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Lobova S.V. Signs of precarity of the workplace as the basis for identification of unstable employment on the regional labor market

Abstract:   According to various estimates, the enclave of precarity on the Russian labor market is 15 to 30% of the economically active population. Therefore, the phenomenon of precarious employment, of course, is a scientific interest and is the subject of this study.   The present work contains answers to two questions related to informal employment at the regional labor market. First – the determinants of precarious employment. Second – what kind of jobs in organizations and enterprises of the Altai Krai have the characteristics of precariat.   The article presents the author's approach to the identification precarious employment on the basis of the identification signs of precarious jobs, and also gives the statistical evaluation to precarious component of the labor market of the Altai Krai.   The author substantiates the position that as the precariat should be considered employed in the economy, jobs which have signs of precarity, diagnosed using the criteria of the "stability / instability" and "security / insecurity". The author’s contribution into the research of this topic consists in the attempt to quantify the extent of precarity component of the regional labor market on the basis of available statistical measure.  


criteria of precarity, security - insecurity, stability - instability, Altai Krai, precarious work, precarity, regional labor market, unstable employment, precariat, statistical observation

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