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International Law and International Organizations

Nikul'tseva A.N. Problematic issues of qualifications of fraudulence in exchange securities transactions under the laws of Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the Czech Republic.

Abstract: The subject of the research is to examine the features of qualifications on the national legislation of Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the Czech Republic in terms of conflict of national and international jurisdictions, as well as the analysis of common problems for these countries the definition of fraudulent activity. Particular attention is paid to the issue of collisions of jurisdiction choosing and fraud, based on differences of national jurisdictions as the main source of differences in the classification of fraud in the securities markets. To analyze empirically researched modern features of the development of national and international stock markets, the most defining characteristics of fraudulent activity in the field of securities turnover in Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the Czech Republic. As a result, a common approach highlighted in qualifying securities fraud (materiality, criminal intent, manipulation of securities), as well as problems that are currently dealt with in the courts of the countries studied, including in higher courts. Problematic issues are to determine the jurisdiction of concluded transaction, the revision of the jurisdiction in case of suspicion of fraud and the question of the definition of "securities". The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the lack of a definition of certain aspects of qualification fraud in the securities market in the legislation of Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the Czech Republic, despite the development of the stock market in these countries and the regulation of matters of international institutions (primarily EU institutions). Experience of resolving these problems, especially in a conflict of jurisdictions, has important theoretical and practical significance, especially for the Russian legal thought in the context of the intensification of international trials involving economic crimes.


Fraudulence, Bond market, Stock market, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Jurisdiction, Qualification

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