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Financial Law and Management

Ponamorenko V.E., Nikitova A.V. Concerning Development of Legal and Financial Competencies in the Sphere of AML/CFT (In Terms of Integration Processes in the EEU)

Abstract: The subject of the research is the legal and financial competencies in the sphere of AML/CFT  that are based, first of all, on the level of financial and legal literacy sufficient for performance of professional responsibilities. AML/CFT education is viewed as a priority in the development of the humanities in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states which is conditioned by the growing risk of illegal financial operations in the region. AML/CFT sphere is analyzed from the point of view of its complex nature expressed in the combination of legal, economic, organizational competencies of specialists in this sphere. The research is based on the complex approach, systems approach, comparative method, legalistic approach and the principle of methodological pluralism. The novelty of scientific solutions is defined by the fact that the authors conducts an important research taking into account the main trends in the development of modern integration processes. The authors of the article conclude about the need to introduce the integration vector in modern humanities (in particular, in training AML/CFT specialists) which is conditioned by the supra-national specifics of the sphere. The results of the research are presented in the form of established methodological approaches to training AML/CFT specialists built on the combination of financial and legal literacy. The aforesaid results can be used by HR specialists in the supra-national EEU bodies and EEU financial intelligence agencies. 


Eurasian Economic Union, integration, financial competence, legal competence, legal awareness, financial literacy, legal literacy, AML/CFT, professional standard, education

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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