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History magazine - researches

Goncharov V.V. On Some Questions Regarding the Socio-Historical Genesis of Global Constitutionalism as a Social Concept

Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the socio-economic, socio-political and historical-judicial conditions surrounding the establishment and development of global constitutionalism as a social concept during its main chronological stages: at the stage of forming the social concept of a global constitutionalism, determining its pillar features and formulation of global democratic values; at the stage of creating international and supranational political-judicial institutions acting as unified managerial centers of regulation and control; at the modern stage of developing the social concept of global constitutionalism including a forced exportation of constitutional democratic values on a planetary scale. The article uses a series of methods for its scientific inquiry: epistemological, ontological, formal-logical, dialectical, statistical, comparative-legal, abstract-idealistic, and concrete-historical. This article is focused on the study of the socio-historical conditions behind the emergence and development of global constitutionalism as a social concept. The author sees global constitutionalism as a social concept mediated by specific socio-historical circumstances in occurrence and development (socio-economic, socio-political and historical-legal), which in their interrelation and interdependence formed the main requirements towards the named social concept, as well determined the direction of its development.


concept, global constitutionalism, social, typology, neoliberalism, neoconservatism, neomarxism, power, ideology, national government

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