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Pedagogy and education

Khoroshikh P.P. Socio-Cultural Environment as a Factor of Preschooler's Development

Abstract: The article is devoted to the socio-cultural environment as one of the most important elements of today's preschool education system. The author of the article demonstrates that the socio-cultural environment allows to activate a critial thinking ability of a child, take into account his or her role in social processs as well as contribute to his or her 'self manifestation' as a 'developing personality' in the situation of continuous education taking into account cultural traditions. The given principle allows to orient elective activities of a preschool educational institution at developing children's love for Homeland and positive attitude to their folk culture. The author of the article also notes that it is necessary to take into account the regionalization principle when building the socio-cultural environment at a preschool educational institution as well as pay attention at the main learning conditions that promote a child's personal growth and intellectual development. The analysis of the socio-cultural environment as a new method in the system of preschool education has shown that the aforesaid approach allows a child to grow personally taking into account peculiarities of folk pedagogy. Being an innovative method, regionalization forms elective activities taking into account features of the socio-cultural environment where a child develops. 


folk pedagogy, traditions, FSES PE (Federal State Educational Standards of Pr, socio-cultural environment, Homeland, patriotism, culture, teacher, regionalization, parenting

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