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Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market

Y.L. Suboch Legal nature of real estate, and its position among the objects of civil property rights

Abstract: The development of market relations in Russia, which are based on property rights, has led to the necessity for drafting a new legal base for real property transactions, necessary for creating a new property and transaction registration regulation, first and foremost. With that in mind, it was necessary for the legal status of real property to be founded on firm protection of property rights, and for it to have special procedures for managing it. The article explores state registration on property rights and transactions, from the point of view of goal-setting and the priority of creating a strong system for property transactions within civil law environment. State registration of property rights and transactions is an important element of public regulation of civil law relations, and thus, holds a secondary role in relation to the civil law in this case. The goal for such regulation is to provide more stability in civil law relations.


Legal nature, government registration, property rights, real property, expropriation, law application, proof, legal basis, emergence of rights

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