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Trends and management

Popov P.V., Miretskii I.Yu., Loginova E.V. Methods of formation of the regional warehouse infrastructure

Abstract: The subject of this research is the regional logistics infrastructure in the Russian Federation. The objects of this research were 6 urban okrugs and 33 municipal districts of Volgograd Oblast. Possible placement of the distribution and sorting depots are chosen for the establishment of efficient logistics infrastructure of the region. The foundation for selection of the locations consists in the main socioeconomic indexes of Volgograd Oblast. Among such indexes are those, which crucially influence the determination of location of the regional warehouse chain. The work provides the quantitative assessment of the level of their impact. The authors conclude that it is necessary to place the distribution and sorting depots in the following urban okrugs: Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Mikhaylovka, Gorodishensky, Zhirnovsky, and Kotelnikovsky. “Trucking cargo turnover” and “Fixed capital” should also be considered as indexes that significantly affect the selection of location for the regional warehouse chain.


discriminant analysis, backbone warehouse chain, optimization, warehouse chain, regional warehouse chain, logistics infrastructure, two-step cluster analysis, key socioeconomic indexes, canonical function, coefficients of discriminant variables

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