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Philosophy and Culture

Parshikova, G. V. Phenomenological Aspect of Reflective Experience as the Modus of Existence of the Mental in a Form the Givenness of the Consciousness

Abstract: The article is devoted to the philosophical concept of consciousness, in particular, phenomenology of consciousness. At the conceptual level the author of the article offers her own model of the bases of perception, conscious personal experience and experience of preceding generations for the purpose of formation of phenomenological ontology on the path towards creation of the concept of consciousness. The theory of consciousness would be impossible without considering particular phenomena that have had a great influence on the development of concepts, social opinions and plans of actions in stereotype situations. The phenomenological concept of mentality of consciousness allows to analyze the relation between reflective experience and verbal expressions of consciousness and their unity. The author also raises a question about the thought process and mental content that guides individual behavior. Mental or material phenomena may change individual consciousness and create MEM-concepts which, in their turn, can capture minds of general public. The author also offers the idea about the phenomenological method using MEMconcepts as the source of new theories and instrumental procedures for creating the artificial intellect. Description of the process of the formation of consciousness as particular concepts and sequence of actions in life situations would be impossible without considering particular phenomena that have made an impact thereon. Phenomenological concepts of consciousness are not limited to only mechanic description of brain functions but allow to understand consciousness through transcendental and reflective experience and their constitution taking into account both the emotional, temporal and selective structure of consciousness and physical existence of human.


phenomenology, memes, noesis, intentionality, MEM-plex, selfplex, qualia, noem, reflective experience, mentality, borders of the theory of knowledge.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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