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Financial Law and Management

Ermakov D.N. Eurasian Economic Union: Expectations and Reality

Abstract: In his research Ermakov studies social and political processes of integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan considering competitive conditions of international economic unions. He examines the problems and prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), established by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in Astana on May 29, 2014. Despite Herculean efforts of the heads of the Union member countries (Russia, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic) to impart some qualitative economic content, due to the lack of real commodity turnover between the Union member countries the EEU continues to be a merely political formation. The author offers mechanisms to overcome this “political” component of the EEU and transform it into a real and effective international economic entity. The methodological basis of the research involves the dialectical method and the principle of unity of what is historical and what is logical. In analysing the EEU’s events, the structural-functional method was applied. Studying foreign experience of integration of the European Union countries required to use the analogue method as well as the comparative method. The empirical basis of the research came from the official data of ministries and institutions of the EEU member countries, as well as materials of Russian and foreign periodical press and Internet resources. The article identifies key problems of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: 1) problem of reliability and completeness of customs communication, and exchange of information between customs officers of the Customs Union countries; 2) “statistical problem”, as the lack of cooperation statistics (about half of the enterprises of the three countries does not inform the statistical bodies on the results of their activity); 3) as the Eurasian Economic Space starts developing, the conditions begin forming for transferring capitals and liquid assets from the countries with stricter regulatory requirements to the countries with relatively mild regulations.


integration, post-Soviet space, EurAsEC, European Economic Space, Eurasian Economic Union, Supreme Council, Customs Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Intergovernmental Council, Court of the Union.

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