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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Fedorov A.V. Introduction to the Russian Federation of the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons as a Result of the Objective Development of Criminal Law in Space and Time

Abstract: The article explains the author's conclusion that the imposition of criminal liability of legal persons is forecast trends of development in the Russian legislation, and the objective conditionality of introduction of such liability is revealed. Article summarizes previously published author's publications on the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons, referring to these publications and focusing on the conditionality of development of the criminal law in this part in space and time. The author concludes that upon the occurrence of socio-economic changes often change the object of criminal law protection and approach to criminalization and decriminalization of offenses related to the changed economic and social relations. As a result, the prevailing uniformity of legal decisions in certain groups of countries can be destroyed or, conversely, a convergence of national laws in some areas can occur. The attention is paid to the need to attitude to the law as an important element in the tool management system of community which has a significant impact on the economy and society as a whole. It is indicated that the criminal liability of legal persons is established in many countries and is provided by international treaties. It is stated that the accession of the Russian Federation to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of 1997 in order to create conditions for the subsequent membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will require the establishment of criminal liability of legal persons for international bribery, because according to established practice, the countries – candidates for accession to the OECD, are required to install only the criminal liability for such acts. The materials to introduce criminal liability of legal persons in the People's Republic of China , which, like the Russian Federation, is taking steps to ensure the legal transition from socialist to market economic relations are presented.


comparative law, due to the development of criminal law in space and time, the criminal liability of legal persons, Chinese law on criminal liability of legal persons, international treaties, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Trans

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