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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Barkov A.V., Grachev R.Yu. Interaction of private and public legal means in the mechanism of prevention of the funeral services market criminalization: social entrepreneurship aspect

Abstract: The article considers the deepening of criminalization of the Russian market of funeral services. Optimization of private and public legal means of the mechanism of its regulation is offered as one of the main ways of prevention of the market criminalization. The authors argue that the peculiarities of this mechanism should be reflected in the Russian legislation on burial and funeral business.The article studies the tendencies and prospects of development of the Russian legislation in this sphere. Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the two actively discussed in Russia draft laws "On introduction of amendments and additions to the Federal law "On burial and funeral business", prepared by the Federal Antimonopoly service and the funeral community (focused on the self-regulation of the funeral industry), and "On the funeral business", published by the Ministry of construction in the fall of 2014 (aimed at the domination of the license regulation of the market of ritual services), the authors conclude about the necessity of combining the advantages of two models: self-regulation and licensing. The authors apply the general scientific and special methods of cognition: the dialectical, formal-logical, structural-functional methods and modeling. The idea of social entrepreneurship, which is widely used in the developed legal systems, is presented as a perspective way of the burial legislation improvement. In the authors’ opinion, it will help optimize the private and public legal means of the mechanism of the funeral services market regulation.


service, funeral business, funeral services market, licensing, self-regulation, social entrepreneurship, criminalization, absence of control, government control, license

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