fraught with loss of effectiveness in educational activities.

When forming a mechanism for the adaptation of foreign students coming to study at Russian universities, taking into account language differences and peculiarities, it is important to pay attention to both the non-verbal and verbal sides of communication. The main component of verbal communication is language proficiency, which is understandable for all parties to communication. The level of language proficiency directly determines the success of the tasks assigned to the act of communication. It is important to note that basic knowledge of the language is not always a sufficient factor for successful and effective communication. The purposeful and meaningful use of various linguistic elements inherent in native speakers and people with a high level of proficiency in a foreign language, acting as the main language of communication, is an undeniable advantage for communication participants, provided there are clear communication goals.

When considering the problem of intercultural communication, it is also important not to lose sight of such an aspect as additional connotation – the context of the conversation, which helps to convey some communicative shades to other sides of the interaction using non-verbal signals. Cultural differences are also manifested in this aspect – there are countries where communication is closely related to additional connotation (the so-called "high-context cultures"), in other countries communication is carried out directly verbally with little involvement of additional connotation ("low-context" cultures). The first group of countries includes the eastern and southeastern states (Japan, China), and the second group includes the countries of the "old world" and the United States (Germany, France, Italy) [6]. Understanding the shades that an additional connotation gives to communication is another component of the success of effective intercultural communication, which is typical even for communicating with international students.

An equally important area of adaptation in intercultural interaction among students is adaptation to the educational system of the country in which there is a need to study. The assessment system, assessment approaches, exclusion of subjectivity in assessment and much more are key aspects of the educational system, and their correct understanding and adequate perception contribute to the effective implementation of communication acts aimed at achieving educational goals. Note that it is sometimes not enough to simply explain the principle using an abstract model. It is often necessary to give examples, analyze the simplest cases, and then the opposite side of communication has an understanding of how the assessment system actually works. With this approach, it is again worth noting the importance of the communicative qualities of someone who is forced to explain the material in a foreign language [7].

Due to the rapid changeability of forms, methods, and principles of work, the modern world sets tasks for each field of activity that require instant adaptation and the ability to adjust from one to another in multitasking mode. In turn, adaptability has contributed to the emergence of new forms of interaction between people. Information exchange and long-distance communication opportunities are now easily solved using the Internet. There are many platforms for written communication, communication in video format, collaboration on projects and others. The issues of communication between foreign students' studies and communication through online media are relevant, but they serve the education sector as an additional tool for effective communication. The uniqueness of this tool lies in the fact that its use makes it possible to neutralize some differences in intercultural communication, especially with regard to the language barrier, since there is an online translation function, and this allows you to present information in your native language. Also, online media allow you to saturate the educational process with various kinds of content - images, videos, diagrams, diagrams, tables and other material that allows you to visualize text data, presenting them in the most convenient and visual form.

The next advantage of online media is the speed of information exchange. The exchange of information in real mode makes it possible to implement the function of distance (electronic) learning, which avoids the factor of distance and time in the implementation of the educational process. In turn, materials distributed using the online method can be useful for students both for the purpose of self-study and additional development of the topics studied, since it becomes possible to work offline as well [8]. The other side of online communication allows students to get involved in the language learning process, as it makes it easier to find a native speaker to improve their language skills. In this direction, online media can support both universal means of communication aimed at a wide audience (for example, popular social networks) and narrowly focused Internet portals, whose users are people interested in learning a foreign language and building intercultural communication.

Online media, being the main product of the beginning of the XXI century, which penetrated into most spheres of human life, have proved their universalism in the field of education. There is no doubt that with regard to language education, the use of online media is an undeniable advantage for the reasons listed above. But other areas of study, other areas in which you can get an education, can successfully integrate online media into your program. For example, collaboration on educational projects in a language that is understandable to all participants in communication, sending and online editing of files of any size and format. The feedback received by the participants of the project work allows you to quickly make changes to the work schedule, adjust the progress of the project, and influence the result. Collaboration can be carried out through real-time communication, through remote communication, or in a combined format. The implementation of educational goals using Internet technologies and online media is also associated with the functionality of special platforms. Platforms can function in different languages, that is, each user can customize the interface for themselves, and their additional modules allow you to create educational courses that can be conducted with elements of online lectures.

It can be concluded that the field of education, within which intercultural communication is carried out, is a wide field for the introduction of online media. The implementation of educational goals through online media should take into account at least two important aspects: the cultural background and the language barrier. Understanding the culture of another country and proficiency in a foreign language are important principles for building effective communication in the field of education and training of foreign students, in particular.

The methods and tools for building effective communication are as follows:

1.      Assistance to international students in adaptation

1.1. Linguistic and cultural adaptation. Language is often the biggest initial barrier for international students. Russian Russian universities can help students overcome this barrier by providing language support services such as intensive Russian language courses, the Russian Language for Friends program, or the creation of a Russian language learning center. Regular cultural exchange events can also be organized to give international students the opportunity to practice Russian in an informal setting and get to know the local culture.

1.2. Academic support. Different educational systems and academic requirements often become a problem for international students as well. Universities can set up special departments for working with international students, which provide advice on everything from course selection to academic skills. In addition, a mentoring system in which professors or undergraduates direct new students can help them better understand learning requirements and academic norms.

1.3. Social and emotional support. To help international students overcome isolation and cultural shock, universities should provide mental health and psychological counseling services, create clubs for international students and organize various social events. This will not only help them create social connections, but also strengthen their sense of belonging.

1.4. Providing practical information. The university should provide students with practical information about Russian laws, medical care, banking services, etc. In addition, life skills seminars can be held regularly, such as how to use public transport, where to shop and how to act in emergency situations, which will help international students adapt to a new environment faster.

2. Effective communication with international students. Effective communication is the key to successful adaptation and training of international students. Below are some strategies and tools that universities can use to ensure effective and inclusive communication with international students.

2.1. Cultural sensitivity training. Organizing trainings to increase intercultural sensitivity for teachers so that they better understand and respect various cultural differences. Such training should include information on how to recognize and avoid cultural bias, how to resolve cross-cultural conflicts, and how to use an inclusive language. Thanks to such training, teachers will be able to better understand the characteristics of international students and, consequently, provide them with more attentive and effective support.

2.2. Multilingual information resources. The provision of multilingual university information resources, such as websites, textbooks, security manuals, etc., provides international students with access to the necessary information without full knowledge of the Russian language. This will not only help them learn information faster, but also reduce the number of misunderstandings and mistakes caused by the language barrier.

2.3. The use of technological tools. The use of modern technological tools can greatly facilitate communication with international students. For example, to facilitate communication, you can use translation programs or conduct remote consultations and meetings using video conferencing programs. Social networks and messengers are also effective ways to keep in touch with international students, and these platforms can be used not only for everyday communication, but also for emergency notification and promotion of events at the university.

2.4. Encouraging interaction and strengthening feedback. Organizing regular seminars between teachers, students and international students sharing their experiences and problems, as well as collecting feedback on educational services. This not only allows students to feel that their opinion has been heard, but also helps the university to understand its shortcomings and make improvements. At the same time, teachers are encouraged to use interactive classroom teaching methods such as group discussions and situation analysis, which can increase student engagement and enhance communication opportunities.

2.5. Special consultants for international students. Creation of special consultants for international students who not only provide day-to-day support in their studies and life, but also answer specific student questions, such as visa extension and obtaining a work permit. Such consultants should have good intercultural communication skills and be able to provide professional and emotional support to students.

While at home, a foreign student can get access to an extensive amount of information about life and study in Russia. This allows him to adapt in advance to life in a foreign country, learn the language, customs and traditions, as well as prepare for the bureaucratic procedures associated with admission to an educational institution. It is to address such issues that our research team has prepared its own online information portal [9]. This resource combines both educational and research parts aimed at facilitating the adaptation of future students. A digital assistant bot on the Telegram platform is also attached to our online platform. With its help, international students can both find answers to relevant questions and solve an individual problem by sending a request to the support chat.

Upon arrival in Russia, the student faces new difficulties and problems, but thanks to the media reality, he can quickly find answers to his questions. One of the striking examples of organizations that help foreign students adapt to higher education institutions (Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) and the country is OHANA. This is the RUDNiPL student organization, whose volunteers help foreigners adapt to Russia through face-to-face and online curation. OHANA includes:

·         BFF («buddy for foreigner»)- supervision of a foreign listener. Volunteers help to get acquainted with the P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) and Russia, facilitate adaptation to a new country with a different mentality and, most importantly, help to sort out documents in the clinical diagnostic center and multifunctional service center. The curators provide support in overcoming the language barrier by communicating in Russian as often as possible and on various topics.

· KAM (Commission of cultural adaptation activities): Russian Russian Volunteer Department activists organize entertainment events for international students, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about Russian culture and acquaintance with Russia and the Russian language in the format of a game.

· PR department: announces events, publishes information about communication with foreigners, introduces the peculiarities of the culture and language of Russia, creates photo reports from events.

· CHECKPOINT (transfer commission): The commission's activists answer questions that cause difficulties for foreigners studying Russian, translate constructions incomprehensible to foreigners at events and translate texts for social networks into various languages.

· KKO (Commission on the quality of education): The commission members interact with the administration, maintain a Telegram hotline on Russian language issues and lead on current issues of listeners [10].

Using online media to communicate with international students is not only an effective way to overcome language barriers, but also a modern tool for the development of international education and cultural understanding. Online platforms provide a wide range of opportunities for communication and interaction, which contributes to improving the quality of learning, stimulates the exchange of knowledge and experience, and contributes to the formation of a global educational environment.

The benefits of using online media in communication with international students are felt at all levels of education. Flexibility in communication allows students and teachers to interact effectively regardless of location, which helps to increase the availability of education and expand international educational opportunities. In addition, the use of online media promotes the integration of different cultures and traditions, which contributes to the development of cultural understanding, tolerance, and respect for a variety of worldviews.

So, online media not only facilitate communication and knowledge sharing, but also create the basis for creating an international educational environment conducive to enriching educational experience, improving academic results and expanding professional opportunities. Thus, online media are becoming an integral part of modern education, opening up new horizons for international learning and cooperation.

1. Shepel, V.M. (1992). Nastol'naja kniga biznesmena i menedzhera. Nastol'naja kniga biznesmena i menedzhera [Handbook for businessman and manager. Handbook for businessman and manager]. Moscow: Finance and Statistics.
2. Bykov, A.Yu. (2006). Chto takoe kommunikacija [What is communication]. News of the Ural State University, 40, 86-97.
3. Starodubtseva, L.V. (2008). Rol' i mesto internet-kommunikacij v sovremennoj zhizni [The role and place of Internet communications in modern life]. Humanitarian: current problems of humanities and education, 7.
4. Mullen, M. (2009). Space Bias/Time Bias: Harold Innis, “Empire and Communications”. Technology and Culture, 1, 175-186.
5. Bogdavnov, D.M. (2011). Social'nye funkcii Interneta: Social'nye nauki [Social functions of the Internet: Social Sciences]. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky, 1.
6. Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond Culture. New York: Doubleday.
7. Voevodina, E.V., & Tyurikov, A.G. (2021). Sociokul'turnye bar'ery adaptacii inostrannyh obuchajushhihsja v uslovijah rossijskogo vysshego obrazovanija [Sociocultural barriers to adaptation of foreign students in the conditions of Russian higher education]. Population, 4, 134-146.
8. Dmitrenko, T.A. (2022). Sovremennye tehnologii obuchenija inostrannomu jazyku v sisteme vysshego obrazovanija [Modern technologies for teaching a foreign language in the higher education system]. Moscow: Infra-M.
9OHANA [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from https://vk.com/vd_ohana
10. Me, RUDN University student [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from http://merudnuniversitystudent.tilda.ws

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

In the article "Peculiarities of building communications with international students using modern online media", submitted for publication in the magazine "Litera", the author addresses the problem that has become relevant in the last 20 years due to the widespread development of social networks and messengers. The rapid pace of information technology development leads to the emergence and continuous improvement of human life support systems in a variety of fields, ranging from consumer services to the most complex processes that provide a technological breakthrough in the fields of science and production. In this article, the author characterizes the potential of online platforms in instilling interpersonal communication skills to foreign students. The researcher emphasizes that "the use of online media for communication with international students is not only an effective way to overcome language barriers, but also a modern tool for the development of international education and cultural understanding." In the context of this article, such an interpretation seems justified, since conclusions are drawn based on a summary of the practice of using an online information portal - the author's own development. The author identifies the methods and tools that are the most effective in building communication based on online platforms, shows their strengths and capabilities. The classification created by the author-practitioner makes it possible to supplement the previously systematized generalizations in this area. In general, the article will arouse readers' interest as an example of building additional effective practices in teaching RCT. However, some points require clarification. For example, the categorical statement that "all information and cultural spheres, the main task of which is the formation of certain groups of people, should switch to a virtual format in order to continue their active existence, causes an ambiguous reaction." Of course, the use of multimedia computer technologies significantly increases the efficiency of work in the information and cultural sphere, but in modern conditions it is not necessary to talk about the need for a total transition to a virtual format. On the contrary, it is proven that it is necessary to involve young people in live interpersonal communication, on the effectiveness of which the development of society depends. There are shortcomings in the text of the article that need to be eliminated: tautologies ("Social communication necessarily includes general communication and the transfer of information in society"), spelling violations ("A digital assistant is also attached to our online platform"), grammatical norms (the department "publishes information about communication with foreigners"); in this aspect the article needs to be finalized. In addition, we believe that the text needs structural ordering, since the first half of the article is somewhat haphazardly constructed, the information presented in it is not systematized. The article "Features of building communications with international students using modern online media" can be recommended for publication in the magazine "Litera" after revision.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The world of modern digital technologies defines and lays down new standards of communication. Communication becomes different from the traditional one in the so-called "live dialogue" mode. The reviewed article concerns the identification of the features of building communication with international students using modern online media. I think that the topic is quite relevant, it is certainly new, which means that it is in demand in the discussion format. The author notes at the beginning of his work that "social communication includes communication and transmission of information in society. While technical communication refers to the transmission of information and ideas in technical or scientific fields that require specialized knowledge and terminology to be fully understood,"in developed societies today, online media has become one of the key tools of modern communication, allowing for the effective transmission of information, content creation, networking, and interaction with the international community. The combination of online media and communication can facilitate the process of communicating with international students and help in establishing long-term and successful international relations and cooperation." It is difficult to disagree with these theses, the objectivity of understanding the situation is present. The work is distinguished by an analytically verified view, the accuracy of the position, and a probable segment of argumentation. I think that the article organically combines theoretical and practical layers. The style correlates with the scientific type itself: for example, "the term "communication" originates from ancient times and is currently used in various fields, depending on the field of application. In the context of this article, our focus will be on social and technical communication. Social communication is the transmission of information in human society, in other words, it is communication. The success of social communication is the result of overcoming existing barriers to more accurately broadcast a message to your interlocutor," or "The main characteristic features of Internet communication (should be understood as social communication in a virtual environment) can be considered anonymity (frequent absence of the author's self), physical unrepresentation, irregular behavior, reduction of psychological and social risk in the process communication, compensatory virtual emotionality and a variety of communication methods. It is also worth noting another characteristic difference between Internet communication and interpersonal communication, which was influenced by the development of technology," etc. The necessary level of references is given correctly, the author does not just duplicate sources, he enters into a dialogue with "what has already been said", which is necessary for scientific research. Judgments have been verified in the course of work, no serious discrepancies have been revealed. I think that some of the thesis positions can be expanded further in other scientific works: for example, "The modern world, due to the rapid changeability of forms, methods, and principles of work, sets tasks for each field of activity that require instant adaptation and the ability to adjust from one to another in multitasking mode. In turn, adaptability has contributed to the emergence of new forms of interaction between people. Information exchange and long-distance communication opportunities are now easily solved using the Internet." The author takes into account the difference of cultures and worldview positions when evaluating the forms of the modern communicative system: "cultural differences manifested in such elements of culture as language, customs and traditions, adherence to certain social norms established for a given cultural environment are an important factor of adaptation. The higher the degree of cultural differences, the more difficult it is to build adaptation mechanisms both in everyday life and professionally. The professional level of adaptation is quite correlated with the student's activity, since during study tasks are performed that are close in content to those that are performed during work." I agree with this thesis, because it has been verified. The practical section is commented on in the article quite successfully, therefore, the principle of empiricism is methodologically correct. For example, "Online media, being the main product of the beginning of the XXI century, which penetrated into most spheres of human life, has proved its universalism in the field of education. There is no doubt that with regard to language education, the use of online media is an undeniable advantage for the reasons listed above. But other areas of study, other areas in which you can get an education, can successfully integrate online media into your program. For example, collaboration on educational projects in a language that is understandable to all participants in communication, sending and online editing of files of any size and format. The feedback received by the participants of the project work allows you to quickly make changes to the work schedule, adjust the progress of the project, and influence the result." The novelty of the work lies in the concretization of methods and tools for building effective communication. The author refers to adaptation, support (academic, social, etc.), provision of information, training in cultural sensitivity, etc. I believe that the goal of the work has been achieved, and the set range of tasks has been solved. The work is voluminous, interesting, holistic and independent. I would like to note another positive factor of the study – this is a systematic generalization of data. The illustrative background is given as an example of the literal/practical application of online contact technologies: for example, "• BFF ("buddy for foreigner")- supervision of a foreign listener. Volunteers help to get acquainted with the P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) and Russia, facilitate adaptation to a new country with a different mentality and, most importantly, help to sort out documents in the clinical diagnostic center and multifunctional service center. The curators provide support in overcoming the language barrier by communicating in Russian as often as possible and on various topics," etc. The conclusions are related to the main part, they are given in the format of generalization: "online media not only facilitate communication and knowledge exchange, but also create the basis for creating an international educational environment conducive to enriching educational experience, improving academic results and expanding professional opportunities. Thus, online media are becoming an integral part of modern education, opening up new horizons for international learning and cooperation." The basic requirements of the publication have been taken into account, the text does not need serious editing. I recommend the article "Features of building communications with international students using modern online media" for publication in the magazine "Litera".