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National Security

Useev R.Z. The concepts of typology of prison and correctional colony in the aspect of insurance of security: genesis and correlation

Abstract: The author explores the main types of places of isolation of the penal system: prisons with cell system of housing inmates, and correctional colonies with camp system of housing inmates. Based on the genesis, correlation, and competition the work defines five main concepts aimed at ensuring security of these facilities. These are: architectural concept, fortification concept, supervision concept, concept of cell/dormitory, as well as concept of universality (hybridity) of the places of isolation in the penal system. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author presents a new outlook upon the typology of prison and correctional colonies. Through the genesis, correlation, and competition of these types of isolation places. The author proposes implementation of a promising model of a new type of isolation.


Universality, Supervision, Fortification, Architecture, Concept, Correctional colony, Prison, Isolation places, Penal system, Security

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