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Administrative and municipal law

Khurtin D.O. Public liability for copyright infringement

Abstract: Intellectual property is an important component of spiritual and economic life of society, in this regard the state must ensure the comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights. The subject of this article is the question of public liability for copyright infringement. The purpose of the article is to analyze the criminal offenses and administrative offenses in this sphere and to reveal the deficiencies of legal regulation of public liability for copyright infringement. The work uses the methods of analysis, analogy, modeling, study of legal norms and law-enforcement practice. In the result the author identifies a number of illegal actions which violate copyrights but can't be regulated by the norms of legal or criminal legislation. The author proposes the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation which can provide the comprehensive copyright protection by means of public law. 


plagiarism, copyright, intellectual property, related offenses, criminal liability, administrative liability, public liability, changes in legislation, exclusive rights, offence

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