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Financial Law and Management

Chepurnykh D.A. Law Enforcement Activities for Administrative Offenses in the Field of Traffic Safety

Abstract: Technological development and growing global economic activity encourage the rapid evolution of the transport system. In this research the topical issues connected with the commission of road accident and administrative offenses by the drivers who are in an alcohol intoxication are revealed. Using methods of scientific knowledge, the author offers possible solutions of the outlined problems such as equipping vehicles with special technical devices and creation of statutory documents for legal assistance and regulation of associated relations. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. Transport vehicles that may cause serious road accidents include those that are usually used to transfer passengers, goods or freight and to perform service or corporative tasks. According to the author, this is the type of vehicles legal and technical regulations and particular guidelines should apply to. Such vehicles should be equipped with special controlled intelligent systems that would detect drunk drivers (ignition interlock device or breath alcohol ignition interlock device). 


vehicle, traffic safety, alcohol interlock ( breath alcohol ignition interl, drunk driver, administrative coercion, administrative responsibility, safety of citizens, administrative enforcement, alcohol intoxication, car owner

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