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Taxes and Taxation

Shakirova R.K. On the practice of applying of fixed (specific) tax rates in Russia

Abstract: The subject analyzed in the article is a group of tax payments that are collected according to fixed tax rates. The object of the analysis is the system of public relations that emerge in the sphere of taxation. The author views the methods of classifying tax rates according to their main criterial features. Especial attention is attached to characteristics of taxes that are collected with application of fixed rates. The author analyzes the dynamics of receipts in connection with taxes that are estimated according to fixed rates, and provides an estimation of the influence of inflation processes on the volume of such receipts. The author also gives proofs of practicability of annual correction of fixed (specific) rates with an allowance for the index of inflation and changes in the market conjuncture. He suggests several corrective measures that can be used by the government in the case of using fixed tax rates in the conditions of inflation. In this article, the author uses such methods of formal logic as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, and extensively uses the graphic method. The author comes to the conclusion that a part of the payments that are collected according to fixed rates loses its initial importance due to a number of reasons. He also makes the conclusions about a direct relation between the negative dynamics of tax revenues and inflation processes, as well as about the necessity of introducing several amendments in the country’s tax and economic policy, with due regard for the strategic aims of the social and economic development.


fixed tax rates, classification of tax rates, tax rates, element of tax, structure of tax, tax regulation, tax revenues, inflation, realized income, indexation

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