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Buchkova A.I. The modernization processes in the preschool education system: legislative base, "myths" and actual problems

Abstract: The object of research is the system of preschool education. The subject is modernization changes in the field of preschool education in Russia at the present stage. The author examines in detail the main directions of modernization of preschool education system, actual laws and normative legal acts providing management of the reforms of preschool educational organizations and preschool education in total. Special attention is given to untrue directions of modernization and real problems in the field of preschool education. "Myths" and problems of preschool education are ranked by the degree of prevalence.The article presents the results of analytical studies and expert survey. 12 experts in the field of preschool education were attended by the expert survey, conducted in November 2015.The novelty of the research lies in the fact that there are proposed the result of the classification of untrue directions of modernization and the real problems in the field of preschool education. "Myths" include: the deterioration of the level of preschool education, the introduction of evaluation procedures, the paid education, the reduction the number of the nursery groups. Among the real problems are considered: the lack of quality monitoring of preschool education system and of inclusive education, the intensification of work and the deficiency of qualification opportunities of educators, as well as the lack of continuity with primary school. There is proposed the specific measures to overcome the main problems of preschool education within the framework of its modernization. It was concluded that management of the system in designated directions must be implemented in parallel with the improving the image of preschool education in the society, the information transparency of preschool education sphere and the attracting parental community to discuss urgent issues.


Inclusive education, Preschooler, Pedagogue, Education standard, Educational facility, Quality, Accessibility, Administration, Modernization, Preschool education

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