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National Security

Prokip A.V. Theoretical analysis of correlation between the energy and national security of the country

Abstract: The goal of this article is the determination of the role of energy security within the system of national security, its components and connection with other types of security from the positions of systematicity. The object of this research is the energy security of the country, while the subject is its structure, place within the system of national security and other types of security. The author carefully examines the links of energetics and energy security with various spheres of life and corresponding to them types of national security. The multidisciplinarity of the theory of energy security is being justified. Based on the analysis of energy sphere, as well as on the notion “energy security”, the author makes inductive conclusions about the structure of the sphere of state energy security and its correlation with the various types of security. The main result and conclusion of this research consists in the fact that energy security as a type of national security does not represent its separate independent part, but rather have been formed from the components of other types of security, namely economic, environmental, and social-political. Thus, the author determines that the system of indicator for the assessment of the level of energy security should be based on the assessment of the changes in these three spheres.


scientific and technical security, energy sources security, environmental security of energy supply, political security of energy supply, social security of energy supply, economic security of energy supply, energy security, national security, informational security of energy supply, Technetronic security of energy supply

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