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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Marcou G. Opinions on Counteraction Corruption

Abstract: Among a range of measures aimed at combating corruption, the fundamental position, according to the author, should take preventive measures. On this basis, the article analyzes the strategies to prevent and curb corruption. Among these strategies, the author includes two. The first is based on the liberalization of the economy and the development of competition. According to this strategy, there is a correlation between corruption and competition: increasing competition could help reduce corruption. However, to provide such a correlation is not easy. Firstly, the liberalization of the market may create conditions for corruption collusion, and secondly, it is necessary to take into account, that in many areas of public and social life (for example education and health),it is impossible to organize the conditions for the development of full competition, because such services can’t depend of the income or property of citizens. The second strategy is based on open management of the community, in which citizens and their non-state entities may use different means of controlling the work of the state bodies. The author devotes the most important position to the efforts of preventing the conflicts of interest; ensuring transparency of administrative structures work; development of electronic technology. In conclusion, the author draws attention to the fact that the effectiveness of the prevention of corruption is largely dependent on the ability of the investigating authorities and the courts to identify and prove the facts of corruption offenses and impose appropriate sanctions.


anti-corruption policy, economic performance, competition, administrative procedures, public procurement, conflict of interest, electronic technologies, crime, legal liability.

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