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Baykin V.A., Stetsyuk A.N. Modeling the information management of space communication and navigation systems functioning

Abstract: The subject of this research is the synthesis of the basic models of information control of space communication and navigation functioning, which are optimal by the maximum probability of putting the signal through in required time, with required precision of navigation values for recipients, within the required frame of time. The solution of the problem is based on weighted space communication and navigation information control system condition graph, which combines the probabilities of normal function of each engineering system, the probability of normal function of communication, communication and processing lag and command transmission times. The methodology of this research is based on the methods of optimal management theory, system analysis, reliability theory, probability theory, information and logical modeling. The novelty of the results of this research is in the developed complex of mathematical models for employing space communication and navigation, which allows to evaluate potential information possibilities for such systems, within defined variants of their composition, construction and ways of use, as well as substantiated rational variants of the composition, construction and ways of use of mixed space communication and navigation systems for guaranteed completion of objectives within given conditions.


optimal control, system functioning optimization, graph of system status, space communications system, management of space navigation, management of space communications, information management, information and logical modeling, space navigation system, system composition optimization

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