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National Security

Tseykovets N.V. Basic requirements for the systems of indicators of the national economic security

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the issues of methodological foundations of the quantitative measurement of the level of national economic security. The object of this research is the systems of indicators of economic security, while the subject is the main problems of the indicative method of evaluation alongside the basic requirements that should be submitted for such systems.  The author thoroughly examines the most well-known systems of indicators of the national economic security, including the officially confirmed by the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the prospects of the applied use of such systems in practical economic policy. The main conclusion of this research consists in the statement that methodological approaches towards the establishment of indicative systems of such type require sufficient expansion, and that the most well-known systems of such type contain logical contradictions, as well as errors of the statistical analysis. The scientific novelty lies in formulation of a methodological base for development of the new system of indicators of economic security, which takes into account the flaws of the preceding research in this area. The author determines a number of tasks, the solution of which should lead to creation of such system of indicators.


reference indicator, threshold indicator, interval indicator, critical threshold values, indicators of economic security, indicators systems, national security, economic security, quantitative assessment, monitoring

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