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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Kadnikov N.G. The category of grave crimes in the Soviet criminal law

Abstract: The new reforms in our state and society presuppose the need for cardinal changes in the legislative activity. The important role of the criminal law concerns the future of the society and its members. While reforming criminal legislation, it is necessary to take into account that its standards and principles of humanism and justice should consider the experience of the criminal-legal system and pre-revolutionary Russia. All positive moments of the Soviet criminal law need to be taken into consideration. The methodology of the research includes the theoretical provisions of dialectical materialism, philosophy and logic. As the legal base the author uses the provisions of criminal law, criminal-procedural legislation, correctional legislation and the provisions of other branches of law. The category of grave crimes is a special group of premeditated crimes causing serious consequences. This definition should be included in the Criminal Code. The author offers several amendments to the content concerning grave crimes. The characteristics, determining the definition of grave crimes, should be preserved as a base for the decision about the inclusion of a particular crime in the category of grave crimes. 


base, category, serious, crime, Soviet, Criminal law, reforms, system, crime, security

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Die Frage der Aussonderung der Kategorie von schweren Verbrechen im sowjetischen Strafrecht // Sammelband von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten „Problemy sovershenstvovaniya ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva i praktiki ego primeneniya.“ – M.: Akademiya MVD SSSR. 1990.
2. Die Frage über die Klassifikation von Verbrechen // Sammelband von jungen Gelehrten „Sovershenstvovanie pravookhranitel'noy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennikh del“. – M.: VYuZSh MVD SSSR. 1990.
3. Kategorie von schweren Verbrechen im sowjetischen Strafrecht und Probleme der Rechtsanwendungstätigkeit // Sammelband von Artikeln „Sovershenstvovanie deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennikh del v usloviyakh reshitel'nogo usileniya bor'by s prestupnost'yu.“-M.: VYuZSh MVD SSSR. 1990