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National Security

Bakharev D.V. Place and role of spatial analysis of development of the socioeconomic processes in ensuring effective social control over crime

Abstract: This article analyses the ideological prerequisites, content, and experience of application of the spatial analysis in examination of regularities of the establishment of territorial differences of crime indexes and causative complex of criminality in general. The author describes the prospects of implementation of the results of spatial analysis of development of the socioeconomic processes in increasing the efficiency of functionality of a system of social control over crime. Analysis of the modern sociopolitical situation in the Russian Federation from a territorial perspective gives grounds to review criminality as one of the parameters of the state of social community of certain level. A strong interrelation of criminality with the social wellbeing of the members of this community is subjected to criminological research– the better it is (in comparison with the social wellbeing of the members of typologically similar communities of people), the lower are the crime indexes. In its turn, the social wellbeing of population of a specific social territorial community depends on the rates and vectors of its development: the more dynamic and gradual is the development of a peculiar social community in socioeconomic or other aspects, the higher is the level of social wellbeing of people within this community. Crime indexes serve as an indicator of the state of social organism of certain scale (on the level of settlement, region, or country as a whole), the “activation” of which, i.e. a comparative decline of crime indexes, alerts about the emergence of a certain dysfunction inside this organism. The most unfavorable among them that leads to a stable increase of the crime rate, is the occurrence of misbalance between the potential of socioeconomic development, and the character and rates of such development in reality. Crime indexes along with its dynamics must one of the targeted indicators in evaluation of efficiency of implementation of the socioeconomic policy on all levels.


Spatial analysis, Territorial socioeconomic systems, Factors of socioeconomic development, Political-economic institutions, Social control, Institutional structure of society, Territorial differences of crime, Geography of crime, Causes of crime, Criminality

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