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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Prokhorova M.V., Ponomareva L.N. Projective Technique “Picture of Ideal Work” as Instrument of Assessing Professional Plans of an Optant

Abstract: The article is devoted to design of the projective technique “Picture of ideal work” intended for a fast detection of an optant’s professional plans. The idea of the method is that an optant is placed in a situation of professional choice, and the ideal work becomes for him or her an uncertain and multivalued stimulus which has to be drawn on paper. The authors offer the methodological basement of this method, point out its structure, describe in detail an optant’s survey procedure which includes preparing the instruction and the means of overcoming the optant’s objections in respect to performing the task, recording the drawing process, and postsurvey interview. The way of carrying out the analysis of the drawing process and the structure of the picture is explained, a sketch of interpreting the obtained data and elaboration of references is suggested in the article. The article includes a picture, that is an example, on which the analysis of a high school student’s professional plans is realized. When carrying out professional counselling, it is reasonable to apply this method along with occupational orientation tests and interviews that will raise accuracy and predictive validity of conclusions. The method includes an instruction and paper sheet for recording overall information about a respondent and his or her answers to psychologist's questions, keys to analyze the drawing process (Annex 1, Part 2) and the image structure (Annex 1, Part 4). The keys were developed based on the provisions of researches devoted to interpretation of drawing elements. The method was tested during organisational psychodiagnostics classes and at high schools of Nizhni Novgorod. The developed method 'Picture of Ideal Work' as an expressive projective technique allows to define presence or absence as well as contents of an optant's professional plans. The method can be useful during professional counselling if it is combined with professionally oriented tests and interviews which will raise its accuracy. Further reseraches of the method may include validation of psychometric indicators and testing the method for different gender, age and professional attribution.


expressional projective equipment, situation of the professional choice, assessment of professional plans, occupational role, vocational guidance, analysis of drawing process, analysis of picture structure, picture of ideal work, projective technique, organizational psychodiagnostics

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