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National Security

Rerikht A. A. Overcoming corruption: European experience

Abstract: The author using the example of the Federative Republic of Germany analyzes methods and ways of fighting corruption that are developed and widely used by entrepreneurs and supported by the government. The signs and definition of corruption formulated as a result of research conducted by the Federal Crime Agency of Germany and the World Bank are being described. Statistical data is being presented on the experience of fighting corruption FRG as well as the evaluation of the current situation in this area of the fight against crime in specific countries by the international non-governmental organizations. The most subject to the influence of corruption industries (construction, purchase of equipment and supplies for police, army, and government authorities) are being characterized based on the information acquired by the German criminologists. The author examines the measures on preventing corruption in the workplace, the rights of the business owner and employees, as well as the ways of screening them for corruption. The principles and content of the German Corporate Governance Codex are being described.


Federative Republic of Germany, FRG, corruption, bribe, law infringement, justice, criminal law.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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