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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chugunova, O. I. Values of Our Century From the Point of View of Max Scheler’s Philosophical Anthropology

Abstract: The subject under research of the present article is the axiological issues of human and society. The author of the article touches upon the critical aspects of modern (post-modernistic) axiological ethos and interprets value-based ‘syndromes’ that are related to the hyper-consumption economy, global informatization of the society and establishment of a rigidly competitive environment. The author raises a question about distinguishing between goods values and pseudo values. She also analyzes the issue of substitution of true values with their imitations and describes and interprets associated phenomena. The emphasis is made on the acute problem of depersonalization and evisceration of spirituality. The author also views the relation between axiological problems of the epoch and axiological problems of an individual. The research is carried out based on the philosophical anthropology and the main provisions of Max Scheler’s theory as one of the founders of philosophical anthropology. It is for the first time in Russian scientific literature that a researcher tries to use potentials of philosophical anthropology in analyzing axiological phenomena. Based on Scheler’s concept of human nature, the author analyzes a whole range of axiological issues of human and society and makes a conclusion about risks created by human nature itself and the importance of spiritual efforts and the need to act against these risks.


axiology, philosophical anthropology, values, human nature, axiological ethos, goods, values, pseudo values, agathology, modern society, Post-Modernism.

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