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National Security

Litvinova A.V. The role of innovation in ensuring food security of the country

Abstract: The subject of this research is the work of the manufacturers of food products and its influence upon provision of food security of the Russian Federation. It is substantiated that the primary object of the innovation activity of food manufacturers in the conditions of strong competition, growing demands of the consumers, as well as increase in external limitations and threats that hinder the development of the Russian food market, the quality of these goods is the crucial factor of their competitive ability. This research is aimed at determinations of the status and trends of the innovation activity of food manufacturers and prerequisites for its activation in the aspect of achievement of food security in Russia at the present stage. The characteristics is given to the influence of innovation upon provision of the quality of the produced goods in manufacturing country. The author analyzes the trends of innovation activity of the local manufacturers of food products. It is demonstrated that the provision of food security of the country is impeded by the low portion of innovation products in overall volume of products produced in the country, and also the emerging trend in decrease of the volume of technological innovations into the quality of these products, primarily in costs for research and development, as well as acquisition of the equipment. It is determined that the main driver in increasing the level of innovativeness and scientific capacity of the Russian food products lies in the process of import substitution that is intended to ensure high efficiency of the domestic production of the quality and competitive food products. The author highlights that the negative trend consists in decrease of the consumer ability of the country’s population regarding the food products. The essential task of the state economic policy in the area of ensuring food security of Russia consists in development of the effective measures that allow overcoming the existing negative trends,  as well as turn import substitution into a mechanism, which is able to activate the innovation activity of food manufacturers towards the improvement of its quality and competitive performance, and thus, increase the food security of the country.


competitiveness, import substitution, development strategy, food security, quality, innovation activities, efficiency, domestic manufacturer, scientific capacity, agriculture

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