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Philosophy and Culture

Toporina E.A. Aesthetic Peculiarities of Artistic Interpretation of Russian Classical Literature

Abstract: The article is devoted to some peculiarities of interpreting Russian classical writings when they are being transferred to other art forms. Much attention is paid to cinematography. Toporina has described such peculiarities as specific nature of the literary, cinema- and theatrical languages, the problem of defining the artistic interpretation (transfer), style, detail, national literary tradition, aesthetic component of a literary writing, problems of traditionalism and novelty as well as the role of personality in Russian literature. These peculiarities are defined through analyzing particular materials, i.e. modern artistic interpretations of Russian classical literary works. When writing her article, Toropina has appealed to classical fiction as well as literary, aesthetical and philosophical researches devoted to the problems of theoretical and artistic interpretation of texts. Conclusions: the researcher shows special features of a classical text as a source of active creative understanding in an artistic intepretation; describes peculiarities of artistic interpretation of classical literature as the way to convey the deepest meanings of classical literature through other artistic forms; examines peculiarities of artistic interpretation of Russian classical literature based on the analysis of particular artwork; attempts to analyze whether modern interpetations of classical literature are adequate. 


world perception, human, realism, national literary tradition, artistic interpretation, Russian classical literature, distance, theatre, cinematography, compliance

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